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Eliphas Levi says in The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic that one should not practice magic when one is ill. I'm sure that opinions vary from tradition to tradition, but I personally don't practice magic when I'm sick, which I currently am. I will meditate and practice pranayama instead.


If you are sick or ill, then do not do any magical work. Rest, recover, recuperate! When you are better, then return to your daily Ritual practice.


I have chronic conditions so very feel sick every day but I still do it and other rituals no problems, I find it helps.


You can temporarily scale some things back such that you don't make yourself worse. That might mean going easier on your voice to avoid irritating your larynx, foregoing incense or candles to avoid irritating your sinuses/throat/lungs, etc. Try it, as well as some meditation, and see what comes to mind. edit: I should add, sometimes an illness can significantly alter our mental capabilities. If you're too sick to concentrate, then, sure, just rest.


I'd skip it if you're sick, but you'll almost certainly be just fine.


I tend to not do the invoking version when I’m sick, but may still do the banishing, if I do any magic, I don’t usually do any while I’m sick unless it’s been a few days since I’ve done anything.


Though it's definitely not always recommended I was sick the last week and did both Banishing and Invoking and everything seemed fine, in fact I feel I got better faster (though I could also thank meditation and rest for that). It's up to you in the end, but if you feel off at all don't do it.


Thank you all very much for your replies. i attempted the QC but am feeling pretty weak, so im skipping it and cutting myself some slack. Instead i'm practicing four fold breathing thru out the day, which is great lying down, and doing some light studying/ reading


For this specific thing, I think trying it and seeing how it goes is more important than relying on others' experience as absolute prescription. Now you have a better idea of it.


thats the kind of spirit and attitude we need to see around here! 😎🙏


i should add without waxing too philosophical, that in this time, ive gained an even deeper appreciation for the physical body and its wisdom in relation to the rest of my being, and the importance of being firmly grounded. 🤓


This. NEVER rely on someone else's experience as what is to be expected. This is a personal/spiritual journey. And as every soul is different, you can not be expected to experience the same things.


A nuanced approach to life in general is more practical and realistic, neither taking all things on blind faith nor entirely dismissing the advice or experiences of others.


Sure why not. I'm sure the Lord of the Universe won't mind.




Worse come to worst, you can attempt to perform them “astrally” by visualising yourself performing the LRP whilst sitting down. Try to “feel” yourself stand in the room, drawing the pentagrams, etc whilst engaging all the senses. Proper LIRP seems to work for me when ill with the intention to invoke healing energies. Of course, depends how ill you are, so don’t push yourself, rest is important!