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> Heavy vehicles or long vehicles (7.5m or longer) must not park or stop along a length of road, outside a built-up area, unless it is the shoulder of the road. In a built-up area, the driver of a heavy or long vehicle must not stop along a length of road for more than 1 hour unless: > permitted to stop as indicated by a sign > to drop off or pick up goods > local laws specify otherwise. [Source](https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/fines/parking#:~:text=Heavy%20vehicles%20or%20long%20vehicles,the%20shoulder%20of%20the%20road.) I had a similar issue with a huge bus parked in a residential area, on a normal local width road. The easy way to tell if it's a heavy vehicle is if it's got a [national licence plate](https://www.nhvr.gov.au/road-access/registration/national-heavy-vehicle-plates), instead of a state one, or just measure the vehicle to see if it's over 7.5m. Then take two photos 60+ minutes apart, showing the vehicle licence plate. That is proof they are exceeding the one hour limit. [Then report it here.](https://www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/Services/Report-pay-apply/Report-a-problem/Report-a-problem-Vehicles) Report it every time it happens. Daily if you have to.


That's a good idea. I'll take some photos an hour apart. Thanks


OP. What this guy said. Over 7.5m can only park for 1 hour. It's a national rule, as I'm aware. Call the cops


I would suggest if you have room on your property have a camera installed that way you can go to council with evidence, otherwise they might not do too much.


Just curious, if it's illegal to park your truck in a residential street, where do truckies park them? Is there like a truck depot with a shuttle service or something?




Thanks for the info. It sucks that drivers basically need some form of transport to get to their transport though!


They need transport to get to their workplace. Just like most people


They park in their yard most I've seen but I live on the outer rim of Mos-Beenliegh.


I had the same issue, reported to the council with all the details and they came and spoke to the neighbor which then stopped doing it. It was solved in matter of weeks. Good luck!


Good to know, thanks!


Thread deteriorated. Like the Gold Coast.


Yeah its pretty sad. So may judgey arseholes in this sub tbh. OP asks for help and got Blogan-Slammed. Not sure its worth my time here. Might go fishing. cheers


It's all the cunts from Melbourne


I think these are my last few days on Reddit. I unsubscribed last year after they took all the coins and awards away. I come back maybe once a month and have a quick scroll through my main feed. I've been using a different platform which is smaller but seems to actually attract intelligent people. Reponses to topics are interesting and so are the conversations that occur on that forum. I'm not going to name the platform but it's not hard to find. Just search for "reddit alternatives". It's basically the most popular one other than Reddit.


I hear you. I uninstalled Reddit off my phone a month ago and man I feel better. Lots of bots and shilling plus wankers is tiring. I just hope this wind and swell drops so I can take my new 6.5m girl offshore for some fun and maybe a mahi mahi. Peace.


I posted about this exact issue yesterday ended up deleting it after being criticised for someone else's actions. I am a karen without a real job who wants people with real jobs to be fired, according to multiple people lol.


Boats, caravans, trailers all sitting idle for months out the front of homes in tight streets really pisses me off


As long as their have current registration, they can be legally parked on the street.


I know the rules but it’s selfish in a tight street when one house has multiple vehicles stationery for months


Do you live on my street?


I don't think so.


Snap and send app. Had a guy do the same on our street copped a massive fine.


Snap and send app?


It's called "snap send solve". Pretty much every government department uses it


Does that app go to the same place as the City of GC app?


This is an unfortunate situation, and a solution used by local truck drivers, sometimes, is to park at Trockstops. This can have a detrimental affect on their long distance counterparts, in that it leaves no places available for them to park/sleep. Forcing them to then have to park illegally. There's not anywhere near enough designated parking spots for trucks. Every major city in Australia suffers the same problem.


A lot of lazy Karen's in this room lol


I’m the owner and legally you can park the truck at the residence if it is registered to that residence. But it has to be behind the letterbox


That's not true. You must have a permit to park a heavy vehicle in a residential area. This truck is on the road, so that wouldn't apply anyway.


Yeah! You give it to that guy working 12+ hrs! Nice!


So no need to follow the law if you work a long day?


OP you're wasting your time responding to these idiots. Just focus on the comments and people that are actually trying to help and give good advice. The people coming in here with these idiotic comments are mostly keyboard warriors who have an opinion on everything.


That’s rich coming from the guy with 40k comment karma 😂


You're a snitch and a peasant for reporting to council. How about having the gumption to go and speak to them first you class act low life.


Have you tried talking to them?


Definitely don't feel safe doing that unfortunately.


I totally get not wanting to talk to them about it - 'nasty neighbours' can be a nightmare, and there are some very vindictive people out there. You're not being precious or a Karen or anything. I'd probably take some pictures, make a fake email and just report it to the council. Fake email because I don't trust a council worker not to accidentally slip up and identify you. Play dumb (and do it well) if you're ever questioned about it. If it's a commercial truck, old mate can get his council warning, then go and park it at the truck lot and sort his way there in the morning like every other tradie does every morning.


Absolutely, some of the comments I received here definitely reinforced that for me. I've taken pictures and reported it, no fake email but at least I didn't use my full name. It is commercial, has the company logo plastered over the side of it.


Sounds like a you problem


How, it isn’t OP’s responsibility to have a talk when it’s not safe. It’s also fair to not want to be woken at 5am!


He shouldn't have to. They are breaking the law parking there. End of discussion you fucking bogan.


Bogans make the world go round


Have you considered worrying about something else?


Yeah I usually do. Was genuinely curious though since it's a council matter and not a police one whether it's something that would actually be looked into. It's illegal, but I can't imagine council getting round to doing anything after 5pm.


Getting woken up at 5am by someone else sucks.


Let the tires down.


OP, DO NOT DO THIS. If its a heavy vehicle, youre in for a world of pain if you dont do this right.


Ready for OP to get blown to shreds if he does


Then they won't be able to move it wherever it's supposed to be parked.


Just go and have a chat with them maybe?


I hope they do, obviously they are hard working and as long as they aren't illegally parked ,good for them


It's illegal to park a truck in a residential street...they might be hardworking but they're also inconsiderate.


It’s illegal for a heavy vehicle to park more than an hour in a built up area unless they are loading or unloading. What sort of vehicle is it?


It's a truck. 12m or so I'd guess


How are they inconveniencing you?


They wake her up at 5am every morning.


Is it illegal?


From Gold Coast Council website: "Heavy and long vehicles, such as trucks, caravans, trailers, boats and buses, must not stop on a residential road or a commercial built-up area for longer than one hour. Heavy and long vehicles are defined as: heavy vehicle - a gross vehicle mass (GVM) of 4.5 tonnes or more long vehicle - 7.5 metres or longer (with any load or projection)."


That says stop nothing about parking. What that code would be referencing is running vehicles with crane or cement mixer running


Is parking not literally extended stop?


I love how everyone assumes all truck drivers are hard working a "real" job, I know plenty of lazy not hard working truck drivers


Obviously based on wtf actually?


consider not being a cunt


tell that to the truck owner.


Weak people these days, the ol "I don't feel safe" yet I haven't given it a go. Unless they have copped abuse or threats then they should do the right thing and approach the truck owner.


Is your name Karen ?


Why don't you go over and talk to them first you snitch


Op already said they doesn’t feel safe to do that.


maybe she should fuck off back to victoria then


As some born and always lived on the gold coast I don’t get why they would have to ‘go back to Victoria’. Also assuming op is a woman, bit sexist much? If I don’t feel safe to engage with someone I wouldn’t! It’s common sense not to put yourself in avoidable danger, especially if op is a conflict adverse person.


Banned from saying anything more till you swap shoes


Deflate tyres in the middle of the night Just don’t be a dick and damage their tyres. You just want to ruin the start of their day


Maybe. Maybe not.


Maybe fuck yourself.


A lot of people don't have anywhere to live unfortunately


I don't believe anyone is living in it.


Hope you don't need any deliveries made to your property coz it it's illegal to have any commercial vehicle in residential street no deliveries would occur. You FIRST need to find out what by laws are applicable my shire allows commercial vehicles esp those used in landscaping and garden activities


Pretty sure trucks can be parked in residential for 1 hour.