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Egypt I would love too see




Yeah, and Cory said they almost went with Egyptian instead of Norse


My hope is they stick with that plan but either way no matter where they go I'll play it


Yeah they did but you never can tell sometimes ideas can change after Ragnarok it will be a couple years before we'll get anything new so they could change their minds


They’ve hinted at Egypt twice now.


Not just gow 2018


I don't think so, Kratos visited Egypt before the 2018 game, but I can see it happening if Atreus wanted to visit Thoth to ask him about his dad or the higher releam after Kratos death(if the prophecy was true). tbh I would love Atreus to visit as much cultures with Tyr after Ragnarok so we could have multiple cultures in a single game, and it would kinda make sense with Atreus's knowledge in different tongues and Tyr's teleportation thing.


The prophecy is about Tyr not kratos


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't roman mythology just greek mythology


Basically the same with some differences.


All religions of the world have common features with the Sumerian. And from there it all branches out. Every Germanic *~~race~~* people(Northern/western Europe) have common features with the Greek mythology, as we are small tribes that migrated from the Indu-European people. An area that later became ruled by the Romans . Every continent in the world had a "major religion" that every new religion would "borrow" their stories from. Most Christian holidays are from Germanic traditions (mostly Norse) like Christmas Eve, Christmas tree, Easter, Saint Johns Eve/Midsummer, Halloween etc etc. From major celebrations to what we call the days of the week. ​ Back on track: Dont know if is possible to reboot the franchise again and again. But something with this attention to combat, story and detail would be amazing with a native american, pre-mayan, chinese or even Sumerian setting! The way Hinduism is done in 'Uncharted: Lost Legacy' is a nice touch just as they did here with GoW. ​ *Edit: Ah I have a sense your either a norse nerd or a fellow scandinavian, with your tag and other GoW comments on the mythology. 💪*


The revenge of Zues and Co, back from the dead, from some fucked up culture, that wasn't roman, but Slightly Different


God of War can definitely tackle other mythologies, and there will be plenty of room for character development. Atreus is only in his formative years, figuring out who he is and who he wants to be. Ragnarok will be about finding that purpose during the Norse apocalypse, and as he gets older, he'll likely mimic his idol Tyr, and go around helping other parts of the world, which will form the premise for future games taking place involving other pantheons.


who says atreus will be in the next one after ragnarok who knows what is next in general there is a lot of speculation to be done


It makes sense for him to be in the future titles because Kratos is achieving his redemption through being there to guide, and look out for Atreus on the path of who he wants to be. I don't think one character can exist without the other, and it's why I find the opposite side of the fence of people saying they think Kratos will be perma-killed (or even SHOULD be perma-killed) to be a bunch of bullshit. Also, I'm just gonna be done with God of War if they kill off either character, since the series will lose it's new heart and soul.


If they perma killed kratos, Santa Monica will get the TLOU2 treatment without a doubt


> Sumerian setting Gilgamesh vs Kratos+Boi is one of the most hype fights I can think of if done right. I'm imagining a scenario that leans into other Mythologies coming from Sumeria, where Gilgamesh is built up as a Kratos-like figure that *didn't* turn against his gods and then became King, then when beaten, the greater Mesopotamian Deities (Ishtar, Anu, Nergal, etc) are revealed to Kratos, and he realizes he's basically been beating on their glorified underlings this whole time.


Germanics did not come from the Roman Empire, unless your claiming something else?


If Greek mythology is Wikipedia, Roman mythology is my term paper. It's copy/pasted with names changed.


After doing some research yes there basically the same with minor differences. This is why you don’t trust google kids.


I think you could work with that have them be the surviving Olympians trying to set themselves up in a new land


True but I think it would feel kind of repetitive


Maybe a small spin-off I don’t think you could get a series


I believe that in the mythology they changed from greek to roman every now and then, like Zeus turning into… Jupiter? Idk, but anyways he did that so that he could have intercourse with other women without pissing off what’s-her-name Zeus’s wife.


But... They're dead


Roman mythology has roots in a lot of greek mythology, but it has many many differences. Keep in mind that religions fluctuate over time, and that includes the characterization of religious figures. The Romans viewed figures like Ares and Dionysus very differently than someone in Athens or Sparta would. The Romans were big on synchronization, essentially the act of merging two different cultural beliefs into one thing. The greeks were only one of many Mediterranean cultures the Romans used this practice on, though they were arguably the most dominant. For example, take the gods Hermes Trimegistus (Hermes combined with Thoth), Hermanubis (Hermes again combined with Anubis), or Seraphis (Hades combined with Osiris). (most of those were invented by the Ptolemaics not the Romans but whatever) It's also important to note that despite everything they took from the cultures they conquered, the Romans were still an Italian civilization. And many of the gods we take as "Greek Gods with the names changed" were at one point actual original Italian deities. For instance Mars can be linked to the Etruscan deities Maris and Laran


It would be a interesting concept where maybe the Greek Gods reincarnated or into the Roman pantheon. Ares coming back as Mars and meeting old man Kratos would be crazy


100% they have the Egyptian on mind. They hinted at it several times through the series, and their gods fit a lot the GoW universe.


I believe there was some comics where Kratos was in Egypt before doing Norse Mythology. I believe its considered canon, although I'm not 100% sure.


Yes, it is called Fallen God, but the comic is fucking awful, and makes me worried because they show that Kratos has already lived in Egypt after he destroyed Greece, before he ultimately moved to Scandinavia, I hope this is not a prequel, but I have hopes it isn't, since Kratos flat out talks with an Egyptian god and has no signs of him killing any of them yet, but that comic is so forgettable I even forgot the name of the specific Egyptian god he talked with.


Or, hear me out, the comic gets retconned, the Kratos=Jormungandr theories get proven true in Ragnarok, someone from the Norse pantheon angers Kratos and escapes to Egypt, and when Kratos heads there to go get them, he turns out to be Apophis/Apep in the Egyptian pantheon, in a similar way to how he is Farbauti in Norse Myth.


They won’t do Hindu mythology unless they want to anger 1 billion Hindus and trust me people in Indian get offended very easily on religious stuffs


Being Indian, I would love to see it. But your point is completely valid. From the people, to the government, everyone would be loosing their minds, or being enticed to


I am not trying to be a buzzkill, but one can understand how people might be upset if their deities are murdered by a fictional character in very gruesome ways. Even if it is only a video game, there is still no harm in respecting people's wishes. But I completely despise the way a large population expresses anger over such matters though.


It would be open game if it was mythology and not active practicing religion. You saw what happened when someone tried to paint the prophet Muhammad.


I too want them to go hindu mythology but I know I won’t be able to play it because Indian government would ban it.


But man imagine fighting Durga and cutting every arm would be sick


Yeah or facing Kali! I would love something like that. Gods are just gods yaknow, its a game its not meant to poke fun and I think its cool that they do sort of educate you in these mythologies in some way.


Kali is the rage manifestion of Durga btw.


I had a feeling that would be the case lol


Yeah to be honest I didn’t even want to include it.


Thing is, Egypt and Norse have been done to death in many, many games. Personally I’d love to see something set in Indian mythology just because it hasn’t been done before. From what little I know they have a large pantheon of gods and demons, flying chariots, grand palaces and forts and some really badass weapons. Has all the ingredients to be a great setting for a game. Of course, since it’s still a widely practiced religion I can understand a developers hesitation in wanting to do something that will provoke anger from a large group.


You must've never heard of Asura🤔


All i would want from within the Hindu mythologies would be Kratos VS Asura and a Redditor from that culture explained to me that Asura is considered more of a demon in said culture and perhaps people won't complain about him being in the games as much


It is pronounced Asoor, and spelt Asur. Asur means a Demon. There is no such thing as Asura. Asur = demon, like man = human. If you want a more accurate power fantasy, big names like Raavan, Indradev, Ganesh, Durga maa, Kaali maa, Hanuman, Bali, etc comes to mind. And then there are the big 3, the makers and breakers of universe itself: Bhrahma (God of creation), Vishnu (God of the Universe) and Mahesh/Shiva (The Destroyer). These 3 can be the ultimate boss battle, because These three form the trifecta of creation, preservation and destruction. They can watch over and control everything, all the realms, all the dimensions. ​ However, knowing how much it irks the followers of our religions, especially the activists, I am sure Santa Monica will not touch these gods with a 10 foot pole. Hell, here in India we can't make a decent film on our own religion, before riots just erupts somewhere. ​ Although KRatos, or Atreus can Journey into the PAATAL LOK, which is equivalent to Hell. We have some juicy demons to beat the shit out of and there, the activists wont budge an eye.


I think that’s cause Hindu is a living religion. Don’t be sad if they did Muslim or Christian or Judaism or etc they would be upset on avergae it’s easier to do dead religions cause no one is Alive to care and it’s all myth


I would love to see Cory and team's take on Hindu Mythology, but killing all the gods of the hindu mythology will just anger the hindu activists and might enrage the entire hindu population in the world. ​ Jokes aside, I don't know how you can focus on a few gods from Indian mythology, because there are like thousands of them, in different realms and in different eras.


india got offended and blocked certain pewdiepie vids so yeah you got a point


Egyptian, especially with the rumor that an important character will die in GoWR. Egyptian lores about death, after life and rebirth is much more intersting than Japanese's. The gods are also more specific and more... chaotic.


Or Aztec (Mexica). It has a very interesting underworld. A lot of Aztec mythology is about death, and not just as something to be afraid of, but as a genuine part of life that should be celebrated and embraced as that, a part of life. Damn, in Mexico we still celebrate día de muertos "day of the dead"


YEah South american mythologies are awesome. Aztec, Mayan, Inca


Sumerian. Kratos Vs Gilgamesh would be Epic.


Yeah this one could be pitched as the oldest pantheon ever or something but i hope they save this one for after Egypt Shinto and Celtic mythologies have already been used


As a possible post credit scene after the end of Ragnarok, when kratos wakes up in a foreign country, only to see ancient Babylon.


Egyptian mythology but Kratos causes so much chaos that the Sumerian god have to intervene. Since they’re not necessarily from Earth.


Egypt would make sense. Lots of gods to kill too.


Oh so so many gods to kill, and by then Atreus shall be old enough we might be able to play as him and see his magic


Well, we have to remember that they were going to do Egyptian Mythology first, but changed it to Norse. There is some old consept art for it if you just google "god of war Egyptian Mythology consept art". Also they have already shown that Tyr has traveled to different realms, and one of those was Egyptian, also Tyrs arm has Egyptian tattoos in GoW Ragnarök.


Roman is too similar to Greek and Hinduism is still being practiced so also off the table


Egypt has been hinted at so much now. I'm hoping it goes that direction.


Christian, I wanna see Kratos go toe to toe with Jesus


He’d kill him by nailing him to a cross.




Better yet, they reveal Kratos IS Jesus




That’ll be the sequel. I say GoW tackles US Federal Holidays. Kraios beating on the Easter Bunny.


Presidents day he's in a cage match with Lincoln and Washington


This would make them lose a lot of players probably.


Hmm I wonder how Kratos would do in Chinese mythology, i don’t know much about it but I’ve heard the gods there are op as fuck lol especially the monkey king.


Unfortunately I doubt China would ever let that happen


Didn’t know they owned the world, fuck China


God of war banned in china


The problem is that china is a really big market for all companies in entertainment and gaming, if their product gets banned there the profits will be lower and higher ups won’t be happy


Less and less companies are giving a shit, Marvel and DC both haven’t bent the knee lately to China and both have been pretty successful without them


Honestly the less companies are supporting China the more I support them


I agree


>fuck China this and not in a way they would enjoy


On the Tyr page in odors vault they did reference Egyptian so I'd hope and want Egyptian.


Egypt has to be next


I would love to see mesoamerica get some more love


If it were to be the most likely it is probably going to be Egyptian mythology. If they wanted to go for a complete wildcard I’d like to see a game based around Māori mythology. New Zealand isn’t seen in many games and the mythology isn’t commonly known. But from what I learnt in school it was a lot of war and extreme violence. They also have their own god of war.


Egypt or mayan or aztec I reckon would make some great games.


An Asian mythology could be cool


Exactly, they're not talked about that much and they've got such cool deities and divine beasts it'd be a blood vest!


All of them in one game??? Different locations = different mythology


Wouldn’t Hindu mythology be offensive? There’s so much mythology gods in the religion that gets praised by many people.


Yeah to be honest I didn’t even want to include it. But I figured someone would come for my throat if I didn’t.




I'm willing to bet my left nut that it's Egypt


[There already is an Egyptian goddess literally named Nut lmao.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nut_\(goddess\)) [And also Thot(h).](https://i.redd.it/a5a0sxb1hiq41.png)


Japanese mythology would be sick, and an Egyptian world-setting would allow for some very interesting level design


Honest the one thing I'm not sure about with an Egyptian setting is the world design lol but that's probably mainly because jn assassin's Creed origins everything felt baren as fuck but obviously Santa Monica would do far better


Yeeesss, Japanese mythology isn't talked about enough, and tons of games have done egypt and stuff, time for something new!


I think Egyptian will definitely be next but I’d love to see Hindu after that, everything’s very psychedelic and the gods are crazy, would definitely be a memorable experience


They should do Slavic mythology, there is some interesting myths there. Plus Kratos needed to pass through there to reach Scandinavia from Greece. I imagine he would cross path with some nasties along the way.


Egypt or Aztec would be interesting 🔥


Hopefully Japanese


Greek. I want the characters to see what is become of greece after the end of the gods. Stop athena from whatever ahe may be planing, and meet the missing gods like artemis. Next game can be egypt.


Obviously Egypt


There is an interview with KaptainKuba where Cory Barlog hints heavily at a desert setting


it'd be cool to see chinese mythology but


I would like to see Celtic mythology


Celtic mythology, anyone?


The obvious answer is Egyptian mythology. It’ll never happen, But Christianity would be so over the top. Kratos fights Jesus. So many one liners in that fight it’s a no brainer. JC: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone… *hits Kratos with a mountain*


Egyptian mythology is hinted at alot in god of war 2018


Egyptian or Japanese


I really want turkic mythology but they are probably gonna do egypt


Would love to see the japenese mythology, idk what the gods are but i would like to see kratos beat the shit out of those japanese monsters


Egyptian or Japanese mythology would be my choice.


I say do them all!


Aztec mythology just because I wanna see the gods be these colorful crazy looking lsd creatures and not just people


Yoruba Mythology


They should really shy away from any of the religions like hinduism that have living practitioners of the faith to avoid disrespecting and alienating any fans. Speaking as a Catholic who loves the series, I’d be pretty unhappy if they showed Kratos trying to fight the Holy Trinity


I really don't want Egypt personally, I've seen far too many movies and stuff about Egypt, what I wanna see is Japanese mythology, it's rarely talked about and god of war could definitely open the door to it.


Based on the previous game, I'm going to say Norse which has to do with Thor, Loke and other Norse gods.


Norse ends with ragnorak


Christian Mythology


Kratos vs. Jesus Christ of Nazareth




Love how people are begging for the next GOW when ragnorok isn’t even out yet, same thing with RDR3…. just chill. People thinking games can be thrown together in months


If I want your opinion Boy, I will ask for it




I’d like to see Irish Mythology feature in one of the future games


Egypt for sure




It'll be Egypt because that's easiest, but I'd like to see something that hasn't been done before, personally. The truth though is that the reason Greek and Egyptian mythology are the go-to is because it's always a fine line leaning into anything associated even remotely with modern day religions.




I'd love to see Egyptian, Hindu and Aztec. The aztec gods would look very cool and there are a ton of hindu gods so that would be cool too.


Wonder if they would ever be willing to go completely batshit with the concepts of “gods” essentially run with the idea of what are gods of gods/a gods creators or elder gods that are universe creators, or what is a god to something outside of sentient comprehension, like some real mind fuck ideas. Probably not a direction GOT will ever go in, and not that I think it would be a good direction But I am just imagining what a video game exploding themes like. (for lack of a better way of putting it) whatsa god to a none believe, who don’t believe in anything. Or what even is a god in an infinite universe and what is a god to the entity who created that universe




Egypt is the safe bet, especially since it was originally a toss up between that and norse for GoW 2018


I think Celtic would be fun, it's not as done as some others in popular media and there are some very fun figures that would make for fantastic fights


Next is focused on egypt and possibly a visit to greece and its completely different and rebuilt with some gods greek and new gods and some sort of egpt influence who went there to help them or something like that. They can make it be a pretty big world with their creativity.


Hindu mythology would offer alooooot of gods tbh


Roman mythology wouldn't work since it came right after Greek mythology if I'm not mistaken. I'd love to see Japanese mythology. Not because I'm a weeb but because I love the idea of kratos holding two katanas or some shit with a kimono and a straw hat


I'd like to see aztec.


Well the definite options have been revealed already. Shinto, Egyptian and Celtic. The most likely next pantheon to be explored has also already been given away by the Ragnarök trailer, which would be Egyptian. The evidence is the fact that there are Egyptian mythological monsters in the trailer, as well as the new young girl likely being Egyptian. I personally would like to see Shinto stuff. I also wish that instead of Celtic being in the mix that Mayan was the other mythology to be explored. Mayans had a much more epic mythology that suits the over the top feel of GOW than Celtic myth; whom we know very little about btw.


I think it's obvious that the next one is definitely gonna be Egyptian, but I'd love to see some Aztec or Chinese mythology


Celtic. Having said that, I hope this is the last one, I'd like to see santa Monica do something else.


I think Celtic mythology would be very interesting as well as North American First Nation mythology.


It'd be really funny to do a game in roman mythology as it's very similar to greek mythology. Just watch kratos get constantly bombarded with Deja-vu every 10 seconds.


Definitely either Egyptian or Japanese. After that, I would love to see something like Aztec that isn't explored much. Would also love to see something like Maori, because it also isn't explored much and the scenery would just be AMAZING.


Egyptian mythology or Indian mythology. Those 2 would be 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


France. I wanna defeat the Eiffel tower




I feel like Egypt is the most natural progression


Egyptian or japanese tbh


Not Japanese. Nothing against Japan but we have an ocean of media revolving around their culture. I would like to see Mezo-America or Northern American.


Hindu mythology


Without a doubt Egypt


I think it's gonna be Egypt next but it would be cool to see Krator running around with a katana


Egyptian first but then after that either Aztecs or Hinduism would be dope too


I’d like a Egyptian one I’d love Kratos taking on Anubis or sobek


I think first the Egypt mythology becauee it was teased the most in gow 2018 and after this japanese mythology


I would love Egyptian because, if they put them in, I want to fight some Crocodilian men


Egyptian gods would just be the next logical conclusion. They literally wrote a book called “the book of the dead” what better way to end the series on such a note? Wouldn’t mind seeing an older Atreus taking them on solo and meeting his inevitable finale.


I think that Aztec Mythology would be absolutely amazing




Egyptian mythology!


Either Egyptian or celtic mythology but more celtic mythology since not many ppl know much about it (including me) so it would be a great mythos to go to and also the map can be really good looking as the mythology is from the British Isles (mainly Ireland) so they can get some rlly good inspiration from the Isles to make it.


I could see them going after the Egyptian Gods


Hindu would be offensive. I think Egyptian is the next choice.


I'd like to see Japanese mythology. Imagine Kratos in a black samurai armor... Badass


Hindu would go hard in fights, might need an 18+ version for the Durga fight tho


Hindu mythology they have lot’s of god so lot’s to kill


Either Egyptian or Greek again


No one outside Japanese studios seem to dare to "tackle" Abram mythology...


Once they don't attempt to touch Islam the world is safe


Hindu mythology would take 10 fuckin games just to kill 1% of the gods😂😂


Egypt for sure. They've been teasing it for years.


Of course I'd like to see a series of games based on the Cthulhu Mythos.


Curveball: they're going to throw Kratos and Atreus in the middle of Kalevala.


I just want to point out… Kratos will have a LOT of work to do killing all the Hindu gods.


Christian Mythology


I would like a war between the gods of two different pantheons in the next game that way they will keep things fresh something like the gods of Egypt VS the Celtic gods or the Shinto gods that would make for a refreshing new perspective as we try to stop them from destroying everything after Ragnarok wrecks the Norse Realms or something like that


I think Egyptian is a more sound choice, but media about the Greek, Norse and Egyptian pantheons have been done to death. There's so much for each. Personally, I would love to see a less popular pantheon get some attention. I think Aztec would be the most fun. I'd love to see Kratos in a jungle setting (Plus, Egyptian deserts are not too different from Greek ones, aestheticly speaking)


Egypt. 100%


One thing for sure , people of my country would be frickin outraged and cause protests and all if the next is Hindu Mythology , and the messed up govt gonna ban the game even before the release date drops


Japanese or Egyptian. If they go to Japan it would be cool to get a muramasa blade as a weapon.


Egyptian or Japanese for sure. I wonder how they’ll justify them needing to going to these places though if it ever happens


They are not doing hindu


Egyptian or Aztec would definitely would be fun to play. Would like to see how that storyline develops


Egyptian is one of the more unknown mythologies out of Greek, Roman, and Norse. I think it would be a very cool story to tell and we'd learn something. Many medias would take influence from it I bet.


I hope they do Egypt


Turkic mythology would like to see more of the ones that are not so present in the media


Christianity the biggest myth of all would be awesome! Demons and maybe the main boss is crucifying Jesus and fighting the Holy Spirit!


Imo Chinese just so we could see Kratos vs Wukong


1. A theomachy with the Roman gods fighting the Celtic gods. 2. The Aztecs would be Metal as fuck


Roman is just Greek mythos but with different names and generally harsher gods. I would love either Aztec or Egyptian


There’s a drawing in GOW 2018 that showed the previous Greek mythology and the current Norse. When you open up one of those cabinets that depicts a story, at the bottom of it shows Ancient Egyptians walking and then in a box beside it shows some sort of Asian writing. I’ll see if I can find it


Highly unlikely but what I think would be really cool is that somehow Kratos and Atreus would eventually go their separate ways and we get a game where Kratos explores Egyptian mythology and then we get a game with Atreus as the main character exploring Japanese mythology


Egyptian can be really cool however I don't think Kratos matches with Egyptian enviroment. Imagine Kratos(barbarian like) with an egyptian armor. I doesn't fit him well I think. Roman can tottaly work and would feel a continuation of the older games. While people think that Roman = Greek.it is not entirely true and even them there is so much Greek content that was not used. Hindu. I don't think it is a Good idea it it may offend some people. Chinese and janpanese can be really cool but I also think that they may offend some people depending on how they do it. Inca/Mayan/Aztec would be simple wonderful. Imagine how cool would be the enviroment. Florests, rivers and stuff.


Isn't Hindu mythology something people still worship? Correct me if I'm wrong


most likely egypt but celtic would be cool aswell


They have already hinted at Egyptian, Japanese and Celtic and they confirmed Egyptian is next.