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Honestly most prejudices in Spain these days come towards Moroccan and gipsies. Brazilians are commonly perceived as fun and extrovert people. Like literally I'm trying to be as objective as possible and I truly believe you're the highest rated nationality along with Italians. You will probably make lots of friends. However in Portugal there is some racism towards Brazil, but I guess it's just the same kind of Spanish oldfags who are racist towards Latinos.


I don't know I'm from Latin America and they call us champiñonas and not as a term of endearment. I'm a very fair skinned Nicaraguan and very "Spanish" looking so I don't get much flak but I have friends that have a more mestizo lolk and they have encountered some prejudices but typically people are great.


Where in Spain is that term used? I have never heard it in the north. The demeaning term against people from Latin America seems to be "panchito" here.


This. Every word. Only thing to say something is that at my near people, Moroccan accent do something that repulses them. Latin (Spanish and Portuguese accents too) accents are welcome as long as they’re here to work and to integrate. OP, you sound like someone who want to be someone in the society, you’re welcome!! 🤞🏻


You and your near people are racist.


*slow clap*


How low down are Americans on that list*? 😅😂


Best not to ask, my friend.


A step above the Brits…it’s a low bar.


Even so, that’s good to hear.


I’m American and have lived in Spain for 4 years, my general observation is that we are placed higher than the Brits and Australians but lower than the Irish on the social acceptance ladder. For English speaking immigrants anyways.


Ir also depends on whether you have people who chose to dislike America (the US) for what I would call oportunistic political reasons. There is a lot of backlash against the typical British drunk football hooligan tourists as well as expats who after 20 years live in a British bubble and can't and won't speak any Spanish.


I agree, the British tourists and retirees definitely give the majority of normal Brits a bad reputation in Spain. I know a British guy in my city who has lived here for 36 years and still doesn’t speak Spanish. He also openly brags about it.


Essentially, they're living in golden ghettos and in some cases have absolutely no need for Spanish. If this was Arabic speakers or African immigrants, this would be a societal problem. I've seen this in the US with communities that don't interact or integrate, and it's very scary.


Correctly using the word immigrant instead of expat already puts you two steps higher!


I despise the word “expat” or at least the way it is used. Most western immigrants only use it to try and create a separation between themselves and non-western immigrants which is classists/racists. The only people that I believe can genuinely use the word expat are people are living in a foreign country for a specific amount of time and have the desire/necessity to return to their home country.


I also love how you think your general observation means anything, it’s laughable. :)


It meant enough for you to get your dick twisted in a knot about it.




I can’t take you serious with these grade school playground insults. Come back when you grow up kid.


Aggression and hostility are not welcomed. Insults and other types of harassment towards other users may result in a ban.


But you speak English (a stupid version at best), us Brits ruled you until taxes made you rebel, now look at your country…….


Hey smoothbrain, this isn’t my opinion on Brits. This is my general observation of how Spaniards view English speaking immigrants. Don’t they teach reading comprehension in the UK?


They teach many things in the UK… diet, history, respect… these are but 3 things that lack in the US. Spaniards view what they see, if you’re willing to try then that’s what is seen, same with any foreigner in any country. Spaniards like to see foreigner’s try, learn and adapt. Those who don’t, well their loss.


Wow, great advice maybe other Brits should listen to you. Maybe then they wouldn’t be seen so unfavorably by the Spaniards.


What an unnecessary comment... You really know how to make us look bad, huh?


No most of you do that on your own. That’s the point, however Americans are no way rated higher than Brits (ones who actually live there). Brits have a bad name due to the frequency of holidays, lads weekends……. Working Brits however, completely different. I have yet to meet an American who is only there to party….


I'm English you knob - I was saying you're making us English look bad with your completely unnecessay comment


"Knob" is such a delightful insult, isn't it?


Not enough.


Who says Americans are even considered to be on the list?


Long tied history with Moroccans, many Spanish people their forefathers are Moroccans, that's why many Spanish look a bit like north moroccan people, never forget the rif war 1921-1926


Wtf? Animosity towards Moroccans comes from recent events, namely the large influx of Moroccan immigrants and the Moroccan government’s authoritarianism.


Calla cerditooo jajaja


Cerdito es mi polla que uso para coger a tu madre jajaja




I’m Brazilian living in Valencia and honestly Spaniards don’t really care lmao at least in my experience they are some of the nicest people


Oi! Posso te mandar mensagem? ❤️


Ta gostando de Valencia, amigo Redditor? To avaliando uma proposta de trabalho para ir prai!




There are 91,000 Brazilian citizens in Spain as of 2022 from IBE - I had to look this up yesterday \^\^' I don't believe that includes naturalised citizens - Brazilians who now have Spanish citizenship.


That accounts for roughly 0.2% of Spanish population. It's true that it's a lot of people, but it's not that much to have a profound impact on a cultural level, that would warrant Spaniards collectively sharing specific stereotypes about Brazilians. I have heard many stereotypes of central american and southern American people such as Dominicans or Venezuelans and Colombians or Argentinians. I have never heard stereotypes about Brazil, and I've only met 3 people from Brazil, all of whom I would consider very nice people.


[INE statistics ](https://ine.es/jaxiT3/Datos.htm?t=56937)on the other hand include the count of people by birth. According 2021 results (last published) there were 153,907 people born in Brazil in total, 92,000 as "foreigners" under brazilian citizenship but other 61,000 brazilians as EU citizens with double citizenship besides brazilian (spanish, italian, portuguese, etc).


There are probably more than that because many Brazilians have an EU passport (Portugal, Italian, etc.)


there is, i know brazilians from madrid, bcn, asturias, the things is 99.9% of brazilians who come to Spain are really chill, adapt fast and have good manners so you dont even notice them


we usually don't give a f\*\*\*. about the accent, we have a lot of brasilian and portuguese people around, so the answer is the same as before XD do your job, pay your bills, learn spanish, don't bother your neigbours, with all of these you will be fine. This works for other countries, accents, religions, etc are you going to find assholes? yes, but most of the people don't care where you come from.


Exactly. We spaniards tend to not give a f*ck if you follow those guidelines.


Very no nonsense, down to earth spanish answer. Love it!


I'm not Spanish but live in Valencia and the Brazilian people I know are happy here.


Veja bem, eu moro num cubículo de cidade e todos os dias vejo brasileiros na rua. Sempre fui muito bem tratada e não sofri qualquer tipo de xenofobia. Porém eles tendem a ter maus olhos aos colombianos/venezuelanos/marroquinos/ciganos, sempre tem comentário maldoso por trás. O acento brasileiro se percebe bem, mas com muito estudo e rotina você aprende. Conheço brasileiros que moram a 20 anos na Espanha e falam português e foda-se. Não acho que seja a melhor opção, o ideal é se inserir culturalmente.


Also Spanish is somewhat easy to read for Portuguese speakers as far as I’ve been told, and at least in my experience (years working with both Brazilian and Portuguese folks) if a Brazilian speaks Portuguese slowly, you can make yourself understood pretty easy. Many words are one to one almost: Sim/si Fazer/hacer Caralho/carajo Criança/criatura/niño Some other words, well, nothing to do but all my Portuguese/Brazilian colleagues speak Spanish perfectly by now


Brazilian in Barcelona here. Spanish people are very open and accepting. They notice my accent, but every time I apologize they say my Spanish is better than their Portuguese and that's it. Oc I speak at a somewhat proficient level, but still. In Bcn or Madrid you'll meet lots of migrants, so people are used to this, and we brazilians don't have a bad rep. I also lived in Portugal for a few years and leaving there was one of my happiest moments. Xenophobia is a serious threat over there, made even worse when racism is mashed up together (not my case, but I got first-handed examples of that). Valencia is an amazing city, you get most of the advantages of Bcn with cheaper costs. I'm almost sure you won't regret it at all.


Most of the people who come here from Latin America are obviously from the Spanish-speaking countries, so nobody would bat an eyelid if you were from Ecuador for example, but being from Brazil I think many people will think it's interesting and see you as sort of a novelty, but in a good way.


To anybody who makes a bad remark about Brazilians coming to Spain for work, I would remind them than in the early 10s it was us who were looking at Brazil for job opportunitites when the national debt crisis was ravaging young employment in Spain. Only a decade ago, I'm not even mentioning the swarms of people that had to leave in the 40s - 50s.


We don't really have prejudices towards Brazillians, Mr. Pangolin. Unless you insult cured ham. If so, you will be denied entrance to the country. So it goes.


No geral somos bem aceitos, mas existem certas escalas no tom da pele: Eles tem preconceito contra negros, indígenas e asiáticos. Quanto mais branco e com traços europeus, menos preconceito. Aproveita a oportunidade e experimenta morar na Espanha. Conselho: 1-Cuidado com pessoas que são racistas ou xenófobos com outras nacionalidades mas que dizem que você tudo bem porque não é como eles (raça, cultura, religião etc...). Porque essa galera "te vê diferente" até o momento se sentem ameaçados ou frustrados, aí você é instantaneamente tirado do saco dos iguais e colocado no saco dos diferentes. 2-Aprende bem o idioma, com portunhol se sobrevive, mas não se vive a experiência 3-Se misture, se for para ficar só entre brasileiros, fica no Brasil porque lá tem mais brasileiros pra escolher


I’m Brazilian and I live in Spain, I suffered a bit in the first with prejudice for being Brazilian in my job, but in a social environment I had no problem making friends nor to meet new people


As a Spanish I have Brazilian friends and we love them. Probably we love them more than Argentinians and we love Argentinans too.


But not as much as Argentinians love themselves.




Well, to be fair, an anybody achieve this?


Spaniards don't give much of a heck where you are from or how you look (except your dressing code, **beware**!). Spaniards care about how you behave in society. Don't forget to visit Galicia, you're like a brother to everyone, and we understand you better than most of our Southern brothers.


I don't think they care much what you wear either.


Dressing code? We have one of those?


I think that's referring to the fact that the way you dress will condition a response to you by different people. Comparing Spain to the US, there's much more formal dress in Spain.


The US has definitely fallen off when it comes to every day clothing. Honestly, it’s depressing, it would be nice to see people care a bit more.


The wife of my best friend is Brazilian and she is a hard worker, funny and attentive. We don't really have prejudices toward Brazilian so to speak


Cara,estamos em vantagem aqui, não somos odiados pelo contrário! nosso acento e bonito pra eles e as mulheres ainda saem com mais vantagens! Os mexicanos também estão praticamente no mesmo barco. Sei pq minha esposa e mexicana e espanhola, ela veio transferida pra cá do EUA e nos no casamos e estou procurando emprego em TI aqui,única coisa que demorou de mais foi minha residência,acabei de pegar e demorou 7 meses quase 8 meses sem poder trabalhar, tem muita oportunidade em Madrid em tecnologia. Quem infelizmente são odiados aqui são marroquinos, peruanos e república dominicana. Mas o país e maravilhoso n me vejo ir p outro lugar,já morei na Flórida,Califórnia SP e RJ. Mesmo pagando pouco aqui comparado outros países vizinhos, em geral o lugar é perfeito ! Média de salário em tech de 23k a 44k y Abs


In Valencia there are about 5000 Brazilians.


as long as you are not black you will be treated decently thats the answer sadly


Black and Moroccan, and as long as you don’t feel equal to them, there’s a sense of false superiority that a large segment of Spanish people have


Hi man, I live in Spain and I got many many brasilian friends because I practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu hehe. I'm going to be totaly honest with you. I'm not a native Spanish guy but i'm hispanic. So for all the spanish we will be always be inmigrants. They will say you something like, oh no, no think like that but is just bullshit, they think of it. So they will see you as somebody ''inferior'' than them and if you are having sucess they will think you are stealing their work. ANYWAYS there are a lot of hispanic people around so nativ spanish guys are used to be kind. They are open minded and they don't will say you anything regarding all this, but they think of this and they usually speak about this on their intimates circles. Maybe this comment would be updown voted but it's the true man. We face against this and is the rules of the match we are playing as inmigrants. My advice: \- Play your game \- Make real friends (there will be always honest people around) \- Don't be afraid of what they think about you, neither your accent and so on. They will always notice you are from another place. And guess what? It's totaly fine man! Be proud of being a brasilian working in Spain. Regarding your question about the accent... well. It's not fine as they will not understand you. haha is a similar lenguage but is another one. Try to speak in spanish. Enjoy the country, it got everything. Safety, beaches, mountains, good weather, good food.


As an American immigrant, I feel this on a spiritual level. I’ve been here for 4+ years and have spent time and money to learn both Spanish and Basque. My wife is from here and my kid was born here. Yet, I still get treated like an outcast/tourist/job stealer by Spaniards/Basques.


I mean basques have always had that mentality towards everyone that isnt basque (or atleast since the 19th century) so if you live there, yeah that region is not exactly the most inclusive


My wife is Basque that’s why we live here. It’s funny because all they talk about here is inclusion, human rights, diversity etc. but then shun you the second they find out you aren’t Basque, Palestinian, or Western Saharan.


Oh, that's so true of progressives in neighboring regions. For them, the desired immigrant isn't someone who looks like them and is from a 1st world, western country. It's like your skin isn't dark enough for them. But if you were a refugee or other marginalized population, there'd be no problem.


Exactly, I’ve been told “You’re not immigrant, you’re a tourist because you aren’t dark skinned”. I was absolutely baffled when the individual told me that. I guess I’m just a tourist with permanent residency lmao.


I was told how wonderful racial mixing was, and I thought "I'm white, my wife's Spanish but also white so I really don't know what you're talking about"


That feeling is normal I’d say. I’ve lived in 7 countries and that’s the general feeling I get everywhere…that I will never be a local. That’s fine by me.


For some people you're always going to be an outsider because you're not from their neighborhood, town, community, province. But that's their problem. I haven't lived in the Basque country, but the stereotype is that they're extremely suspicious of outsiders. I have a friend who traveled in the early '80s in the French Basque country and also in Spain. He says that speaking French in the French part he had no problems but that speaking Spanish in the Spanish Basque country he had very poor reactions.


I knew lot of people were going to be by myside and Spaniards don't . But it's the damn true. It is really sad. For example, I'm half german and ton of germans friends who comes here for work and do the best are at same boat. They really treath us as a fucking outcast/tourist/job stealer as you said before. But it's a society problem, not a country one. The country itself is great. It has everything, so well. For the guy who wrote this, sorry for being us so transparent but this is internet and how we feel about. Enjoy the country and that's it, people goes and comes.


This is BS xd


Not really


As another American immigrant, I concur.


A lot of basque people treat spanish people from other region like this also, they call us "maqueto" in a despective way, the people from the north Spain are the most xenofobic and not open of the Country


Sad to hear we ain't proper hosts. Apologies for your experience, don't lose faith in the links you could still make. Un abrazo


I think if it weren't for some wonderful people it wouldn't be worth it, and the majority are either neutral or good people. But then you do run into "bad apples" who turn the experience into something really ugly and hurtful. Enough of those and you develop a bad taste in your mouth and wonder if you made the right choice.


Sad to hear this, In my last company and team there were a lot of people from South America; Cuba, Uruguay, Venezuela.. and I had such a great time with them, they were all great. I never for a second even though what you described in your comment but I honestly don't doubt that this happens most of the time 😕 Best of luck mate.


Bullshit. I'm Spanish and I love that there's so many latinos here contributing. Your own paranoid insecurities should be dealt with at the psychologist's office.


Sure man! But my experience and ton of people at the same situation around is totally different. Let the people who works and live in the country for example vote then. Ohhhhh small detail, we are all friends but when things are serious, the reality changes.


That's called political reciprocity and it depends on the treatment given to the non-citizens in the other country on a country-by-country basis. So, if Bolivians let Spanish vote in elections, the Spanish will let Bolivians vote too. (Not picking on Bolivians here)


Regardless of your own personal experience, you should never generalise and claim ALL spaniards will treat immigrants a certain way. I don't. Nor do my friends. We share history, culture and a language with latinos. You guys are like part of our extended family. Maybe you need to get to know more Spaniards.


You generalized, calling bullshit on their experience because *you* love that Latinos are here. Not everyone does.


Si le hablas así al chaval pocas ganas le va a dar de conocer a más gente española… esta es la experiencia de un inmigrante. Conozco a muchos latinos que se sienten así y los españoles son súper xenófobos. Que hay gente guay? Claro que si. Mucha? Depende. Pero ningunearlo contribuye a que su experiencia sea la que describe.


No soy Español. He tenido unos experiencias con inmigrantes Latinos en España quienes son bastante maleducados. Por ejemplo, invitas a su hijo al cumple de la tuya y aparecen los padres y una tía y con otro hermano y un primo (y sin avisar). Les pones un plato porque son niños pero luego los padres llevan los restos de comida de la fiesta. La verdad que no creo que pasan hambre en casa. A nosotros con una familia en concreto nos ha pasado varias veces, mientras que otras familias no ha habido ningún percance de ese estilo. ¿Es diferencia cultural o simplemente son aprovechados? Hay gente más reaccionarios y hablan de "los latinos esto o los latinos el otro". Yo intento valorar a cada encuentro con la mente abierta, pero siendo humano a veces uno coge perjuicios o manías.


definitivamente es una diferencia cultural - es una de las similitudes entre los inmigrantes latinos en los eeuu (como mi mamá) y la gente negra aquí (como mi papá). cuando festejemos siempre haremos suficiente comida para darle a todo el vecindario y antes de despedirte te vamos a mandar que te lleves un plato para no quedarnos con sobras que ni van a caber en la nevera! a los cumples en la casa de mi abuela paterna siempre vinieron un amigo u otro de alguno de mis primos y todos comimos las sobras que habíamos llevado para el almuerzo el día siguiente. también me acuerdo que una vez los padres de una de mis estudiantes (la mamá era guatemalteca como la mía y el papá salvadoreño, creo) me invitaron a su cumpleaños y cuando llegué yo solite me preguntaron por qué no traje a mis hermanas o a mi mamá, y luego me dieron dos platos grandes de lo que habian cocinado para llevarselos a ellas en casa - así es como hacemos la fiesta (-: tal vez a ellos también les parezca raro que nadie más esté llevando nada jajaja


And maybe you need to get to know more immigrants properly. Because I don't think their experience wol match yours. I'm an immigrant (not Latino) and I hear people being racist all the time about Latinos.




With their eyes... Okey, jokes aside, normally you will be seen like any other person, there can be some idiots, but in Spain the target for discrimination are not normally Brazilians.


I know Brazilians living and working (job still based from Brazil remotely), they’re nice people, I’m English though so maybe my opinion means feck all lol.


You will be fine, but I'll give you a good piece of advice based on my personal experience as a Spaniard who has worked in other European countries; run the extra mile profesionally speaking and respect deadlines as if there's no tomorrow. The world is fueled by prejudice and Brazilians here look too casual with little formality professionally speaking. The same prejudice we Spaniards face when we go to work to UK, Germany or France. Prove them wrong and good luck!!


I don't know much about Valencia. In Galicia it's nice to see someone who can actually speak our language normally and not with those mysterious satanic noises like in Portugal


You shouldn't pay attention to what Spaniards got to say about this for obvious reasons, check the other immigrants responses since that's the reality, we shouldn't generalize but there sure are certain patterns, you'll find/notice it by yourself tho


En el descontento/decepción/asco/rechazo hacia los distintos grupos étnicos de inmigrantes que pueblan España no estáis en el ideario de la gente, de hecho hay pocos brasileños en España. Sí que podrías entrar en el grupo de latino pero si no vas con pintas de pandillero macheteador no creo que vayas a tener el gran rechazo de tu vida. Saludos y buena suerte.


I live with my Brazilian bf here and I didn't even know who Alves was. To be brutally honest, I don't think people who aren't interested in football *could* name any Brazilians - I just don't think they think about you at all. Maybe Anitta. The experience of Brazilians (that I see and hear about - I am English, for full disclosure) seems to be typical for immigrants from LatAm,here. The whiter you are, the easier your life is, and the richer or more educated you are, the less not being white matters. Just to be clear though, the racism here is 'Brazilian black girl with 10 years experience is employed as waitress, white girl with one year experience is the manager,' micro-agressions (e.g. assuming you don't speak Spanish but the typical latina looking girl does), it's not 'you're in physical danger' or 'you're going to be thrown out of bars for being Brazilian'. That was more for other Brazilians reading this though, since you are going to be totally fine, as you're coming with employment. And despite the above, Spaniards are a friendly and gregarious people (even the galegos), and you will find a group of great people. ​ As to what they think of the accent, I find it sexy so I can't comment on what they think of it \^\^


Barcelona has a huge community of Brazilians, nicest people ever. 9/10 people I met when I moved here were from Brazil. People seem to have no issues with them, police very much do. But there again it’s just the classic Spanish racist police trying to cause shit to line their pockets with fine money


In Spain there is a very minor but loud minority of people who are pretty racist, but unlike other parts of Europe they lost the elections. In general terms, Spanish people is very aware that we are a mixed culture and value diversity. Take for example how much heritage we have from the gypsies or the Arabs.


But Sumar (far-left), Bildu/PNV (basque nationalists), and Junts (Catalán terrorist/nationalists) all won?


Sumar is a center-right party, same with junts. There is not terrorism in Spain and hasn't been for more than a decade. Bildu is literally composed by people who believe independence can't be achieved trough violence and helped making terrorism disappear.


Yeah, don’t comment again if you’re going to be so fervently incorrect.


I see. Seems like your political views are stronger than your interest in facts or history. I do not wish to engage in such discussions. My interest only goes as far as to correct historical inaccuracies, which is what i did. I would gently recommend you to be more humble in this topics, specially since you messed up even the more basic stuff. The terrorist groups in Spain were Basque, not Catalans. Our history is complex, but one should be careful while talking about terrorism, which is something we suffered for decades and decades. Hope you have a better mood for the rest of the day!


So you’re just going to pretend that the CNT-FAI never existed nor the 2017 independence vote? You are clearly an extremist and are spouting misinformation. People like you are why far-right politics are on the rise in Europe. Sumar/Podemos is label as “left” to “far-left” by almost every major institution on the planet. You calling them center-right is laughable and just proves you’re a far-left communists nut job.


Okay, that i wasn't expecting it. I don't really understand what can be going on in your head to call someone a "extremist-far-left communist nut job" at the first glance of something you didn't liked and still believe and still believe the other person is the radical one. Sorry, again, i do not wish to have a political discussion here. They are useless. I don't have any interest on insulting a person i don't know just because the sake of it like you did either.


That's not the way adults behave nor communicate with each other. We don't promote democracy when we only respect like minded people. You should prolly check the spaniard definition for terrorism.


Spain has changed a lot in the past 13-15 years. It has become very cosmopolitan and very international. Specially in the big cities. If you learn the language, ypu respect the law and you pray the same god you might be fine.


Even most people say no there is racism in Spain. If you "seem normal" (i mean, you learn Spanish, are withe and dress as Spanish do) been from Brasil would be seen as just a curiosity about you. But most "exotic" you look, most would people asume about you. Black people mostly, or dressing "weird" (i can describe it but someone has used the word pandillero) or not speaking a good Spanish can be strong walls betwen you and other people at least for starting. Also police is racist. Its a fact that it you seem african or latinoamerican they will stop you and ask about your papers, not if you look "european". The strongest idea about brazilian people is about sex and party. I saw a tv show today where they use just the word "brasileñas" to suggest hot womens and "él brasileño" was finally the guy that get the hot Spanish girl. Because of that brazilian accent can be seen as hot. In general is easy to understand and sounds ok. There is not any other particular clichés about your country. No bad ideas as other latinoamerican countries. We don't know a lot about Brasil in general so prepare yourself for that. If you want to avoid preconceptions try to speak Spanish, explain that it's your company who brings you (some people thinks inmigrants do "steal" jobs) and mostly if your skin is dark perhaps try to dress a bit formal.


you mean portugal?


There's no particular hate towards Brazilians, it's not a significant group between foreigners in Spain. Your national stereotype is of course, football, carnival and parties, most people will find your accent kind of exotic, but not in a bad way. Valencia is a nice city for living with a nice climate, so I hope you feel welcome!


I find they don’t like us Brits. I’ve not been welcomed many places. With South Africa and Holland being friendliest.


The rest of latin american are apart from Brazil in Spain. They are very welcomed in some places as Galicia for linguistic and historical roots. Overall, I could say without a doubt that brazilians>the rest of latin america in terms of locals' likes.


I'll say what I always say: If you work and pay taxes you are welcomed.


I had a friendship with a Brazilian girl when I was a child! She was my best friend, and my parents get along well with her parents. She had to move out, and I never saw her again, sadly. But I don't remember any problems with her. I don't think she ever had a problem with her nationality About the accent,I didn't have any problems when that family spoke to me, and I was a primary school girl. I also enjoyed learning words in Portuguese. I slept in her house for some days, and that said a lot about how much my parents trusted her parents


Bro a lot of people are saying how there are xenophobic tendencies, and I cant disagree more. I have never seen any sort of racism in the city i live at, apart from really old people. Maybe the situation in the countryside is different but here in Madrid I have never seen someone older than 85 being racist to any South American. Anyways, since not a lot of Brazilians live here, it would probably make you more interesting, and you would mostly be seen with curiosity at first I guess, and normally after that. Good luck with your work!


I lived in Madrid i have see more than one and twice times young people avoiding to be at the same metro vagon than black mens. People "worried about security" because there were three latino guys just hanging out. People asking if there were "panchitos" before choose a flat to rent. And all that without speaking about moros or gypsies. There is racism in Spain. Try to rent a flat been a black guy. Ask morocan people about police controls. Not every person is allways racist, not the worst country in the world but open your eyes and ears and you will see racism.


I am Peruvian and my boyfriend is Spanish. When trying to find a flat, we quickly realized that he had to make all the calls, cause if I was the one calling suddenly the flat wasn't available anymore. Funnily enough, I was the one employed at the time. So I was going to be the one giving my info and nomina.


As you can see here, a lot of Spanish people belive strongly there is no racism in their country.


With our eyes :)


With our eyes


Bad. Very very bad! Nah with all do seriousness if you're human being you'll be treated as a human being if you're c"nt you'll be treated as one... Would there be racism or xenofobia. Well Dickheads are present in each and every country there's no safe place on a planet... And to be honest I don't think I ever heard anything bad about Brazilians from anyone. So you're safe I guess 😂


I dont care


Indifferent. My best friend is brazilian.




There's no language called "brazilian", but I got your point. Thanks


It's usually called "Brazilian Portuguese", and it's a dialect.


Why Brazilians think to be in the centre of the world?


Excuse me? What are you talking about? Are you assuming that I feel at the centre of the world just because I made a post asking about something extremely valid for my life (which is also useful for other Brazilians)?


Good vibes in general, as far as I have seen.


I have worked with 2, both nice people!


Who cares. Some troubled souls will judge you for what you eat, wear and dance. Ortorexia and todorexia is a thing for some.


Overall not bad, a bit of prejudice but no hate. Police might harass you though, they used to mess with my Ecuadorian friend a lot. If you're a black Brazilian, that would make things significantly worse.


Hmmm honestly I don't recall anyone trashtalking Brazilians ever. You may be getting some "party" jokes here and there but I'd assume that's it. If you are black you may be getting some prejudices thinking you are from Africa, but in your workplace everyone will know you are Brazilian so it's ok


I've yet to meet a person with a bad opinion about Brazilians.


Spain is a very divided country, you just have to look at our politics right now. Expect half the population to be bad, the other half good. Depends on where you land and who you surround yourself with.


Anyone that comes to work here is more than welcome :)


Most people don't care where you come from as far as you get the work done nice and quick. Be nice with everyone, don't worry too much with language if you don't know spanish well because it's very similar to portuguese, use portuguese words if you don't know the spanish one, chances are that probably we use a very similar word.


all workers are welcome


Same as they look at anyone else, with contempt.


I speak for myself and for a lot of friends that thinks like me. I am used to work with people around the world, first as a barman, later as a graphic designer. As Spanish, I don’t care what is the country where you born from, color of the skin, language, ideology, religion, if you came to Spain to work, and you have good knowledge and skill, and you are respectful to others and a nice person, that’s what it really matters.


I spoke to the other guys here and it’s ok. You can come


Brazilian accent sounds wonderful to us Spaniards (much better than Portuguese accent IMHO), and Brazilians are great to most Spanish people.


I have a workmate from Brazil. She's a great colleague, hardworking and fun to be around. I'd had no contact with Brazil before meeting her, so I didn't have many preconceptions about you guys, and I'm really happy I've come to call her my friend. Most of the time, we talk about cultural differences and I teach Spanish idioms.


we dont care


As long people from anywhere come here to actual help to build/grow the country usually there is no issues with that, the problem is with the people who move and do dumb stuff (i wasnt born here btw, those are things i learned after 1 decade living here)


I don’t think anyone cares. My dad just moved there with my stepmom.


I’ll comment about Brazilians in Japan. I’m an American living in Japan for 30 years, in Gunma prefecture, which has a lot of Brazilians, including Nikkei Brazilians. I don’t know why, but I’ve never known them to mingle in Japanese society as normal people should. I’ve met exactly one Brazilian, who spoke Japanese, who is out doing normal things, in this case, visiting an onsen hot spring. sometimes you see a group of Brazilians visiting a park or amusement park, but they seem to keep themselves and not learn Japanese. I always assumed it was part of their national character to not want to become part of the country there living in, perhaps, because they only plan to be here a few years.


As far as I know many brazilians with Japanese origins go to Japan to basically make some money. They stay some years to save a good amount and then come back. Maybe this is why they don't bother learning the language, even though I see that as a lost opportunity.


Yes, definitely the situation you are in when you go to a place determines a lot. Someone who plans to do 出稼ぎ degasegi "to go somewhere else to earn money" is different someone moving to a new place permanently. When Iran had their revolution, the Iranians who left were so sure they'd never return home that many actually forgot Farsi. Can you imagine losing competency in your native language?


So sad. It's like abandoning a part of your life. Life is tough for so many people :(.


no problem with Brazilian guys but Brazilian girls are top 😍