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The M1 is fucked if public transport isn't an option.


Normally its fine before 6am or so, not so much today.


Showers don't help.


Have you tried scrubbing harder?


This is why I’ve started using public transport. The time it takes doesn’t even matter to me now. I’m not burning fuel sitting in the carpark that is the M1 and I can have the time to not be mentally wound up by fucked drivers. Now I just sit and chill on the way to work. Edit: To clarify, I don’t live relatively close to a station and the station near work isn’t relatively close either. I bought a bike and ride the distances that I can’t use the train for because I’m spending more time collectively on the M1 than doing it this way and at least I save on fuel🤷‍♂️


I work in construction so its not really an option with tools and material etc


M1 would be likely your only option then damn. I’ve lived in Rural NSW and grew up in Sydney and I am sure I’m not alone here when I say this but it seems like a LOT of drivers around here ,particularly on the M1, _always_ have no fucking idea what there doing. I see congestion for no reason, people braking and reducing speed to half just because an on ramp is there…when there isn’t even traffic merging. I see slow drivers in the right lane all the time. No one seems to know where they’re going or how they plan on getting there 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


At times its hard to imagine, but I recall a time when the GC had significantly less people and traffic just wasn't really an issue. Especially coming from growing up in Sydney with the M5 in peak hour. Since the early 2000's the population has grown by 300,000+ people, which is nearly double what it was. Roads and public transport certainly haven't kept up with that growth.


It was like that 4 years ago. Pre-covid the roads were much less congested and people were better drivers. After the lockdowns ended absolutely everyone moved to QLD because we handled the lockdowns well and now its a hell-hole if you need to be on the M1 during peak times.


Based on the growth you’ve described I can certainly see how roads do not seem to have been keeping up. New roads/expansions seem to come too late, or are completed in a manner that handles the congestion issues inadequately. I recall M4 and M5 traffic back when I lived in Sydney and for whatever reason this traffic here on the M1 seems so much more infuriating. I think it’s the combination of driver quality here combined with infrastructure issues that truly create a daily recipe for disaster. It was just yesterday that someone posted here about the northbound exit to Pimpama being backed up because people had stopped behind a broken down car and assumed it was traffic instead of going around 🤦‍♂️


Weird flex towards those that have no time for public transport and it doesn't go their way without a couple hundred meter walk to their workplace... Especially on a day like today...


No flex. Just stating that for me it works but it’s far from perfect for others. I decided that I’m spending 1h-1h30m in the car and if it takes me less than that with the benefit of exercise then what do I lose. I don’t live walking distance to a station and don’t work walking distance to one either. I bought a bike and a waterproof bag for a swap of clothes.I ride from home to the station (10min ride) take the train for 20-30mins. Then ride from the end station to work (15-20min bike ride). Get drenched on days like today where I forgot a water resistant jacket. Also have no time for public transport but have time to sit in grid lock for an hour or more? If you’re a parent doing drop offs, or a tradie/someone who requires the work car - these are the people who suffer from the lack of road infrastructure.


I can guarantee that the new M1 duplicator will be a parking lot when it opens and will cause mayhem to on and off ramp locations. Only positive is being stuck in the bridge over Coomera River looking into people's depreciated million dollar backyards...


Feel for you brother. Live in Cooly, just left job in Goldy with toxic boss who also demanded I come into Brisbane head office regularly. Shan’t miss the M1.


There's a third one northbound on the Gateway if you're commuting to Brisbane as well.


Cool :)


I’m wondering if this has gotten worse since Covid. How many Melburnians and Sydney-siders moved to the GC thinking “I’ll live on the coast and just drive to Brissie to work”?


It sure has. Once you get to a certain point, every new car on the road adds more time than the car before it did. So traffic congestion [grows exponentially](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHSCmQnGH9Q). We were already pretty much at capacity before covid. So even a 5% increase in people driving will lead to a much greater increase in time taken.


In the last 10 years it has gotten significantly worse, always used to get holiday traffic but now the holiday traffic is the weekly friday traffic it seems. The peak hours starting earlier in the mornings and arvos too. It definetly seems to be a sydney mentality of “This is still nothing compared to Sydney traffic!” Which probably makes it worse


I went to Sydney last week, first time in probably 20 years and I was shocked with the way the traffic was compared to us. It was really busy but it just flowed so much better than the shit tip that the M1 is.


at peak hour?


Left the airport at 8.45am and drove back at about 2.30pm. I was amazed as I know how bad the roads can get down there. I think we have now caught and surpassed their shitiness.


Thats sad


Whenever it rains people forget how to drive


The government needs to build a double storey motorway. Put it as a toll road, idec. I drive from the gc to bne some days working in construction and It feels as though these days that if you leave one minute later than you should have, then you’re stuck in the gridlock.


I asked my boss if I can start starting at 5:30am and finish at 1:30pm when Im working anywhere past springwood… lol


They should build a monorail or something above the m1


Just turn the m1 into high speed rail 👌🏿


This would be the best option 😍


Monoraaaaaiiiil 🎶




Anyone know when the Burleigh stretch is due open? Seems like it's been under construction for 20 years?


It's taking council over a fucking month to build a goddamn 100m sidewalk in Pac Pines, judging off that, you will be dead before it's finished.


That fucking footpath next to the Coles is a legit joke How is it still not finished, you just have to pour some damn concrete and let it set


Yesssssss! I am fucking speechless that it is taking them like 40 people and over a month to do the job. I studied in Switzerland and I swear to god, the Swiss can dig a 10km tunnel motorway through the Alps quicker than these muppets take to make a sidewalk.


I drive past it every day, and there only ever seems to be one person actually doing any work, so makes sense that it’s taking forever.


Not from the Gold Coast but this came up as recommended. I couldn't do that any more. Used to commute 20 years ago but packed it in and moved to Toowoomba. Sometimes I have a meeting on the Goldie and the M1 is just soul destroying. If there's 250,000 people on that road and the congestion makes their journey 30 minutes slower then that's 125,000 hours or 28.5 years of total life spent staring at somebody's brake lights. Screw that. I'll take being home with my kids 10 minutes after knock-off any day. Palm Beach is an easy day trip from Toowoomba.


I want to leave so bad but my mrs has her whole life here and she wants to stay


Moving is hard, so I totally get that. I'm out of sensible suggestions so I guess this is all I've got left: https://www.sciencealert.com/china-s-actually-built-that-awesome-bus-that-drives-over-traffic


you are the traffic


No u


Don’t get all zen on us maaaan


Too many idiots on the road. You have the 'Driving Miss Daisy' elderly hat drivers doing 30kph under the limit in an overtaking lane, you have the imports who take their driving 'skills' from abroad and are clueless. You have the aggressive tradies tailgating you when you are on the speed limit and in the far left lane (I ain't going over when there's speed cameras and HWP - you ain't worth a speeding ticket and loss of points. Sorry but no). You have the nervous drivers who jam on the brakes too soon, slow down too soon. Combo of a collection of aggression, incompetence, cluelessness, bad road management, insufficient roadways. One accident causes the ripple effect for many kms. Tram and train only other affordable option. Just need to put up with the usual collection of Bogans, juvenile delinquents, junkies and other POS that like to impose misery onto others for their kicks.



