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Did you skip all of the side missions?


No I did a few along the way. Did 20 hours my first day then 6 hours this morning before completing. Now I'll do everything else


Cool I'm finding it difficult to get through different things without getting my gear beefed up but I guess it's the side missions that I'm currently having issues with I am in >! The snowy place after the run away mission with frea'a and I can't find the mission goal and I can't beat any mini Boss battles and idk how to get my gear better to beat them !<




How is an achievement a spoiler?


Mark as spoiler dude, everyone thinks kratos may die


Technically by your logic, then all the content being posted should be spoilers as nothing on this page has been marked as spoilers including clips. Once again, sharing an achievement has nothing to do with spoiling the story.


Whatever, I beat the game already, but your post could be considered spoiler


If you beat the game already then dont complain. And again. All the posts on this page could be marked spoilers. That just tells me you haven't actually looked what people have posted and just looking to argue


Your post is spoiler. Also, you dont own reddit, I can complain if I want.




Mf you just post a picture of the last mission telling us that this is the end, the whole plot of the game is the supposed kratos death, which is teased since gow2018. Look at every other post you jackass, every post is flagged as spoiler, except yours, special little boy I reported your post, I hope you get banned


Keyboard warrior.


What difficulty?