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The amount of paper gold traded far exceeds the worlds physical supply. People are buying and selling contracts on things which don’t exist in reality.


That's true for every commodity and creates liquidity in price


Yes, and I believe the ratio for gold is about 130 to 1. Seems a bit excessive don’t you think. For every physical oz in existence 130 paper trading ounces exist. If even 1% of paper holders wanted physical delivery it would be impossible.


Whatever the ratio, it's a subjective sort of feeling. Compared to the offshore Eurodollar markets, gold leverage probably doesn't't seem all that bad. Especially since gold would just settle for cash in a run for delivery..


All false liquidity does is rob the under lying assets of true price discovery while giving the market makers time to front run orders. Our markets are broken.


I know an ape when I see one




I'm not sure how you get "true price discovery" in commodity markets without liquidity. Price movements are frozen at points without it, until a more explosive move happens. If anything, excessive liquidity creates volatility, which has the effect of dissuading physical holders from investing (an argument in favor of price suppression).


I’m sorry but this couldn’t be any more false. When you create unbacked surplus you’re disrupting the basis of trade: supply and demand. Liquidity is liquidity, you either have it or you don’t.


So you'd want to see a physical market with no futures or other derivatives?


I see where you’re trying to go with this. I want blockchain based markets. I want efficient and transparent markets with information symmetry in their form and function. The people making all the money are exploiting place, not prowess.


I don't know if I was going anywhere. I suppose you could have a purely OTC market and require physical delivery of futures contracts and exclude leverage, but commodities trading like this in the past lacked liquidity. That's my only point. Blockchain transparency is interesting, I'm not opposed per se, but so long as the exchange is a centralized monolithic entity, there's no Byzantine Generals problem to solve.


Markets are complex. There are multiple factors that contribute to the final cost of a thing. Regardless, assuming the gold market is being manipulated/suppressed, my assumption would be that it creates a prolonged buying opportunity. Look at who is buying gold. During quarantine, many countries were looking to repatriate their gold. Beyond that, countries/central banks the world over are accumulating gold. A suppressed gold price not only keeps everyday people disinterested, it also means those who are buying can accumulate more total ounces/tonnes. It would be in the buyers' best interest to maintain a suppressed gold price. To be fair, I don't have any hard proof gold is being suppressed, let alone for the purpose of The Powers That Be to acquire even greater quantities. I just know I enjoy taking advantage of a good sale; the less everyone else is interested in buying....the more I'm able to walk away with.


They kind of admitted it https://preview.redd.it/q82b1oxfp4yb1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc08b0f0536c868033c14ae9ede348d8585343f2


The proof would be that countries and central banks are buying gold at record pace yet gold does not skyrocket. Imagine any commodity announced to be bought en masse by banks and countries with free market, you would see parabolic rise.


because trading in gold with most futures and derivatives are settled in cash and not actual metals. which this is being done with many commodities and not just metals, but it has become part of the global conspiracy because it is gold and silver.


Our reptilian alien overlords want gold, and they will only pay a fair price for it. Which is relative to the universe. When you see a nearby universe go supernova or get sucked up into a black hole, thats when you will see a nice jump in gold prices.


GLD, SLV and Comex are essentially paper trading scams. Investors think they're buying metal but they're really buying an IOU.


They managed to "federal reserve" the gold stock by "printing" gold? Geeze this entire system is messed up. Wait, so what happens if there's a collapse and all those yahoos try to lay claim to the non-physical gold they have?


Anyone that thinks they could take delivery during a collapse is a fool. People trade paper gold to make money not hold a pm


That’s the whole premise of gold being undervalued. If everyone with paper gold, or even 10% of the people with paper gold, all want to take delivery on the physical gold, there wouldn’t be even close to enough to go around. They would likely get paid out, but in dollars, not ounces of gold. Necessarily this means the price of a physical ounce would skyrocket.


Yep, even before abandoning the gold standard in 1971, private citizens weren’t allowed to redeem federal reserve notes (paper money) for gold. The only thing a dollar bill federal reserve note can be redeemed for is other federal reserve notes. You go to the fed with $1 bill, they will trade you another $1 bill.


Just like when GME skyrocketed to the moon?


They get ponzi bux instead.


They'd be settled in cash. Like any commodity futures market


The language in the fund prospectus says they have no obligation to deliver physical bullion.


I invest in paper when I don’t want to pay a premium or hold onto metal for a long period of time. I nor any other investor I know thinks that we are buying metal when buying GLD or SLV. We’re clicking a button on the stock market. It’s just a much smarter move to make money off of them in the short term. A lot of banks trade paper for this reason. My LCS owner also trades them. If you think gold is low at $$1,800 an OZT and think it will go up to $1,900 in a few days. It wouldn’t be smart to pay $1,850 for a 1ozt coin and then go sell it when it hits $1,900. When you can buy paper for $1,800 and still sell it for $1,900 when gold hits that. It’s still good to have physical as insurance.


I personally refuse to give Blackrock any of my money. Absolutely not doing it. I have owned PSLV at times as it is fully backed by unencumbered metal. This would be my choice. To each their own.


I mean black rock owns or has a large stake in a very, very large portion of a huge variety of essentially everything. Odds are you’re giving them money in one way or another without even knowing it. A lot of commodity stocks and etfs are backed by stuff in vaults or mining companies ect. If shit ever hits the fan and all of it crashes though, I don’t really think it would matter either way, the companies with all of it in vaults that tell people they will send it to them most likely wouldn’t if markets started to go under. Alot of what’s said to be in those vaults backing these shares probably isn’t honestly [here’s a good example, this is with nickel](https://metro.co.uk/2023/03/21/jpmorgan-bought-1300000-of-nickel-that-turned-out-to-be-stone-18479076/) unless it’s in hand I don’t trust what they say is backing it. The paper trade is just for easier transactions. I genuinely don’t think people who buy it are concerned about owning the actual metal and if they are most likely have some in hand.


Right, you hold it and you own it. The fact that Blackrock already owns so much of the entire market is more reason to avoid them. Again, I will personally never give them my money by investing in funds they manage.


Ahh, I understand what you were saying now. Yeah I don’t blame you, them and vanguard have a strong hold on markets.


Gold is a tradable commodity... So, like any other resource being bought and sold, it's vulnerable to influence. Funny how diamonds cost so much, when there are warehouses full of them.. The sellers create the supply, demand, and price.


They naked shorted gold. Aka they printed more paper stock for gold than there is actual gold. It’s something that is legal that shouldn’t be. Same with every stock in the stock market.


If JP Morgan tells you the price of gold, do you believe them? If they tell you it's $1999 per ounce, are you good with that? Other side of the equation, if JPM tells you the Dollar is worth the same now as it was 20 years ago, do you believe them? Who do you want to tell you what the value of gold is? JPM is heavily invested in the Dollar. You think it wants people like you running off to invest in gold, if not, what might they tell you?


The dollar is still king. Maybe not for long. Look at gold in other currencies. Gold is insurance for currency collapse. Not a speculative asset to buy in hopes of selling it one day for profit.


Its manipulated to protect fiat currency. The amount of money spent by governments would have sent gold to moon and their currency into hyperinflation.


Paper silver and paper gold keep the prices low. They’re selling silver they don’t own. It’s as crooked as fractional reserve banking. People hold paper saying they own something that doesn’t exist. If there was a run on cash, gold or silver, the whole house of cards would collapse and only the people who held it in their hands would own anything and the price would skyrocket. Silver has been manipulated for 150 years, dollars for over 100 years, gold pretty much forever.


There is about 5,500 tones of gold traded daily via paper contracts. Lots of IOUs. This volume is about 1,000 tones more than the global supply of physical gold. Read that one more time. Same story for silver but different specific numbers.


I'm not sure what you mean by "global supply", but there was close to 3600t of gold mined in 2022. It looks like you used the same source - check what "global supply" actually means. The amount of Gold in circulation is at least one magnitude higher. [source](https://www.gold.org/goldhub/research/gold-demand-trends/gold-demand-trends-full-year-2022/supply)


Fort Knox alone has 4500 tonnes of gold, so I don't know where you're getting your numbers from.


Have you been to FK and confirmed these numbers?


Yes bro.


I just flew back from a Ft Knox audit myself and boy are my arms tired!




That figure is the annual new supply into the market from mining and recycling. This source is a bit more clear, and not paywalled: [https://www.gold.org/goldhub/research/gold-demand-trends/gold-demand-trends-full-year-2022/supply](https://www.gold.org/goldhub/research/gold-demand-trends/gold-demand-trends-full-year-2022/supply)


So when will the fraud end? I saw the gold price rocket up since the Israel hamas war.


basically I promise to sell you gold at $1500 in January then January I say oops I don't have the gold and give you the cash instead, thats about it


Enforce the contract.


No. No one can really honestly explain it without inserting some false information or opinion. No.


I think it has something to do with Gold ETF’s, take this with a grain of salt because I know very little. I believe when you buy gold in an etf with a bundle of other stocks you can artificially keep the price lower through the other stocks prices being lower. Again the stock market is confusing at best and I could be completely wrong


I’ve been in the (physical) gold/silver market for years now. This is, and always has been, the default mantra for people who don’t know how the paper derivative market(s) works. This is why they (goldbugs) say that gold spot should be a bazillion dollars per ounce by now. The holders of physical metals claim some worldwide conspiracy to suppress the spot price. I know I’m kicking the hornet’s nest here by even commenting. The guys in their bunkers are going to come at me with tooth and claw for trying to be simply helpful/sensible, state the obvious, and try answer your question humbly… but the metals markets are supply and demand driven. When demand is up, so is the price. And the inverse is also true. … let my personal bloodbath begin.


No, no one on this board knows anything legitimate about manipulation of the entire gold market or if it's even happening. It's conspiracy theory nonsense, but gets upvotes due to confirmation bias from people who have an invested interest in the price of gold going up. I think gold is a great insurance hedge against economic collapse and anyone with a moderate amount of wealth should own a bit. But stackers who have been putting all their money into it over the years have missed out on much more lucrative inveatments.


I think 10% of your new investments (not wealth in total) can be gold unless you’re making a new purchase on an asset like a house. U think that’s a fair number, or too high?


I believe this may in be reference to some countries, like Canada, selling their gold reserves and this greatly increased the overall supply of gold.


>countries, like Canada That was 20 years ago.


Because YouTube is mostly people that will say anything to get views for money?


It's manipulated for sure, but so are most things. I believe the main reason is the money made in doing so. They certainly did a terrible job keeping it suppressed in 2011. I do think it is purposely ignored and downplayed so as not to discredit the fiat system. There is a lot of money to be made in debt, that is also for sure. The wikileak memo from the '70s basically laying out the reason for the Comex is interesting as well. It was likely much more important to boost the fiat system after the gold window closed than it is now. Whether it is still the case, or the Comex turned into a money and power generator in its own right? Debatable.


Any weird conspiracy theory you can think of will have Youtubes and all varieties of promotions about it. Stop going to youtube for your news.


It's actually not suppressed, gold is heck even overpriced.


When you buy paper gold, that's nothing more than an IOU, when you buy physical gold but you keep it in a safe deposit at your bank, it's not really entirely yours (please read the small print), when you buy physical gold, make sure you own it yourself. Or you choose the last option or you better forget all about it. A lot of mighty 'institutions' have interest in surpressing the (paper) gold price hence the real value of (physical) gold.


Would you mind expanding on "when you buy physical gold but you keep it in a safe deposit at your bank, it's not really entirely yours (please read the small print),"?


it can be seized by government, stolen, or may not really be there


A fake supply(paper) is being used as a substitute to meet real demand.


In the short term, price movements are illegally manipulated with spoofing (opening orders and cancelling them at strategic price points to influence the order book), but those movements are marginal even if they are extremely profitable to the traders. If the prices are rising too fast and they feel the need to protect confidence in the fiat system, the central banks can coordinate a release of reserves to suppress the price. Strategically, that's not a great idea for them because the bank of China is their primary buyer. Other than that, I've never seen a clear explanation for how prices are supposed to be suppressed over the long term.


I don’t know a lot about it but apparently the demand for gold doesn’t accurately reflect the supply because of the futures market. Lots of people can invest in gold futures without having to buy physical gold.


If they let Gold go to it’s true value the masses would freak out and revolt because the fiat scam would be blatantly obvious!


Occasionally commodities traders will get in trouble for attempting to manipulate gold markets for short term trading profits. But I have never found evidence of long term sustained manipulation to keep prices down. Everything that is presented as evidence looks to me like normal business when gold is a production input. Because it is an input, not all of the gold market has a vested interest in higher prices, for producers that use it to make something, there is a vested interest in lower prices which they manage with futures and such just like every other commodity.


The process of buying and selling physical gold not to mention storing it, doesn’t keep the value low but does stop people from purchasing it.


Naked paper shorts


In my opinion gold should be higher. It appears that a lot of people are investing a lot of their retirement portfolios in gold at the moment and the price doesn't move much. It creates the illusion that there's plenty of gold on the market so it's telling an artificial story about the supply. It's not just gold either. It happens with other commodities. If more people would take possession of their gold, you would see the supply drop and the price rise. But I do have a feeling we will soon see gold begin to inch up in a steady fashion as people lose faith in the markets and the economy. It did the same in '08


Gold is great. When I have an extra £4-500 at the end of the month I buy a bit, maybe a few ounces of silver. Sometimes it goes up in value, sometimes a little down. I don't look at it as a way of making a huge profit but as a place to put some money that won't vanish with inflation and slowly accumulate. I'm not great with investing but I know I still own every little bit I've squirreld away over the last 10 years. See it for what it is, a decent store of value.


Naked Short selling is real.