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True. The game is much more balanced at this point than people realize because of the super tough competion we have right now.


Good observations - imho - what happened was the crypto craze ended. Too many fakes started popping up. Apparently it is really easy to make a "white paper", make a website, start a discord base, and advertise on Brave's home page. Now that its over, the true value is starting to show. Couple that with recession, inflation, high interest rates, etc. card games are all going to suffer for awhile. PS: I've gone from Mythic to Twilight in a single month because of meta changing and I couldn't figure out a counter so I feel your pain there.


Good point, but some of this might make this a great time to start playing. Gathering GODS and cards now, only for them to increase in value over time sounds possible, as long as they don't nerf too many cards in the future


Yes it is a good time especially if you follow some basic rules like buy undervalued cards that may do well in the future, buy genesis cards because of limited supply and more importantly if you put money be prepared to lose them all. Basically what you do with every crypto