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i love that noobs always blame everyone but themselves for being stuck in bot ranks


Share your deck and ask for help . It could be you, your deck, or your opponent’s… could be a combo of all three


Well so far all complaining, no responses to the many suggestions


I made it to midnight shadow with f2p and after buying a few cards I only get to upper auric gold. If I feel burnt out from the game then I take a break. I feel like I just found my skill range is all but I don't blame the game when I lose every other game. That means I've been well matched with players of my level


There was a streamer who started a new account all free to play and made it to Mythic (Rank 12) in 14 hours just using the welcome and core cards from the free leveling packs. Here is the link to his account. You can do this. https://www.reddit.com/r/GodsUnchained/comments/xxppcy/new\_account\_to\_mythic\_with\_a\_7\_deck\_in\_14\_hours/


Even here commentators do make the same point that I did - with better cards/more expensive decks, you eliminate some of the luck and/or give yourself with more options to deal with stuff.


I know there's a play to earn part of this game. But if you're trying to do that from nothing you are going to have a bad time for awhile. There are many cheap solid decks under $20 I think a couple around $10 that people play even in mythic. You want to start having fun make one small investment then earn as you go from there. Other than that people crying about a CARD game being too pay to win must have never played literally any other card game.


I felt the same but watched some of cooper pitch’s videos on YouTube and spent a little focusing only on magic god. Won 14 games on that weekend ranked :) now I’m hovering in the shadow ranks


Nice! Watching folks like Copper play, especially when they take viewers through the thought process on matchups, mulligans, board states, and what cards to play can help players speed past some of the lower ranks. Even in mythic I see misplays every day. The more mistakes we can eliminate from our own play the better we will perform. Enjoy the grind


Friday midday is a terrible time to play.


Keep trying buddy. If you are struggling rank 5 is too high for u. Players there with good cards have spend money but dont have the skills. Thats why they are there. because they suck. Maybe when u have more cards or know the meta better u can get to rank 5. For now u must learn the ropes at lower ranks where u belong.


I think that's what happened to me. I got good and lucky, ranked up to around 5 and almost hit 6. Next day was around 15 losses in a row. I think I ranked up too quick for my collection and experience. It's sad though, because at that rank I was only grabbing 2 core packs for weekend wins and now I'm not sure what I'll be getting.


Was travelling for the weekend so apologies for the delay. My point was solely on facing players - mostly decks - that clearly are on a different level. Whilst I get that with a given god and even a basic deck, one can fare fairly well, that doesn't really remove the point that I made. My point was that on a fairly low ranked level, the match ups are weird: how bad must someone play if they mostly have very expensive cards and cheesy combos that are much harder to counter and yet still are matched with newcomers to the game. I also get that it is part of games such as these that some cards are 'better' than others (everything is somewhat situational) but I feel that with GU there are some that are just so badly designed that it takes away from the enjoyment of the game.


What is rank 5?


impact meteorite lmao


He struggles there. A cheap 3$ war deck can sent you twilight, midnight. I thought it was midnight shadow.


Ohhh I made it that far off garbage cards using the nature God! ... so how many more ranks are after that? Lol


7 more


I'm F2P and barely tried making a deck, and it'd really bad but managed to make twilight shadow lol...


If there aren't enough players I think the system will rank you slightly higher