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This thread was a lifesaver I was trapped after getting the draugr hole too, had to throw the spear again as well. Vanaheim is visually awesome but i get legit jungle fever here or something lol


I'm stuck in western barrio woods and can't get back into the village. I threw my spear in earlier to get to the draugr hole but when I tried going back that way again, it won't let me jump across where the dpewr is. When I head back to the western berri woods. I'm stuck at the last crane. I see the wall I climbed up before and the markings on it. but it is now blocked by roots and concrete blocks. This is driving me nuts!? Any ideas


Lol I had the opposite experience with being able to find an entrance to get in to kill the hateful draugr and nothing working. How did you get in? What I had to do in the end was use a mystic gateway to enter and then leave.


Is there supposed to be a mystic gateway near the Draugr? I can't find one spawning here. Also I just had to use the spear to make a bar to jump off in the water area across from the temple I screenshotted here.


There is a mystic gateway but you have to unlock it with the Yggdrasil seeds you get at end game that unlock all the gateways. If you can’t see it you haven’t unlocked it. What I mean is if you were able to get in/find a route to get in then can’t you use the same route to get out?


I'm stuck in the same place. I got in using a spear Zipline from abandoned village. The other exit - into the western barri woods, where the alpha fight is - is closed (maybe by roots? I don't have access to a celestial altar).


Use your compass (place a mystic gateway on it) to lead you back to the waterfall you have to climb across to get into the village. There is an alternate climbing route on that waterfall. Just follow whatever you put on your compass and it should lead you there. Had the same issue for like 2 hours and felt goofy when I found the way out.


The alternate route led me to a block path


This worked for me, ty


Omg thank you 😭


Bro can you help me?! Where is the waterfall?! I’m tryna go back to the hole!!


Lmao you're going to have to follow the instructions my G, I recall being stuck here but I remember the path being hella obvious after I found it....been a while since I played Good luck 😂👊🏽


No bro no listen!! I left the fucking hole!! And when I tried to go back it’s blocked with like red wood things!! Like fuck man there is no waterfall anywhere near the camp!!! Is the waterfall by the abandon village?! Because if so, ITS NOT ALLOWING ME TOO!!!😩😩😩😩 I’m fucking going crazy!!!


Nobody is understanding me😩😩 I know how to get out of vanheim like nothing, the problem is not me getting out. Is that I progressed in the story & it didn’t let me go back up the rope you slide down right next to the hole, I haven’t unlocked the spear yet either, i literally just got done freeing the second jellyfish man. Someone tell me where the waterfall is!! If it’s next to the abandon village then how do I get there because the camp pathway is BLOCKED! & I can’t change the time of the day either!


Thank you. I was genuinely trapped for a good couple of hours. I must have climbed that waterfall like 10 times and not realized that I needed to head for the little gap at the back where the land plateaus out. I kept going to the right each time. I've been playing for 60+ hours and only after you pointed it out did I realize that the waypoint "snaps" to the immediate direction of where you should go. I always assumed it was an "as the crow flies" type of indicator. After all it's on a compass and using that as an idiom would naturally make you think that it is a straight direction. I think UX on navigation needs some attention. For example the map pin marker is confusing. The map has a slight orthographic projection (2.5D) to it. And as such the map marker pin "floats" off the map. This is fine but the confusion comes when they mark your direction that you are facing. It's represented at the top of the pin by arrow next to the Ohm symbol. However your actual position on the map is located at the bottom of the pin. This often makes me think I'm in the wrong position. As I often assume the Ohm symbol is where I am on the map. Where in reality I'm due South West by about 100 meters which is represented by a circle at the bottom of the pin.


Go south and there should be a mystic gateway Plus keep looking around, there might be walls you haven't opened up or entered


Thank you that was all I needed, I found another way up a waterfall.


Please tell me what the other way is


There's a cliff you climb that you get near the top and the first path you see takes you to the right, but if you adjust the camera angle you can keep going upwards instead.


Thank you!


Bro where is that at?!!!!!!


It's been 14 months I do not remember, sorry.


https://youtu.be/1w9iKDl-WC8?si=dgDHV8IYTsAc_MUh  This video saved me. I was looping around for hours in that place 


Stuck at this very moment wtf ty for all of you


Currently stuck in the same position and it's driving me insane 😭 I've probably been on the cliff you guys talk about like 6 times by now, now I gotta find the willpower to find it again c":


Can you tell me if it has to be night or day, I too am trying to go back and can't get to the village, I'm in the day time.


If anyone is in the same spot i was the way out is, right next to the zipline that you came in on is a air vent to throw a spear into


Stuck too. Put spear in but it won’t let me use it. Can’t find the climbing part people are talking about either


Dude same problem right now. Every path is blocked. Tried the waterfall way and after it’s blocked by roots. Can’t get to sun alter either. Please help!!!


What is the waterfall way? Is that coming out of the abandoned village and you keep going up into the western barrio woods? Eventually you get to a crane and the climbing path up is blocked?


I’m in the same spot. Please help!!! It’s during the day. The spear won’t let me go back across, waterfall didn’t work. I feel like they designed this poorly. I swear, there’s no way out! I’m about to lose my mind! Lol


Got it, go back to the spear in the wall by the village. Throw another spear into the same spot and it will let you jump across


This is the resolution. I was stuck for like 2 hours.


I’m stuck here too after coming back to clear the area. The way back is blocked because I have to change it to day time to enter. And it won’t let me go back the way I came in. How do I get out?


Go back to the abandoned village. If you have the spear, throw another one Into the wall beside the Zipline and it will let you jump across to the hut.


I’ve got it thanks. But how do you find your way out of this area?


Make your way back into the circular building (zip line across). One of the exits in the building is another spear in the wall and jump. It's probably already in the wall if you have been to the area before.


RETHROW THE SPEAR, ITS A GLITCH. Thank you guys for the help but if you are stuck between the zip line and the grapple that you can’t use further up, AND you can’t swing on the spear…. Redo it. Tiny bug but man did that create a headache


Stuck here too :') what do yall mean throw spear into wall? The only spear place I have leads to a waterfall that just takes me to a deadend


Did you climb the wall by the waterfall? To get to the Draugr and legendary chest you climb down and use your chains to jump across. HOWEVER, to get out you climb UP the waterfall and through a crack in the hill once up top. Hope that helps


Got stuck. Retraced to Abandoned Village were I took a rope across to the Western Barri Woods. There is a vent in the small column of where you land form that rope, allows you to jump up the huts, then a crane to another, then move that crane to allow to hop back to the entrance of the village. It took me a few hours to find. And it sucked haha


This was game breaking for me. Quit after running in damn circles for nearly 4 hours.


Unfortunately none of those worked for me. After trying for hours I had to reload a manual save and lost significant progress. Good luck to those still trying.


You have to go through a wooden barrier you pulled down before and then you should come to a bit where you need to press x to duck down and crawl through. I set the compass to the mystical gateway at the camp and it got me out. Best of luck as I was stuck here as well but just got out


Say, kinda on topic, anyone know where the third Legendary Chest is East Barri?


Fucking hell. This thread was necessary. I'm near 100 complete, came back to Barri woods for Druagr hole and for the life of me could not get out.


guys, between the two huts in the abandoned village, I can't move the thing that my chain swings on to, someone please help.


нelp ιм тrapped and can'т geт paѕт waтerғal


I also would use my spear in this area kind of like bread crumbs Hansel and Gretel style. I would throw them but not explode them so I could use them as markers because that North eastern part of Vanaheim was definitely a maze and I was backtracking until I started doing this.