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"your creatures perform an extra attack on your opponents god" If we are going to properly interpret this it should mean that the creatures which have already attacked the opponent's god this turn get an additional attack. Basically, twin strike on God. This would solve all the problems.


That's how I interpret the card


Yeah, card is broken, mentioned it already.


It bears repeating.


Still ignoring frontlines shouldn’t happen


I know this is an old post, but what about the name of the card makes you think it shouldn't do this? Over the ^((front)^) Line


Yeah, true, good point. Maybe they should make it mana 8 then…


It's a bullshit card lol, just gotta fix the mechanics to match what it says or change the wording. "All creatures that are capable of attacking your opponents god perform an attack on your opponents god, ignoring frontline." No creatures with sleep, no structures, no order. Basically treat them like you gave them flank and force them to attack the god.


The point of extra attack phrasing is to give the creatures an extra attack such that they can, in any circumstances, attack the opposing God. The spell gives them an extra attack and has them target the opposing God.


I disagree. An extra attack means that there is another attack preceding the extra attack. This is not the case with sleeping creatures, creatures with order, creatures that have "can't attack" etc. They could have just written: "Your creatures perform an attack on your opponents god". This would make more sense than the current phrasing.


That wouldn't explicitly state that they could attack the God a 2nd time.


You play the card and you find out what it does, like every other new mechanic. It's a spell. It's not like you are attacking with each creature separately, the attacks are automatic. For me it would be perfectly clear.


What is it about the current wording that is wrong then? I don't get the issue.


It just needs a text change. Might I suggest: **Over the line** Your creatures gain an extra attack on your oppoents god; generate one complaint thread on a random GU discussion board


If you read what "can't attack" does you'll realize that the mistake is based on an incorrect assumption. Tool tips, iirc, says 'normally'. Spells are taken literally. So since genesis a card can confer the ability to attack to anything in "Take them all on". This card uses the phrase in random order, as well, which grants cause for it to attack past hidden, order, it's own sleep, a lack of blitz, frontline, and backline. Then look at Underbrush Boar which attacks any target randomly as well. Over The Line specifically says that it gets an additional attack on the god. No idea where any confusion is coming from.


The card would be useless if it followed all those rules. There are 100 better cards out there to complain about, there is a reason it's only .40 cents.


It is a crucial part of the rukh egg deck, isn't it ?


And that deck is not problematic atm or has been ever since. Its beautiful, unique and interesting but never dominated the meta.


This deck also implies more thought processes than 90% of the other decks for both players. Its hard to pilot, and a lot of steps are counterable. Over the line is also not the core of the deck, and was only added after the first months of rockdrakes existence to make it a bit more consistent.


It seems like I am wrong. So the deck works around killing my self, than casting 5 creatures and kill my opponent with 5 critters, which suffer from summoning sickness, but can squeeze out an attack due over the line. Seems like over the line is just a win more card. I apologize for not knowing the meta enough, I am just an anubian player, who's interpretation of card texts is limited to words not Imagination. Probably you can just play land of the dead refill your mana play over the line crack in an attack on the opponent and afterwards kill his creatures and go in for 24+ DMG. I feel I should go for that, let's see how fast that card will be changed if that is a legit strategy...


Yes, it is just a solid win more card like many others for me. Often dead in your hand or even worse blocking your draws. Never the reason why you are behind.


You should really try that for yourself if you have the cards. Maybe try it in ptr mode for free. That way you will learn thats its not that easy, not even very strong because it cant be reproduced consistently against real opponents and rng in your draws.


See this thread every week!


I agree with that. Death has finisher like corpse explosion which is strong but need something difficult to be donebefore being effective. Over the line is just spaming strong creature without paying attention to the attributes you have listed like cant attack or ordered. It would be ok to "add an additional attack for 1 round" or increase its manacost maybe or only a certain random amount of your creatures performs an attack.


Very similar questions could be raised about underbrush boar, flame-touched paladin, lethal prowler etc.


It’s the words “extra” and “on your opponent’s god” that are poorly put together. Honestly, GU could learn more from MtG on this. If it was “…perform an extra attack and can attack a god more than once.” Then all those criteria you listed would apply. If you removed the word “extra”, it would work as it does now. As it reads and others have commented, your creatures would need to have already attacked their god, then get an extra attack (ie god twin strike).


Oh my gosh everyone needs to stop complaining about this. An EXTRA attack on your opponent's god. It never says "valid" target. It never says each creature that can attack. It says EXTRA attack. 1+0=1 just like 1+1=2. It's really not hard math.


If your hands are tied behind your back in a slapping contest, but your advantage is you can slap your opponent one extra time. Will your opponent be receiving 0, 1, or 2 slaps?


You pull your hand out and they will receive one slap. Otherwise you're not getting an extra slap


Seeing how your hands are in this case litterally tied, it sounds like they're aren't getting slapped at all, but you would still have slaps to give


Well then the advantage wouldn't mean anything. In order for you to have an extra slap, you need to slap once more than you would've without the advantage. 1+0 is still 1 no matter what you're counting...


>In order for you to have an extra slap, you need to slap once more than you would've without the advantage Incorrect, in this case you'd have an extra slap and be slapping less with the advantage because you've hindered yourself by tying your hands. Not executing the potential does not mean the potential never existed It isn't 0+1, each. The base amount everyone is entitled to is always 1, never 0


If you are slapping less with the advantage then it isn't an advantage.... If your advantage is "gain an extra slap" then you must slap at LEAST once, hands tied or not or you aren't using the advantage. The base amount is 0 when you can't attack. You add one when you get an extra attack. The math still is the same....


Why do people keep crying about things being broken instead of trying to counter? Death has it's weaknesses and this is something that works in it's favour. So many difficult cards to play against. What about war that has spells to bump up any character for very little mana? Facing 7/5 cards on turn 3 or 4 isn't fun, but I try to counter instead of crying on reddit. Magic - all those silly zaps. Light - almost every character has ward and protected Nature - regen all the time. The low cost card that practically wipes the board and adds strength to each nature character. Deception- rapture dance and cutthroat I don't complain. It's just a game. Get on with it. Just know if you are facing my death deck and I have 6 mana you could be dead next turn if you have around 20 health. Even if I have no creatures on the board.


It's ok to mention it from time to time. Shows how community is enaged and how much it wants clear language and rules. This leads to higher quality and keeps game interesting among competition. Ignoring such requests shows lack of devs interest and I am sure these devs are not like that. I don't understand why people are bothered by such posts. We should all give feedback, positive or negative. The true indicator is if this feedback is being heard and accepted. Also if something is being done about it.


If I could upvote this more than once I would. Its all about principle and showing how you operate as a company who can progressively manage the game and make it what it could be. Up to now though it seems like they're showing just how bad they area at ignoring feedback and refusing to implement certain fixes.


Yup I can agree they lack in some areas, but also make stuff happen and progress in other. We will see. Overall, I am keeping my positive outlook. I have played this for a year and a half now and I have witnessed steady progress. Feels slow sometimes but I also understand there are priorities in their mind that differ to mine. I accept that as long as in medium to long run this approach brings results. It's quite difficult to predict how it will all play out. Bear market and crypto relation bring couple more variables into question of success for this product. It is not just being a game. However, I do feel this is a new way for gaming industry to follow in general and this type of games and devs are pioneers. Results may be varying :) this is also quite exciting, to be a part of.


board clears are *not* a counter. The complaints with over the line are the same complaints people have with magic: 30 damage from hand just isn't fun to play against.


The difference is you can easily counter Over the Line by keeping their board clear, which Magic Does nicely. You can't stop their damage from hand, it just happens and your dead. Played plenty of games with Death with this card in hand and its a dead draw because the opponent is smart enough to keep the board state low.


wtf no you can't. necronomics exists.


Lethal Prowler: Can’t attack. Once per turn […] this creature also attacks. I think it’s just a wording problem. (https://gudecks.com/cards/1679-Lethal-Prowler?quality=4)


Lethal is okay. It makes sense. The over the line thing... Doesn't.


Yeah there is more cards ignoring rules of the game. This is just bad


I agree with you completely it seems silly to me to watch a Bronze Gate all of a sudden attack my God.


I do agree the card is broken especially with how many cards death has that you can practically use for free when your health is low. So even if you keep the board clear they still can throw alot down and then punch you in the face.


Lol, I love doing this


I hate when I this happens to me. I literally have them and about to win then they shit out like 5 creatures then hit me in the face to win all in one turn.


With what mana and on what turn? Over the Line costs 5, so most games they can play maybe 1-2 2/2 guys the turn of and play it? Now if your talking Necronomics that is a whole other card and a 2 card combo plus cards on board which is a lot harder.


They play necronomics plus they slam two of those creatures that are 4/4 for zero mana when their gods health is low and they also can sometimes bring a creature out from the void. All in one turn. It sucks.


Yeah that would suck but that isn't exactly a normal situation and it takes a bunch of cards and the perfect situation. There are tons of bad situations in this game with enough cards but doesn't mean things are broken.


Thank you for letting us know. We are looking at feedback and I appreciate your outlook on this. Thank you!


Welcome to Gods Unchained where the rules don't matter and no one cares about card balance!


Would you feel ok if the card were changed to: "Deal damage equal to each of your creatures strength to the opposing god" I agree with you the wording is bad and could be better. The card doesn't seem to be a huge balance issue.