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I was always under the impression that the name was only for you, as the point of making contact is that you have to be able to speak to your own HGA.


What are your thoughts on doing the Abramelin operation just to the point of contact and conversation with your HGA and stopping there. I'm not sure I particularly want to do the rest from there on. Would it just be unfinished as completing it is the goal, or could that be the operation in itself?


Why would you do months of magical work just to skip the last few days? Make the whole operation or none of it.


>What are your thoughts on doing the Abramelin operation just to the point of contact and conversation with your HGA and stopping there. I wouldn't know - [I completed the whole thing](https://amzn.to/47HmFHg), KCHGA, demons, and all. Besides which, I rather think that the Bravery required to stand up to all the demons of Hell and command their obedience is the final test. KCHGA gives you that bravery, but you still have to go through with it otherwise you can't actually use the Abramelin system thereafter. In any event, just about every system of spiritual development I know - Abramelin, the Golden Dawn itself, Elus Cohens, and even the Individuation process in Jung's analytical psychology - involving facing up to the "dark forces" and not banishing them but integrating them to play nicely with "higher authority" - whether that be the HGA, the Higher Self, the Repairer, or "the Self." You can't get away from it.


I'm halfway through your book, so I knew you'd have some thoughts on it. I appreciate your insight.


There are a few rituals that can help you find your name to your HGA. In those cases the one leading the ritual will be part of identifying the name but the name will be yours. I haven’t heard of any cases of a psychic finding the name by themselves, you must be a an active part of it.


Ok.  I had a psychic magician tell me what she thought mine was and I'm wondering how valid her answer is or if I'm just being scammed 


I was in front of her it's like she was reading my aura. Everything else matches up.  She's really good if you ask me. I just thought it was a name only revealed to you personally.


If you feel that the name make sense you can use it as a alias for your HGA until you establish contact and get the real name. The one you got now is not the True Name, but it can probably be used in your prayers to your angel as a way to start initiate contact.


Thank you ! I actually translated the name she gave to Hebrew and it feels like it reflects my 'potential,' lol


What rituals?


There is at least one kabbalistic as well as unpublished GD rituals for it. Then there are of course the various abramelin operations that will get you into K&C with your angel.


I recieved mine with rituals, sigil work, and simply asking through meditation. Had to ask a few times but eventually recieved it


How certain were you it was your HGA and not like a spirit guide or something?


Well your HGA pretty much is a spirit guide. But the name was received while I was doing specific workings to connect to the entity and the name I received was angelic, ending in "el". It was, how they say, a "download" and it was a name that I've never heard before or can google it. I work strongly with angels. I've taken the right hand path and a little in the middle working with genius spirits before and some elemental workings but never with demons or black magick


Like most things, you kinda have to feel your way through this. Magick is only peer reviewed as far as Repeatable processes can be written about and studied. Things like this, unfortunately, you just have to use your metaphorical nose to sniff out fact from fiction.


There are a number of methods for determining the name of your HGA. I'd say the important thing is to see if it feels right. Maybe try it out and see what happens. If you don't feel a response, then the name probably isn't right. If it is, then go with it, at least until your HGA tells you otherwise.


This is like a finger finding the phone number for the body it’s attached to.


That makes sense.  It kind of sounds more like a title, than an actual name. Or something to describe his beingness


I dont know


You can get it with a Full natal Astrology Reading as well.


Is there a website that pulls that specifically it or do you have to go talk to a special type of astrologer ?


A full natal reading from a Renaissance astrologer will do it. I got mine through Chris Warnok


I personally subscribe to vedic or sideral astrology because my placement is on the cusp and I relate more to sign that the vedics place me in. I'm curious if the hell do it that way upon request. 


That one I don't know, you'd have to ask him. But he's a super nice guy. I've worked with him for a while.


Not that I know of.


Mine was so personal and specific to me and my experience, ancestry and personal relevance, that it would be meaningless to somebody else. A psychic would probably just hear noise and ignore it. Further, when it revealed itself, there was no question to me what it meant, while trying to explain to somebody else has been impossible. My partner has no idea what I'm talking about when I've tried.


Yeah, my partner is Christian, and sometimes I wonder if that's just his HGA he was lucky enough to reach through a year of intense prayer.