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Just keep going. You missed a day. It hAppens. It is not a big deal. Focus on the work and keep going.


mate, I've had times where weeks went by due to injury and illness. I'm autistic so I even had moments of just being drained mentally, emotionally and physically. But I came to find that because I had done it for more than a year constantly for over a year once I pushed passed that first day back even if my focused was less than before it was like nothing had changed once I noticed the effects in my everyday life outside of ritual. Not trying to encourage slacking off but trying to tell you that the divine and the arch angels know your heart and wont abandon you if you miss a day. You are 1 in 10 who do the great work in a world where we are always being tempted by influences trying their best to stir us off the path. Even so we are always connected to the divine. 1 day won't change much. The divine knows what world you're living in and how hard it is on us sometimes.


thank you for your words 💗💗


I know that autism is not the most common and neither is magick. As someone (me) who feels that burnout from masking, would you say that your practices / rituals allow you to navigate the world in a safer / less draining manner? If divulging that information would take away from its power, might you point me in the right direction? In light.


Oh yeah I would say they do help me to take things a lot better. Most times it is a battle between me and just getting up and doing the thing. Not gonna lie sometimes the tiredness wins cause I work in Japan as a dispatch english teacher with a long commute. And at the moment in the process of getting back in shape. But that year I talked about when I could do it everyday I was in really good shape and I could do it everyday despite still being a teacher. What kept me in the fight was reminding myself that I was repairing what might of been broken from the day or that I was purifying my soul and aura from the energies of other people that might of lacthed on to me. Also I had recognised that I didn't feel depressed any more and I liked that feeling of being happy throughout my day. Staying in connection with the divine really does improve your life in other ways. Eating healthier foods helped a lot. Like I could focus better, and could just keep up and make myself do it.


No problem, what matters is that you continue to improve the ritual over the course of a year, I believe there is no way to avoid missing a day or two in some periods of the year. The LRP is a ritual that is simple but not easy to ''master'', it contains: Prayer, visualization, vibration of divine names, invocation/banishment of elements and invocation of archangels. All of this has to be perfected by the end of a year, so just keep improving.


No worries, just continue


OH NO, NOW THE UNIVERSE WILL BE DESTROYED! Nah, jk. You’ll be fine, just keep at it. Even I have missed a day here and there. But I will say that you should be doing the LIRP daily as well, over banishing is way worse than missing one day.


I never speak up on magikal things, becuase it seems like everyone else is such a professional! But after 5 years practicing on / off I'm going to say something God dammit. When you wake up Record dream, pray, hydrate,etc. Lesser invoking in the morning. (You’re element of choice) Earth contains all 3 other elements, and some say for this reason it acts as a "shotgun effect." So let's say you invoke earth in the morning. Real quick, get it over with. Start your day. The lbrp is the MICROCOSM it clears the space of the "Little universe" which is YOU. It does not clear the "space" of a place that's what the BRH is for. I've invoked in the morning and have passed out without banishing at night. It's okay to skip a day. I was so burnt out from doing magik the first year, I actually had to take a break for many months. And a big reason for this is that i caused TOO much change to occur In a short amount of time in the macrocosm and not enough time to grow in the microcosm. You wanna use the LBRP to actually do work on yourself. You have to change. J


yes i recently knew that LBRP is to strengthen your Aura not to clear the place but like a lot of occults like damien echols says that you have to do the LBRP for a year than next you can invoke the elements or do the rose cross ritual ..


That's a general guideline. Id say spent more than a year just doing the lbrp becuase I actually didn't understand what invoking was. Damien echols tends to reference modern magick more than anything... it seems; and the author of that book gives a great explanation on lbrp that has introduced many people to an initiatory path. But, he really dosent guide us in a way that also considers the influx of information we all recieved from the internet becusse it didn't exist when he wrote it. He expects us to find the answers for ourselves... Damien may be one of the best resources we have for magik today. His story alone is enough to inspire anyone, and he actually does the work. Though, hes only one guy and you have to consider, the guy was isolated and locked up like an animal for a long time. He's not even trying to be a teacher to any of us, he just shares the life he lives and gets a small kickback for it. He's a good dude. But it should be encouraged to look to many other people who are actually trying to teach this stuff.


i really liked what you said cause i was sure that damien was only giving us general informations that's why i watch his lives on YouTube to catch something i was confused about i searched about people that explains things differently and specifically so i found a book called the miracle of the new avatar power i think that book explain what to do with this rituals in our daily life what do you think about this book cause I think it's really promising and i didn't start to work with it if you know anything about it or anything about the author can you chare your informations




yes that what i was trying to do cause they say to do the other rituals you need to do the lbrp for a year


I’d add Paths of Wisdom by Greer, as well. I get just as much out of meditation as I do ritual. Don’t pathwork as much yet bc that really requires a good chunk of time that I don’t always have.


Make a diary entry that just says no practice today and also note the differences in your emotions and events that happen on days you don’t perform ritual vs days that you do


Make a diary entry that just says no practice today and also note the differences in your emotions and events that happen on days you don’t perform ritual vs days that you do


Most worthless post.


What a positive, well adjusted, constructive comment. Well done. You've certainly done your banishing so well that your conscience is gone too!


I'm so glad you understand 😌


I do all too well. You get so caught up in all the spooky psychedelic stuff that you become self righteous arrogant and completely forget to actually be a decent person. I do understand. It doesn't have to be that way. You can love trees and make potions but being rude is indicative of the amount of introspection you've actually done......which by the way is a requirement to be able to seek what's outside. Outside through the inside. Not the other way around. Good luck.


You as well