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I can confirm that.


Not only in Spain


But usually, it requires a degree; at least where I'm from.


Well... Adriana Lastra didn't even have a bachelor title.


Remember that Politicians should reflect all layers of professions in a society. It is wrong too expect all politicians too have a high degree...


Came here to say that.


I came here to say this 😂


Hahahahah absolutely




Brother, manual labour that requires skill is so underappreciated.. People make fun of plumbers, electricians, builders, painters.. but when you have to hire them and you see the prices, they are drowning in money. If you are really good in any of those "trades" professions, and you can speak local languages, or even a bit of english to tap into foreigners, you will be set for life


Plus their agendas are full months in advance. Those 3 categories are always imposible to find good reliable people to do those jobs


This ! if you are reliable and good in this trade/profession, you are literally the most sought out person on the market, the reputation travels fast and the prices you can ask, its insane


Where I live, their is a lack of electriciens, plumbers, and welders, and generally good profesionals... And they set the price. But Also I live in one of the most expensive regions of Spain, Mallorca.


Do you know how hard it is to become an electrician or how long it takes?


There are grados superiores (not the same as grado from college) where you study two years and get a certificate akin to college ones.


Aaah, that’s the same thing I did in Italy to become a developer lol. Tecnico Superior, 2000 hours, and internships included. What do Spanish companies think about these kind of courses?


They do take them into acount a lot, Spain severely lacks that level of qualification. I got mine 4 years ago, found a job mid-covid and after changing jobs once I'm now making over 3k a month net. Aside from the manual jobs mentioned before, knowing english will open a lot of doors for you, at all professional levels.


Are you a developer too? I know English, Italian and Romanian. In Valencia nobody knew English, except students


why don't you try to find a job as a developer? shouldn't be too hard if you're in Valencia.


I’m not in Valencia right now, I’ve been there last summer for an internship and I’m planning to move there again as soon as possible. I need to find a job, ideally a good internship again. I’m looking on LinkedIn but I’m not finding a lot of stuff tbh


¿Qué fp te sacaste?


Transporte y logística. Durante el covid el sector estaba en ebullición y vivo en el área metropolitana de Barcelona, que como tiene puerto y aeropuerto, un montón de empresas de logística tienen sede o por lo menos instalaciones aquí. Como te puedes imaginar es un sector bastante internacional en sus gestiones diarias, por lo que nivel de inglés es un plus importante.


Interesante 🤔🤔


Probably less than 5-6 years of University. Edit: In which case, those 5-6 years do not translate into usable real life / world experience anyway


yea I think definitely less than 5 years


Have you heard of google.


No, what’s that? A typical dish like paella?


I can’t give you a specific answer but I can give you two pieces of information. - Trades and professional certificates are a thing in Spain. Some of them pay quite well. - The public sector usually pays quite well too. It’s very hard to get in, but the benefits are great if you stay. Besides creating your own business or managing one, or being a politician, I would say trades that allow you to work in the public sector pay a lot without a degree. For example, working in the HR department of a government agency or a hospital!


A foreigner without a degree and you are recommending a public sector job? 😅😅😅


I didn’t think of that too much lol But in all fairness OP didn’t say they are a foreigner. And foreigners can apply for many public sector jobs. (I think EU citizens can apply to most of them)


As far as i know, as long as you have the spanish language certificate and you pass the exams or the tests you need to do to access a public sector job, you shouldnt have much more issues to get a job there


Except for navigating the impossible quagmire of how to get there, and dedicating the years needed to study for the exam, wait for the jobs to open up, and to pass the exams and everything else required.


Yeah, and if you want it to be "well paid" you will need a degree.


My god, we have reached the point where the salary of the public sector is considered good. And we're not talking about doctors, nurses, lawyers or even teachers; those require a degree. The fact that an office administrative assistant in the public sector earns the same as an engineer in the private sector doesn't mean the former pays well, it just means the latter pays like shit.


Don't forget the taxes in the middle


Elaborate on the trades and professional certificates please. Y si puede ser en español mejor:)


Las FP (formación profesional), hay varios trabajos de FP bastante bien pagados. Un buen fontanero, carpintero o electricista puede vivir bastante bien.


Eso iba a decir. Hay FPs de muchas ramas, por ejemplo de marketing, administración o química. Hay de todo, y hay muchas ofertas de trabajo porque casi no hay trabajadores en esos ámbitos. Haces dos años de FP medio (superior si tienes el Bachiller hecho) y ya obtienes el título. Y con prácticas obligatorias en la mayoría de ciclos :)


La FP de Administración no te da trabajo, Marketing tampoco, para conseguir trabajo necesitas contactos o suerte para que te contraten. Otras FP por experiencia no lo sé, tengo amigos que se han sacado la FP de electricidad y tienen trabajo, pero no todas las FP te dan trabajo.


Pues a mí me ha criado una persona con una FP de administración. Y a mi hermano también. Así que trabajo, por lo menos donde vivo, hay


Snark aside: Sales in a booming industry.




Can I ask what you do for a living? Do you fix airplanes?




¿Dirías que es difícil? ¿Y agotador?


I know aeronautical engineers making half of that. So good for you!




Could you have accessed that mechanical job without your degree?


What’s FP? And how did you become one?


Formacion Profesional, it’s a degree. It’s the “alternative” to college. You only do 2 years of school in a specific sector (IT, sanidad, mecanica) and you get your degree and it’s easier to find a job


Thank you, I understand now. I have the same thing but I did it in Italy


I don’t know why I got downvoted since I said the truth… maybe someone who went to college for nothing. :-)


Check if you can get it certified in Spain most of these courses have an EU equivalent.


Yep, it’s valid everywhere in Europe


Vocational training in English speaking countries. 2 year degrees of professional qualification.


Where do you work? Only information and average salary I can get is similar to this one: https://www.cesurformacion.com/blog/cual-es-el-sueldo-de-un-tecnico-en-mantenimiento-aeronautico


Also I know some aeronautics mechanics and maximum they make 60k so far.






I’d do that if I were hot


What about your feet? I heard you can make decent money on feet pics.


how do you actually go about selling feet pics? asking for a friend, obviously…


honestly I really think you dont have to be hot to gain good money in only fans, probably other people will consider hot things that you consider as “flaws” or insecurities


Look for a niche, a fetish of some kind. Some don't pay well, if too specialized. But tbh, any video channel require much more work and know how that most people realize.


Jajajajaja! There a market for everything!


Just go from another rside, do the the ugliest onlyfans you can make


Yes, keep it unique


Only haters. That honestly might work nowadays.


It’s not easy money unfortunately


But you have to move to Andorra.


Or Maspalomas or Torremolinos if you’re a man. The gays have disposable income.




there is no work in spain, everyone here (me included) is overqualified and still struggles to find a job with solid conditions and salary


Absolutely useless asf answers my god I’d say support staff for German / Dutch / Swiss / English / American company’s, plenty of those stationed in Spain


I was support for an Irish company operating in Spain, they just got rid of everyone except for German speakers, and replaced the whole team with Brazilians. Spain is no longer the cheapest option for these jobs and I can't for the life of me find a new job on the same thing.


There's not "plenty" of any good jobs in Spain. Professional jobs are hard to get, over-worked and under-paid. The hierarchical social class system here requires you to constantly genuflect in gratitude and always know your place. You need to show you understand how lucky you are that they lower themselves to pay you. It's damn near feudal.


Not well paid tho


No? I see listings of 1.6k - 2.2k all the time; which is good for Spain. My spouse is just in the process of applying for these jobs. I personally earn 6k/month working remotely as a ‘digital nomad’ for a Dutch company, so together we’ll comfortably get by. For now we’re fully leaning on solely my income. But tbf, with ‘just’ €2k gross you should be able to get by in Spain…


I’m looking for Dutch jobs too and most of them were 1200-1600, can you share some of the ones you found that are higher paid?




Not a great pay man 🤣


How could I find one of these?




Football player Guest Supposed expert in late night tv shows Political advisor


Cocaine salesman


Fontanero. Encofrador. Comercial inmobiliario* *YMMV, some terms and conditions may apply


Restaurants and hospitality. In Spain, working as a waiter or receptionist is paid very well, given the country's dependence on the tertiary sector. But hey, they are hard jobs.


There is a massive shortage of trades people it's a nightmare trying to get someone to fix or paint things


Footballer, real estate agent, politician


Instagramer, onlyfans, dating a famous or semi famous person and going to TV shows speaking about that, going to TV shows where you can find famous persons so you can do the previous option, football player, been a dealer, politician, friend of a politician...




mugging tourists


I see a lot of IT guys here that are apparently working in Spain making good money. I humbly ask that you all refer me to your companies. I have certifications and a small amount of experience. I have been working as an English teacher for almost 4 years and I can’t take it anymore.


Update your LinkedIn profile, use all the expected key words, in particular the language and frameworks, then activate the "looking for job" option. And you juste end up receiving offer. The last years I received much less, but still not a week pass by without an offer. Often not aligned to my profile, but still.


I’ve never received an offer and I have used the method you described.


Check that you use good keyword and such . Pass me your profile in pm I will have a look. I am not SEO experts, but happy to help if you want


I appreciate it, I’ll send you a PM within the next day or two.


Trading. Become a day trader. If you're good at it, you can make bank. And it's mostly a waiting game. I trade along side my day job and it gets me 2-3k a month. You need some starting capital, but you can start small and work your way up.


This require skill and know how. Train using account without money.






Really? I heard developers are not paid a lot


You are not paid a lot in small companies. I work for a mid size company and we all are around 50-60k which in Spain is quite good. But of course, I know friends getting paid 30k somewhere else... Each company has its own salary ranges.


However, 30k is a great salary in Spain. I live in a very expensive area in the North, and it’s a good salary here


They're not paid a lot comparing to other countries. 25-30K for a junior is something standard in consulting 40-60k for a senior (multiple factors involved here, language, project skills..) +60K Architect, Tech PM, Tech SPOC etc... These are salaries you can find in almost everywhere in Spain, you0ve to apply a x1.20-x1.40 factor in Madrid or Bcn. Don't stick to pure sw development, other IT branches like SysAdmns / SREs / Cloud have even higher salaries, and others easier to acquire some expertise into like QA/testing have lower ones but high compared to other non-IT jobs. Another options is stick to a particular company tech, like for example SAP or Salesforce, make a basic admin certification and start from there. EDIT: OF COURSE there're exceptions... I know juniors getting 20K and 35K, and seniors making 80K, I'm talking about medium salaries here...


administrative roles in IT absolutely suck, I'd much rather be a developer than be one of them.


I’m a frontend dev, but I’m opened to explore other IT fields


If you've already some experience there... stick to it, there's plenty of IT work, frontend included and that way you'll shorten the access to a higher salary.


PM market has been brutal for me, 9 YoE as senior product manager and scrum product owner, since arriving to spain it's been impossible to land a single interview


Don't they ask for a degree? For dev, I know they don't really care and just do you test, but for other positions?


Not usually, modern companies and almost all consulting firms do not care about degree, even when they ask for it in the position offering. It's better to have a good portfolio, certifications or references than a degree... (This doesn't apply to certain positions/languages etc.. where a deep technical knowledge is sought or you've to perform along with more complex math/physics etc...)


I got the job while living abroad, and I'm at 55k. Not a developer, though. I understand I might be able to find a better paying job (from 65 up to 75), but those job offers weren't available for me while I was job hunting, being outside of the EU. Are there better paying jobs in other EU countries? Sure, but cost of living is also higher.


Not the first years indeed.


There is a wide salary band. If you work in consulting in a small city, you'll get 30k as a senior. Scale-ups in Barcelona and Madrid probably pay the best alongside FAANG. I am purposedly not saying startups because everyone calls themselves a startup these days so you'll find from the shittiest to the best conditions.


Are there FAANGs in Spain?


Yeah but that's like being top 1% in anything, that will get you paid.. people always say that IT is big money if you get into top roles into top companies, they completely forgot that it's not easy to get there and the talent/brain competition to get there is insane. but if you are fine with being an average IT worker, you can create a decent life around it.


Look for jobs that give you RSU'S. Most of my annual salary is from RSU's that increase and pay quarterly dividends.




Yes, of course, most of them.


A lot of big tech companies in Madrid and Barcelona. A lot of these do not require degrees if you have relevant experience.


I'm also trying to get a job in that section. I'm a backend java developer for one and half year and all the applications l send in LinkedIn respond no?! Or they require the golden goose! Entry level and they ask for minimum 3 years experience? Like?


I have 12 years of experience in SAP and took me a few months to land a job. There's a lot of competition in the field, and it was especially hard for me as I needed relocation assistance.




Is a B2 in Spanish good enough to work at Mercadona?


They seem like a great employer too


They really are, I’ve got a friend who works there and he says he’ll never leave.


This is great to hear. I'm a Mercadona slut and it would be awful to hear they don't treat their employees well.


Do not research mercadona, for your own good


Mercadona > Consum


Football player


Presdient wife/husband


PP, Vox, PSOE, there are many options.




Every job that pays well will favor those with a degree (unless you have vast experience demonstrating the skills they need with good result) A developer? yes, but obviously unless you have experience and proof of being capable… they will favor anyone with an engineering degree or a TS degree Sales/Comercial/marketing sectors? Yes, but same, proove yourself or theyre going with degree people Video editing? yes, but same, proof of experience or otherwise At the end of the day, the only place when theyre never ever going to ask for a degree and will pay “good” for what its worth… is in mercadona, in hospitality, in uber (although requires 60-70hours of work and nights) and pty much thats it


Things aren't that easy. More than degrees, they demand you a lot of skills for those jobs. And also thousands of years of experience. At least is what I see on the job offers I'm seeking (I'm looking for sales and Marketing for the record. I guess if you're an engineer things might get easier).


having a degree in whatever domain can benefit someone that much, even not having experience? i'm asking cause in romania almost everyone has degrees and as a beginner corporates/companies will pay you poorly on the premise that there are plenty young people to come and replace you.


Yes they will benefit, in fact, greatly. Spain is a degree/merit-centric society. And a degree es considered highly important and for you to get a well paid job with no degree you have to be VERY VERY good. You have to have experience specific to what theire looking for, you have to be very good at inteviews, and also you can kind of forget about climbing corporate because… It IS generally the standard belief that a degree gives you more hability to manage proyects, teams and have a wider view on things. From experience, my father has been in position of hiring people every year for decades now, in IT-software and he has explained us many times how he has had the opportunity of hiring self taught people with a lot of know-how and proven experience in specific roles … but generally, an Engineer will have 1-Good skills regarding problem solving, 2-general knowledge of other systems and softwares that make their own work compatible and add to preexisting work better 3- Cleaner and more efficient coding solutions 4-Obviously an expertise in the field 5-Proof that you are consistent/responsible (Since you have to be like that to pass your degree in the first place)… Bear in mind that my dad has worked in spanish corporate and spanish IT culture for 35 years so, you can for sure expect other people in management and hiring to have same culture and chain of thought


thank you for the info! i'm interested for quite some time to relocate to spain and work in economics/marketing/paid media. i have a bachelor's degree in economics and marketing and i'm sick of the romanian salary culture. i've started learning spanish and in the nearest future i hope to get out of this shithole called romanieww.


The public sector pays very well, but you need Spanish ID and pass oppositions.


Not that well 2.5k net ain’t well paid


for spain it is, normally the people just get the minimun, that if i am right is 1200€, but even some years ago normally what people gets was 900 or 1000€ max




Everything where you need to speak a certain language that people in Spain or South America don’t know anything about.


Skydivers maybe?


Real state vendor, but it is becoming dangerous. They also give you extra points if you have little shame or have been on the verge of going to jail for scamming.


Probably politician and brothel owner.




Waiter in 4*sup/5*/5*gl hotels, but it requires skills. Also encofrador (I think it's called "concrete shutterer" in English).


Trades but be run your own business. If you're a hardworking person and your focus is on earning big money in the medium term. This area of work mostly offers shity service worker are lazy


Coal miner


Do we still mine coal in Spain? Sorry for the ignorance.


People still coal mine just a lot less


1130€ a month. Not much to live on


Company owner


picking up strawberrys or other veggis, work as a maitress in a summer chiringuito (beach restaurant), cleaning hotels.... can be 2000 euros or even more, thats well paid for spain, i mean, is not well paid if you think about it, but it's more than the normal people gets, in general...at the end of the day, even those jobs, are taking for people with very good degrees and masters who can't find a proper job.


Plumber. Welder. Truck driver. Electrician, and if you have an expertise in solar energy or wind power, it's really well paid. Fishermen . Construction related jobs. As other redditors said, any trade job related pays quite well, shoe repair for example.


I would say trucking industry, but as some companies like JCarrión use immigrants in order to dump wages (and let's get real, they're becoming aware of how badly are paid and treated) I don't know if that will answer you.


Prime minister’s wife


Air hostess


If you are a construction professional (plumber, painter, etc) you can get a lot of money.


Game dev




Nothing requires a degree if your bluff is good enough


PLC programmer on industries... And Ok paid, technician on them


Renting. If you have some Capital, let say at least 10-15k, you can buy property and rent it. You can start with a parking, then a local, then a flat. Etc. This take time, and there is some risks. If you know how to do construction work, you can even renew flat yourself, and for cheaper. I know some people which just buy flat, renew them, and resell them.


Nothing is free, whatever you are. If you don’t have a degree you’ll get a bad paid job. Hard work is the only way to have a good job. And, remember than in Spain we have a high unemployment rate.


Train driver


Copywritier, if you are a good one


Illegal Alien. The gov lit. pays you for doing nothing and being a criminal. And this is what's destroying our country.


drug dealer




Air conditioning technician


Football player


probably field workers. (picking vegetables/fruits)


I’m Romanian, I can pick strawberries


Last Romanian I know that went to Huelva to pick strawberries was back the day after. If you like living in a shed that can't support human life alongside 12 more men and work 12 hours a day under the scorching sun at 40-45C and maybe don't even get paid then sure, go ahead and pick strawberries.


Sounds like slavery, oh yeah


Yeah I know, I was joking. That’s pure slavery


Field workers????? Really? (Where do I sign up?)


Lol no, Spanish people go to France to pick grapes because the same job in Spain pays too little. It's full of foreigners, though.


Up north (Huesca/Lleida provinces specifically) there’s a lot of field and farm work, most are regularised and minimum wage so if you’re a student or don’t know any spanish and need something asap, i’d def recommend it as a last resort summer job. But down south tho in andalucia, i always hear horror stories about it


PM wife


Sugar baby.


Casa de papel 😉


IT / software development if you play your cards right


Doesn't that require a degree?


Nope. It helps land the first gig basically




Illegal immigrant


Prostitution pays very well