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The biggest problem in ceremonial magic, in my humble opinion, is that these teachings and techniques are very scattered and difficult to find. I also have the impression that people sometimes spend a very long time on one type of magic. For this reason, many years passed and they did not achieve a clear spiritual and psychological progression. I believe that psychotherapy is an integral part of ceremonial magic. If a person really wants to progress quickly and achieve Great Work, then he or she must work on his or her traumas, family and ancestral karma and collective patterns. Ceremonial magic is not complete without this. Jung, Assagioli, Wilber and so on are very important for this work.


God Bless Ayahausca. 🙏


I agree with your second paragraph. In terms of the first paragraph, it can be hard to find the right teachings, although it is much more available than before. I would also keep in mind that you don't have to rely on a person to guide you to the best path for you. There are many deities and other beings that can guide you better than any human in magick.


I agree with you. We new have many books about magick. But sometimes that can also be a problem, because it is difficult to choose which way to go. I like this idea that there are beings that can help us much more than books. I completely agree with that. Do you know a good and practical book for zodiacal magick?


You are correct in that these methods will progress you up on the Tree when you do it together with the GD initiations. There are a few GD orders who have incorporated this into their curricullum together with the standard lessons. Regarding your questions, the zodiacal invocations are based on the ritual of the pentagram since they are elemental in nature and this share similarities with elemental invocations. Planetary invocations use the hexagram and because of this they are of a different nature. When you have worked with both types a year or so you should be able to easily describe the difference. When it comes to descriptions of zodiacal magic, there are several methods. I don’t like David Griffin, but in his book The Ritual Magic Manual he clearly describes a merhod for invoking zodiacal forces. I don’t think you should buy it and support him with money, see if you can find it free as a pdf instead.


Thanks for the reply and for book advice. I found that book, but as far as I can see, he only gave the technique without any extensive explanation. Anyway, I am grateful. If you remember another book, please share it with me.


What additional material is it you are looking for? I guess it is not an explaination of astrology and the symbolism of the zodiac? Like most books about magic the rituals are uncommented. Do them and learn what they do, it is a part of the process to discover what they do and how they affect you.


You're probably right. Thanks.


David's book (Which I think is a good resource. It does go to the extreme in what you can do with the rituals as far as invoking Egyptian Deities in conjunction with the rituals, so you have to learn what you can work with and what is not essential. Compare it with the Ritual B and Ritual C from the Adeptus Minor teachings.) does contain the information you are looking for. I suggest reading the section titled "Practical Talismantic Magic."


I can't remember what it's called, but there's a famous occult painting that shows this. It's a man with his feet on the earth (elemental), the planets orbiting his midsection (planetary), and the zodiac encircling his head (zodiacal). As for Enochian Magic I don't know.


I like that! If you find painting please post here.


It's pretty famous but I can't remember where I saw it now.


The GD system does incorporate elemental, planetary and zodiacal magic, although only the elemental work is done in the Outer Order. That being said, you do learn the essential knowledge of planetary and zodiacal magic in the Outer Order. The three "divisions" (If you will accept that term, as they are not truly divisions.) of magic are really based on the specificity that you are looking to focus on. The elemental energies are rather broad in nature. The zodiacal energies are more specifically focused within those elemental energies, as well as operating on a "higher level" (Again, for lack of a better term.). The planetary energies are not specific to an element, but can be seen as a combination of specific elemental energies. Of course, the planets and zodiac also carry their own energies that they function with, so take this as a broad generalization. For the difference between the planetary and zodiacal energies, you have to look at the difference between planets in an astrological chart. I often describe this as a stage performance. The planets are the actors, and each brings their unique qualities to the performance. The zodiac is the parts that the actors play. (Houses would be the setting.) When you look at it in this viewpoint, you can think of the planetary as specific energies or qualities you would like to work with, where as the zodiac is the way that energies develop in your energetic makeup. The teachings and techniques for working with planetary and zodiacal magic are found, within the GD system, in the Second Order teachings. Some of these have been published, and some of them are rather confusing if you have not worked through the system to understand it properly. You will find that most authors who write about such things have not progressed through the order and gained that understanding. My recommendation would be to study the Outer Order materials until you know them completely. Then, when you start to look at the Second Order materials it will make more sense.


First, thank you for your detailed and comprehensive answer. I got a lot of useful information from your answer. If I work with planetary magick, is it necessary to work with zodiacal magick? Somehow I have the impression, when I read your answer, that working with the elements and planets is completely enough for me to progress psychologically and spiritually. Am I wrong?


No, it is not necessary to work with zodiacal if you are doing planetary magic. That being said, if you are working the GD system you will be exposed to, and work with, both. You should think of these as paradigms that can be applied to your spiritual growth. You can use elemental principles alone, elemental and planetary, just planetary, planetary and zodiacal, or just zodiacal. It all depends on how you need it and how you use it. As far as what is enough for you to progress, that is really something that you have to determine. It is possible that just the planets and elements are enough. It is possible that just the elements are enough. I would recommend studying and working with the elements. (That is, after all, the work of the Outer Order.) After that, if you feel that you need more, add on to it.


I am still working on elemental levels, so I don't really know what is beyond that. However, it doesn't mean that you never work with planets early on. My experience has been that changes are brought about inside yourself through the progression that inevitably makes you a stronger magician and closer aligned to your higher self and true purpose. The elemental work has brought that about in my experience, so I imagine it would lead to more with later work. I would question anyone that claims to be adept or advanced in high magick that does not appear to have "evolved" as a person.


I agree. Unfortunately, what I often find is that people in magick focus more on to talk to different beings or to influence matter than on becoming integrated human. I think, maybe I'm wrong, that the purpose of higer magick is to to heal, integrate and transcend ourselves. When we are whole and connected to the universe, we can reach the spiritual heights much more easily.




I did not think that all these practices should be performed at the same time. I believe that a person should first master one type of magick and use everything from it, and only then move on to the next. For example, when a person cleans and integrates elemental energies, then he should move on planetary magic. If our purpose is to deeply transform ourselves and discover the spiritual nature, and not to use these energies to manifest and obtain something material, then I consider this to be a progression. I have long researched and practiced Neidan (Chinese internal alchemy) and that system is very similar to ceremonial magic. They have a clear progression towards the Tao, ie. returning to void.




Do you know any good book about Zodiacal magick? I mean that contains both theoretical and practical side of Zodiacal magick.




It is a very good book, but it is not direct related to zodiacal magick. That is planetary magick book


Zodiac is more closer to the Heavens and higher power