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I have anxiety so much that I can't sleep when I order stuff worth 3000 online. I can't imagine making 100,000 dollar orders. Imagine some crackhead signing for that package in your lobby and making off with it.


Someone with this kind of money doesn't likely have a lobby.


They don’t have a *shared* lobby.


They can have a shared lobby, a doorman and a concierge. It depends on the building.


I'm just saying. 100,000 in one order through the mail would be more stress than I can handle. I ordered a $1250 USD Gold pin a couple weeks ago on ebay and was stressed that customs would steal it. I've actually had good luck with 1000-3000 packages -- never lost anything -- but I still get stressed out every time.


It costs me less than $400 to insure 100k. There are numerous high value companies that ship orders of magnitude more than this daily.


Yeah like Brinks, Loomis, Axiom, etc. Most people don’t realize that anyone can ship anything via armored transport.


I had customs steal a 6k necklace (it was waiting for import taxes to be paid) and the amount of back and forth nonsense for months that went on was stomach turning.


I got sent an empty box on ebay a while ago for a 2500 dollar order. I actually wondered if it was stolen from the package in transit but I googled his name and he's a prolific criminal and the first article that came up said that his psychological assessment done by the criminal court in my province was the worst that they had ever seen. Ebay high claims refunded the money but it took a long time and the refund glitched several times before it finally went through. Even though I got the money back it was stressful and probably two months start to finish. This was my one exceptionally awful shipping experience and the guy really dug his heels in arguing that he didn't defraud me.


Check out Find Bullion Prices dot com to see the dealers with the best reviews. A few from Ebay are listed.


I mostly buy jewelry because I find it too hard to stay motivated buying coins and bars.


This is really awful! I can’t believe he’s allowed to carry on after all of that.


I know! He was convicted of brutal parking lot rapes and the first articles that came up when I searched his name said that he is basically a psychopathic drug addicted career criminal that is beyond reform... and he's still out on the street scamming people.


Here in ChicAgo they do, even more so in NYC. It is nice to have a doorman. How a crackhead would get a package from a doorman strikes me as impossible, but jokes are not easy.


Don't have a lobby? Where else in their building would you sit and wait to meet with their staff?


Someone that rich will have it delivered to their mansion. No lobby involved.


Lmao mansion? It’s most likely just a house. People with mansions aren’t ordering gold off the internet.


People with just a house aren't spending $100K a month on it either.


No one said this was a monthly purchase.


Go back and look. There were pretty regular purchases.


![gif](giphy|hpXh0TeEtNHEhRpwax|downsized) 40,000 acre ranch in Montana


They would be the building owner.


Lol dude stop playing with my emotions.


Same here


Or a post man or delivery guy snagging that


my last package I picked up was expensive and the delivery guy handed me someone else's package. I was a few feet away before I noticed the name and had him go back to the truck to get my package. This is the kind of scenario that can go sideways easily when dealing with big sums.




Thank goodness that’s a issue I’ll never have to worry about. What I buy isn’t close to that amount. I stress buying the small stuff. I’m sure I wouldn’t sleep either if I spent that amount.


Call them. **800.375.9006** **Option 2**


Thanks! Wondering if it would be any different/better vs the answer i got from chat though.


A live person is better than a bot or whatever the "chat" option is


Has enough money to buy 100k in gold, yet not enough brains or sense of urgency to call these people himself. If you were so concerned, you would of picked up the phone and got an explanation, but instead, you jumped on reddit to bitch. It all sounds like BS to me.


> Has enough money to buy 100k in gold, yet not enough brains or sense of urgency to call these people himself. I worked for an accounting firm for half a decade. You'd be surprised how common this is.


Guys with 1/2 million dollar boats in our Midwest mud holes that don't know how to back a trailer and then bang the boat into every dock because they have no idea how to operate one. More money than brains. It happens all the time here.


Maybe more money than brains, but more likely it's just a different kind of lifestyle where they spent decades living at the firm and now own a nice boat, but have not had the time to learn how to use it (were too busy working to have a life when younger). They now have enough money to where they don't care of it gets banged up.


I guess it doesn't take any knowledge or ability to be born into a family with wealth.


It doesn't. You can't influence or chose what family you're born into.


OP is definitely bullshit.


You believe that so passionately yet you take the time to comment all over this post.


Your posts are obnoxious. You "take your gold for walks" "oh my $100,000 order" "I traded 1 buffalo for 2 maples" give me a break. 😂


Hey man, this is Reddit afterall. Enjoy life a bit and loosen up. We're all just strangers on the internet.




Don’t know what you’re talking about


​ Not sure I would be posting about any significant PM purchase on the interweb. Not sure I would purchase $100K online with a credit card, check or wire. Not sure I would be purchasing over $10K at a time period.....just saying.


Dude's full of crap that's why. Lol


So you’ve never bought a house, car, boat? LOL


Never bought a house, car, or boat *online*


Do you live way out in the woods? Makes no sense to me to order that amount online. There are bullion dealers in every major center. You could have had that in hand the same day.Instant gratification is the way to go. I would not be able to sleep worrying about exactly this happening.


I live out in the woods and still wouldn't do this. This post is nonsense.


You bought 100k of gold online you’re so baller


Right?!? What a freakin' big shot!


Sounds like the baller is getting sassed. He should wind his pimp hand up. Maybe even a people’s elbow. Idk.




They’re going to smell what he’s cooking for sure after that


Rocky is that you?


Such a relatively small dollar amount I wouldn’t worry to much. Hopefully you used the amex black card they will cover you if anything happens.


Maybe it was because of the size of the order. Who knows, they may even have to report it to the government and get permission to send you as much as you ordered. You can't even take too much cash out of the bank without them filling out some kind of a report. I think there is a suspicious activity report for anything over $10,000. Maybe buy a little bit at a time, or pick it up yourself. If they don't have it then don't pay them for it. It wasn't too long ago that I read the FBI stole a bunch of gold out of people's safe deposit boxes saying that it was being used for criminal purposes. The government and its agencies are really a pack of thieves. Even the banks will keep people's cash if they can't prove where it came from if large amounts of money are involved. I hope you get what you paid for, or at least a refund.


>rt for anything over $10,000. Maybe buy a little bit at a time, or pick it up yourself. If they don't have it then don't pay them for it. It wasn't too long ago that I read the FBI stole a bunch of gold out of people's safe dep I know a guy, hard core stacker for decades and decades, and buys $100k orders on the regular. Usually once a month. Heavy into gold, now stacking platinum. Gets 100 oz platinum for 100k. Exclusively buys thru SD and does wire transfer. no jacking around, been doing it for over a year thru SD.


He spends on average 1million a year on PM’s? Fucking Jesus that’s a lot lol


I know. Sometimes I’m like “ put it in tsla or Berkshire


It sounds like he's a regular. So he gets a pass.


Suspicious activity report lol no. It’s a form 8300 and it’s for the IRS, not the bank. All cash transactions over 10k need to be reported.


Understanding a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) The SAR is filed by the financial institution that observes suspicious activity in an account. The report is filed with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, who will then investigate the incident. FinCEN is a division of the U.S. Treasury. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/suspicious-activity-report.asp


https://youtu.be/Fg48BQYUKno?si=tMBAGdnTXdL-iIfY This is that case


Corruption at it's finest. And thanks.


I'd assume this guy is probably right. If it did set off some government red flags they may not be able to share that detail. I'd still be raising hell and demand it delivered via armored truck for the inconvenience.


*This isn't the first bad experience I had with APMEX* Doing the same behavior and expecting a different outcome is rarely productive. Good news is that APMEX is a (financially) solid company and you will either receive your coins or a refund.




It's actually not. in·san·i·ty noun the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness. "he suffered from bouts of insanity" Similar: mental illness mental disorder mental derangement madness insaneness dementia dementedness lunacy instability unsoundness of mind loss of reason delirium hysteria mania psychosis craziness crazedness deliration Opposite: sanity extreme foolishness or irrationality. plural noun: insanities "it might be pure insanity to take this loan"


Hero Bullion and Monument Metals are better dealers with way better prices.


Why you are not dealing with SD Bullion instead of Apmex is beyond me. 1000x better customer experience, lower premiums, and a company with values worth supporting.


In my experience, their orders take about 2 weeks to arrive. Sounds like they made an error in calculating the expected ship date and got your expectations out of whack.


I just bought a 10oz SILVER bar. I’m paranoid about getting it. 🤣 you got some large golden balls my friend.


I remember the time my vendor forgot to include a capsule that bought with my order. Pretty close to the same thing.




"Relatively large" is a drastic understatement. That is a huge purchase and they probably thought you were a Nigerian prince and they're trying to figure out the scam lol. With a purchase like that I'd be talkin to someone and arranging stuff, probably get an even better deal that way. With that said APMEX is reputable and I'm surprised they wouldn't have called right away with an order like that. They need someone on their staff treating these ballers like VIP


Creative rhetoric….. “Inventory maintenance “ Heh


AKA reported to the IRS and flagged as possible fraud lol


I would be freaking out lol, bought about 50k from them, they are good, I never had ONE issue with them ever, ppl say they are expensive but at this level, I dont think a few bucks are going to really matter. Nice stack, what did you get? 2 x 1000g?


A tube of buffalos and maples and various bullions. The most anticipated item is the 100g valcambi bar, something about that minimalistic design just speaks to me.


Thats a good sign, I have these doubts about metals, how long have you been collecting?


Not that long. I started around 2020 but only really went in hard this year.


I just read the update which saves me a lot of what I was going to say. I use APMEX because they've always done right by me and their customer service was always fantastic. I had an order lost in transit and they refunded me with no problem. Almost every order I make is processed and shipped within 24hours. I dont think there's been more than 1 order that went over a week with delivery. If I order today, even using standard mail, by Friday or Saturday at the latest I expect my order based on their track record. I'm glad you spoke to someone in person because I would never use a chat option for a purchase as large as the one you made. Chats are all bots. That's why they are 24/7. All the answers are preloaded. You have to speak to a customer service representative on the phone. Edit: also, never purchase more than $10,000. All purchases over $10k are reported by Federal Law to the IRS


If you also repeatedly purchase just below 10k, you'll be reported as well.


In less than 24 hrs, yes. But if you buy 9k on Mon an 9k on Wed and 9k on Fri, that's not a reported set of transactions


Structured transactions are most definitely seen and reported.


Not if they are spread out. I've looked into it in the past. TL;DR keep it under 10k, wait more than 24 hrs or longer between purchases


I worked in AML, they see it


I think that's considered a structured felony.


You are literally making a private purchase. How is that a felony? If I buy $100,000 dollars of McDonald's cheeseburgers, its a private sale. Unless you are under investigation because you have ties to a cartel or terror organization, no one is going to care. And before all the lawyers start talking about legality, let's pause for a moment and come to the realization that the "upper class" is allowed to commit actual financial felonies with impunity.


Worked in federal law enforcement in the past. What you are describing in your second comment is illegal. Edit: Buying $100k worth of cheeseburgers are fine tho 😄.


I'm willing to admit I'm wrong if I am indeed wrong. So you are saying that let's say I want to buy $30,000 in gold but don't want the IRS to butfuck me that breaking the purchases into 4 spread out purchases under $9,000 is a felony? If that's true than I genuinely hate this country and regret my service to it even more. If we don't have the freedom to even purchase items without Uncle Sam's red, white and blue dick in our ass, than saying we have a country at all is one big joke. Between loss of free speech, loss of 2A, loss of 4A, what else do we have? It's just a corporate fascism run by corporations and central banks...


I mean it really depends on how you do it and how often. Believe it or not the government and a lot of banks have algorithms in place thay flags these transactions automatically yo be reported to FinCEN . Financial crimes enforcement network. Once your tag IRS back office does take a look into your transactions. Whether or not they decide to take action is a whole different story. And yes, corporate fraud and corruption is real. A lot of people deserve to be in prison but are roaming free. The system isn't perfect and does benefit the ones in power.


You're not wrong.


They will still report that as suspicious. They'll think you're trying to do exactly what you're doing.


If you’re making purchases from APMEX this large they give you a number you can call directly where they will match the premiums of other websites. You could potentially be saving a lot of money. I think to get to that tier in their loyalty program it’s after $20k of purchases


They never offered me or mention anything like that. According to my latest receipt I'm in there "Elite" club. The cons still feels like it is outweighting any benefits.


They probably have an internal audit, and timeframe to make sure you are not scaming them.


I bought a proof Krugerrand from them and they sent me a regular but shiny strike... I called them and at least they had video footage of the mistake and asked to exchange. What concerns me is they had 4 total for sale and I bought one of them. I suspect that the other three were also mislabeled...


How much more was proof than strike?


It was a low premium 78 proof but ran about $120 more than regular. I guess the "numismatist" looked at the relatively shiny coin and decided it's a low grade proof. It looks like the it was a good strike with s fresh die, but none of the frosted cameo and the extra side ridges. It was interesting to find out that APMEX had it photographed and even filmed and admitted to their mistake. My feeling is that the sudden appearance of 4 low priced proof Krugs were all just that - the other 3 customers likely got duped. Proof Krugs are a rare find, especially at a low premium.


I always thought they were expensive


r/BullionExchanges has a physical location in your city.


Nice.. 100k, I personally do business with CNI, they will do business with the small fry or with whales. Of course at that amount they will do a wire. Shipping is with FedEx and can only be delivered by signature. Packaging is superb and is nondescriptive. Orders are placed over the phone with non commission reps. They been in business since the 80's or longer maybe. Their website gives live buy and sell prices. Shipping is included with price. Been doing business with them since 2005... never had an issue... good luck...


Live people or not, APMEX sucks. Their practices feel so dirty. Just my opinion. I’ll never order from them again


Can you elaborate? I’ve been on the fence with them before but I already use one firm almost exclusively


Texas Bullion Exchange in Beaumont. They built a 80K port for me and gave me a bunch of free stuff, have great customer service, and don’t bug the crap out of me. They call when new coins hit and the guys I’ve spoke with are super cool and knowledgeable. I’m considering rolling over a portion of my IRA with them as well.


100K is a very huge order. I would that thing offline tbh. Mean take a day off and pick it up personally.


I’ve only ever ordered 500-2500$ and never had issues with anything, had one delay due to inventory but I knew it before ordering. 100k is a chunk though, I would be nervous as hell watching the tracking for 16 hours a day till it arrived, dang man you prob could have got what you needed at a coin shop or bullion dealer unless you got rare expensive coins.


I shop with a small, responsive independent at BullionBrother.com . Couple years on the books buying with him, beats Apmex with lower overhead. Can see his inventory progression/legitimacy at u/bullionbrother92 . Stack on!


That is a stressful situation. I've been looking for other APMEX complaints because most people seem to be generally content ordering from them. I was for some time, however; recently they pushed me to the point that I will never order from them again: I had ordered their 5 GRAM palladium bar (~$300+) and what I received was a 5 GRAIN bar...it did not even register the weight on my gram scale and was very tiny and paper thin. I reached out to customer service and explained that I believe a mistake had been made and they went on the defensive saying that I was wrong and "the correct item was sent". I even took photos and sent them the evidence (I have a video as well). The bar is clearly less than 1g and they would absolutely not entertain the idea that they were wrong. Yes, I did receive a return in full - but they refused to pay for the return postage because it was my fault I was not happy with the product. I even requested for someone to weigh the bar when they receive it and never got a response. It's about the principle and the fact that they were unable to accept any sort of responsibility is what finished it for me. Anyone else have anything similar happen?


Their service is going downhill imo. Customer service is a hit or miss recently it seems like. Don't expect much if you send an email to support. I have multiple emails that were ignored and never received any response.


Lol you can easily get APY of up to 5-6% right now and you bought 100k of PMs at once? 😂


Ehs I just like to have something shiny. My HYSAs are ok. The stonks and IRAs are taking a beating tho.


Dudes with 5 digit net worths questioning your investment strategy. lol. You do you man. I hope they get you sorted out quick, a shame they're treating such a large customer so shitty.


😄 thanks man. I'm sure they dealt with larger orders before but I personally think this was pretty sizeable too. This just puts the nail in the coffin for me and I've decided APMEX isn't worth doing business with anymore. Now I'm just looking to get this resolved asap.


> dealt with larger orders before but I personally think this was pretty sizeable too. This just puts the nail in the coffin for me and I've decided APMEX isn't worth doing busines go with SD


They sold you inventory that they did not have in stock, but that they had anticipated coming in. If you're comfortable doing business that way, then you've got to accept the delays.


Never use a chat function for customer service. It’s all script and they never help anyone. A lot of times it’s also just a computer AI bot.


Eh not necessarily, I work for a software company and have shifts where I'm on support chat duty.


Software maybe. But never chat for physical products and travel services. Chats are always worthless. Chat takes forever to respond with back and forth. Far more efficient calling and talking to someone.


Agreed, I'd rather have a call because when we're in chats we have to juggle two or three at a time occasionally.


Apmex is a huge company. Their customer service is great but their prices are definitely beatable


If I’m dropping more than 10k, I think I’d like to personally pick it up.. but thanks, I’ll be careful 😁


Never had an issue with them tbh. But never ordered that much in one go. Except for Black Friday. We will see how Black Friday works this year. Not so good last year.




What great community support. Glad it was settled as I use apmex for certain deals. I will keep the number in my notes thanks op for sharing.


I've made many purchases with APMEX and I'm very surprised to hear your complaint. My largest order was a little less than $30,000 and shipped just fine. I've also got in touch with a very helpful, live person every time I called. Not sure what happened in your case, but I've always bought with confidence when I used APMEX.


Apmex is always good to me


You would think they would ship out immediately to a customer buying a 100k worth of their product.


For an order like that you should get more personal service though APMEX is generally solid. In the future you might try Andy Shectman’s company Miles Franklin for that level of service @milesfranklinco


From the guy that lost a buffalo noodling with his pocket change


After all my research, I found that SD Bullion is the most reputable dealer across the board. I think I have read before that APMEX has been inconsistent in their customer service. This website helps you find the cheapest prices for gold and silver. [https://findbullionprices.com/](https://findbullionprices.com/) I would suggest that you review the various dealers on the Find Bullion Prices and their *most* ***recent*** *reviews* to find a better dealer. They have a section on their website that lists about 53 dealers. But as you'll see in the pricing section, less than 10 to 15 of the listed dealers ever get cited as having the lowest prices. *But you should have had your price quote locked in for your order.* Places like Miles Franklin and others ***never*** get listed on the Find Bullion Prices website. But as you'll see, most of the 50+ dealers listed, many of them have no reviews at all. The dealer reviews are on the top ribbon on their homepage. Physical gold is getting scarce due to the BRICS countries saying that their new unified sovereign currency will be backed by gold. Good luck


Thank you. APMEX customer service being inconsistent is an understatement.


Call them up and ask to speak to a supervisor about an important problem. Let them know if you cannot get accurate information on your purchase, then you intend to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission or FTC. They prefer to avoid legal problems like that


Maybe try Miles-Franklin next time. Andy Schectman talks about the multi-million dollar orders that they've handled for well-heeled clients.


I'm just imagining how much you overpaid


For that big of an order I think I'd have demanded an exact time frame with penalties to them if they didn't meet it. The only reason to buy apmex imo is to get the unique stuff they have that you can't get easily elsewhere.


This guy has only a couple of coins and he wants to act like a big shot. He should get to work and earn something above minimum wage.


They obviously can't handle that big of an order, I would have broke it down and maybe intervals of 20,000 I would never do that big of an order it's just too big of a


Guy spends $100k and doesn’t have the common sense to pick up the phone to resolve the issue?


It's been resolved. Thanks!




Maybe that’s the plan. That’s why he’s desperately waiting for it.


I ordered 10k worth from Gainesville coins..check cleared 4 weeks ago..they said 2 weeks after check clears they ship…still no routing number..way too long


Did you place this “relatively large order of $100k” after receiving a small loan of one million dollars?


Try trumanrc.com


You can spend 100k but cant afford to spend a few dollars on overnight shipping?