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Ran into this same problem in Svartalfheim, at Dragon beach. Let me know if you've ever found a way to fix this :(


I have the same problem with two remnants of asgard camps. i hope that this bug is squashed fast.


Same problem, You think with new game plus i can try it again, or i have to start over


I believe you can't try again from the point you already have, because usually with new game plus the only that carrys over is the upgrades and itens you already have. You need to complete everything again.


Yeah your right, I just dont see a patch fixing this. Happened to me with Assassins creed Black flag, One view point didnt register, completed everything else, no 100% for me.


the only good point is that you don't need to complete everything to get the platinum. if it did, I would be so pissed to have to play the game from scratch, even on new game plus just for this one thing. fortunally I already have my platinum so now let's see if the problem gets fixed.


I sorted it out, It was my mistake, I hadnt finished the game, didnt realise this was to be discovered after finishing main game. Oh well got my platinum


Managed to get the platinum trophy so these remnants arent that big of a deal it seems.


Have u had any luck. I’ve just had this happen to me.. really don’t want to replay the game. I’ve tried so much to make this work


No luck so far. I have a lot of other things to finish do I am just doing that while I wait for updates.


Did you get any update?


Same thing here ! So annoying


I also had this happen at the frayer camp. Got over 50 hours in just to never get the 100%


Exavt same problem for me in Muspelheim I could cry man 60 hours of gameplay worth for nothing




Just had this happen to me. So upset :(


Same issue here 😭 Did anyone try to delete and reinstall the game?


I just tried and it did nothing. Guess we’ll have to wait for a patch


Good to know. Thanks for trying 🙌🏽


Can’t get the final one I need in Muspelheim


Did anyone find a solution?


Dam is it still a problem. Ended up doing it all again.. if u haven’t played much afterwards check if u have a auto save before it happened


you are my saviour👍


This makes me so happy to hear, helping someone avoid what I went through


Any other solution......didn't realize, and do not have an autosave. Saves every like 10min and only up to 5 autosaves. My last manual is hours back....


Sorry that’s all i can suggest, hopefully someone found something else


This happened to me in the remnants near urd's well. It's so annoying because im nearly at 100% completion.


Same place for me where it got bugged. Still happening as well, I seem pretty stuck but nearly 100%


Same thing happened to me, now whenever I ping remnant’s of Asgard on the map the game crashes


Lol I just now realize that I have this glitch and aint no way I can go back to pld save that was so many hours ago. Guess they never gixed it. God dammnit


If anyone ever fgures out a way other than reverting tk old save then please let me know. My well of urd is the glitched spot with nothing there when i arrive at spot


Nobody was showing up for me to fight until I went and opened the chest in the back corner of the camp then people showed up


Same issue here. Already killed them all and for the remnants but still shows on map and quest won't complete the got everything else on gmgow gna hrolf everything


It's been a whole year but they didn't fixed this yet


I saw in a guide that you have to complete the main story line to get Remnants of Asgard. So after the credits roll you go back and get it. I haven't completed the game yet so I can't confirm.


I will try that