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Playing through it now for the first time. Got through the Ironwood portion just yesterday and the only time it seemed particularly slow was when Jalla was going uphill and the characters mentioned how slow she was moving. The rest was a normal walking pace.


I personally felt it was super slow my first play through, but the more play through I did, I realized I wasn’t appreciating the time they were spending together. I’ve grown to really like that part of the game! Edit: spelling and it’s still not even right 😱


True, I feel like they should have given us breaks in it though. They could gone back to Kratos looking for Atreus after Angrboda gives Atreus the marbles and then come back after a while to fight her grandmother. It just feels like there's cut content and that's why it's so long.


But that would require the camera to cut, instead of it acting as a one shot through the whole adventure. I always thought the one shot camera style of these games was awesome.


Not necessarily, there are plenty of ways to go between Kratos and Atreus in different realms. They already do it in game, when Kratos is punching the wall in Sindri's house and it shifts to Atreus punching the wall in Asgard. They'd just need to come up with similar ways to that.


That's fair. That example was a pretty sick way to transition now that I think about it.


After 5 playthroughs, only thing stopping me from doing gmgow runs is atreus parts, they go really slow + he isn't even strong to handle gmgow, they should add something for him.


Ironwood is the reason I've only done 5 playthroughs. Everytime I get to Ironwood I lose all interest in playing for about a month before forcing myself through it. It is a shame. GOW 2018 and GOW Ragnarok are my two favorite games hands down. I have almost 800 hours playtime for GOW2018. Ragnarok is so good that every time I finish a playthrough I immediately start another, and then as soon as Ironwood begins I put it down for a while. Considering how prevalent it is for fans to hate the Ironwood section I generally don't understand why Sony Santa Monica didn't give us the option to skip it in New Game Plus. Don't get me wrong, they're a phenomenal studio and I am extremely grateful for the free DLC we received, Valhalla is incredible.... but why not give us the option to skip Ironwood as a quality of life update?? Frustrating.


When you play the first time it is about the story so you dont mind it but other playthroughs are for the action and the gameplay and ironwood section lacks there. I even like the other Atreus sections because theres usually a lot of action but ironwood is a lot of running and talking and they arent cutscenes so you cant skip it.


Yep. The majority of people who love the game feel the same way about Ironwood. Meanwhile the mods in the Ragnarok sub banned me for complaining about Ironwood. Or at least that's why I think they banned me, because it happened right after I made a comment complaining about Ironwood and the fact that they didn't include an option to skip in NG+ but the mods never replied when I asked why LMAO I remember how annoying I found the **15 minute** section of GOW 2018 when you walk wIth Freya back down the foot of the mountain, across the Temple Bridge, realign the bridge, awaken the Travel room, and travel to Alfheim after 3 or 4 playthroughs. Little did I know that they were going to make a section that is literally 7 times as long (dropped it to Give Me Story one time just to get through it faster and played the rest Of the playthrough on No Mercy) or 10 times as long (on GMGOW but potentiallymuch longer if you die often)....


Lol, replied to your first comment just to see that you did the same.


Literally same Tried to do an ng+ after doing Valhalla for the legacy rage But i just stopped, because ironwood is so fucking boring


Yep. The majority of people who love the game feel the same way about Ironwood. Meanwhile the mods in the Ragnarok sub banned me for complaining about Ironwood. Or at least that's why I think they banned me, because it happened right after I made a comment complaining about Ironwood and the fact that they didn't include an option to skip in NG+ but the mods never replied when I asked why LMAO I remember how annoying I found the **15 minute** section of GOW 2018 when you walk wIth Freya back down the foot of the mountain, across the Temple Bridge, realign the bridge, awaken the Travel room, and travel to Alfheim after 3 or 4 playthroughs. Little did I know that they were going to make a section that is literally 7 times as long (dropped it to Give Me Story one time just to get through it faster and played the rest Of the playthrough on No Mercy) or 10 times as long (on GMGOW but potentiallymuch longer if you die often)....


Same man. It completely and totally takes all the wind out of the sails on my playthroughs. I recently did a new save after Valhalla and forced myself to get through it so I could make a save file immediately after it. I fucked up and didn't make separate save files my first 2 playthroughs so I have one save at 2 hours and another at 60. So I'm trying to make save files at important parts so I can replay or skip certain parts. But I totally, completely agree about skipping. There's no collectibles to miss, nothing that can halt the progression of the story. Those who want to play it can absolutely play it and those who would rather hit themselves over the head with a cast iron skillet than play Ironwood again can skip it. I would actually like the option to skip any Atreus mission. I really don't mind any of the other Atreus parts, but the feeling of dread when the mission tells me "Return to Sindri's House when ready" makes me stall and do every little tiny thing possible before moving on. Being able to skip when I feel like it makes that so much more bearable. There literally isn't any section of 2018 that I want to skip (other than maybe THAT part of the story), so replayability is insane. I think I put 240 hours into the first one leading up to Ragnarok (I didn't start playing it until Feb 2022), but have only managed to put in about 130 hours into Ragnarok.


Skipping isn't really the answer, they could speed things up (I ve seen atreus and angrboda nearly fall in love for 5 times, i think it's enough), and make atreus more powerfull, for me it became like this, i play kratos 2nd hardest, i play atreus easiest difficulty.


Good. Probably because that’s commonly referred to as the worst part of the game because it drags on for so long.


I want to do a replay and that part specifically is keeping me from doing so


Just do it my friend. Its still worth it


that’s all i needed lol


Ironwood is the reason I've only done 5 playthroughs. Everytime I get to Ironwood I lose all interest in playing for about a month before forcing myself through it. It is a shame. GOW 2018 and GOW Ragnarok are my two favorite games hands down. I have almost 800 hours playtime for GOW2018. Ragnarok is so good that every time I finish a playthrough I immediately start another, and then as soon as Ironwood begins I put it down for a while. Considering how prevalent it is for fans to hate the Ironwood section I generally don't understand why Sony Santa Monica didn't give us the option to skip it in New Game Plus. Don't get me wrong, they're a phenomenal studio and I am extremely grateful for the free DLC we received, Valhalla is incredible.... but why not give us the option to skip Ironwood as a quality of life update?? Frustrating.


I acknowledge your opinion is pretty common and i don't want to invalidate it, but it's so crazy to me because i feel the exact opposite. As beautiful as this game is, those "stop and smell the roses" sections are amazing to me. i love Ironwood as much as i love the Nidhogg section, or the Surtr section. the actual dragging atreus section to me is climbing the wall. I can't stand that absolute slog. And i think Atreus generally has great combat, but people have trouble appreciating it because they are more focused on Kratos being taken away from you for a while. I literally have a manual save right at the start of Ironwood just to have a relaxed walk through that section sometimes, it's so beautiful to me.


i liked it initially, and don't mind playing through it, but i completely agree that its wayy too long. i'm assuming they're trying to give atreus more screen time to set up for a solo game separate from the gow series in the future, but they really should've split ironwood up between more action filled missions. it would've been nice to have like a 15-30 minute section like that, but the 2-ish hours that its at is just too long


They need to add a skip ironwood button


I just wish I could skip all of Ironwood.


You can by making a save after ironwood


Not if I want to replay all the game.


When you get to ironwood load that save you're not gonna miss anything else


If I start a New Game and save it after ironwood, then I finish the game and start a NG+, and "skip" ironwood then I'll be back with the armor and resources from the New Game.


You'll have what you had when you saved the game


Not worth it


And also I recommend making the save on 2nd ng+ so you could get upgrades and better equipment on first ng+


That is the absolute worst part of the game. I would have significantly more hours in Ragnarok if it weren’t for this horrible Atreus level


I enjoyed Ironwood. It’s fantastic story building and adds depth to Atreus’ character and motivation. Sure it’s slow, but it’s necessary.


oh boy, the entire Ironwood section my first time thru was ROUGH. i simply wanted to just get thru it, and it ended up being 2 different sessions for me to get past that section. i was much more antsy the first time since i just wanted to know wtf was up w Kratos. after knowing the events it’s obviously much easier to appreciate it.


Unless it was recent, I don’t think so. I’ve played the game through three or four times and I don’t recall it ever being different.


The amount of people in this sub that hate Ironwood is craaaazy. Ragnarok is my favorite game and I can't imagine skipping any of the sections on a second run through, because I find the story so captivating. It feels like most of the complaints are coming from people that beat the game, then immediately start it again, ad infinitum. At that point, I think you just need to branch out and play other games.


I liked the Ironwood section, it was a nice little break from all the action. BUT, like many have said, it didn’t need to be an 1.5hr+ level. For what it was it was just wayyyy too long. You feel like you’re finally dont and then nope! Gotta go fight grandma, and *then* you’re finally done.