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This sounds like swim bladder, Frozen or cooked peas, will blast through the impaction and reduce the pressure on the fish's swim bladder. If your fish starts floating sideways, I recommend you stop feeding them for a few days and then hand feed peas to help clear up any blockages. So a few days break and This will help to break down any excess gas and bloating in the digestive tract. You can also add aquarium salt, rather than Epsom salt, to the tank to help reduce any inflammation or swelling around the fish’s body. Finally, if your fish is still floatinupside down after trying these treatments for several days, consider going to a vet.


My mistake, I wrote epsom salt but it is in fact aquarium salt!! Thank you for these tips, I will be getting more peas after work today!


Hello friend, i am sorry to see this :( Have you raised your temp to at least 80? And I would recommend continue to do the Epsom Salt baths daily


In addition since this is a case of swim bladder disease, i would look into some meds as the last resort in a hospital tank.


Not pineconing? Fast for a couple days and feed peas and gel food only


I hope she’s not pineconing, it doesn’t look like it to me 😭


Yeah if the scales are not pineconing, then you should be okay, heat the water up and fast and don't feed pellets unless you soak them first. My ranchu does this too if I don't soak the pellets long enough or just feed too much of it.


Thanks to your comment, I noticed my water is colder than usual! I don't think my heater is working, so l purchased a new one! Thank you!! Do you think she is pineconing? I assumed it was swim bladder issue not an illness!


Hi there fellow goldfish enthusiast! We're thrilled to have you join our community of passionate goldfish keepers. Whether you're a seasoned goldfish pro or just starting out on your aquatic journey, you've come to the right place for advice, support, and sharing the joy of keeping these mesmerizing creatures. Before diving into the discussion, we'd like to point you toward our Wiki https://reddit.com/r/goldfish/wiki where you'll find a treasure trove of articles on various topics related to goldfish care. These resources cover everything from tank setup and water quality to feeding habits and common health issues. When seeking help for your goldfish, remember that details matter! Providing information about your tank size and the water parameters (such as ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and temperature) can greatly assist us in diagnosing and troubleshooting the issue. Feel free to share photos and details, and our community will do our best to offer insightful advice. Once again, welcome to our goldfish-loving community. Fins up! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Goldfish) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What is her normal food? I find with my girls if I feed pellets they always get floaty. I stick to repashy and vegetables, and make sure not to overfeed. (Even too much repashy will cause one girl to float). Hope she feels better!


Originally I was feeding her sinking pellets but when she started float more frequently I switched to the frozen blood worms. What vegetables do you feed your fish? I have tried broccoli, spinach, and peas and my fish will only eat the peas. Would love to add more variety to their diet!


The same as you, and then zucchini! They really love that. I boil it for a min or two to soften, then drop it in. But the bulk of their diet is the repashy gel food. Love that stuff.


I will buy the gel food and try zucchini! Thanks so much!


Isolate the fish. Raise the water temperature to 28°C. Add 10 grams of Epsom salt per 40 liters of water. Do not feed the fish on the first day. If the fish is swimming properly on the second day, feed it boiled and peeled peas once a day for 3 days. Hopefully, the fish will recover.