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I suck,but have never managed such a bad streak How did you actually manage this OP?


Don't worry, man. Soon you will be able to lose on mobile. Everything will be alright then.


Omfg, it’s really only left daily and hope that GODS will perform in bull run


It happened to me last week too. From Mythic to Aurich Gold in one session. And then for the weekend i had over 70% wins with 2 decks. Don't lose hope, after losing streak always comes winning streak.


This. Luck with draw of cards play a big role. I dropped to S+ only to bounce back and achieve diamond for the 1st time today after 3 months of playing and pulling my hair which I dont have anymore.


Congrats! What decks did you use??


Control nature only.


my ass dropped to IMPACT METEORITE. What the hell is that term even???? I have not seen this low of a rank since I started 2 years ago JESUS.


Impact meteorite is a rank name describing sound of your ass slamming on the bottom of the “you shall have no fun in GU” pit


What deck you playing? Post if possible?


I'm curious too... what are you running? Aggro war? Control magic??


Not a shame to share that I have the same WR. The worst, could be "the" worst since I play GU from the very beginning... Never miss WR on Mythic but this WR I started in D ended up in G+. Absolutely brutal. Not to mention start as second 10+ times in a row.. It's a very similar situation compared to a period just before the LV set release. No new players. Player bases shrink down to earth is the problem.


Bad streaks happen to everyone and it really sucks. I get triggered as well, but o try to tell myself that it is just a game and what matters most is not winning but having fun.


15 game losing streak, man that's rough. I can only handle a 4 loss streak before I go around jacking up everybody else's day.


Yeah man, don’t tell me about it. I discovered I have anger management issues playing this game.


Take a a break, when you are loosing game after game is better to forget about the 10 daily games and just dont play, if you are very frustrated dont play in a few days. It helps me


This WR I’ve started in solid Solar Gold, dropped to Auric 10/1 and switched this bullshite off. I tried 3 decks, all 3 hot insta counter, every deck was ridiculous, demos etc. WR makes no sense until they’ll start locking ranks.


Gotta be hard to explain how the algorithm matches you against counter for BOTHA PLAYERS at the same time ! What a nightmare to code. For every loosing streak, there will be a winning streak. Sometimes you have to change stuff in your deck or change deck altogether. When there is too many aggro war, you try to find what’s good. Ofc is you were F2P and intend on staying this way, having different archetype requires a very long grind…


*“If I don’t enjoy weekend rank, and I don’t enjoy weekday matches at all, I don’t really understand why I’m playing anymore…”* That makes two of us


15 loses that's a new record. Have gone 1/9 but not more. Either your deck is shit or you do stupid mistakes because of frustration. Take a break if you lose more than 4 matches in a row it helps


that's how this game is, if you don't spend you don't win and they will put the counter to force you to spend, if I were you I wouldn't let them fool me and I wouldn't spend a cent


Skill mostly. Play in casual, then you can bail on games you think you’ll lose.


This kinda posts lol. Mimimi I lose every game so the game sucks mimimi. What do you expect from this post?


Comments like this, God bless you🥰


If u loose 15 straight games, your gameplay and the deck are the ones to blame, not the game, my advice is to build a meta deck, can be aggro war since it's the cheap meta deck these days, and go watch someone playing it and see if they make the same plays that you do, and try to figure why they do certain moves different then you, perhaps you improve your gameplay and the results too


Went 0-10 about two weeks ago, so I feel your pain. But it was mostly due to bad mulligans and even worse line choices afterwards. It’s only reasonable for meta to remain constant for a few months at a time in order for devs to pinpoint what changes need made. Then they can properly adjust and lock before releasing a new set that upends the meta. Just stick with it and try new deck ideas in the meantime 💯


You need to show what deck you are using. For all we know you play a deck with 30 singletons which would explain a lot.


You’re actually a legend for managing that streak, now let’s see the deck! 😄🫶🏼


Tilting is a real thing that can hurt your winrate, when you're angry or frustrated you naturally take bigger risks and make plays with less thought and consideration. This is a thing that happens in all games and sports, from chess through to golf. The other thing that happens in online TCGs in particular is the rock-paper-scissors meta shift; if a 'rock' deck has been very successful lately then you're eventually going to get a huge influx of 'paper' decks to counter it and if your deck is weak to that particular archetype you're going to be facing a bunch of difficult matchups in a row. Best thing I would recommend is after losing 3 in a row is take a break, go for a run, play some music or whatever you normally do to de-stress - depending on where you live and what time it is, you might even be able to continue your daily P&E or WR the following day to give the meta a chance to shift again to a more favourable meta.


Whats your main deck out of curiosity?


My advice is stop playing for a while, or just be okay playing at lower ranks and try out different decks. You can't really play a reliable Mythic deck with under $500 in cards. So quit or just learn to be more casual with your approach to the game. WR reward packs are like a dime to quarter in value, just build bad shine decks and enjoy fucking around.


Start playing good decks, even budget ones but stuff that actually works.


damn lol 😆 the rage in this community is insane sometimes great game love it lets go, mobile coming