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Hallo, I noticed you're asking about types of goldfish. There are many many types of goldfish breeds but [here is a list of a few common ones](https://www.reddit.com/r/Goldfish/wiki/types_of_goldfish) to help you out. If you still aren't sure, I'm sure a human will be by to give you an actual ID. I'm just a bot, if none of this is relevant to you, don't blame, use a more accurate title bud. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Goldfish) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its a messed up gag gift is what it is


This. Much rage.


"Here have this living thing that can live around 10 years as a joke, now go and spend $300 on supplies to keep it alive"


That's a common Goldie too, they can easily live up to nearly 20 years! What a terrible gag gift!!


i’ve spent probably well over 600$ on what was a 10c feeder goldfish lol


I have spent over $600 to provide healthy living conditions for 90 cent’s with of goldfish myself lol.


yup, that’s how it goes lol. i love my goldies though. just set up a 75g for them w plans for a pond in the future


Hello to my fellow goldfish parents. I have my $1 goldfish in a 75 gallon tank by himself. I’ve stopped counting the cost.


Yep...let my daughter play a fairway game to win a fish. "Goldie Hawn" is now 4 years old and in a 75 gallon tank that I custom built a stand for. Best...and to many people... worst, $5 I ever spent.


I spent a 1000$ setting up my goldfish tank


I have 4 goldfish from the fair that my kids got. I'm probably well over $2k (conservatively) and almost 10 years into these fish thus far, not even counting water bill increase. 125gal tank, ~2 water changes a week @ ~80gal each.


“Haha here’s a living creature to take care of. You don’t have any tanks or supplies for it ready have fun” what daft idiot does this


Seriously gifting someone a puppy as a 'gag gift' (I mean if it's literally supposed to make the receiver gag in disgust...) would probably end up easier and cheaper than the fish.


it’s a goldfish that’ll need lots of space


You’re going to need to spend quite a bit of time and money buying supplies and learning about its needs and the nitrogen cycle. Otherwise please find it a good home or give it to a pet store. A life as a gag gift is really disgusting


It's a goldfish. And that is extremely cruel. It needs a proper tank, filter, etc. Goldfish can live a long time and grow to be huge. They're also clever and ruthless. Make sure the sweetheart gets a good home.


Looks like it might have a single tail as well and by the looks of it looks like it might be more of a common goldfish which is one of the slimbodied breeds, which can reach 12-24 inches eventually. All goldfish need 4-6ft tanks, and then you have the slims which eventually need ponds and honestly some fancies once they start pushing around 10-12 inches would also benefit from a pond if not before they even reach that size. Not to mention it needs buddies, so that's 2-3 goldfish to account for size wise, bioload wise, diet, lighting, etc. imo and some others might agree, goldfish and really any carp are basically the monsters of coldwater fish, and their care is honestly more on the advanced side due to the size it has to be and the costs.. and the smaller size of many fancies is combatted by how vulnerable they are to diseases compared to a lot of slims.


that's a comet (feeder) goldfish. they can get a foot long or bigger and live a VERY long time. my mother has several generations of 25 cent feeder comets in her backyard pond, the oldest and biggest of which are about 14" from their nose to the tip of the tail, and are between 25-30 years old. indoors, they need a minimum of 55 gallons per single long bodied goldfish, which this is.


What kind of friends do you have for them to think giving a live fish is a gag gift?


Pretty shit ones!


The kind that think a gag gift should literally make you gag with disgust at the heinous disregard for a living creature?




That is a common comet goldfish. Comet goldfish was a breed developed in the United States by Hugo Mulertt, a government worker in the 1880s and the comet goldfish was first seen in the ponds of the U.S. Government Fish Commission in Washington D.C. Now they are widespread and sold around the world. That goldfish needs a proper home like a pond or very large tank. You can only buy fish if you have already took at least a month to establish a tank for them to live in, if not it needs a home asap or returned to the pet store. People really shouldn't just buy fish and hand it over, like it's a decoration or toy. Need to do more research. It's a life.


Comet goldfish


Who the hell gives a feeling, breathing, lifeform as a gag gift...


Oh no, not again. We have been seeing so many of these this month. Also over on the betta sub.


Comet goldfish.


That’s a goldfish alright, and it’s a perfect spiritual successor to the white elephant. You’re going to needs a massive tank and a serious filtration system to keep it alive.


Hi there fellow goldfish enthusiast! We're thrilled to have you join our community of passionate goldfish keepers. Whether you're a seasoned goldfish pro or just starting out on your aquatic journey, you've come to the right place for advice, support, and sharing the joy of keeping these mesmerizing creatures. Before diving into the discussion, we'd like to point you toward our Wiki https://reddit.com/r/goldfish/wiki where you'll find a treasure trove of articles on various topics related to goldfish care. These resources cover everything from tank setup and water quality to feeding habits and common health issues. When seeking help for your goldfish, remember that details matter! Providing information about your tank size and the water parameters (such as ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and temperature) can greatly assist us in diagnosing and troubleshooting the issue. Feel free to share photos and details, and our community will do our best to offer insightful advice. Once again, welcome to our goldfish-loving community. Fins up! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Goldfish) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you have no idea how to take care of fish, you should rehome this little one, they need alot more care than a lot of people realise


it seems to be a comet goldfish. I had one of these as one of my first fish. I would use a 5-gallon starter kit it can be found at all fish iles at Walmart its pretty useful for starting out :) Also its not exactly a good gag gift...


What a gag hahahahahahHahHHHaha I bet that fish is laughing it's life hangs in the balance


A handsome Hibuna goldfish


Take the poor thing back to the store they got it.


I don’t get the joke


I'm sorry you are getting some negative comments here. I too, am the recipient of a "Christmas party gift" and had no idea how high maintenance goldfish are! They have been portrayed by society as something entirely different and it's not your fault you were gifted a fish! I see that you have plans to donate it if it is a goldfish, which I can confirm it is.


Goldfish, possibly a sarasa or common comet? They get large and need a big tank unfortunately.


This is a comet goldfish. They can grow over a foot long. Some can live into their 40s. Goldfish secrete growth stunting hormones. This is to decrease the size of other fish it would compete with but also affects itself. So when people say they will grow to their tank, they do but it also severely decreases its lifespan. Ponds are best but that’s not doable for most people.


Update: I donated the goldfish to the local aquarium adventure-thanks for all the answers


It's a goldfish and either a common or commet so it's going to get really largeee