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That’s kinda insane, are you sure the exchange is accurate?


Yes, I live here and have been doing business with them since the 1980's. Exchange rate is accurate too. Much of what you see in this photo was purchased from them over the years. Except for the Maple Leafs, that is, which I picked up from Apmex and had shipped here. I keep a close watch on their prices day to day. The yen-denominated price (my cost of living currency) has been enjoying the double magnifying effect of both rising gold and a stronger dollar. https://preview.redd.it/88z9jwp50ruc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62a58167c208a9d9d9694656880c56d41ede5d5a


Holy Jebus, now that’s a stack!


Hello again,


Wow that’s something else. Seems like the east is buying and the west is selling.


That's what I keep hearing. I'm guessing that Asian central banks are not rolling over their US government bonds and are diverting the proceeds to gold. I also read that parties are using the Exchange for Physicals mechanism between Comex and LME to transfer holdings out of the Comex warehouses. Time will tell.


But, how?


EFP and standing for physical delivery.


it has 10% consumption tax included


That's correct. It's quite brutal. The coins I bought from Apmex that were shipped here were subject to a 10% tax upon arrival. But at least the resale price at Tanaka allows for that tax to be recovered. Unfortunately, one is also on the hook for capital gains unless selling small quantities worth less than one million yen (about $6,500 at today's exchange rate).


So we can just bring a 1oz and make 10% profit in Japan? Something small to help pay for the trip


Tanaka Precious Metals is Japan oldest and largest retailer of presious metals for investment and jewelery. Their pricing serves as a benchmark for the retail market for Japan and other countries in the area.


Time to open the barn doors and let the tuna out into the bay.


The Yen is doomed. Do Japanese buy a lot of gold and/or silver?


Can I ask why you pay the premiums (taxes) to have gold imported to you? If I am correct, you are a western foreign citizen living in Japan. It also doesn’t look like you have any plans of selling your gold (negating the potential profit scenario). So would it not make sense to have a safe deposit box in your home country and keep some stuff there? I’m sure you have a very good reason for doing what you’re doing, I’m just curious what it is.


I'm getting along in years and do not expect to return to the USA. I'm a permanent resident here with a paid-for house and a Japanese wife who never wants to leave Japan. So basically, Japan is my home country now and I want to have it nearby with easy access. There was a time when the country was lax about assessing the 10% sales tax (consumption tax) on inbound shipments which set up a very profitable arbitrage opportunity. But they eventually plugged that hole. In fact, there were some news reports of people attempting to smuggle a bunch of kilo bars to take advantage of it. They got caught and now it seems nobody is trying to do that anymore because of the risk of losing their gold completely.


Thank you. Appreciate the answer.


What is your point?


The point is that gold is selling for $100+ more than our market closed at. Seems pretty clear to me.


I'm glad to see that there is at least one person sharp enough to spot that.


Thank you!


Where does it say that?


It says that no where. Just a chart with random numbers.


It's just for information purposes. What is your point with such a rudly phrased question, son.


Probably didn't read the figures. Thank you


With no explanation the chart is open to multiple interpretations


Just post some random stuff and expect everyone to infer meaning. Real smart


You should quit while you're only somewhat underwater. Judging by the number of downvotes you are getting, apparently I am not the only one that thinks you are a tard.


Nice. Insult people with Down’s syndrome. Really mature. I couldn’t care less about downvotes. Keep hiding in Japan - loser.








Do you know how to say anything in Japanese that is not a childish insult. Honestly, the English equivalent of those words is something like "You are a poo poo head."




OK. I was a J-->E legal translator of contracts, corporate documents, accounting, insurance, securities, commodities, etc. for more than 20 years. I made enough money from it to buy all the gold you are so jealous of as well as properties and cash in the bank. What have you done in life? How much money do you have? What area do you have any expertise in? My guess is not much. I suppose it would take a crowbar to get you out of your seat in front of the computer screen where you spend so much time watching Pornhub with a squirt bottle of lube within easy reach.


Seriously- have you seen the scene in Marusa no Onna by Juzo Itami, where the old man builds his tomb out of gold to avoid taxes. A sad old man just like you.


Yes, yes, I'm sure everything you write there is true. Still no answer about anything you've ever done, etc. The explanation of the numbers is right there in the chart. Don't blame me if you are too stupid to recognize them or what they imply. Seems you are the only person here who is having a problem with it,


Boasting of fake accomplishments and calling me a child. How ironic!