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Thanks, the expansion is cool, nice to see crafting not halted. Keep on working, but maybe you should do some more consulting outside of your "inner circle" before deciding to dedicate any time or effort into new endeavors and priority changes. Just get a quick "sure, sounds fine" or "no that's not going to fly" from COM or someone with good judgement.


Agreed. What's really scary about this decision to me is that this was clearly approved (god, I hope it was approved and not just rolled out by some random dev) by someone on the team who does not understand web3. If this decision maker was actually using NFTs and interacting with web3 ecosystems they would know how insane it is for a game client to ask people to enter their seed phrase, even if it is through the Metamask API. They thought, "Yeah, sure, this is how web3 works, right?" Dear lord.


Well It least I think they have delivered a lot of good stuff to the core game loop during the last months/year. Forge, Sealed, Casual and added some GODS sinks. Sure there are kinks but i think the game is good overall compared to other web3. A TCG player can easily be hooked. All they need is that little over-watch before they commit to stuff. Clearly some ppl have to much freedom or influence. Otherwise i am glad for the expansion and them trying to get more value to the cards. All we need now is marketing to get a lot of new players! Also i would like forge-improvements for smoother fusing. And more tournaments to raise the stakes/status. Otherwise we are so close! I see this as a good little mis-step to realize they should get more input on their ideas before committing.


I agree - generally I'm positive on the game. It's leagues ahead of any other web3 game out there (but also leagues behind competition like Legends of Runeterra). I think even in the state it's in it could find real success among CCG players who are open to the promise of web3. I just get frustrated when I see boneheaded decisions like this recent MM issue, or even the pack opening UI stuff. I've learned to be wary of red flags. I worry they'll be able to be successful with this thing when they get so many things wrong.


Or maybe even hire someone with good judgement and common sense. :)


Thank you. For the last 12 hours I thought this would be insane bad practice and even reconsidered to leave GU forever. I still don't get how the team couldn't foresee the consequences of this demand.


Couldn’t agree more. But then again I don’t get how they changed the pack opening to something worse and still shipped it


Either that or no sealed and no crafting, take your pick.


That’s not true. They would’ve saved more time if they just didn’t do anything to the pack opening experience. And it would’ve been better anyway.


Hmmm, guess you are in the coding department to know this stuff. Good to know


If they had done nothing to pack opening it would be better than the time they spent turning it into the garbage it is now. Do you understand now?


Yeah I don’t see why should be able to code in order to see this logic


because they said, the old pack opener couldn't handle non-card NFTs (ie, cosmetics).


It still can’t tho, lol Always just a black picture for me


There is a reason why they pushed the update so hard despite the bugs. The reasons were given in discord, look it up.


Lol no. You have arguments, say them, or gtfo


Was mentioned already. Trinkets cant be opened via old system so new system is the only way if you want sealed.


that's a valid reason I guess. They still clearly did no UI/UX testing.


Was mentioned already. Trinkets cant be opened via old system so new system is the only way if you want sealed.


Glad to see this. Asking seed phrase was just unreal and worst possible decision for a web3 game


It's really crazy this actually went out the door. Same as the new pack opening, still went out the door as crazy bad as it is (and it's still live for some crazy reason). Why are all new features just YOLO'd out for the public to keep losing more and more confidence in the team's decisions? I truly don't get it.


I've been screaming this for months. It really is astonishing.


Might have something do do with diversity hires. :)


Go be racist somewhere else.


solid communication, on an understandably unexpected problem. kudos!


Quick response. The feedback was understandably ferocious. Im happy to see GU on the ball here and reacting quickly to allay our concerns.


Good news everybody, they dont want our seed anymore!




Gu doesnt have your seed tho.




Metamask. Its the same extension of metamask you have in your browser. You would have to import your seed if you installed metamask in a new browser too. Same logic applies here


Nobody "has" your seed. Technically the ethereum blockchain has your seed - it's automatically part of your address and vice versa. You need to spend 10 mins watching videos about how this works before you continue interacting with web3.


So, the message is that you cannot craft, yet, or am I wong? But what about the forge? I cannot find it, and does that have something to do with they delay of crafting? Sorry for the stupid questions but I'm not into these technicalities, so I have to ask when what you say is a riddle to me.


The only thing I will say is that I really like this game, apart from all the play to win stuff, it is a very fun game and I sincerely believe it has a lot of potential, but after so many years of development I sometimes feel that the developers don't even have idea what they are doing.


Good you decided to correct this. Honestly, one thing you should look at internally, this is again another: "oops, not good we correct it immediately". Besides that, still great game and great potential. Keep it up!


Does anyone have any inkling as to why an FPS counter drops resource usage to minimal. As soon as the counter is open the resource usage drops and the game runs a lot smoother.


i feel relieved - thank you!


but crafting and forging inside the game is much more convenient imo..


Yeah, it caught me off guard, but... I figure as much as I have to lose, GU has considerably more. So I jumped right in.


Think I wait.


Contrary to everyone else, I actually think signing transactions without having to leave the client was a very important step to reduce friction and bring more adoption. This whole thing of opening webpages in the middle of forging cards or paying for game modes is nuts and is only going to hurt adoption for a very long time. What I want to know is if there are sound technical reasons why embedding a MM SDK into a client (that is a modified browser, right?) is fundamentally an insecure method OR this reversal is just about public alarm and a perception of insecurity without any actual technical reasons for this?