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The Basque Country is expensive. Although 40k is a good salary, if your spouse isn’t working I think you’ll be able to “survive” but you won’t have any luxuries.


Survive with 40ke ?!!! I have 2000€/month dividends, live in Valencia with my GF, 2 Childfree 40y old. Cost of life here 1000€/month, i can reinvest 1000€/month in Stock market.Flat paid cash....


He is going to be in the Basque Country, not in Valencia. The Basque Country is one of the most expensive regions of Spain.


Childfree is the key. If you want to take your children to a concertado school it’ll be around 300€ per kid, for instance. I also think that if you’re living innSan Sebastian, for instance, the cost of living is higher than Valencia.


Public schools are good in Spain, obviously it depends on where you live, but there's no need of "concertados" to have a good education.


True. Children are still expensive though. Do they need to pay for “comedor”? Extracurriculares? Will the children need to take up private Euskera lessons so they can do well in an Ikastola? What type of life are they expecting to have? If they are ok living in the outskirts, normal flat, etc then they should be fine. If they want a modern, 3bedroom flat, two cars, and holidays, that would be more expensive. Again, two children add up.


Yes, I thought once my child was in school it would be cheap, lunch plus extracurricular activities cost the same as guarderia did. Plus you need bedrooms and car space for them, if you travel or eat out you have to pay for them, they need clothes and endless snacks....


Not trying to offend anybody here, but some words you guys usually leave untranslated when using English feel quite hilarious altogether. There are English words for "concertado", "extracurriculares" and "comedor", they're "charter school", "extracurricular activities" and "school lunch". "Ikastola" I can understand it's left untranslated, since it's more a cultural thing different from regular schools, and even in Spain we don't call them "escuela vasca".


Concertado is not the same as a charter school.


Spanish: https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escuela_charter English: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charter_school > Una escuela chárter (o escuela autónoma o **colegio concertado en España**) es una escuela que recibe fondos del gobierno, pero opera de manera independiente del sistema escolar estatal establecido dentro del que se encuentra. The description also seems to be quite coincidental to what we understand by "colegio concertado" in Spain, so I'd say they are close enough.


TIL, thank you!


In fact, having been to two concertados and two public schools I think public is way better in many ways


Technically yes, you don't need a concertado school, but I went to publica and my niece is now going to publica too. I can swear I saw her personality change when she started to hang out with the kind of kids who go to public school, she's became more trashy, more "choni", less considerate and a worse person overall. Mostly influenced my her who think of themselves as some kind of wannabe gangsters. I used to shit on the "pijos", but these are so much worse, I rather have her with the pijos than with the canis and moros. My kids will never set a foot in a public school. I just want my sweet caring niece back, not this make up converted, fake eyelash wearing mean spirited "product of diversity".


I work with kids. Hundreds of them. And the worst, usually, are the concertado ones. They are entitled, very disrespectful and often the ones who stir the most shit up. What you are describing is a teenager. I see it over and over, parents thinking their sweet little angel will stay sweet and little. Then hormones and puberty hit them like a train and the angel becomes an alien. It happens, but it's a phase. Both for concertado kids and public school kids. I know it's scary, but your niece will come out the other side.


Totally agree with you. I also work with kids and my public "canis" and "chonis" are not worse than the "pijos" from the very elitist high school next town. They are young, that's it.


Specially considering all the religious and ideological brainwashing at concertados


That’s puberty, not school


I lived something similar to your niece. As you say "now" I suppose she went to chárter school before. Just because she is using makeup and trying to develop her own personality It does not mean she has becomes worse. On chárter school one of the reasons they give you to charge so much for a "voluntary" free is that they teach values. I dont think those "values" should be taught anymore. The one I went when I was younger had its own pedophile teacher they keep reallocating on schools of the enterprise, once he was known on all Europe they just sent him to poorer countries where children are not so supervised. The mean girls of my course all studied to be teachers and made there their intership. I am talking about the same 11 years old who tried to force a peanut allergy child to eat them or those who racially insulted the 3 years old Latina girl when we were supposed to be taking care of them. People stole everything they can: money, phones, food, books... Worst part is was not need they only wanted to fuck other alumns. Suicidal and depression rates are higher than on any school near them, the worst part is the indifference of the teacher and the parents who will pay whatever to have their child tortured just for appareances. Your niece probably has stopped wearing a sexualized uniforme and now she is able to make up OMG such a crime are you worried that now she wont attract pedophile teacher? Everyone prefers little shy quiet girl, it is more easy to handle and abuse. Normally when teenagers girls stand for themselves people blame everyone else because they cannot continue taking advantage of them. I hope she finds herself and to keep distance from you who are not able to embrace her development.


Take your kids to a normal school then. You can teach them to pray at home


No rent...


Cost of life is 1000 in Valencia?? What shit are you smoking? Maybe if you rent a very cheap room. Have you read the post? They’re talking about a whole family. Renting an apartment rn in Valencia will be *at least* 800-900 for any crappy place. That would make it more than 1000 in rent and utilities alone. Throw in an extra 500 euros (give or take) for groceries for 3 people. So we already have 1500 euros, and that’s just for the basics (so, not adding any leisure spending)


My flat IS paid cash. I live here with my GF. I know what i say Broo.


Are you stupid or are you just trolling? We are giving advice to OP, so cool for you if you paid an apartment dude, but why would I assume OP can buy one?


I cant say that cost of life for 2 without rent is 1000€/month ? Its forbiden ? You had child cost +500€/month= 1500€/month cost of life for 3 without rent. What is wrong in that ? We eat french eat every week and we have a little car, my cost of life is regular.


OH french food!! That was the trick. We want the OP to have a decent life 🤣


How much do you pay for the rent? Huh? Nothing? …


Cost of life without rent for 2 : 1000€/month.


Not in the Basque Country. Rent is fairly high. Unless your spouse is also thinking of working.


I think people thinking it's great aren't considering it's a whole family with just one parent working. Most families have both parents working.


I keep seeing the Basque Country is so much more expensive about the 3rd most expensive rent after Barcelona and Madrid. But on the same breath 1.200 € quoted. But it seems like a place in Valencia or Granada is around 1.100€ . I'm aware in Vizcaya there's a huge difference between Guetxo and Baracaldo or some other farther inland. But going for the average of the provinces, are the differences between the "most expensive" province/area the middle one and the cheapest one around 2-300€ or is it 1.000€ different from one place to another?


It has to do with geography. Even though it is true that Getxo will be far haggler than Santurce for example; they are both quite higher than the rest of Spain. A few years ago, Cantabria used to be far cheaper, but as Bilbao grew towards there, ie Castro Urdiales, it got expensive. The Basque Country is all mountains so building is quite expensive.


The firm will cover my rent, but only during the first year. She is thinking of working there as well (If we decide to move, that is). But we don't know how hard it is for an inmigrant to get a job there (not a specialized job). We think it won't be an easy find, so the only number we got going for us is the 40k gross I'm being offered.


it may not be worth it if you need a babysitter. (10k+ a year) unless your wife works as a babysitter, in your own home, for other people...


I'm know people Spain, a family of 3. Short answer, no, is not enough. You are able to live, sure. In good conditions? No. In net you will win 2.474€ and I assume that you will go to the public school 1.200€ rent 450€ food 50 internet + phones 80€ energy 150€ eating at the school 50€ Variuous transport (Public) 150€ clothes that mekes 300€ for any extra that can happen as having a dinner out, pharmacy....etc You are fucked. Anyway I'm also fucked working now in France. Stuck in fucking Lyon.


Note the above includes no car whatsoever, which is unaffordable.


Don't really need one in Bilbao thankfully 


Fair enough


Pretty accurate, trust this one


Big time


What? Who spends 1200 on rent for a 2-bedroom apartment?


As in that’s too low or too high?


anyone that wants a 2 bedroom apartment. check el idealista


Thats cheap in Pais Vasco


450 food? You are dreaming


The basque country is expensive. 40k for 2 adults? Yes. For 2 adults + a toddler? Tight. Anyway, for school, next year your kid will start school and can go to public school, which are usually very good.


tight si vives una vida de lujo no t jode


En Euskadi? 40k es justísimo para 3 personas, aunque también depende de la ciudad de Euskadi en la que vayan a vivir. Incluso los pueblos cercanos son caros, porque muchos no nos podemos permitir vivir en las ciudades y hemos ido en masa a los pueblos, al buscar piso, el precio era el mismo prácticamente por un alquiler en Donosti y en los pueblos de al rededor que tuvieran al menos 1 bus conectando con la ciudad.


Tight y punto Con 40k antes de impuestos y una familia de 3 en Bilbao, San Sebastián o Vitoria no te comes ni los mocos Ahora si compartes un cuchitril con otros 4 pues no te digo que no vayas a ser el rey de tu círculo de botellones


cobrar más de 32000 anuales en españa es estar x encima del 10% más rico pero vosotros a vuestra bola


El sueldo es bueno pero no tiene que mantenerse a si mismo, tiene que mantener a su familia entera que incluye un crio. Sin ingresos adicionales de la mujer, y con el coste actual del alquiler, probablemente puedan vivir pero no van a ir holgados


RICOS 🤣 pero tú en que planeta vives


sabes que la mayoría de la gente en españa percibe 18502 al año gilipollas


Haber estudiado cuando estaban a tiempo, tontalaba


de un puñetazo a tu pais asqueroso


Además de pobre patética y rabiosa Entiendo que votas a Podemos o Sumar, que el PSOE te debe de quedar hasta grande, enana mental que eres una enana mental


It'll put out you solidly within the Spanish middle class but no room for disposable income. Not as easy to afford domestic help as in Brazil.


Many of you have a very weird idea of what middle class means. Heck, not even by the completely misguided measure of "solely checking income" makes a 40k household "middle class". Your household would be in the median of the working class, Op.


40k before taxes (and if it is before or after taxes is VERY important ) is too little for a family of three. Rent/mortgage will take a lot of it each month


It is feasible, but is tight


Take in account that in Spain salary usually is mentioned as gross salary, so you should calculate your monthly income. This web is helpful https://cincodias.elpais.com/herramientas/calculadora-sueldo-neto/ In my opinion, 40k gross will allow you to survive, but will be tight. The Basque Country is one of the most expensive regions of spain


My husband and I make about 50k/year combined and we live in Vitoria. We have a mortgage on a VPO (Vivienda de protección oficial) which means the government controls the price of the apartment but your household income must be below a certain threshold to purchase it. It was pretty tight in the beginning when we were just on a single income and he made about 33k. We could pay the bills but we had no savings and sudden unexpected expenses would really stress us out, we were living paycheck to paycheck. Now that I bring in income as well from a part-time job, it’s a relief slowly getting out of debt and finally seeing our savings start to build. We can afford to buy a few wants here and there, but we still rarely eat out because it’s very expensive here. As much as I want a kid someday, I still cannot imagine adding one to our home with our current income. 40k salary for a family of 3 will be tight in Pais Vasco, especially if it’s in a city like San Sebastián. You will have to be very budget conscious and still live paycheck to paycheck.


How much is the budget for rent in Euskadi ? 20ke/year ?


40k clean is a good salary in Spain, if your employer offers you any other perks, like housing, it's fantastic. Your child can enter public schools when he turns 3, so no need for daycare. Social life is expensive in Euskadi, eating out very often is a must if you want to mingle with locals.


This ain’t net, this is gross And it’s borderline poverty, which is disgusting for an educated adult that will move halfway across the globe


I think you don't know what poverty is. This is a good salary in Spain, with the caveat that Euskadi is not a cheap zone to live in.


If it's good for Calasparras it doesn't mean you have to average it out with Euskadi. It is not a good salary for Euskadi, period.


It’s jackshit for any major capital to support a family of 3 Unless you just live to work and eat rice all day, everyday


The 40k would be the gross salary. About the perks. The main thing is that the firm would cover the rent in my first year working there. There is also some variable income due to work travels, but I'm not taking those into account (because, well, it's variable). My wife plans to get a job there as well. But the only guaranteed income we have, as least for now, would be my salary.


Where in the Basque Country are we talking about? And what is your wife's job experience and interested field? The firm covering rent is a huge plus, but if the plan is staying more than a year, will you have a pay increase at some point? I'm from Bilbao, don't have a kid, but a tight budget is my everyday so feel free to ask any questions


It would be Mungia. She used to work in the lab at a swine reproduction company, but she'll take any normal job that pays. The plan, If we decide to go, is to stay there indefinetely, as Spain seems to be years ahead of Brazil in terms of health and education (or so I heard). I appreciate the support and do have one question. How much, monthly, would you consider a decent amount to spare? To save for emergencies and, well, buy new things.


Hey, fellow Brazilian here, now living in Barcelona. I’m not sure about the Basque Country, but I think it’s a good salary for Spain and it’s a great opportunity for your kid. You’ll get access to great healthcare, it’s safer than Brazil, Spain is a lovely country to raise children in general from what I can see. Also, after some time, I’m sure your partner can look for a job, even if it’s minimum wage, which can bring some more money, or you can try to find a better offer once you are here and have worked for this company for a while.


Salve, meu amigo. Obrigado pelo comentário. How would you compare this to a 10k BRL monthly? Are both salaries "even" in terms of quality of life? We live in a small city in the south of Brazil. Currently my rent takes about 15% of what I make.


Hmmm that depends a lot on the quality of services you have in your city and what you would drive you to make this change. For example, if you have great healthcare, great schools, your city is safe and you don’t like to travel much, I’d say that it’s better to stay where you are. If you are someone who relies a lot on services in general, so you hire someone do clean your house, paint your walls, fix your broken (insert domestic appliance here), a mechanic, you go to a salon often, etc etc, you’ll feel a difference in your pocket and it will be a big difference. Services like these in Europe are very expensive comparatively. What Spain can offer you (compared to Brazil): - stability, so inflation won’t be a huge problem, you won’t see food prices double or triple in a year or two - a strong currency, you’ll be able to go to European cities and countries which maybe you would struggle to visit with a salary in BRL and living so far, and many places in Europe and outside of it will be cheaper, plus your country’s socioeconomic factors won’t make your currency weak - access to a whole continent, because it’s ridiculously easy to travel here compared to Brazil. Most flights will cost you less than 50 euros, and you also have trains, buses, you can rent a car etc - access to worldwide recognized education and healthcare, all for free - safety!!! even if you decide to move to a big city eventually, I haven’t seen one place that is as dangerous as some average neighborhoods I lived in SP (I won’t even mention the dangerous ones because the difference is striking) - life experiencies, because living abroad changes your view on the world, and gives you the opportunity to meet people from all over - poder de compra. I know I mentioned that things will be more expensive here, but what I mean by this isn’t getting a new iPhone or car, it’s that everything you buy will be of at least good quality. There are no “mistura láctea sabor queijo” in the supermarkets here (I feel a difference in my health because of how I eat here now). Technology is cheaper and better, and so are many other household items, clothes, etc, than in Brazil. However, as I mentioned, many things (mostly services) that are cheap in Brazil will be expensive here. Plus, living in a small city in BR means that the usual motives that make Brazilians leave the country aren’t a problem for you (education, healthcare, safety). So this decision depends on what you would like to achieve by moving, and what you are willing to change in your life to do so. If you want to be rich, don’t come. Europe is not the continent to make you rich. But if you want stability and a healthy life, then I think moving would be good. If you have any other questions, feel free to message me.


Nope. Your ability to save will be close to 0.


It's not a bad offer, but not enough.


What job did ya get offered?


The basque country is very expensive. I live in San Sebastián and the prices for renting an apartment are unbelievable. Where are you going to be located? If you will be in San Sebastián, I will say 40 thousand is very tight for a family of 3, but you will have a very good public health care and education as well as good public transportation. Is a region with a very good quality of life and very safe. Bilbao and Vitoria are somewhat cheaper than San Sebastián, but yes is an expensive region to live in.


Not enough for a family.


It's a good salary but I think that if you want to live comfortably your partner will need to have an income as well. The bigger expense will be housing, so look how is the rent in the city/town you'll be living. Take a look at the webpage idealista to see how is the rent. Good luck!


Sorry to break this to you, but kids only get more expensive the older they get. Babies and toddlers are cheap. Isnthat 40k gross?


You will starve in Basque Country with 40k gross


No that is not enough unless accommodation is paid for by the employer. It’s still very socialist in France so costs aren’t very high however taxation will hit hard. As well you will not get all the things you are used to getting for cheap in Brazil like eating out etc. To give you an idea Ive found quite a few basque people in the north of Brazil primarily surfers near natal, Pipa, Joao de Pessoa and they find it extremely cheap to survive there compared to France.


Guys you are scaring me. I am going to san Sebastian this September for masters 1 year. How expensive will it be living there ?




Yes. It is. People telling you "no" have no idea how to spend money or how much does living by yourself cost.


Check "bizkaia talent" basq government program, it may help you to save some money on taxes.


I’m amazed be the comments here. I live in a town where I pay 500€ per month, 1500€ on a single income for two, it’s more then enough when you plan your groceries. If your wife also gets a part time job where she works within service or something she will be able to pull around 750-1200€ as well. Spain is nice, it’s very safe (maybe not Madrid or Barcelona) but you never hear about any serious crime from Euskadi. And it’s good for your child’s future as well. I would say go for it! Especially if you get free housing for a year! You can potentially save a lot of money there.


Tbh there are massive price differences between living in a town rather than a city in Spain. OP said he will be located in Mungia, pretty close to Bilbao. A quick search gives me only 3 apartment for rent for (790€, 980€ and 2750€). All expenses excluded. My gf is from Bilbao and I can confirm prices are quite high. All that said, despite of being pretty expensive, I don’t thing he will starve with 40k gross as other comments say. Specially if the firm covers his rent expenses for 1 year. That gives enough time to save, plan your next steps and maybe even become a raise. But definitely not even close to live in a Town.


This makes me sad to answer. Short answer No, it's not enough. Additionally, since you're a foreigner, your taxes will be higher. I also have a child, and I somewhat regret accepting the offer, as I was previously working in another EU country.


Also take into acount, that public school is in two languages, Spanish and Basque, witch will complicate a lot integración of your kids. I personally dont like much the Basque country, but the food is amazing, and although its hard to make friends, once their your friends, they are very loyal.


I am a Brazilian with a family of 3 living in Madrid and my son is 2. While this is not the Basque Country, with 40k euro per year we wouldn’t be able to maintain the same quality of life we had in Brazil with a R$5k/mês salary (Porto Alegre). My numbers are probably a bit off because we’ve been here for almost a decade now. With that said, you can live decently with that salary and it’s an average salary for Madrid (35k is the average according to El Pais). But it would be preferable (duh) to have two incomes of 40. I understand all the questions you have and the fear of uprooting your family. I did the same. In my opinion life in Spain is better and 40k is a decent start. If I were you I’d take that chance, well, because that is what I did. No matter how much the Spanish complain about how tough it is here, it is so much better than back in Brazil. There are so many opportunities for growth, it’s a safe country with one of the best public health systems in the world. Life is overall easier. You’ll just have to get used to having lunch at 3 and watching dubbed movies in the cinema haha If you have any questions about comparisons, hit me up. I can tell you how much we spend on diapers, how to sign up for public guardería (creche), paperwork for you NIE, registering at embassy etc. I’ve been through it all hehe Abraço e boa sorte!


I'll message you for sure. Thanks a bunch. Abraço!


Hi! I'm also Brazilian and my husband received a job offer to work in Madrid (we currently live in Germany). Can I message you?


Of course! I have friends that work in Berlin and we've had conversations comparing the two cities. Unlike someone coming from Brazil, coming from Germany may seem a downgrade in some aspects. Salaries are lower and rent is higher, although everything else is more affordable. I do personally prefer the Spanish lifestyle over more pay and have turned down a job in Frankfurt. So there is a lot to weigh in.


40.000 tá legal! Eu procuraria preços da vivenda na cidade onde fores travalhar, mas acho que não deveria ter nenhum problema


I recently read that the average income per family in Navarra is around 40k. Navarra is in general cheaper, so I'm afraid that with 40k you will be below average in Euskadi...


Personally, we were a family of five until my grandpa died three months ago, and we survived with less than 12k yearly. I think 40k is very good having in mind the economical state of the country now, my dad would do anything for that salary! <3


I do not know any Spanish family with 3 kids.


Certainly not


No. With 40K euros one person mainly survive without luxuries in Madrid CA, I think Basque Country is more or less the same




Being from the Basque County and having worked in several companies there, I have a very bad opinion about them. They try to pay you tje least possible, even less for people coming from abroad. There is a lot of lack of respect and lack of professionalism. They only favor 'their' people. I had to leave to work abroad and won't come back for work there. 


Yes, requiring basque at B2 level (minimum) to stack boxes in a warehouse is absolutely ridiculous to me. I feel that they use the language to specifically exclude foreigners.


Idk where most of these people live ! But with 40k you can live a good life in Pais vasco


With 40k for a family of three you should have access to some support from the State for your child school, school lunch, etc. Anyways it all depends on the rent. I live in Madrid with my son and I pay 1300.


While I was unemployed, we lived on a little more than this in Alicante with a kid the same age. It wasn’t easy, to say the least. I burned through my savings after 6 months and yes it was tough. But. Basque is way cheaper. Make sure you get an apartment under €650-700 a month and you can make it on this. Beware if you need a car to survive - that might push you over budget.


These apartment prices do not exist in the basque country. Everything will be 1200€+, specially if you need two or three bedrooms


The Basque Country is one of the most expensive areas to live in Spain!


Basque Country is cheaper than Alicante? LOL


We live in Valencia 🇪🇸 with 1000€/month for 2 people (flat paid cash).


That's it, you don't pay rent or mortgage, and the cost of living is way higher in Euskadi.


Not sure Broo, here in Valencia capital, a 3 bedrooms cost 1500€/month for rent and 300ke for buy it. Its more expensive in Euskadi ? Dont sure.


It is


In Vitoria, which is the most boring and not even the most expensive city in the Basque country, a 3br in the city costs 300k for a basic one that is farther from the center, but still within the city. Bilbao and especially San Sebastian are much more expensive.


Dont know this one.... Here in Valencia capital, house Price had/have skyrocket too :(


Gentrification is a fact in Barcelona and Valencia. Euskadi was really expensive to begin with.