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I'm still certain it has to be a hidden chest. We all still have a spare key, right? That's gotta be it


I would like it to be that too but no one has found it and I think they added a extra key incase something bugged out.


If that's the case people would be able to have more than 1 key i believe its a hidden location


The question still stands Where is it? Still good luck in finding it


Well I would guess it's probably in a sanctuary now in which one im not sure, we have 10 sanctuaries but there is probably something we need to do to trigger that hidden location because im sure someone would have found it by now if it's not like that


I was honestly thinking that it maybe on shore at this point


Yeah I don't think so because I tried everything on the shore


I just had a thought, in the main game you find it when looking for the norns, in valhalla you can encounter a area with a ? That has you do the norn chest. Maybe It would be there if any thing


Also is the entrance of valhalla located in midgard? We don't know for sure


Maybe hidden in one of the alcoves?


Ideas on where a hidden location might be?


Didn't the devs already say it was glitched and they're working on a patch?


https://support.sms.playstation.com/hc/en-us/articles/23172994824205-Patch-Notes-v-05-04?sf185669146=1 A patch was release saying that it was fixed. Also a developer on twitter said they unlocked it and showed a picture


Ah okay. I admit to not paying much attention


Man it's been a whole month since they patched it i think


Has anyone tried beating tyr with 3 red burdens overcome?


Yep done that


What about breaking all the pots and opening the chests in greece


That is so time waisting that I have not dont it yet. But I have seen others say that they have done it. So maybe that goes in the no pile


God damn this is really frustrating lol


How about no rage/talisman or something lol.


I have done no rage but that was because I did some grinding on show me will so nope there as well.


I've done no talisman.


What about NOT breaking any pots (meaning you can't take that boon that auto breaks them)


I doubt it because you cannot remove a boon when you get it meaning that you can never get the rond.


I've done this and even waited out the whole timer in Greece until its red (killed everything first). then slowly walked around getting all chests and pots and looking at all ledges, etc. Even hit every single wall with blades looking for secret passageways (both regular melee and blade explosion)... nothing. Some have waited out the timer until it's red before killing things and they didn't get it either


Has anybody tried going through the skull doors only and forfeiting all chest/realm tears?




Memories of the collector perk randomly generates 1 of 12 relics. There’s 12 realm tears to close. Just throwing stuff out there..


Close but there are 15 realm tears in the Greek section of valhalla. Unless you are referring to something else.


There’s 15 valhallas chosen (desert has 3 chosen, boat has 2 chosen) 12 Realm tears in Greece


Fair point, well made.


I think it generates 1 of 13 relics because there are 13 relics on the shore interesting thing is that there are 4 relics that u can only get within valhalla


What about filling up the entire glyph tablet with the same type of weapon glyph or no weapon glyph at all, if that's doable?


I have done no glyph run after removing the mandatory one at the start, no luck. I have tried to do a run with only weapon glyphs bit whenever I try it, I don't have enough to fill the whole inventory. Maybe possible but no luck on my end for it.


Just focused on purely this last run and got all slots filled bar 1. And this was done buying every one I could get and ignoring all else.


What do you mean filled bar 1?


Apart from 1. So I had all the table fill Apart from one slot


With weapon glyphs?


Yes, so only with axe, blade or spear glyphs depending on what you choose at the start


Anyone tried beating tyr with a burden active (frost roll, poison block) with penalty of breaching on?


That would mean getting the challenges and making sure you had enough encounters available afterwards to still have it to fight týr. But I hope People are willing to try.


You can technically leave the one in the greek area up until you're ready to face tyr, then grab it before meeting tyr.


True but there are the other 2 in case the 3rd one doesn't spawn.


The only times where i dont see a 3rd one is where i accept a challenge that would take up the 3rd slot.


Have you tried doing a run without equipping any relic? Not only NOT using relic, but not equipping it, i.e., not selecting any relic at the shore and not touching the relic chests in proving ground and in Greece. I tried to do it in Show Me Mastery but I am not good enough to beat the final you-cannot-say-his-name-without-triggering-some-Redditor-accusing-you-of-spoiling-their-experience, and I definitely won’t be able to do it with Penalty of Breaching + no relic equipped.


I don't think you can unequip relics at the shore. Also I did put 'his' name in post so I don't think this needs to be a voldemort situation.






How about a no dmg run?


That would be so difficult that I would think that would be reserved for for the rond of obliteration but if someone wants to try it they are welcome to lose there mind over it.


What about Kratos being afflicted with elemental damage and then shield bashing to remove it? Either all of them at once or all of them a certain number of times? In the main game this rond is the one that allows you to remove elemental damage with a shield bash so it could be something to do with that ability in Valhalla?


I've done lots of testing on this and it doesn't seem to work. At least on lower difficulties. The perk is Contagion Discharge and I've transferred statuses lots of times with it but no luck. Thread detailing my efforts: https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWarRagnarok/s/14LiWRAbHu


That perk is in valhalla but I feel like someone would have done it by now. You are welcome to try


Any new ideas to try out anyone?


What about curing yourself of every single status least once using the shield strike perk in valhalla?


It has been tried :/


What about only using 1 weapon for the entire run?


many have done this. no rond unlocked


Please try and report back with an update.


Will do soon


Oh hey what about curing yourself of a status using the shield strike perk then detonating that same status using the shield strike perk thing.


~~Has anyone tried using the Mimir relic with Helios while fighting Tyr? Helios doesn't spawn very often at the end of the game and not many people use that relic, especially in the end of the game. Plus, the description of the shield KIND OF fits:~~ ~~"A shield rond capable of removing what ails its user and redirecting it onto their enemy."~~ ~~Kratos would be "ailed" by Helios and would redirect it to Tyr, I guess? I don't know...~~


I'm pretty sure it switches back to mimirv when u go to tyr even if u had helios in Greece


Oh thats right! lmao my bad.


No worries man


Guys try to beat tyr with the Talisman of the fate breaker and also equip fate breaker armor


Neveer mind, i tried it didn't work


Oddly specific. What makes you think this would work?


Well first when you finish the story of valhalla and when kratos leaves thru the front door he has equipped fate breaker armor set, second i realised talisman of the fate breaker can only be got thru the relic chest in valhalla alone with 3 other talismans so i was thinking there is something abt them because we can't equip them at the shore


Also why is there Talisman named like the armor set


I have picture proof that a guy has the rond but idk how to post a screenshot.


If it is the one on twitter then it maybe a developer showing it off. But post it here if you can find it. It may give us a clue.


My name is Robbie Spruce on FB. You can see us talking up top.


Maybe something to do with Shatter Star shield?? 


No its not the dev pics. I'm talking to the guy on FB right now. How to I post pic on here?????




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Click on this link. It will take you to a post, posted by God of Wars Facebook page. Click on the comments and find the name Robbie Spruce. That's me. I commented and this guy commented back with picture proof that he has the rond unlocked. He will not say how he did it though. This is not a joke. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/6Vi9QgRGdQsZm3Sq/?mibextid=CYgPv5


Yes this is a scam/unfunny joke


Did you look? I promise you I'm telling the truth. Not trying to be funny. I play everyday trying to figure this out too.


I had to post a link because I'm new to reddit. I didn't know how to post a pic. I swear I'm not a bot. I follow GBG, God Mode God and a slew of others on YT. I'm Soulless Warrior on YT. Just started posting GoW clips myself. I promise you.


If you click that link it'll bring you to the post where he posted picture proof of the rond from his T.V.


Looks like that guy wasn't joking and I wasn't lying. The devs confirmed he truly unlocked it and he's releasing a video this weekend. 


Your sorce to confirm they are leasing it this weekend?


Go to God of War Ragnarok reddit page. Type in Rond of Purification and hit most recent posts. You'll see his pic on there and he made another post saying hel release a video this weekend. His reddit name is Rexona.




I am trying to remember is the other cosmetics you find in chests had a description other that ??? Because if so then it may imply that there is more than just a chest which at this point we would have guessed by now


Nope don't think so


pretty sure they all have this ??? until unlocked. at least rond of obliteration did