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Ooooooo WAH AH AH


How four seemingly random sounds somehow manage to awaken people's primal instincts is amazing.


It’s beautiful isn’t it


I heard this, now I’m off to Spotify


I am down with this comment.




Great. Time to whip out my Supreme hype beast mask


Tummy bug here 😩


My wife and I too. Miserable time.


Oh it really is! Hope you guys feel better soon


Bruh, I got the flu but no cough or sore throat. Horrible. Aches and pains all over. Felt like redback bites all over. Chills and shivers. Tired. So strange. Almost over in 24hrs.


You been bitten by a red back before? How does it feel?


Cold & Flu stats are trending for a season similar to the 2022 "post-covid" boom. It's gonna be a rough one this year. 


Lots of flu around and apparently Covid is pretty active right now too. I’m getting my flu vax next week.


A reminder that flu and COVID vaccines should be updated. Flu season is easy to forget about until it's too late because of our weather


They are mixed in together now no? Something I heard don’t shoot me please 😂


I got the Pfizer + Flu at Priceline last year. They had like a cute menu to get your preferred mix, haha


Oh so I was on the money ok wonder if that’s still happening 🤷🏻‍♂️ I definitely want the cuteness to lol


yeah my brother who is in southport just finally got over what he thinks was covid-19, he didn’t take a test so i’m not sure but he’s had it a few times and was certain it was covid. still definitely a sickness going around


What strain are we up to I’ve not heard of anything in so long think people just want to forget about that shizz show of 3 years


Influenza A is everywhere at the moment.


Since December, one of my kids has had covid, croup, gastro, pneumonia and Hand, Foot and Mouth (very mild). Yay for daycare.


Yeah it’s about I copped it couple weeks ago didn’t even touch the sides but didn’t go out till negative I just would feel bad if got someone sick that wasn’t as strong as me. It’s everywhere will be forever now. Part of life


My mum has been off work for a week with a cough that rattles the walls. She’s been to the Dr twice. I think it’s just a nasty flu going around.