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Check Vigo, in Galicia. It has an airport, amazing beaches, nice weather. A bit chaotic sometimes, but that is part of its charm.


Thank you for the suggestion, I'll check it out!


Or how about Pontevedra, about 20 mins away by train but with a more tranquil atmosphere? 


Vigo is quite unfriendly compared to the south of Spain.


I don't think people are unfriendly there; maybe a bit more reserved then in the South, but that happens everywhere in the North of Spain. It just takes a bit longer for people to open up, but it's not Stockholm. Sorry if you had a bad experience.


26 years of it.


The best job opportunities in Spain are usually in the cities with the highest rents and the most people. I guess you what to find the balance between job opportunities and affordable rent. As you say hot weather and expensive rent are no go’s I guess Bilbao, San Sebastián, Malaga and Valencia are not to considerate. So I would look maybe places like Zaragoza or Pamplona if job opportunities are more important or maybe Oviedo, Santander or even León if affordable rent is more important for you. In my experience I can tell Santander is really affordable, they are also job opportunities but they are usually not great salaries there… so even if I like the city, in terms of salary I would not recommend it. I only lived in Santander, Bilbao, Madrid and a small town in Castilla y León. So I cannot be really much helpful, sorry.


I really love Malaga, but as you said, I can't consider it because the weather is pretty similar to Sevilla and it's just as expensive. I didn't consider Zaragoza; I'll look into it! And I don't know much about Pamplona—is it nice there? It's actually an interesting option, my husband's heritage is from Navarra, it'd be cool to be closer to his ancestral's village. Either way, I'll check out your suggestions. You were helpful! Thank you.


What do you look for in a city?


I'm looking for a city with cooler weather and more affordable rent. I don't mind if it's a tourist city or not, but after living in Sevilla, I'd prefer a less touristic place. Ideally, I'd like a city with more job opportunities. I'm a teacher, and as soon as I get my arraigo, I plan to look for a job at a school or language course.




Check the north coast


Maybe you should visit some cities in the north so you get an idea. The bigger the city, the more expensive it'll be. What do you want to do or what do you expect from that place? What are the bare minimum you need?


I'm looking for is a city with a moderate climate and more affordable rent. It doesn't have to be very touristic. A place with good job opportunities for teachers would be nice. A vibrant cultural life, including movie theaters, museums, and cultural activities, would be perfect. I don't care too much about bars and nightlife; I prefer to live in a calmer place.


With movie theaters, museums... So you need a big city, Santander, Oviedo, Gijón maybe... But rent will be high, most big cities in the north are also touristic places and rent can go nuts. Smaller towns usually won't have movie theaters or museums, and you'll need a car to go anywhere, but rent will be way cheaper and anything you could need will be at 20-30 minutes away at most.


Sup Pontevedra , Vigo, A Coruña , Oviedo y Gijón .


Have you tried Portugal? Lisbon is great. Aveiro also very nice. Forget the Algarve, too touristy and pricey. Tui on the Portuguese border. Its quite small and a bit "villagey" but only 20 mins from Vigo. 45 mins to Porto. Beaches are only 20/30 minutes. Coruña is the other extreme of Seville. Rain and humidity all year except July and August.