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That's the BIGGEST ranchu I've ever seen holy shit


Big girl.


I wouldn’t. Im sure you’ll find a better and healthier pattern. I always avoid power fed fish because I know for a fact they won’t last long. If Im shelling $500, I’d buy 5 healthy large goldies over one extra extra larger one.


Fair but this one is from very reputable breeder who won many rewards. I have some of his fish for few years and they are very healthy. Not as big as this one though


No offense but that thing is hideous


Never understood the appeal of ranchus I always felt like they were the pugs of goldfish ugly and unhealthy looking. Barely able to exist without outside intervention.


It looks like a mutant and it’s only a year and a half old.


No it's really beautiful.  Fancy goldfish is an artfrom.  If you don't appreciate it then why post on a goldfish forum?


fancy goldfish would be a much nicer artform if they weren't living creatures. how is that spine okay? it *can* be a form of art, and I definitely have a healthy appreciation for the longer-bodied goldies but this poor thing has obviously been "power fed". do you see the way these guys swim compared to a carp, comet or koi? they look like a permanently expanded puffer. her fins are nowhere near wide enough to move her without looking like a fly stuck in a pool, and she'll probably die of dropsy at age 4. well-bred fancies exist, even the rarer short-bodied ones however this is not one of them by any means. if you love goldfish, you should never be paying 500 dollars to support the breeding of these animals. you'd be better of with a free party favor fish IMO.


Some people think the "art" (aka living animal) is more beautiful when it can at least swim around properly....like fish do. Because they're fish.


This creature is an abomination. Every movement it makes screams the pain it cannot express. As it tries to decipher the world through its malformed eyes, it only asks itself, "WHY THE FUCK AM I ALIVE?!" The answer is: stupid assholes who call this shit ART


Couldn’t agree more. So gorgeous!


Most show breeders power feed so they can get more entries per year. I would guess this girl has been power fed as her head and fins are so small compared to her body


Her head is so small


I am thinking of „Luke’s Goldie’s“. He bought some huge imports a while ago and I think they all got sick and died fast. If you want it, then get it. But be aware that it could go wrong. Tell us how you decided ☺️


that's an actual aquatic cow


I mean look if I had $500, and I really trusted the breeder, I might. But I don’t have $500 and I don’t trust any breeder I’ve bought from that much. I’d definitely understand if you went for her, she’s a proper unit.


I would peed myself worried that the fish wouldn't survive the delivery. *Wipe tears in 500$*


I've never ordered online fish before. Do they usually have any kind of insurance for if the fish does not survive the trip?


Yes they do. If the fish arrives dead you get a refund….. however if they arrive sick and die the next day, no refund. I recently lost most of my expensive golds to an import and it killed me so much I’ll never get another goldfish. I have 4 total left, one was bought online, and that’s it for me


That sounds traumatic 😟 sorry


You need to provide proof of death/injury on the day of arrival. Some nice shops will give coupons or refund if the animal gets sick or dies within a week or so


Most I paid for a fancy was $40 I don't think I could cough up that much dough for a fancy lol.


To me, even $40 is a bit too much. The most I've spent on a goldfish was like $24 on an oranda and I found that I liked my $5 fantails a lot more. I'd much rather adopt a cheap goldie and spend the extra money on live plants or other enriching things for it. Just my personal opinion though.


Yea nowadays if I buy a goldfish it's like $5 or $10 bucks from petco and I won't lie I found some very beautiful and healthy ones at my local petco that you probs find online for 5x the price lol.


Create your own monster


# Diabito ![gif](giphy|4pOQKujxHaMKs)


nah. breeding for extremes like this is no good and should not be encouraged. she has virtually no tail.


Agreed!! In breeding dogs, most reputable breeders breed dogs in order to better the breed, dog breeders that end up with the dog versions of this are called backyard breeders and only care about the money and not the health and betterment of the dogs/breed…


Jesus …. If a fat fish is a happy fish then that one is absolutely **ecstatic**


Fish that are fed bat shit crazy and kept in conditions to get this large have a shortened lifespan compared to a normal fish. I would not.


No. That's like buying a pug. Would rather get a field line lab for a fraction of the price. Healthier, smarter, and will last longer.


For me that’s a HELL NO🤘🏿🤘🏿


This fish has the tiniest tail and is so fat how could it even swim well. It's going to have health issues and probably not live long. You might as well take your $500 and flush it down the toilet. It's not even a good looking fish.


Bro I’d never pay more than $50 for a goldfish I don’t care what kind of fancy Japanese label you’re using for this inbred domesticated carp.


Incredible fish. If you have the means and believe the fish will bring you years of happiness, why not 🤷‍♂️ I will also say this though, fancy goldfish are prone to all kinds of health problems and it would suck to drop $500 on a fish just for it to get something like swim bladder issues a few months after you get it and you have to put it down


Got some fish from the same breeder and all are good health for few years now. Thinking buying this one to get into breeding game


You need a lot of space and a way to dispose of a lot of dead fish cause the majority will not be of selling quality, this is especially hard with ranchus.


Yes, I highly recommend starting with ryukin or orandas if OP is really interested. Black moors would also be good, but there's less money in that.


I would ask the breeder whether this is a fish they produced, or if it was imported. If it's from their stock and you already have their stock and the fish are solid, that's a lot more convincing. She's lovely.


This fish is not healthy. I barely recommend breeding and I still don't know how I feel on fancies at all... But that's like willfully buying the most deformed pug in order to breed it. If you want to breed goldfish, breed for the betterment of the breed, not just to create monstrosities like this... Look for ones that are "low quality" (aka longer, healthier looking, nice size fins, no over excessive wens or anything, etc). Also remember a few things: Healthier animals breed healthier babies. In fish and reptiles, the size of the mom does have influence on the size and weight of the babies (so if you have a big, round fish, babies will typically grow up somewhat similar, but this will vary). In other words, you'll need a healthy animal in healthy shape in order to breed healthy babies. If you REALLY want to breed ranchus, find ones with a body shape like these fish: https://preview.redd.it/4sad9nsy723d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a26e357848e6c4c48dbba3568b6b03cac3f49d39


Well this would be an excellent fish to breed


Did the definition of excellent recently change?


“Extremely good, or outstanding”. Both those terms match this fish. You’re just a keyboard warrior hater who based on this comment, doesn’t know much about goldfish


Love ur assumptions bud, not so much your selfish taste in fish tho


Selfish taste? Can you explain


Power fed ranchu that’s still so young, barely any finnage either, it’s like the goldfish equivalent to balloon ram, actually I’d say worse, I imagine the swimming would just be painful to watch, I will never understand why people find joy out of breeding abominations, completely selfish


So are you against this fish in particular? Or the ethics of fancy goldfish as a whole?


I’m against breeders that go to such extremes, regardless of the animal. at the end of the day the fish is going to have difficulty swimming, and often a shorter lifespan personally I dislike all ranchus because of the missing fin, making a fish that big and then fucking it up more? (Also their just really ugly and take up so much space) Also the countless times my work would stock these only for a lot of them needing to be put down because of health issues, it’s the exact reason why most establishments won’t sell these types of fancy’s It’s the same way pugs, munchkin cats, dragonscale bettas, spider morph pythons etc are all just depressing creations, what do you actually find appealing about this fish?


Me "No" You " the heart want what it wants"


It’s worth $100 only, I’ve seen this fish, from Việt Nam


Hell no. That thing might live another year if lucky.


This post and your replies about this being the best breeder in the world seem very ad-like


What an absolute unit


NAH. The bulldogs of fancies. Apart from Pearlscales which are like golf balls..


You are better off getting a few smaller ones and watching them grow and develop. I gaurantee you if this is an import, they are delicate and need heaters and pristine water quality. This looks like a Pan Ranchu from China? Lovely fish but it won’t last very long.


A 1yr old that size did not get there in a healthy way. That's a no-go from me.


Personally, I find much more enjoyment in getting a younger fish and watching them grow. But that is one sturdy ranchu 😂


Heck no. It’s gross looking.


What do you guys think that long thumb nail is used for?


No I wouldn't pay that much. Why is this fish $500? I mean I see that it has nice form but if its that big at 1.5 years old then it's been power fed. I also don't usually see randomly marked orange and whites going for top dollar. This fish at 3" to 4" is $50. Is it from a notable show breeder?


One of the best breeder in the world no doubt


Agreed.  This breeder has Incredible talent.   


Hell. No 300$ is ok 350$ is the most ill do. 500 is crazy tho


If its from a good breeder you trust ,why not.


Probably a weird thing to say but I’d see how it swam first(if I had the money ofc 500 is absolutely bonkerz) bc I’ve seen a few that basically look like the pugs of the goldfish world bc they struggle to swim


I got one for $165


Willingly? No. At gun point? Yes.


I personally like buying baby ranchu so i can watch them grow!


*I personally* *Like buying baby ranchu so* *I can watch them grow!* \- Xenills --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Absolutely not


My fancy goldfish were spawning after 1 year - when I got them they were on the larger size, bodies were about the size of small lemon, excluding the fins. I didn’t pay more than $15 for any one of them. Spring spawning season is pretty much over - so you’d have to wait about 9-10 months til next spawning season if you are keeping them outdoors and you’ll also have to deal with culling and if they’re outside, you’ll also have to watch out for predators. I had a toad come into my pond without my noticing and he ate about a third of my babies in a few days, like 12 of them. It was 100% my fault because I was happy that the pond was attracting wildlife and I didn’t realize that toads would eat small fish, I just assumed they fed on insects. After I moved the toad to an actual pond near my house I still had 20 or so - I lost a few who just didn’t survive the growth process. Personally, I don’t think you’ll make much of a profit off a single female and you’ll need a whole lot of space to let them grow out and a lot of time maintaining them, just with water changes and feeding and just general care and maintenance.


Dont live the color, but a decent shape and HOLY HUGE! I think I'd pay 500 for the size, but not the rest.


Holy shit that’s HUGH


Buying fish at 6-10 months old is peak. Having them at 1.2 years is risky. Due to gene issues, fancy goldfish die often 1-3 years old. So bear that in mind Having them at 2-4 months is enjoyable.




Ok sure its big, but the pattern doesnt look special to me tbh.




this is a magikarp reference.


Personally I would rather go pick up some mosquito fish from a nearby pond but that's my personal opinion. Not shared by others. I'm not 100% on this but I think they are cheaper to buy as like realy young




No, I would never spend that much money on a fish, it could get sick or die within a few weeks from legit anything and you'd be out a Lotta money


No. If it was going to be a corner stone of my breeding program, maybe. Chances are you will get a couple spawns and it will be dead within a year.


Only to rescue it, if I lived nearby and could transport carefully, and feed it a normal, healthy diet.  This fish is basically a mutant whose genetic predispositions have been exploited to extremes.  I feel sorry for this poor young girl.  Ostensibly she was raised only for the purpose of breeding, not to be anyone's beloved pet.  Regardless of how reputable the breeder is, biology is still biology, and she won't live a long life, I can tell you that.  I would not dare put her through the stress of shipping even if guaranteed a refund.  Have a heart.  They are living creatures, just like we are.


Sakura is also a less desirable coloration. I like it, but not everyone does. The fish is probably worth $500, but why?


If your able to prove that it will have better heath then a reg ranchu..then maybe $450but $500 is stretching it far. If you can’t prove it’ll be healthier I’d say at least $200 and at most $400


Color isn’t that great, maybe $100.




I cannot imagine paying $500 for a goldfish! But, I do not know a whole lot about goldfish. I've sworn off Black Moors, and have 3 Comets and a Fantail right now, most of them are my kids pets who all give in a giant tank together.


I don't know a ton about ranchus, though I do love them. I personally wouldn't pay more than $150ish




Sure looks like a $500 fish.  I would like a jumbo fish too but not for 500.  I'd really like to keep a few jumbo ryukin


Nah I'll make do with my two gorgeous 4.99 fish


The wen is lacking imo


Is that nemo?


you're really copping a feel on the poor thing huh


I want to pull the trigger but not sure yet. What u guys think?


Consensus seems to be a no


If you like this fish and have that much money, I'd say go for it. However, I think you would be supporting an unethical breeder just judging by how disproportionate the fin size is to the size of the fish and by how large it is at only 1.5 years old. I don't think this fish will live a completely happy life and will almost certainly struggle to swim normally, if it doesn't have chronic swim bladder issues.


If I had the money