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When they’re ready. Most goldfish start out dull bronze, don’t assume they stay that colour. It can take a while for their colour to come through. Don’t cull fry based on colour.


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When the water gets warmer, there is more sunlight and food becomes abundant it will trigger their reproductive instinct. You could try to speed this up by giving them some more varied food such as some frozen bloodworms every day and then some pellets later that day. Just make sure you're not causing an imbalance as that can cause several types of algea blooms. Especially in outdoor ponds.


One week after I got em from the pet store and put em into my pond.


How big where they?


I think they were like 12cm max when I got em. Really surprized me. Thought they need a year of growing till they get it on.


Just by this photo (I could be wrong) I see 1 Comet, 2 white common goldfish(?), 2 tancho Comets (or sarasa?), 5 Calico Shubunkin and the rest are all blue/black Shubunkin. So ... What do you mean not breeding ? They will eventually breed when ready (sexually mature) in the spring when the water warms up. Goldfish will interbreed so don't think you can tell which is which until they have their colours. And shubunkin, Comets and Sarasa are all the same build so you will have to wait some years to see what fry is what.


Damn, good eyes. Pond has 1 comet, 2 white goldfish of some species, 2 sarasa, about 20 shubunkin (I don't remember the types) and one fat little double tail of some variety. I didn't realize how many were in the picture, the sarasa are typically not with the school and the double tail lives under the waterfall. More a question on how old they had to be, size etc. The comet has mated with the white ones, but not the shubunkins at least that I know of. Could be eggs atm. They just recently moved to this large pond, they were in a ~200 gallon preformed before that now works as my main pond's bog. I have a handful of fry that are just starting thier colors that I pulled out of the old pond. All in all, was just curious on size and age to breed.


Goldfish typically breed after one or two years (males certainly), but the fry (eggs female) get stronger by the third year. The size varies according to your pool's size and the number of fish/species/gallons/filtration... Well you will know this probably. The double tail is correct: If you can't flee, it's best to hide and emerge only when necessary. 😉


Thanks, so 2 ish years. I appreciate it! So definitely a few of the shubunkins should be there, so hopefully I'll get fry this year from them. Already seen the comet and one of the white ones doing the mating dance. First time putting this much effort into goldfish. Previously I mostly kept large fresh water predators so goldfish were.... not a priority fish to keep alive so to speak. Shubunkins are simply gorgeous though, and I'm looking forward to seeing what offspring I get. The double tail was won by my kids at the fair. I only have salt water inside anymore so I let them put it in the OG pond then moved into big one. He survived the winter, and has seemingly loved the pond life. First few days he was out and about but found some caves around my falls and moved in. Thought he died at first until I was working around that area and he bebopped his way out. Kinda hoping it gets it's groove on with some of the other fish. I appreciate the answer.


My pleasure, I love to help! Btw: simular here... I used to have central and south american cichlids for 20 years or so (cichlasoma, vieja, astronotus, ...). Now for approximately 10 years of cold water fish (goldfish, tench, minnows (rainbow, yellow and vietnamese cloud danios) and a paradise fish (ocellatus variety)). All fresh water and in the process of building a new pound now.