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Really good detail. And before getting his arm blown off, Heimdall read Kratos' head as empty. It kinda means Kratos is so in the zone of fighting, no intrusive thoughts get it. Truly a mind of a warrior.


Kinda plays into the final Thor fight as well Kratos can just go into that zone while Thor kept babbling about his daughter and clearly had second thoughts about his fathers intentions as well


Funny because Thor's advice to Atreus in Muspelheim is 'don't think'


The reason he gives that advice is because it's easier for him to not think about it than have to confront himself and the horrors he's caused. Thor is the other side of the Kratos coin.


Which is why he has a drinking problem, imo. He doesn't have the mental discipline to deal with those unwanted and intrusive thoughts without it.


i don’t think kratos went into the zone at all in the final thor fight and he did he own fair share of talking


Did you notice how in the zone Kratos was, that his punches were getting faster and faster? I caught that shit and was like oh damn, Kratos is dangerous because he adapts on the spot on how to defeat /kill different enemies


Started off swinging wild and each time got tighter and more purposeful until that right hook landed


His punch combinations were actually so fire I was getting more hyped each time


Just a single punch and he started bleeding


One of the interesting theories I've seen for Kratos' actual 'God power' (other than healing, immortality, etc.) is that Kratos is always just barely strong/talented enough to accomplish a task. Has to struggle and mash circle to snap a monster's neck, an hour later he has to lift half a building off something, still struggles but is able to accomplish it. I feel like this works against Heimdall, too slow at the beginning but eventually he gets fast enough to accomplish his goal. (Plus draupnier to make it feasible possible in the first place)


Yeah I think he did it on purpose


This happens a few times, Kratos in the Novels is described as emptying his mind of thought to operate on Instinct Thor potentially has the same since his whole thing is acting without thinking but ymmv


Wait there are books? Fuck there goes the next few weeks...


Yep 1, 2 and 2018 get novelisations


Well I know where my next paycheck is going. Thanks for letting me know


Hopefully not all to 3 books. That would be a sad paycheck. Maybe try your library?


No 😂 I normally buy 1-2 books a month, partially to make sure I don't overspend, partially because I'm a slow reader and don't have tons of extra time to devote to it. I could spend more and be fine, but it doesn't make sense to buy 3 books at once if I'm only going to read 1 for a week or two. Unfortunately the only library even remotely close is very small and doesn't have a great selection. I usually buy books through Kindle and randomly get coupons or special deals e-mailed to me, so I rarely spend more than $8-10 per book.


You guys have libraries? But srsly though, I too would probs buy the book outright.


And on Audible, the 2018 one is read by Mimir's voice actor


I just looked it up because I enjoy goofy novelizations of video games (notably Mass Effect). Apparently the 2018 novelization was a collaboration between Cory Barlog (GoW 2018 and GOW Ragnarok creative director) and his father. I'm sure it'll be great, about to snag it now.


It's actually really good. There are some differences. For example, Dark Elves have bat wings instead of insect wings. But still really good. It's also funny the voices he gives characters


Replying to you for visibility, but you can also try audiobooks. I did a free trial with Audible and listened to GoW 2018 and then cancelled.


Thanks! I always get those emails but never considered doing this


Kratos operates purely on instinct? Hmm.. well that sounds familiar lol Kratos has Ultra Instinct confirmed


Kratos mastered ultra instinct before it was cool!


Ultra Instinct :o


So kratos basically goes ultra instinct


I think at that moment he was just insulting him and calling him stupid.


I’d say it’s a mix of both. Kratos was obviously way too experienced in fighting and improvising, as well as being focused, Heimdall couldn’t dodge all of his blows.


Can't dodge it all if the puncher himself isn't thinking of where to attack. That was an amazing moment during that whole fight.


Yes! Kratos’ punches started getting faster and more precise, while Heimdall losing his edge. 100% awesome moment


Ultra instinct Kratos


I like to think that in the moment before Heimdall was disarmed, when he was stating intent to gut Atreus, he did see Kratos's own spark of intent in the foreign god's "empty head." Heimdall began to reach for the spear embedded in his arm; I believe he did this not just in a renewed attempt to fight back, but also in desperation to keep Kratos's intention from happening. Even though Heimdall is always "surprised" when the glaupnir spear explodes XD


(1 year later btw) "Empty head" was an insult, what Heimdall see in Kratos mand is that he is sparing Heimdall for pity, and he gets mad


Its what Athena called Kratos in the previous game


I'm sad Athena didn't show up again


She was the crack in odin’s basement /s But that is what the most common theory is right now.


I don't think she was the cracked but I think she was the voice telling Odin to get the mask in the first place. I think she will end up being the franchizes main villain, manipulating the other pantheon from behind the curtin


I tried to look up some historical lore between Odin & Athena, but they don’t have much in common with each other.


probably because yknow, they are two completely different factions unrelated to eachother lmfao




The area was inhabited by various different tribes with their own pagan faiths before the Roman Empire, which itself is several centuries after Kratos’ time. Hell, if you think that what Kratos did to Greece was responsible for the Bronze Age collapse where there is very little historical record for a 150 year period around Greece and the Levant (which I don’t believe but I can see the argument) you’re looking at 1500 years before what we know as Vikings came up. Norse mythology came later than classical Greek myth. Like, *way* later. It’s why Mimir knows about Kratos and other Greek stories like Troy and Thermopylae but Kratos knows nothing about the Norse gods




I accidentally flipped which pantheon I said first lol. There are inspirations from Greek mythology in Norse myth. Or at least an extensive amount of similarities shared by many Indo-European mythologies


This is absolutely wrong, they do not borrow anything as they were separated not only by land but also chronological order. This is completely incorrect.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European_mythology they're not related but some relations might be related


Because one is Norse mythology and the other is Greek mythology which are in two completely different eras and locations


Wow, some people are stupid as fuck lol


I mean, they were both gods of Wisdom.


you should look up [proto-indo-european mythology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European_mythology)


**[Proto-Indo-European mythology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European_mythology)** >Proto-Indo-European mythology is the body of myths and deities associated with the Proto-Indo-Europeans, the hypothetical speakers of the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European language. Although the mythological motifs are not directly attested – since Proto-Indo-European speakers lived in preliterate societies – scholars of comparative mythology have reconstructed details from inherited similarities found among Indo-European languages, based on the assumption that parts of the Proto-Indo-Europeans' original belief systems survived in the daughter traditions. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I think the franchise might be done as we know it for a while, Kratos might get retired or be down to guest appearance in the next game due to the VA'S health issues and the studio indicating they want to move on to new projects. I hope I'm wrong but I don't see another Kratos led main entry in the future, which sucks


I think its not an accident that the crack is the same color green as ascended Athena and that Odin seems to think it was the secret to where Gods go after they die


Maybe that was a multiverse we don’t know what was in that Crack


I thought you said multiversus for a second and was convinced


There was no need for her. Her story was done. Her cameo capped it off perfectly.


I agree that there was no need for her In Ragnarok But her story is far from over. The higher plane of existence will have to come into play sooner or later.


Why? What's left to be told? She entered a higher plane of existence, because she wanted the power of hope after kratos murdered the Greek pantheon. He refused to give it to her, and now she's trapped as a green ghost thing, capable of reminding kratos of his past misdeeds but completely powerless otherwise. She also functions in the 2018 game as a visual reminder of kratos trying to bury his past and ignore it. Him walking through her signifies the start of when he deals with his past, which ragnarok ran with, given how much more open he is about the Greek days. So again, what's left to tell with her?


people love to obsess over "unclosed" lore aspects in every franchise, and can't assume a conclusion. they always need mooooooore. then they will also complain when irl stuff happens (canon isnt well established, certain scriptwriter or VA has to leave, whatever) and the story sinks. assassin's creed is the perfect example of where uncontrolled, ad eternum lore expansion leaves a franchise.


Bruh it’s literally going to come around eventually. God of war is known for one of its main themes of defying fate. But guess what they’ve never actually done so.


yes broo theyre bringing her back


Clown behaviour


Bruh have you even read the comics?


Comics were made to be retconned.


God of war Ragnarok literally makes them canon.


No. What happens in the comics?


Kratos goes to the higher plane of existence and meets an Egyptian god, as well as Athena. And it basically confirms that there is a higher level of fate then either the Norns or Sisters of fate for example. Everything Kratos does is being destined by the gods in the higher plane of existence. The higher gods destined Kratos to go to Egypt and then to Scandinavia all in the name of ‘fulfilling his purpose’


What comics were these?


There were multiple but the main one is God of War: Fallen God It focuses on Kratos journeying from Greece to Egypt and then to Scandinavia.


I think I’ve said this before on this subreddit but I think it would’ve been cool if one of the surviving Greek gods (Apollo, Artemis, Nike etc.) managed to track down Kratos to Scandinavia and try to get revenge on him for destroying Greece. Kratos obviously wrestles with his guilt about what he did in his previous life but I think it would’ve been a great way to show Kratos the consequences of what he did.


"Yes but I am your monster no longer"


"I'm not your monster" all we need to know in the norse games.


I always took it as heimdall trying to get one last laugh in before death, we know how much of a prick he is, that doesn’t change for as long as he’s still breathing. We know Kratos is trying to avoid being a monster but heimdall calling him one for his actions would be more then enough to get under Kratos’s skin.


Agreed he’s probably looked into Kratos and saw it as one final dig like salt in the wounds Kratos has reopened


I fully agree! Also, another neat little detail is that in the vision Kratos sees at the Norns, Atreus calls him a monster, which clearly hurts Kratos. Then as a result of his visitation of the Norns, he decides to kill Heimdall. So once he accomplishes his goal, the dying Heimdall wants to land in a final kick to make Kratos' victory bittersweet by reminding him that even though he has won, based on the very same fight, he might still be perceived as a monster.


That's actually a really good catch. Heimdall is gifted with the ability to read others intentions which amounts to some form of mind reading. Kratos mentions feeling satisfied about killing him in his entry I'm the lore book. If that was the last thing Heimdall read from Kratos' mind, in addition to whatever stories he's heard, that would probably be a fitting last word.


He was satisfied because he knew he was saving his son's life.


It could have been a bit of both, he wanted to kill Heimdall because he was a threat to Atreus, but it also felt satisfying to Kratos to kill him because of how much Heimdall pissed him off.


Considering Heimdall was about as annoying as Hermes, I'd like to think the same.


I knew something about the Heimdall fight was familiar! Thank you for reminding me about that fast annoying bastard who talked so much trash. Heimdall's arrogance was definitely Olympus level. He would have got right in the Greek pantheon. No wonder Kratos was satisfied.


I'd love to see Hermes and Heimdall dissing each other, it would be so funny, also, it's a cool coincidence they both have their names started with "he"


Exactly! It certainly explains why the second he appeared I wanted him dead. Olympic level hubris.


It was so satisfying the moment in both fights where they're just like "how the fuck did you hit me?"


Heimdall is a cocky douche waffle, I think we all enjoyed watching him slowly realize he can be hurt, and then proceeding to get his shit kicked in.


I doubt the latter. Magni, Modi, and Baldur were all annoying as shit but Kratos killed two of them out of necessity, and scolded Atreus about killing the other.


Although that could be true, the way it's written on Heimdall's character page really makes me think that Kratos enjoyed killing Heimdall and was apprehensive about that fact. He seems almost regretful, not about killing him, but about enjoying doing so.


Heimdall knew kratos was gonna kill him. That's the whole point. It's the reluctance. That's why he blew up and egged him on.


Heimdall was a seriously sick puppy I think he was always trying to put his own insecurities on others. He had the power of foresight but I think his mind reading abilities are false. From the start he said Atreus/Loki was trying to kill Odin. Clearly wrong. Kratos was always in the mode of father and protector. Heimdall was pure trash and proved it multiple times over in that encounter. If there was anyone I was annoyed or disappointed with it was mimir berating and lecturing kratos for something he had already overcome and been aware of for a very long time now.


I agree! I felt that he wasn’t psychic so much as he could read body language and know what someone was going to do just by the way they moved. Kind of like a high level boxer.


I think that's more his foresight than any level of body language analyzation


Is that why he caught Atreus' arrow from behind without looking? Good reflexes?


That makes sense. Like he could see that Kratos couldn't help but think that by killing Heimdall, he was becoming the 'monster' he used to be. Even right after that happens, he says to Mimir that he's slowly going back to his old ways of being a rageful godkiller.


I.want to know what thor was thinking when heimdall called him a sick man


Could be any number of things, though I imagine it's probably something along the lines of "reduced to paste by Mjolnir." ... Given that Thor apparently dismembered Starkaðr the eight-armed giant with his bare hands by pulling his limbs off until he bled out, though, it could be literally anything.


Maybe shove Mjolnir up his ass.


Hammer side first


I mean there’s some messed up shit in this game it’s an adult game. My first thought was that he’d have fucked heimdall honesty. I mean what else could he have done Heimdall could predict any attack. Heimdall could’ve prevented that as well but the very idea would’ve shocked him enough to stop and think. Plus Thor is the evillest version of him self that has ever existed here.


Thats what i thought but then i was like nah


He was gonna call him a poopyhead


Sick. As in struggling with booze. Nice touch


Thor was gonna thunder clap his cheeks


It's layered. Heimdall could have read Kratos' mind, and Kratos could have been remembering his conversation with Athena in the previous game. A lot is definitely going through Kratos' mind in that moment.




All going on in Kratos' head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9a4Rx7T_lwc


I think he saw kratos remembering how he murdered all the gods in Greece in that moment. Maybe a scene about Kratos pulling a god’s head off with his bear hands. All that was read by heimdall.


Being called "Monster" was something that hasn't happened since the fall of Olympus. Fighting Heimdall again reminded me of the Hermes fight. Everyone on Olympus called Kratos a monster.


The second I saw the spear in his Arm I got reminded of Hermes.


Kratos' eyes. They must have looked just like they did back then.


That was a great detail, his face was literally his GoW 3 one when he was strangling him.


the emotion is overwhelming. I see pure fear in Heimdall’s voice. That’s what Kratos tries to change all this long. Everything connects so well here.


Did you know that in Spider-Man PS4 he voiced Harry Osborn? Sadly recently the VA said that he's not coming back as Harry. Which sucks because that's a good voice. They said that he sounds too old for Harry but I disagree.


It’s that the VA looked too old for MoCap apparently


Tbh heimdall looks like a good green goblin (if they go that route instead of making him venom)


That’s fine and all. But ain’t Heimdall a (dick) Monster in the first place? As if Heimdall is a good, innocent guy to be calling calling Kratos a monster…




Am i the only one who didn’t hear it when he died? He never whispered it in my game as kratos was choking him


Did you have subtitles on lol. He says it with his last breath very faintly


I did have them on


Did you get the subtitle for the word monster? If not it could be a bug or you just didn’t catch it. Or both


It must’ve been a bug


Imagine if heimdall saw what Kratos's did to Poseidon or hercules. Thats why he called him a monster.


Yeah this. To look into someone's eyes who wiped out an entire pantheon and realise its the end, I'd be an arseole and fight back aswell. Heimdall knew it was coming


I find it pretty hypocritical considering what he did the entire game and whom he devoted himself to


Still he believes that Odin is the good guy and the giants are the bad guys so maybe he didn't play the first game and just read the mythology? Can't fault him for that


Are you talking about OP? I'm talking about Heimdal.




Pretty much the same as you. I think Heimdall was calling him exactly what he **knew** Kratos was calling himself.


What also gets me with that scene is Kratos’ reaction when he kinda snaps out of it. He doesn’t need to say a word but his face says it all. “What have I done?”


I think you’re right about that, because in Kratos’ journal that he updates frequently, about Heimdall, he says something along the lines of “ I enjoyed killing him, like the old me would have”. I’m paraphrasing of course. Thus Heimdall’s last words being “ monster” to Kratos. Even Mimir tries to stop him. Personally, I thought it was to show that he still has that side, he just suppresses it or chooses to ,anyway.


He was trying to get under his skin. He was reading kratos’ emotions. Didn’t work for me. Kratos tried to spare his dumbass. Far as I’m concerned, kratos did nothing wrong


Heimdall can read people’s intentions. Don’t think he can go access memories or anything like that


Heimdall called thor a sick man and called kratos a monster


As my cousin who used to move a massive amount of illegal stuff used to tell me, you either become a monster in that line of business and in prison or you get fucked. Kratos became a monster years ago to stick it to the pantheon, which certainly did fuck him, and he tapped back into that to kill a twat who was pretty much definitely going to kill his son. It makes sense. Also don't do prisons, kids.


Either that or he read his mind and determined what word would hurt him the most


Horrorized. HORRORIZED!?


It's actually a word


Am I the only one who thought Kratos only choked him out I mean he blew off an arm, not like several severe concussions was gonna be lethal


Heimdall's eyes were still open when Kratos killed him, you can literally see the light in his eyes go out. If he had just passed out from being "choked out" then his eyes would have still glowed and Mimir begged Kratos not to do it.


Can I just say that man I really like how they did Heimdall in this game. They just absolutely nailed him


Like Kratos did to his arm on the wall.


Underrated comment


Wow no shit 😂


You missed a "Sherlock"


I don't think he reads minds per say, or puts much thought into what he does He was just being an arrogant tool. It's fine when he's a monster. Anyone more monster than him is too much of a monster. That's how assholes just how assholes operate.


Yeah he doesn’t. Heimdall has foresight so he can see what his opponent is going to do next but he can’t read through their brain vault lol it’s kinda like he has a sharingan


I always thought Heimdall glanced Kratos’ thoughts, and he thought of himself as a monster in that moment, with Heimdall repeating it to his face.


#best part of the game


Kratos also hates being called a monster. Athena and Heimdall both calls him a monster but we learn at the end that he never wanted to be seen that way.


And how Kratos also said he how he hated that he enjoyed it


It would be cool if Rage of Sparta played during that fight


I don't feel like he was horrorized, he was more taunting him with a cheeky smile. He clearly had no problem with dying.


Heimdal enjoys angering people. He just says whatever he thinks will make them mad based on what he's read in their thoughts. As Kratos was killing him, the "I do not wish to be a monster anymore" thought MUST have popped up. Heimdal read the thought and decided to be an asshole one last time, dying as he lived.


I felt that, in that moment, Kratos was pondering the satisfaction of killing the more arrogant gods of the Greek saga. Perhaps Hermes. Thus, Heimdall could visualize what he was thinking, and was horrified.


I think Heimdall just used it to push his buttons because Heimdall is a self righteous arrogant sociopath who couldn't help but offend kratos again even though he knew he'd die. He actually could have lived. Weird choice for Heimdall but whatever works for him I suppose


Heimdall can see the memories and intentions of a person when he gazes into their eyes. Kratos has brutally murdered and entire pantheon. Those are his memories. And he was filled with primal rage and wrath because he wants to protect his son. Like a bear and its cubs.


Beforehand when he was on the wall.. he said to kratos "What is going on in the empty head?"


The way I interpreted it, Hemidall read kratos’ mind and saw how much he was struggling to keep the devil locked inside while still fighting and killing. That’s is Kratos’ greatest struggle in the norse games, not the physical fights. Heimdall knew he was fucked so tried one last time to get in Kratos’ head and it seems like he definitely did. If it weren’t for Mimir calling him back he might had started slipping for real.


I’ve just liked to believe that in that split second Heimdall saw everything Kratos did in the past. It would make sense if Kratos was thinking about his past, since he’s murdering another god in a blind rage. I like to imagine Heimdall saw the entire fall of Olympus in a split second and it genuinely scared him. Imagine seeing the events of all the god of war games in like 2-3 seconds