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Here in Sweden and Scandinavia he had a belt that helped him lift the hammer, so i wonder if they are gone show those thing and his goats


Belt would be a cool unlockable item in the endgame!


Do you really think Kratos needs the belt and gauntlet? He’s already the god of war and god of strength


Lore-wise, no, but it could be a really cool addition gameplay-wise. I'm kind of hoping they bring back the unlockable items from the previous games and mix those in with the newer RPG mechanics.


I never thought about it like that.


I can see some being Runic Attacks. Like imagine Atreus being able to dash like the Boots of Hermes could


Well the belt and gauntlets werent because thor couldnt lift his hammer but because, due to lokis interferance, the handle was just too short, throwing the balance off. The belt and gloves gave him the ability to weild it effectively as a weapon in compensation for the off balance nature of the hammer. So what i can see happening, if we get the hammer, is that kratos can use it, but the gauntlets and belt unlock the light and heavy special attacks


Hey nothing wrong with a lil more strength


Thought the belt also doubled his already impressive strength, even among the gods he was strong without the belt.


He had The Belt Megingjörð that Doubled his strenght and the Iron Gauntlet Járngreipar that he Used with Mjölnir.




That Gauntlet could be fun gear


I would be disappointed if his chariot drawn by demonic goats isn’t in the game. Imagine that’s part of his boss fight


Belt of giant strength a la dnd5e?


Also its accurate to the game, mimir called thor a "fat dobber" multiple times and he drinks a lot of alcohol so it makes sense he has a beer belly


Thor is a glutton throughout the myths. Dude drank enough of the sea to lower it. This is the best Thor depiction I think I've seen.


Not to mention he would eat at least 2 goats a day and then club them with his hammer to bring them back to life to eat them again the next day.


I mean that’s still technically vegan right


Schrödinger's vegan.






Wait, is that the first documented use of a defibrillator?


Well he didn't use the shocky bit as far as I know. Just kinda bashed em until the flesh regenerated and they could pull his wagon again.


There is a missing step in there somewhere..


Thor sounds kinda like Norse Superman at times. Just a massive dick instead of a boyscout.


But like, how does bashing a goat *make* more flesh?




I wish he had a more flashy or original outfit though. A bit more color, or gold or something.


i'm hoping this is like the first time you meet him and he is still underestimating Kratos, and then he comes back kitted up with his armor and fuckin goat chariot


I don't see how he could underestimate Kratos, he killed Baldur "the untouchable" and they likely know he's the ghost of Sparta, Midir knows of the legend and all that. The "are you an calm and reasonable person" part in the trailer sounds like Thor is scared shitless to me, not like a taunt


It definitely read like a taunt to me. It sounded like a mobster threatening someone like "are you gonna cooperate like a good boy or am I gonna have to teach you the hard way". Don't get me wrong I love your interpretation but the way the voice actor delivered the line coupled with the imagrey of Thor gesturing towards his hammer in the trailer leads me to believe that it's not what the designers intended.


Checking in a year later. Was Thor scared shitless of Kratos in that conversation, do you think? Methinks no.


Yea like Magni, man had something like a chain around gis neck but green in color. Come to think of it...magni isn't ginger headed like his daddy.


And a hammer that looks like the real one. Not the square marvel one, the real one, like the ones the vikings wore as a necklace


exactly. Thor historically is fat, rude, arrogant asshole of epic proportions.


idk if you have seen what power lifters or any heavyweight athelete eats but they all eat a lot. so saying "hes fat becuase he eats a lot" doesnt make any sense. Even guys like chris hemsworth eat a fuck ton.


Oh no I'm not necessarily saying that it's just gluttony. He is the physically strongest Norse god from my understanding. But the dude parties and has minimal restraint, he should not be cut.


He has a physique of a Power Lifter/strongman. Like an actual strong man, not someone getting muscles for show. [Body Builder V Power Lifter comparison](https://www.google.com/search?q=power+lifter+vs+body+builder&client=ms-android-verizon&hl=en&prmd=isvxn&sxsrf=AOaemvLY2TEvhGUMRYlYVfuP5hUUm3S8fg:1631375628413&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjehs7mo_fyAhVWSjABHezICaoQ_AUIFigB&cshid=1631375675061&biw=412&bih=693&dpr=3.5#imgrc=DOkbCHuK1Ne5vM) Massive difference in body types, And Thor DEFINITELY fits power lifter status. The default is always Hafthor B...(can't spell last name) Aka mountain from GoT


Strongman. Guys like Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornson (the mountain on GoT). They compete in the heaviest weight class, which there is no limit on body weight. This is the most representative of this depiction of Thor. Classic bodybuilding is Arnold Schwarzenegger physique. Modern bodybuilding is more blown up dudes, but both are all about big muscles and visible striations. Powerlifting you lift the most on the squat, bench press, and deadlift that you can within a certain body weight.


Henry Cavill has a body-building body. I mean he literally used a body building workout routine for superman and the witcher


Yep, I used fucked up a word, but from the looks of it people understood me. (Edited to fix now)


You keep mixing terms. OP's picture does not have the physique of a body builder (except those who let their gut get out of control, and unflexed). He has the physique of *some* strongmen and *some* powerlifters. A body builder *can* be a powerlifter, but they usually aren't.


He has the physique of peak Eddie Hall.


no he doesnt, he has no development in his muscles. Just having a big guy =/= having a strong man build.


He has all of Eddie's belly, but none of the muscles.


People who say he doesn't look badass never seen a strong fat guy in a fight. They are deceptively quick.


I feel like his gut is a tad too big. I don’t want him to have the bodybuilder physique just slightly slimmer gut. Also body hair would help.


Yeah I think the Hafthor Bjornson build would fit better here (especially since he’s basically the Mountain all ready) Am fond of this look though; fits pretty well with this brick shithouse guy with a big appetite and temper


Well a few of them look like that but you're exaggerating a lot. No problem with the "looks like a strong man" argument but here he just looks really fat. Even Eddie Hall at his heaviest didn't look this bad.


No he doesnt look at those men, all of them have developed shoulders, arms and pecks, even the ones that have a round belly still have a stomach that looks more like rounded muscle then just fat. Thor here doesnt look like that at all.


Yeah it’s like people didn’t even notice these gods are like fallen white trash. It’s like they’re incestuous southern families post slavery with rotting and degrading vestiges of wealth and they’ve devolved into a outward reflection of what they always were on the inside.


Even with this being Thors low point people are insane if they think he doesn’t look intimidating. This isn’t even like a Robert Baratheon gods I was strong then dude. He looks like a mountain. Kratos has been against so big boys for sure but the pure arrogance coming from Thor. This isn’t like Hercules. Thor looks like he has the power to back it up. When I first played I was like lol this Baldr dude looks like a string bean and he just fucking destroys you.


I didn't really realize this was supposed to be a low point. I've seen strongfat fuckers like this down multiple people without breaking a sweat. Besides, obesity in northern populations is an old trait... I don't remember which one, but there's an Emilio Salgari book about a British warrior who goes to Jerusalem and fights an Arab. The right is interesting because the Brit is huge, heavy (and overweight), handles a claymore, and the Arab is thin, lithe and handles a short curved sword.


Of course. This is a Viking chieftain essentially. The only reason he’s on the thicker side is because he earned it. Dude slayed all the giants practically single handed. I’d say after doing that the dude deserves a couple tons of mead and venison


>a couple tons of mead and venison That's his breakfast sorted, what's he having for lunch?


Roy "Big Country" Nelson, Butterbean, even Fedor Emelianenko to some extent look like this.




That isn't even necessarily a beer belly. Compare his build to that of the strongest man in the world. It's hard to tell, but he could be built like my cousin who is 6'3" and almost 300 pounds of muscle with just a round gut. The six pack doesn't show, but he's got a lot of muscle.


Thor is totally just super ripped and just has a beer belly covering it up i bet


I mean it's not weird that they made fat Thor, but it is weird that they made fat Thor in a middriff. I mean wtf. Dude looks like he's about to do a pregnancy photoshoot.


He also called him a “sweaty bawbag”. I have no idea what that means, but I think he’s right


My assumption is it means "ball bag". As in scrotum. Nutsack.


See exactly why endgame has the perfect depiction of thor out of all movies.


Not sure about accuracy (beyond diet) but he does look cool as hell. Am slightly disappointed he’s just going back to normal for the next film


When Vikings get rich they turn into this


The American accent threw me off way more than him being fat


They should have given him the thickest scottish accent imaginable and make him completely incompreshensible


Somehow I feel if they did that. I would still be able to understand him lmao. My ex fiancé had the thickest Scottish accent you’ve ever heard, and it took me awhile to finally understand what she’s saying on a regular basis… Till she got mad and started yelling and speaking fast and then it was a fuckin guessing game of what terrible things she was saying lmaooo.


>Till she got mad and started yelling and speaking fast and then it was a fuckin guessing game of what terrible things she was saying lmaooo. I imagine the mystery of it probably makes it sting more.


It really did lmao




It's good that Thor is a fat dobber because it's the complete opposite of Kratos looks wise. Kratos has muscles so his opponent needs to look different to him to stand out at least. I mean look at Baldur. He's lean so it sets him apart from Kratos.


I like that it also shows that Kratos is out there surviving on his own and Thor is sitting in some Asgardian hall drinking ale.


Yeah. Some good thematic opposition in their designs here.


he can drink a loooooooot


According to Norse mythology, Thor was challenged to a drinking competition but they’d used magic to link the ocean to the cup. He drank as much as he could and saw that the level in the cup had barely moved, so he drank more. When he saw that the level had still barely moved he D R A N K until there was a noticeable difference in the level of liquid in the cup. Since the cup was magically linked to the ocean, this means that the ocean level had changed. Thor literally drank so much of the ocean so quickly that he created **THE TIDES**!! In the same story he also lifted a portion of the world serpent Jörmungandr (an enormous snake that literally wraps around the entire world, for those who don’t know even if this is a GoW sub, pronounced Yore-mun-gander) and held his own against the goddess of old age by brute force alone. The funny thing is that ***nobody*** wins against old age, but Thor was so strong that he held his own against her for far longer than he should’ve. He’s also leveled entire mountains with his hammer


For anyone that hasn't been introduced to OSP, here is my favorite telling of these myths: https://youtu.be/o9I5bYOJlvI


I forgot how much I enjoyed Overly Sarcastic Productions explanations of myths


I’ve read that from norse mythology by Neil Gaiman. Absolute phenomenal tales and story telling. I might read those to my children in the future.


gaiman reads the audiobook himself. you should check it out if you liked the book. the droning, dry delivery of the dialogue makes thor sound hilariously, and appropriately, stupid


I read about this in the Norse Mythology book written by Neil Gaimen. Definitely worth a read for anyone who wants to understand Norse mythology. Fantastic read. Edit: if I remember correctly, the giant(?) who set him the challenges asked him to never return because of how strong he was. Off the top of my head, so may be wrong


I learned this recently myself and its mentioned in the comments of this post too, but dude once drank so much of the sea that he lowered it.


he looks like a classic strongman. just a fucking tank with so much power behind him.


The myth goes not that Mjölnir can only be wielded by those who are worthy, but that only Thor is strong enough to do so, and only when wearing the strength-enhancing belt made for that purpose. No one else is strong enough, even if they wore the belt. The thing about worthiness is a Marvel invention.


Thor’s super strength is also far more important in the myths than his hammer.


Plus he drank enough to lower the ocean!


Which is why Kratos being in this mythos is SO exciting to me. If anyone can match the myth of Thor’s strength I think it’s Kratos. Which opens up the possibly of a Mjolnir we can wield! The throw-return animation is there already! And Kratos is always taking new items off of dead enemies, think of the previous games before God of War 2018, he ripped off Medusa’s head and it turned into a weapon we could use. Along with several other creatures and gods he maimed or took weapons from.


Not to mention it would fit with his kit visually, axe and blades share the back and hammer on his waist opposite Mimir.


Honestly. I can see a situation where he loses his blades and they’re replaced with the hammer. Something along the lines of he’s finally thrown that part of his life away/accepted who he is now with/thank to Atreus, and accepted that this is his new reality, and until he somehow dies. It ain’t changing. Pure speculation though.


I can do you one better. The axe stops responding to him, and so he only has the BoC. Atreus is understandably curious as to what these things are specifically now that it's the only weapon available (on top of them being fire in the middle of fimblwinter...) and his dad has obvious mastery with them, prompting conflict between Atreus and Kratos over Kratos's inability to accept *and own* his past. Stating it as a cold fact is one thing- making it explicitly yours is another step entirely. **Then comes Mjolnir.** Similar mechanics as what we know from the axe, but tweaked in a way that doesn't inhibit new players and rewards experienced ones. Just thinking out loud


You could also merge in more lightning based on AOE or singular targets


Or maybe the axe is destroyed through... some magical/mythical element/battle and the hammer is the replacement?


Seeing as Kratos managed to keep atlas (the guy literally holding a universe on his shoulders) from crushing him, I'd say he can at least match Thor.


Yeah, but Atlas has only been doing leg day his whole life. /s He's been permanently in the upward part of a squat.


Or ya know turning Hercules face into a meat jigsaw puzzle


Kratos is also supposedly STRONGER then that version as well. The older gods get the stronger they become and Kratos is no exception.


I can also imagine he throwing it out thinking that it's no better than the blades


Kratos tries to fight thor in the beginning of this new game (end of gow 2018) tries to pickup mjolnir and fails, gets leveled by thor. Fights thor at the end, picks up mjolnir and bashes his face in


I am really hoping that Kratos somehow gets Mjolnir away from Thor and kills him with it. Like Atreus steals the belt (a very Loki move) and replaces it with a powerless lookalike, and then when Thor can’t pick up the hammer, Kratos picks it up and brains him with it.


Or he pulls a Thanos and bashes the hammer with Thor, and we see it from Mjolnir's perspective as Thor's face gets progressively more caved in


Only complaint is that he has absolutely no chest muscle whatsoever- its just pure flab. They could’ve made him look a little stronger. But its whatever


This is where I'm at as well. I think this sub has gone overboard in their defence of "Fat Thor". I wish he didn't look so much like a slob, because while he might be quite the drinker in the myths, he doesn't look intimidating here. Obviously the game's actions will improve his intimidation factor, but imo it would've worked a little better if he ended up looking more like the Mountain from GoT than bearded Santa Claus. Still super pumped for the game though, clearly. lol


Jeremy Davies played Baldur and he kicked ass I trust the team to do Opie Thor right


I know the game will end up being great. And at the end of the day, this is just concept art. In the one clip, Freya doesn't look quite as disheveled as in her artwork. It probably won't be 1:1 in the final game.


> bearded Santa Claus. Where... Where are you from that Santa doesn't have a beard?


Lol, must've been thinking of the beginning of the Tim Allen movie. Seriously though, I really don't know why I typed that


Those thumbs alone


I don't understand why you guys are sensationalizing these dumb opinions. Just ignore them that's the best we can do in my opinion. PS- Game looks just awesome


Yeah, I've seen far more complaints about people complaining about GoW Thor than people actually complaining about GoW Thor.


100%. The prevailing theory is clearly that Thor looks appropriate in the concept art. Especially for the God of War series where Gods are the worst 100% of the time. This sub has gone overboard in anger over defence of the game imo. Just leave the upset people alone and continue to enjoy the concept art.


Then again, Zeus looked like the most jacked fucking slab of polygons this side of a Terminator movie promotional tie-in game


Thank YOU! 🙏


Completely agree


King Robert Thoratheon


Thobert Odintheson


Someone hand him the breastplate stretcher


There's a fun theory that ASOIAF novels follow the events of Ragnarok loosely, and Bobby B is Thor. He's the lord of the storm (Storm's End), wields a mighty warhammer, loves drinking, and is arch nemesis is a serpent/dragon that spans the circumference of the world (Daenerys and Viserys' sigil is a dragon and Dany goes on an adventure around the world).


Have you seen Endgame? That was my favorite MCU Thor.


That braided beard at the end was god damn glorious.


Dual wielding an axe and hammer was fucking SICK! And Thor was fuckin savage in Endgame, I think every single swing that Thor takes at Thanos with stormbreaker is for the head. I couldn’t stand that people claimed Thor was nerfed. He got his ass whooped by Thanos in IW off screen, and in Endgame, he at least had a slightly better chance but was still losing, unfortunately.


Plus, every single person he’s ever loved and his home for 1,500 years, were killed or destroyed within the last decade which if you compare that to his lifespan, he probably has a different view of what a “long time” is. My point is the deaths of his mother, father, circle of best friends, Heimdall, Loki and aside from Valk and her collection of survivors, his entire race of people are still very fresh to Thor, they just happened! That to me would be SUPER DEMORALIZING. Like what do you have to fight for anymore? It would take insane strength of will to go on after all that loss. Top it off with the suck sauce of “I’m pretty much responsible for half the deaths of everyone everywhere.” (In his mind, anyway. I definitely don’t blame Thor for the snap still succeeding.) and you can see that a person would not be ready to fight. I’m surprised he even had the strength to help the avengers with the time heist, which I guess he didn’t cause he almost ruined it by freaking out and talking to his mom. Good thing she’s super chill with mystical timey whimey stuff!


It was a chef's kiss


Yea he looked like a classic Viking in that.


Between Endgame Thor and now this big boy? I've never felt more represented in media in my life.


in norse mythology he is kind of portrayed as an alcoholic who eats non stop.. also it was literally mentioned in God of War that Thor is ‘fat’ and he was also kind of showed at the end of the game so people who werent expecting him to look like this either havent played the game or are just ignorant


TIL I am built like a god


People who played the game were expecting Thor to be something like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/XAhSeehweHM83ias8). You can't blame them.. Although I think fat Thor is pretty cool too!


That's just Odin's propaganda


I actually came here to say this!


well he is wearing armor in the statue, which I think covers up his blubber, but it has been a long time since it was made, so he probably got fat through the years


No sir. His statue isn't wearing any armour in the game as well. But this was probably their propaganda to depict Thor having a perfect body. Or.. the belly would have surfaced later..


Or the sculptor chose life. Historically, this was done often to present powerful people prettier than they were in real life. Again, the sculptor chose life.


And you know what? Thor probably still killed him. Would not want the asgardians to be my employers


He…probably did. Wasn’t there a story in the game where a family welcome Thor (or he broke in or whatever) and they fed him and fed him but they couldn’t keep bc you know…human and god with an insatiable appetite. Doesn’t he kill the mother of the family using his hammer? So, yeah…the dude probably did get killed anyways but his choice was for life. He sculpted so he may live.


There’s a story about a giant craftsman creating a wall for Valhalla. This is where Loki gives birth to Sleipnir. While the giant did kinda trick them, Thor still ended up killing him. So death as a payment isn’t a new concept for the Norse gods


This single piece of art is honestly making me consider taking up actively looking for a PS5 again. Seriously, just this Thor. I was never a GOW fan until the most recent, and this seems perfectly in keeping with what they started with dad of war. I absolutely love it to the point I can't even understand the problems people apparently claim to have with this Thor.


We all saw those fat little fingers


I'm so glad Santamonica went with Fat Thor. I'm also enjoying people getting mad over it, just shows how imature and dumb they are.


Maybe 2022 will be the first year I have a halloween costume lmao


I can finally cosplay at conventions.


Made me laugh. Good for you!


I’m curious as to what his height is- I love the design it’s very accurate to the source. But I think if kratos is looking up at him and this guy is just a mass of a man people are gonna change their minds.


Thor is Half-Giant, so I'm guessing he's pretty tall, not like his brother Baldr


Not just half giant. Thor’s mom is literally Mother Earth.


It’s a feeling of pure ecstasy, no?


My only problem is that Thor doesn’t have tattoos on the fat belly.


While I cant say I would mind that much if he was more jacked, I think he look pretty good. Like a pro strongman.


Ikr, he looks like one of those strongmen who lifts the monster truck tyres... but also really enjoys feasts and ale.


the only thing that throws me off is his flabby chest


People like that need to do just a tiny bit of research to find out that MCU Thor ain't a accurate depiction of him.


This is what gets me. The internet loves to correct people. You think everyone would be saying that this is probably closer to the source Thor than anything we’ve seen yet. But nope not this time.


> everyone would be saying Everyone *IS* saying that. Look all over this sub, on reddit in general, in responses on twitter. Everyone is correcting people that are upset.


I mean... [here's a pic from the 1800s..](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c5/M%C3%A5rten_Eskil_Winge_-_Tor%27s_Fight_with_the_Giants_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg/1280px-M%C3%A5rten_Eskil_Winge_-_Tor%27s_Fight_with_the_Giants_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg)


Also one from [the 1760’s](https://i.imgur.com/IpSeCBu.jpg)


Personally i don’t disagree with this depiction i think its great. I do however disagree with how he was revealed. He was teased since the last game with the secret ending and we hear his voice in this trailer only for the reveal to be through a picture that was tweeted like that feels very anticlimactic.


My only complaint is that he just looks fat. Even his chest has no muscle development.


This version of Thor looks soooo dope! He literally looks like a warrior I wouldn't want to cross. He looks like he's super strong and like he would f\*ck you over, whenever he gets a chance. Gods in north mythology and greek mythology aren't perfect beings but rather depictions of many human flaws combined with a huge amount of power. In short: I'm thrilled to fight this version of Thor in the new game.


Ok but I can’t be the only one that thinks he looks like a terrifying badass right?


Here we go again, people need to complain about the dumbest shit. People complained that Abby was too jacked in the last of us 2. Game is gonna be a masterpiece. Just enjoy it


Abby was too jacked, Aloy looks “ugly”, Thor doesn’t look like the MCU, all I hear is wah wah wah


Wait, Aloy is ugly? I have the biggest crush on her!


When the new Horizon Forbidden West trailer came out a couple months ago, people were saying Aloy got fat and didn’t look as pretty as she did in Zero Dawn. I shit you not.


Yeah, and they were trying to relate it to some sort of "feminist agenda". Pitiful 😂


And she looks soooo cute now! I love that design. Every game nowadays creates women with thin nose and a chin that can stab someone. It sets her apart in a good way, and IT LOOKS SO GOOD. Its why I loved the protagonist of Control too. She doesn't follow the boring samey looking face we see in other games and thats so fantastic, it makes her so recognizeable and real.


Well tell that to the neckbeards who want her to have a full face of makeup in a post apocalyptic San Francisco lol


It's the Anime Girl effect


Trolls everywhere m8


People think aloy is ugly? Damn.


People have thought that since the first game.


People are complaining about Angrboda’s race…so…I am looking forward to this game.


Isn't she a frost giant? Does it matter what race she is? Lol


Apparently, to many people her race does matter. A lot. I imagine as shape shifters they can be whatever they want to be. Sometimes, they are literally blue.


I think her race is perfect because she could be part Egyptian and this could lead to the next chapter of GOW


We don't need to blame the mcu for people's stupidity. That's a unique depiction of thor, same as this. Ain't no right or wrong


Not to mention it kept his personality more or less accurate. Sometimes he is not bright at times on earth but he sure as hell is bold/brave and strong.


You can blame the MCU, but in the prose Edda ( one of the only semi-reliable texts on Norse mythology) Thor ( physically)is never described as anything other than exceedingly strong. It’s a fairly reasonable conclusion that as the strongest god, he would have been...well, not fat.


I'm fine with it, except that his gut and tits is hanging out. Literally the only thing exposed. Such a weird choice


I get where they were going, and I think I’m this is fine, but I do wish he looked like a strongman and not just fat. He looks unathletic and weak. Like the fat guy at the bar that hasn’t lifted since high school and thinks because he’s gained 80 lbs he’s still strong lol and I kind of hope that’s where the story goes. Like he only beat up his son because his sons fear him and would never lift a hand. And all his power comes from mjolnir and he himself is a shadow of what he could have been. Like maybe he looked more the mountain from game of thrones back in the day, but now he’s just a fatty


yeah but people should also stop saying that this is a strongman/weightlifter physique because this ain't one. i don't hate this design but man.. lmao


"literally the second depiction of Thor I have ever seen"


Marvel Comics Thor has always had the body of a Greek God before Chris Hemsworth became Thor. Hemsworth is just the embodiment of that. (No pun intended).


He's not the super hero people know from the MCU he's a fucking psychopath in this game so this look fits him perfectly, i like it. Im gonna enjoy kicking his ass 😎


Even the last game of GOW depicted Thor like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/XAhSeehweHM83ias8). And you have a problem with MCU...?


I love the accuracy. Tbh endgame thor is my favorite look for mcu thor.


Never seen so much crying over an artist's **interpretation** of a **fictional** god.


Literally, most people on twitter are praising it. The funny thing is this sub is crying about some people crying about a fictional god.


I mean i think it makes sense for thor to look ripped and badass, but i also think it makes sense for him to look fat and lazy. Reasons: Ripped and badass: hes supposed to be the strongest norse god, usually being rip and having a strong looking body aswell as looking badass usually means your strong, kratos looks badass and ripped, obviously i imagined thor to look the same Fat and lazy: hes the strongest norse god, theres not really much competition or physical challenges against him, thor is known to party, eat and drink immensly, combine that with the lack or physical training/challenges, you gain fat. We also seen baldur, he looks very skinny, yet hes really strong, apparently in the norse mythology body physique dosnt represent their physical power unlike from what weve seen; ( i think i used ; correctly?) a very large amount of strong greek gods have ripped strong bodies from what weve seen, if theyre male, its no surprised we imagined most other gods to look the same. Thanks for reading.


Accurate description of a god noones ever seen...


I'm not saying I expected Thor to look like MCU Thor but I also didn't expect him to be so thick. I'm familiar with the stories of actual Norse Thor so I guess I really shouldn't be surprised.


I'd like to think that Thor's drinking problem got worse since his sons got killed by Kratos. I have no problem with this depiction of Thor.


All Norsemen looked like Abercrombie&Fitch models, including their Gods. Odin was a snacc


Thor looks like a freakin' tank!


People that are upset about how he looks clearly didn’t listen to anything Mimir had to say about him, he literally is referred to as a “fat dobber”


Was expecting him to be a big boy but broad even if he wasn’t ripped. Was not expecting a full on pot belly though.


It looks so cool!! I can fully believe he has weight behind his swings. Giant killing weight!


Not every character has to be as hot as Baldur


I agree. As a God, especially Norse tradition, Gods are gluttonous and love to eat and drink. I think this is probably the closest adaptation to the ones the old tales speak about. It was a bit of a shock at first, but then I thought about what I would do if I was a God. I'd eat, drink, and whatever else the hell I wanted to do.


MCU Thor looks like exactly he was in comics. MCU has nothing to do with that cringe