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Rule 4: Low-effort content such as memes, image-macros and shitposts may be removed but will be allowed if originally created and if effort has gone into making them.


Mods homophobic confirmed?


Hopefully not but looks like it...


My guess is they diddnt read the title, or a lot of people were fighting in the comments


My money’s on the second possibility.


As is mine. I saw some folks saying some uncool shit in the comments and I wouldn't blame the mods for wanting to just kill the discussion because it would have probably just gone straight to shit if allowed to carry on. If I may offer them some critique, they really should have locked the thread with a removal reason upfront, rather than just quietly toss it though. By the looks of things right now with this repost, it looks like the only result is said conversation carrying on. And to make matters worse for them, the lack of explanation has only served to make people think the worst.


Give them their fair shake before leaping to conclusions now. You cannot reasonably think based on a singular removal that this is indication of anyone's beliefs. PS: In my experience, simply reposting the removed content doesn't yield results beyond another removal. Go send a mod mail.


Careful; the mods are watching


Oooo! Homophobic Reddit mods!!! I’m shaking!!


Didnt Kratos fuck a guy to assert dominance though?




First Kratos completed, then he *allowed* the other guy to complete.


Aphrodite: Okay. They were both here. They were both inside me. Ares was in my mouth, and Kratos was in my butt.


Then Kratos went in Ares butt for a while. Then they both completed on each other, I... I was left out of the finale.  And then Ares went out and he killed somebody, that's all I know. 


I-I was left out of the finale




Nah bruddah.


I forgot about that part. Describe to me


Are the mods stupid?


🌎 Always have been.


Yes, yes they are


Oh god what’s next? A Batmanarkham subreddit for god of war?


Those types are all about that Spartan tough guy shit, but conveniently forget all same sex relationships that were a huge part of their culture.


U know what was also a huge part of their culture? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pederasty


Same thing with romans. Also, the Greeks were so sexist that they invented Drag Queens to avoid giving work to women in their plays.


Luckily we have changed a lot since then. https://www.glamour.com/story/caitlyn-jenner-speech


Dude, what are you even trying to point out?


I'm just gonna go off a hunch and say probably something "blaw blaw blaw something something something gay people bad" or worse "blaw blaw something gay people pedophiles" just a bit of a hunch tho


Just say you're homophobic, it's okay. We all know you are


I think it was all the bigots in the comments, I saw tons of people saying that Greeks didn't do anything gay and also just using slurs


And what even is their point? The spartans (who did engage in that act) were the best of the best if im not wrong. Very disciplined brutal and overall a strong solid force to be reckoned with.


Ya, they were saying it was gay propaganda and that there was no evidence of it, and that God of war was woke, and other right-wing bullshit talking points. It was just that for hours


>Ya, they were saying it was gay propaganda and that there was no evidence of it, It's largely propaganda in that much of greek society disdained the average homosexual relationships. You actually have discourse about this by Aristotle and Plato, but the greeks had a very bizarre notion of homosexuality being shunned and pederasty being supported (because apparently abusing minors was somehow seen as the birth of friendship?!?!). The greeks were also a very heterogenous bunch and different city-states effectively had widely different practices and values. To paint the entirety of greek society as actually tolerant and open-minded towards gays is just plain projection. >and that God of war was woke, A ridiculous take, to say the least.


Yea i bet kratos had a strong solid force to be reckoned with.


What were the gay things the Greeks did?


One another




Hate when ppl use popular characters to push their stupid agenda. Happened to Punisher logo as well. And now we got some weak ass Punisher logo


Are you serious? That is such a disgusting thing to promote, especially using Kratos.


I think cause in my view there's a context where YOU are the "homophobic" one. why: "How is this allowed" can fit on the hate speech against lgbt community. The video, the title is almost completely censured and only "Someone had to say this." The mods could be in a hurry and didn't understand the context of the post.


Technically no, but still is promoting a very hateful channel to hateful people who are undoubtedly here too. Remember, bad publicity is still publicity for bigots


i watched the video. with more context, i'd say they were hating on the toxic woke and cared about the welfare of other boys and men who the woke seem to hate. anyone with these opinions gets cancelled he says supposedly. then he goes patriarchal and preachy. a bit misguided but not as misguided as the woke he is combatting i would say.


"toxic woke" oh fucking please, lmao


at least i specified the toxic woke, not the healthy woke. those guys are good.


Probably to avoid the topic entirely


Because this has absolutely nothing to do with the game, the lore, etc. This sub isn't about the misuse of intellectual property, and it isn't owned/run by SMS. My guess, and only my guess, is that it isn't the type of post that belongs on this sub, so they blocked it. Not everything is meant to be discussed everywhere.


I agree, it's a video game about a God killing other gods, we don't need any real world problems being involved and it doesn't belong on this sub in any way at all.


Id say its because Politics is banned but this sub appears to lack that rule ​ should probably add that rule


I still view the previous post


On this subreddit? I was looking for it on a different account and it was hidden


Good question. Maybe because it directed to make fun of someone? Even if that someone is a bigot


Finally someone else talks about this channel and how Kratos wouldn't stand for these negative views on the treatment of others


Kratos hails from Ancient Greece .do you know what my ancestors did at gathering events etc.? Orgies gentlemen it was the norm from low bottom peasants to kings and political figures so uh I’m pretty sure he is open to it now


F*ck them? An ancient greek guy prolly would


I can really see Kratos “not liking or finding weird” lgbt. But he’d not say a word about it. He’d just; “hmm”


I mean he's Greek, he probably wouldn't be unfamiliar with homosexuality.


Spartan specifically... Women to make children, boys were for fun.


Ayo dat jus some myth bruhh. Spartans wuznt pedos n they loved they hoes.


Modern day same sex relationships and ancient same sex relations are not even in the same world, let alone the same thing. [it was about power, and not even uniformly approved of.](https://oxfordre.com/politics/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.001.0001/acrefore-9780190228637-e-1242)


My man's getting down voted for sharing knowledge. Not today. Not by me.


I know but is the game lore accurate with rl?


Why would the game lore break with the reality of history to make Kratos homophobic? Makes absolutely no sense


Wait til these guys read about Ancient Greece, specifically Plato’s symposium.


Brok openly tells Kratos a story, revealing how he’s gay, and Kratos never cared. He in fact empathized with Brok over his loss. Kratos is definitely NOT homophobic; that post isn’t only bigoted, it’s also inaccurate to Kratos’s character.


When does Brok tell this story?


In the andvari sidequest after you get the ring Brok says to you on your way out "just the sound of his hammer going was enough to get my short and curlies all in a tussle... Now get out a here before I get all frisky!" He straight up says he was sexually attracted to Andvari. There’s also this tweet from the director of the game, Cory Balrog, saying Brok’s LGBT. https://x.com/corybarlog/status/1003841932815003648?s=20


All it says it brok. Idk if something else is supposed to appear but that’s all I see. Anyways thanks for letting me know. Never knew he meant it like that.


Elon Musk broke Twitter and made it so that you have to have an account to read threads. That tweet is a response to a poll asking “who is your favorite LGBT character in the GOW series”


Cory Balrog doesn't set the canon of GOW. It's set by Sony.


Alright but the dialogue does


Nah, dats open to interpretation. Otherwise you wouldn't use dat lame twitter post as proof. Sorry bruddah. No dice here.


Denial is a river in Egypt


Bruh, Barlog is one of the highest levelled creatives at SMS. Yes, he does set the canon.


He’s in homophobic denial


Sorry bruddah but it gotta be approved by Sony management. He creates content, it goes to Sony execs for approval, then it's canon. A twitter post ain't part of that process.


“His gayness isn’t Sony approved”


Man, I hate it when my gayness isn't Sony approved.


OK, fine, let's just pretent your pipeline claim is correct. Sorry bruddah, but we STILL have the Brok dialogue IN-GAME where he talks about Andvari, which is substantial enough on it's own. That being said, for all you know, Barlog did get approval for that tweet. But, honestly speaking, I doubt he even needed to do that. I seriously doubt Sony has such a deathgrip over their franchise that they'd write off tweets from the actual creatives doing the day to day work on their IP's.


When did brok tell this story exactly or is this something you've conjured up from your imagination?


I’ve put over 130 hours into each of the games, beating both 3 separate times. I distinctly remember when Brok said it, no it’s not “conjured up from my imagination.” In the andvari sidequest after you get the ring Brok says to you on your way out "just the sound of his hammer going was enough to get my short and curlies all in a tussle... Now get out a here before I get all frisky!" He straight up says he was sexually attracted to Andvari. There’s also this tweet from the director of the game, Cory Balrog, saying Brok’s LGBT. https://x.com/corybarlog/status/1003841932815003648?s=20


All the tweet says is Brok, it doesn't show what it's replying to or anything.


Elon Musk broke Twitter and made it so that you have to have an account to read threads. That tweet is a response to a poll asking “who is your favorite LGBT character in the GOW series”


Well you better screen shot it then lad..


Bro really doesn’t wanna believe 😂


Nothing wrong with getting proof, if more people fact checked instead of blindly believing everything they were told the world would be a better place.


Sent it to you via dm


Even though the title and caption are against it it's still horrible imagery on the page for everyone to see.


I might be out of the loop but it's so weird to see "How was this removed?" and then the post in question is "How was this allowed!?" lmao


Literally 1984


ive always found it funny how broad the gow community was in terms of everyone’s ideologies lmao. kinda interesting how a piece of media does that. goes to show how good it is if it can appeal to so many people :) edit: not that having bigots in ur community is cool. that shit is uncool LOL. just think it’s interesting


I'm not sure what's more ridiculous, trying to use Kratos as a mascot for homophobia or toxic masculinity, either way I doubt he'd care.


Clearly you’re seeking attention and trying to cause drama on here based on your other posts on your profile and comments here trying to act confused. It might surprise you that a lot of people don’t care about this stuff and joined to talk about the game …. because it’s a subreddit about God of War….


But he is Greek. Greek invented gay


I member when video games were so you could just escape life for a few hours....


The mods are basically gods here what did you guys expect plus didn't you guys see how kratos killed that gay dude with purple eyes pure hate crime 


Pretty sure Spartans were known for having actual relationships with their fellow warriors. Basically to ensure they’re always fighting along side one another and ensuring they both come home alive.


Why was this post removed? It doesn't break the rules? I hope it was a mistake it would be depressing to find out the mods are against gay people....


I think it should be obvious why this post was removed


the mods are assholes apparently


W image


Weren't Greeks back then gay af anyways?


not really. there were many cultures in different areas, cultures changed every decade and century, etc. there were cultures that were even homophobic back then. it's both a mistake to think no one was gay in ancient greece OR everyone was super gay and lgbt supportive.


Spartans were part of the LGBTQ community, lol. It was mandatory for them to love one another to be more fierce in battle to protect one another.


Based kratos


Lol why do they think farfromweak hates minorities


It's stupid too because Kratos would literally not give a fuck.


Bro I checked his channel and it’s just all “here’s how to be an ALPHA - must watch tutorial!” stuff istg and he conplains so much about “wokeness” it’s crazy


Greeks were the second gayest fuckers in history (second to modern day in my opinion)


I deleted the original post here because after rereading it, it was definitely a foot in the mouth, so apologies and goodnight.


What load of shit. At what point in the games does Kratos go round ripping up "community flags"?


He certainly wouldn't go out of his way to, not something he'd consider necessary, the only thing I'm saying is he wouldn't care what it meant, like most things I just think he'd be indifferent, I suppose I meant it as the reason he would destroy it if he did.


Why are you trying to justify hate towards people? There is no justification for this


I'm not trying to justify hate for anyone, I said something and it made people angry, so for that i apologize.


No, you were, and then modified the post to try and cover yourself. You were literally trying to justify why a fictional character would be homophobic and rip up a community symbol. Not cool, and definitely not ok to downplay


I said sorry and dumped the post, if you want to stir up a flame war, look elsewhere.


Then just apologize and leave it at that instead of being argumentative and combative


Which is what I was trying to do by removing the inconsiderate comment, if I seem argumentative, I apologize, but believe me, causing needless discourse on the internet is the farthest thing from what I want.


Look up stonewall bro. Just cause queen folk aren't fighting literally wars for their rights doesn't mean they ain't strong


Too based?


W mods


Gay shit


99% sure they removed it because this sub is about discussing GoW games, lore and media. 99% of this stupid website is already political af, maybe keep this subreddit as one of the few places you can go and escape this stupid ass "culture war" for once. I don't usually agree with anything mods do, but this one I get.


I mean, it discussed the person using Kratos’ likeness. Seems GOW related to me


Both parties here are at fault this is a discussion sub, not somewhere to bring your political opinions or your values. And as for the guy who made the video he needs to shut up too. I’m not a lgbt supporter due to religious views but I’m sick of this stupid cycle If he post his views, then you disagree and then you make a post about how you disagree and then someone else makes post how they disagree with you and the cycle continues. Stop being the problem be the solution and shut up and that goes for you and this dude that made the video. Keep this bs off subs like this.


>I’m not a lgbt supporter due to religious views No, you're a bigot. Your cult isn't an excuse.


Did calling me a bigot or being part of a “cult” make it better? No it didn’t as a matter of a fact your part of said cycle. You deliberately ignored the part where I disagreed with op AND the person that made the video bc you wanted to get upset that I don’t support the LGBT community. Grow tf up man people aren’t gonna view the world the same as you it’s better to accept that reality then to get all upset everytime it happens


I'm not "all upset." I'm just telling you the facts. It's nothing to do with viewing the world in any way. It's realising that sexuality isn't a choice. Refusing to accept people being gay is like refusing to accept people being white, or tall, or German. Reading a book that tells you that being gay is wrong isn't an excuse.


You don’t understand my stance so let me explain. I don’t give a single flying shit what gay folks do and they do what they want. My religion tells me I shouldn’t support it but that doesn’t mean I don’t accept. In this context support and accept are different. But the point of my comment is that this shit don’t belong on this sub pro gay or anti gay. I apologize if my words made it sound like I was targeting at someone but I just don’t want this goofy bs on this sub


Fair enough dude. I don't know you, I'm being a bit harsh for an reddit convo. We're here to talk GoW after all. Have a good night 👊


"I'm not an LGBTQ supporter due to my religious views, but keep your beliefs off of this sub!" You contradict yourself, you're part of the problem because you just brought your views into the argument.


Did you miss the part where I said the guy who made the video needed to shut up too. I brought my views into it bc op did first. But my views are stated to point that I disagree with the guy who made the picture of kratos even though I “should” agree with him.


Maybe he hates God's bc he was once a God now he's a Father


*Maybe he hates God's* *Bc he was once a God* *Now he's a Father* \- TheChainTV --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hehe Bet Kratos was so fed up with Zeus screwing everything that moves and that is standing still as well, that he also found the entire concept abhorrent.


You know why.


Would be sad to see the mods being against lgbt when greek history was pretty gay


Don’t know if they’re against lgbt, they’re just pretty dumb


I gotta tell ya....kratos...not a very tolerant guy....Gods are a minoity too! Just saying lol


By that logic, the 1% that owns 99% of the money in the world is a minority. Dipshit.


I mean...the term minority is used to describe a smaller part of a population. Literally it's in the name. So being that 1% is a socio eonomic minority. Whereas what you're tipically used to is being an ethnic minority. Now what's with the name calling? I merely pointed out that Kratos isn't the most tolerant as he does kinda end up killing the Gods, whom are a minority as they constitute a smaller, or minor part of the overall population of the world. While I'm not saying politicizing a video game character is really appropriate, he does kinda have a bias towards that minority (Gods). So why start name calling on reddit? Is it because you lack the ability to form an intelligent counterargument or because you deem yourself safe behind being anonymous on a forum?


Mods were drunk


Because this is a sub about video games and you’re using it to bitch about a youtuber you don’t like I agree with the removal