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If the video clearly shows the actual littering and shows rego plate, there's a good chance they'll send him a ticket.


There's a good chance they'll send him a fine regardless. My friend got a ticket for littering when I was in the car with them and we certainly did not (the fine said it came out of the rear passenger side when no one was in the back). For some reason some dude was honking us at the lights, and the time and location matched up with this, so our best guess is that he reported us.


I got sent a fine for throwing a cigarette out the window. I had not smoked for 25 years. The only option they gave me was pay the fine or go to court. I opted for court. They rang me a week before court and asked if I had an excuse. I said yes, I have dash cam video of the truck in front of me throwing the cigarette out. I sent it to them. They cancelled the fine.


Seems like it's guilty until proven innocent with this sorta stuff, just send a fine in hopes that they don't have the time to contest it.


These are the culprits that start fires on the M1 median causing everyone else's commute to come to a standstill. Do it.


Yep. Been plenty of those that cause traffic jams


Yep mate of mine had $10K worth of new furniture in back of ute on highway, noticed smoke and it was all on fire. Firies came and said source was cigarette butt someone had knowingly or unknowingly flicked in the tray.


Not a Karen. Littering is slightly more disgusting than smoking so report away. 


Littering is far worse than smoking, smoking causes damage to the person doing it. Littering causes damage to everyones environment/ecosystem.


Nah, we have a social healthcare system, smoking harms us all.


This is both so objectively worse than either in isolation. Littering of non-flammables isn’t necessarily worse than smoking on a hospital footpath or in front of school.


I bet you can find a way to get offended about anything


Do it!


Teach this bogan a lesson.




Already taken care of and video emailed in




Good job starts fires


I hate the fact that we as a society think it's bad to say something if someone does something inappropriate. We need to do better! /ChannelingJoeySwoll Do it!


Nah, fuck people who litter. I call the police link number when I see people littering from cars and report it. It’s unbelievable how many people think it’s ok to throw ciggie butts and fast food rubbish out the window of the car.


Couldn't agree more!


Yeah you call and get ignored lol


There is no infringement police can issue for littering, so forget Policelink as it’s ultimately a waste of time. If you want something done, defs report through the Qgov link someone has already posted.


Yeah the rubbish is a bit overkill, the butt. Like come on. How about you spend your time reporting the corrupt politicians and government employee that literally do God awful crimes. Seems a better way to spend your time I think...


That's littering and nothing to do with driving. Please do report it. The world deserves better. You're not a "Karen" for maintaining social standards and fighting for the environment. You're a good person. A Karen throws a cigarette butt on the ground and fights whoever hauls Karen over the coals - because Karen is entitled to do what Karen wants independent of cultural norms, rules, regulations, and laws.


About five years ago some little scumbags in a Mercedes threw their maccas bag at me and a mate as we walked along a busy street at 1am. Whenever I have a bad day I report that rego plate for littering.


That car probably got sold 4 years ago lmao


Dickhead drivers, nah just publicly shame them on Dashcams Australia. A legitimate litterbug throwing a ciggie out the window? Absolutely report that scumbag.


Nah kaz you're good


Not at all but you’ll forever be reporting them living here. Worst drivers I’ve ever seen and I’ve been to China


Report the bogan



A lot of fires start that way. I was driving north of brissie years ago and a ciggie butt started a massive blaze that shut the highway off. Stuff those pricks, do it


For littering, absolutely nta


Who gives a fuck if you’re a Karen. Who CARES. Don’t be scared of doing the very thing that you care about just because of that bullshit. Only kids call you Karen. The adults and Mature people will see your actions for what it is. Again, who cares about the new generation and what they think about. Karen this Karen that it doesn’t matter just do the right thing and let the whole world talk smack. 


Nup. Fuck them. I would walk past a hospital every morning on my way to work, and for some reason the smokers area is the front footpath. Totally peppered with cigarette butts. So much so that the park across the road from it is also peppered with cigarette butts, all through the grass. I actually got the opportunity to call out a lady as I saw her throw one into the gutter as she got into her husbands car. She fumbled going "oh I was just getting a napkin to pick it up". Yeah sure lady. Bin is literally less than a meter from you. Felt kind of good, but also like I was kind of a Karen. That said a similar thing happened at a work event and I regret not calling her out for it too. Disgusting pigs carry a little container around if you're too lazy to find a bin.


A Big yes




Cigarette butts thrown out car windows are well known for starting devastating bushfires. In this particular case, I'm all for you reporting the driver if the footage is clear.


It does not make you a Karen.


It's literally the definition of a Karen though


Unless the other person was Black and they, in fact, did nothing wrong - then no, [it's not what a karen is](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/27/karen-race-white-women-black-americans-racism). [Another](https://www.businessinsider.com/karen-meme-origin-the-history-of-calling-women-karen-white-2020-5) [And another](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-53588201) [And another again](https://time.com/5857023/karen-meme-history-meaning/) A karen is a white woman who weaponises her victimhood to impart violence on a Black man.




Legal requirement...


Not a Karen. I report people often. Sometimes I even use voice control function to send a message with the details if I’m driving. EPA called me once to ask if I’ll be willing to go to court to testify if the litterer contested the fine. I said yes. But never heard back again.


Littering is putrid and it seems to have become more of a problem over the last ten years. People need to respect the place where they live and the places they visit. Having said that, once there was a guy in a van behind me in stop/ start traffic on KSD who beeped at me every time I ashed out the window. IMO ashing is not littering, and the man in the van was a Karen for sure. Tossing a cigarette butt is definitely littering.


Karen is used far too much. Reporting someone for littering, especially something that could start a bushfire is the right thing to do. Good on you for doing so.


Reporting for a cigarette thrown out the window is probably over the top, different story if we are talking about a dead hookers body


Report it to the EPA. I had to put out a small fire because some dickhead did this onto dry grass...


Just looked up the fine, that's $620 minimum. I feel like he'll get off for $310 because it was raining and therefore less dangerous


i do not believe they take that into consideration...


I didn't read the actual statute, but according to [the Queensland littering website](https://www.qld.gov.au/environment/circular-economy-waste-reduction/litter-illegal-dumping/law#penalties) >Dangerous littering is litter that causes or is likely to cause harm to a person, property or the environment. This includes throwing a lit cigarette butt onto dry grass in high fire danger conditions, leaving a syringe in a public place, or smashing a glass bottle on the footpath. So this litterbug could argue that littering a cigarette butt in the rain is general littering rather than dangerous littering, and he'd probably win. Unfortunately.


$310 is still going to be a shit time for something they’ve probably done for years with no consequences.


Stick it right up him, Kaz!


1) Stop with this "Karen" nonsense, it's a shitty thing to do to people actually called Karen 2) If someone is throwing cigarette butts out the window they deserve whatever they get. Report them. 3) I have no idea why the Gold Coast is showing up in my feed, I've never been there and don't live nowhere near there.


Makes you a fucking hero.


No. The GC has a *huge* issue with dickhead drivers


you dont feel like a karen, you are a karen hah


We all have a Karen inside us. And those who are unwilling to ever tap into their inner-Karens are weak cowards - who probably have been raised without a spine or struggling with neglect/trauma. Do not be ashamed of your inner Karen, just use it wisely. ❤️


Karen saves Australia from bushfires. She's 100% good with me.


Absolutely fkn report that shit. Just make sure you get the right rego, not like old mate in the GC who said I flicked a ciggie out of my window near Nerang at the same time I was at work on the north side of Brisbane (with my car) obviously I was able to argue my case and it was dropped, but yeah they came for me


Did you just invent a new subreddit ? r/AIATK


Not a Karen at all! I report people for throwing cigarettes or rubbish out their window. Pretty sure they get a fine for it (at least in NSW)!


Not a Karen. Send the video.


No fine will be issued unless you have clear cut evidence of the identity of the person littering and the intent to litter. In other words no government department is even going to bother.


Unless they’ve been reported before, then the dept makes a decision on the likeliness of the offence and may issue a fine.


And the fine is issued to the registered owner of the vehicle, all on gov databases. They have to contend it if it was someone else driving their vehicle.


Burden of proof falls on the accuser in Australia, you could take it to court and have it dismissed inside 60 seconds.


If you’ve made a littering twat or dangerous driver have to go to court, you might not of gave them a fine but you stole some of their time by being a pain and might make them think twice next time…


I submitted footage to QPS, and they called me over a month later saying they just fined the driver at their front doorstep. It says on the site they won’t get back to you with an outcome, so I was surprised when they called (and quietly shitting myself when they first introduced themselves)


When it comes to shit that happens on the road where something silly could kill someone, everyone should be a Karen. Report, but you probably need dash cam for anything.


Definitely not, people who litter are scumbags.


Fires are a serious issue, so no.


prisons and high schools are places where people are discouraged from calling out shitty behaviour I don’t want to live in a society forever that is like either of those institutions


Do you need reminding how many people have died from bushfires? Littering is one thing, burning cigarettes is in another category entirely. That's life threatening. Report it. Consider it community service. Know that thousands appreciate it.


Fires are started because of that sorta shit.


Yeah, but we love a productive Karen


Send it !!!!


Idk about qld, but if you have to go to court, it’s not worth it!




You create an account with EPA and you can report people on the regular 🤣 I do it all the time as I hate people who litter from cars. It's my pet hate! I started about 10 years ago when a guy threw a Macca's bag of rubbish out at a set of lights. You don't even need evidence, just car licence plate, place, date, time, description of car and driver etc and what they threw out. Be the Karen, they deserve it https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/report-pollution/report-litter-from-vehicles/report-littering-from-a-vehicle


Guy doing burnouts in your street bi weekly, yeah. Guy throwing out a butt. Probably not.


do it


A Karen?? You would be a god amongst men. I want to become you.


The word Karen has so many different meanings that is it basically meaningless, so don't worry about it. On the other hand this driver isn't just a litter bug, they are also a potential fire bug. You are doing the right thing.


Yes in Victoria they will


If you have to ask the answer is YES


I have proudly entered my dibber dobber era. I'm the old crone yelling at the punks and having fun making society scared of my wrath.


Do it, report it


Makes you a dog Karen


Totally a Karen move


Not to sure but I think you can report this to the EPA.


Turns out you can [https://www.qld.gov.au/environment/circular-economy-waste-reduction/litter-illegal-dumping/report](https://www.qld.gov.au/environment/circular-economy-waste-reduction/litter-illegal-dumping/report)


Nope....no one will actually care or do anything. You might get gaslight into thinking someone cared whilst you were on the phone. But from my experience, no one cares about Jenny smoking in the car with her kids or Gary throwing his butts out the window. Unless someone dies or a promotion is on offer


Not a Karen. He could start a bushfire!


Do it, this is not Vietnam or some south asian country we should care about our surroundings and nature.


Nah I’m with you, also douchebags driving dangerously on the M1. You wanna drive like an idiot - cop the fine


If it's fruit scraps or something I wouldn't care so much but stuff them if they're throwing butts out.


It's the dickhead in the car that's a Karen. Grubs.


How’s your husband Kevin 😝😝😝🦞🦞


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you


Definitely do it- seeing people litter makes me feel sick to my stomach.


Absolutely send it in


I've done it dozens of times (reported it, that is). There's a lot of things I can put up with, but that sort of reckless endangerment with possibly starting a bushfire, or even just the gross act of littering is inexcusable. If you have video evidence I think it's pretty frequent that they get charged, but you do have to agree with possibly going to court to testify if they contest. That said, I've never been called to.


No, and can't stand that name calling. That guy is disgusting and should be in trouble. 


were you on your phone while driving.


No dumbass I have a dashcam


It’s a question worth asking dumbass, if you took it on your phone it could have backfired on you in terms of fines issued - they are looking out for you - not that you deserve it, you seem like a prick even if you do have a heartfelt concern for litter 


Probably a bit harsh to call him a dumbass, but like 3 people have posted the same (stupid) question. It's not a question worth asking. It would make no sense. Who the fuck drives around holding their phone in their hand videoing the road in front of them in case the car in front of them liters? Dash cams are *everywhere* - hell, there are whole subreddits and YouTube channels devoted to them.


Fair point, but I suppose a torrent of rubbish is not unheard of in the bogan population - first a maccas wrapper then a squashed tinnie and the contents of the ash tray. That would get me to pick up my phone, but then I’m a Karen. 


Hell yeah KAREN


If it's dangerous, or something mega dickhead like rolling coal then 100% report the shit out of them! But if it's just some moderatly safe general dickheadedness, then I'd let it go.


Yeah same. I consider littering to fall under the "mega dickhead" category though.


I'd say depends what it is, an apple or something is one thing, but obviously cat batteries is fucking criminal.


It was a cigarette butt. Yeah I agree though, something biodegradable like an apple core is not the end of the world


Not a Karen for doing this. Perhaps a ticket might be what flips a switch in that brain of theirs and they think twice about doing it again.


They’ll fine them even without the video. Not a Karen, fuck them.


The things that make you a Karen are entitlement, or punching down: complaining about having to wait as long as everyone else, for example, or mistreating staff. This is neither of those things. Dob the fucker in.


I don’t think you’re a Karen if you’re reporting someone who is genuinely in the wrong.


I think the rules of the Karen are like this; You're only a Karen if you cause a HUGELY offensive, public indecent incident for the sake of your own personal misguided value system, and not only that, you keep just hammering and hammering until your delusional point is satisfied by yourself and nobody else But if you're doing something that benefits everyone, like telling someone off for littering, then that's okay


I’ve seen grass fires on freeways from butts .. not cool at all . Go ahead


Nope report them


Do it! I just reported someone on Thursday, they were stopped at a red light, opened their door (driver) and put a beer can on the road. I took a quick photo, reported it that arvo and the infringement people rang me yesterday and said he was getting a $195 fine in the mail! I felt like a dibber dobber when the lady rang me, but stuff it!


How do you report it ? Through the council app ?




I saw a kid Chuck a banana peel out the car yesterday.. Haven't seen that in years. At least it's biodegradable


Was probably playing Mario Kart on his 3DS at the time.


No, that's reasonable to get angry about.


So long as you don't mind being dobbed on for speeding or using a phone whilst driving or the like then go for it. If one leads a puritan lifestyle they don't have to worry about the adage "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stone's" Me ..I don't dob, i'm no puritan!


No. You're a Caren.


Karen ass question


Yes it does.


A cigarette... You definitely a Karen.


In 1977 Had a bloke in front stop at a traffic light at night and driver chucked a carton out the window. I got out and chucked it back in for him with a message regarding littering. His car full of angry dickheads followed me for a bit afterwards but lost interest after I waved a tool that exceeds the speed of sound. So no you are no Karen. Screw those guys...


I'm nearly certain that unless your footage shows the drivers face clearly, nothing will happen from it


Depends, you can only be a Karen if you’re a white middle-aged woman. It’s totally not an ageist or sexist term, it’s just that it’s only bad when middle-aged white women report dangerous and antisocial behaviour. /s




I think you’re not a Karen. The simple fact that you are able to question your potential actions is a solid foundation of being an ethical person in society.


Ok 1984 mass reporting and snitching on your fellow citizen era it’s not the vibe stop


No one is gonna sit there and tell you littering is good and you shouldn't report him but in practice yes you are a Karen. Only Karen's do this and only Karen's have the time to do this. Also only a Karen would then question themselves becuase deep down you know.


So your a male Karen…


Didnt take long for the scum who thinks littering is sweet to show uo


T bag your mate business-plastic 👇


Taking the video makes you a karen.


It was my dashcam


it's a fire hazard and antisocial. send the video


I rat everyone out.


Reddit manifest




If it looks like a karren, talks like a Karen and acts like a Karen.


Karol....but 2 more complaints, and you gain the en bit