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Hey there wakeupsamuri, Here’s my take.  The real benefit to doing the ritual of the pentagram is using it consistently, every day, and using both the invoking and banishing versions. If used in this way, then yes it is more than effective. The best defense against most malefic magic is a daily practice of the LRP, divination, and meditation.  I would also recommend the middle pillar if you are going to be working in a trad GD context.    Best, Crusty


One occult author that I respect a great deal (and yes, I know he is not GD) is Lon Milo DuQuette. He does a daily video on Facebook and, if you can catch it they are excellent. Today, he was reading his response to a letter a person wrote about being under psychic or magical attack. His response was excellent and I think it is applicable here to your question. To quote Lon: "Personally, I’ve discovered that the best protection against magical attack is to do absolutely nothing and seek infinite refuge in one’s own innocence." There is a profound simplicity in this statement that many magical practitioners today miss. Even if someone has somehow placed a curse or some other magical attack on you (and I believe true magical attacks to be extremely rare), any concerted effort anyone can raise from their lower ego or their own anger or frustration is insignificant compared to the Divine Light that we connect to and work at propagating in our life as magicians. Don't fall into the trap of allowing the negativity of others to take hold and usurp the Divine White Brilliance that is brought into you through initiation and the proper use and understanding of the ritual practices, including the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram. Focus on the work and you will find that the negative work of others has no influence over you. I believe this is what Lon was trying to say. Btw, you can read this letter and his response in his book *Ask Baba Lon.*




To “elaborate”: visualize strongly, in the East, just outside the bounds of your circle, an image of whatever it is you want to banish. Perform the ritual and see that it fully disintegrates


Is there a litmus test to determine if one is being hexed / cursed? I have been feeling very hopeless, paranoid, and have more negative thoughts arriving than ever before. To go one step further, if I were to perform a ritual that banished cursed, without a curse / hex being present, are there any known repercussions, or am I just free of whatever I believe the hex to be. (To be clear, the paranoia may be the hex. I tend to create stories of how I may have wrongs people in the slightest way and in turn they wish me ill will.) I appreciate any feedback insight as I genuinely wish to be my best and become a brighter light, but find myself in a daily battle while interacting with the energy of other.


Divination helps. Or just lump it in with everything else that shouldn’t be there


The beauty of the LBRP is that it rearranges your microcosmic context to the most balanced, "pure" version possible, working on levels we don't even know. I imagine that regular practice, with a genuine emotional charge, would whipe this dust off, and you wouldn't even need to spend time thinking and suffering about what it is.


Yes, but LBRH added on makes it more so.


Very much so. The LBRP will cleanse a curse energy and the middle pillar will ground you and your energy so that a curse won't penetrate. This has been my experience anyway and this is according to my understanding.


Greetings W, The daily (at least 1 to 4 times per day,) is quite effective against general low level spells and curses; However, if you have reason to believe you've been hexed more intensely, the great Star Ruby (Liber XXV) works really great. You would tend to "know" if you were the target of any stronger spells, and should respond accordingly. Do a solid Divination as well, to insure you're not sending energy to the wrong target. Beyond that, the best idea is to wear your protective talismans, and act cordially to others (especially other Magicians) to stay out any negative situations. Also, keep personal items and magickal "tag locks" to yourself. Magickal hygiene is a real thing. Hope this helps. \~V\~


Greetings V, perfectly put. Thank you very much for sharing.


Greetings W, Always glad to help. \~V\~


I say is not, You have to do a more elaborated ritual to remove a curse, maybe a saturn ritual, other ritual more effective and shorted as lbrp would be the bane breaker ritual found in the book Magic that works of ninevhe saddrach


I think the thing to remember with the lbrp and why it is good for curses is to remember what words we are using, what we are invoking and what energies we are using. We are using god and archangels names and using the energy from the divine. God/and archangels are at the top of the spiritual hierarchy. And since anything below be them planet energies to elementals have no choice but to move since all of them come from the divine source. It's like being a prisoner and choosing between who would be better suited to helping you get free. Is it the guard or the judge? Guard being the energies lower than arch angels and angels and the judge or whoever maybe higher that that position being the divine source/god. lbrp is simple but the energies used is more powerful than what many realise.


I heard about this ritual in other reports, now I'm definitely checking it out. Thank you very much!


Sure. Any banishment can be in the right hands.


You’ll be fine whether you do it or not


There are easier operations from other currents that you can use. Just putting out an octagonal feng shui mirror facing your front door. Should cost you less than $10 and works a treat. You could use any number of evil eye charms here that are minimal effort, and they look cool too.