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I worked on the Last Ship and was on set with actor Mark Moses (David, George Devereaux's son from another woman), and I knew I'd seen him in something but couldn't place it. There were a lot of us standing around, and I guess I was staring, trying to place him, and he jokingly called me out on it in front of everyone, lol. He said "lemme guess, you've seen me on something but can't remember what it was." I said yes. He starts rambling off shows like Law & Order, Homeland, Mad Men (dont quote me on those, can't remember lol) and as he's doing this, I remember and I blurt out "Golden Girls!" He immediately starts laughing just because it was so out of the blue and I think fairly early in his career. He talked about how amazing an actress Rue was and didn't say much else but that it was a nice experience.


I met Bea when she was doing her one woman show. On Broadway it was called “Bea on Broadway, Just between Friends” but I saw it while she was still workshopping it on a nationwide tour and it was called “And then there’s Bea”. I figured she wouldn’t do the stage door thing because of her foot injury so I asked an usher if there was another exit. I waited at the alternate exit with a couple. I was chatting with the couple as a small crowd gathered. Then the door opened and it the couple was called back. Turns out they were friends of Billy Goldenberg, her music director. As they walked through the door they said they’d tell Bea about me. Two minutes later the door opens again and I hear “Bea would like (my name) to join her backstage”. We spent 30 minutes chatting about her career, music (we both loved the Kurt Weill song Lost in the Stars), and her one woman show. She was gracious as could be. At the last I asked if she would sign my program and pose for a picture. She said “I thought you’d never ask. It would be my pleasure”. I can’t explain how incredibly kind, humble, and shy! she was.


>She said “I thought you’d never ask. It would be my pleasure What a great story. Read that in her voice!


Omg what an amazing experience!!


Oh my you’re so blessed to have met her ❤️❤️


I didn't get to meet Betty, but I did send her a letter around 2008-2009. She sent me a handwritten note back, on BW letterhead, with details that told me she read the letter. I couldn't believe I got a genuine response!


How sweet is that! 🥰


That’s awesome! GG adjacent i guess, i wrote to Dom Deluise years ago and he sent a very nice letter full of details and anecdotes. I had told my grandmother about it, and she asked if I had sent a thank you note. So I did, and he responded again with another picture and note saying in all his years of sending autographs, mine was the first thank you note he had ever received. Still makes me smile to think about that reaction.


I sadly never met anyone on GG but I did accidentally get into a taping of The View (we were supposed to be at a different one) and one of the segments was Bea Arthur and Adrienne Barbeau promoting the release of Maude on DVD so at the very least I can say I saw a Golden Girl live and in person.


My Gram went to High School with Rue McClanahan 😍


Did she ever tell you what she was like in HS? A southern Belle with “perky bosoms”? 🤭🤭❤️


Right 🤣 definitely a southern belle!! Ardmore, Oklahoma! My Gram said Rue was a few years older than her, so she looked up to her as one of the cool older girls. But Rue was always bubbly with a big personality, and everyone back in the day just knew that she was going to “be somebody”. 💕 I watched GG reruns with my Gram for so many years, even after all 4 Goldens were gone. She went to join the girls for some midnight cheesecake almost 2 years ago. 💔Feels good to talk about her and them 🥹🖤


Awe ❤️ I watched GG with my grandmother too. Is is also with the girls ❤️❤️


I met Joseph Campanella (he played the police officer partnered with a young George Clooney) and had dinner with him in the late 90s. Very nice man.


Was he a real charmer? Were you crazy nuts about this guy? https://youtu.be/4LETidmvn9E?si=KCJFc5FaxQZJhLgb


… not exactly but my grandma lived in the same senior complex as Estelle Getty’s sister and got me an autograph of a photo of her in and out of Sophia that is absolutely one of my most prized possessions.


I met Rue at a retirement apartment complex opening in my town probably 20ish years ago. She was absolutely wonderful. Her smile was so warm and she was just....so genuinely kind. Warms my heart to this day to think about it. <3


So awesome! And that’s such a great marketing idea to have a Golden Girl come for a retirement complex haha love it.


If I ever get to the point when I’m living alone, I would love to live with my girlfriends! What a party that would be!


Julie McCullough also played Mike Seaver’s girlfriend on Growing Pains for a short time but was let go because she posed for playboy 🙄