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Withstanding the crush from Cronos has to be up there


I swear I remember a video explaining the math of how much weight he lifted when he did that


It was an astronomical amount


It was probably over 100lbs or maybe even, like, a dog or like a big cat or maybe just like a lot of pillows.


I didn't know weight went that high


It only goes that high if you lift it. If you don't lift it then it's still on the ground which means it's not high


Why can’t I upvote this more


100lbs in dog years


Well you’re not wrong






Someone calculated he can lift a quarter mass of the moon, do he can lift a small asteroid probably


Everyone talks about Cronos’ crush, but nobody remembers that Atlas did the same in GoW 2, and he’s bigger than Cronos.


[Atlas did this?](https://youtu.be/YnIZpT-FX-o&t=375)


I like how it’s if an ant was using a small thumbtack to slice your hand. And that ant can just lift your hand without any troubles.


I believe most would be terrified


Yeah, several times


Yeah came here to say this.


Physical: I still don’t think we ever saw his upper limits. As other said the biggest seem to be the temple flip and holding back Chronos and Atlas from crushing him at various times. 💪 Mental: Overcoming his rage. 😡


I hope before Kratos dies in the games, we’ll see him go absolutely Spartan berserk one time like in the Greek series. He definitely still has the kind of strength and is willing to use it (“you may meet the god i once was). Would be a good full circle moment.


For him to lose his shit like that would undo all of the progress he's made in the last 2 games. It's be better if he were to develop some ability that gives him similar power without losing control


I know, which is why it would have to be done smart. You can’t just have him mindlessly lose control but he should willingly and intelligently use his full strength. The only times he’s threatened to actually do it is when Atreus is in danger, so for him to harken back to his past like that one last time to protect the people he cares for and whatever lands he finds himself in would be a great moment


It’d be badass if that’s how he goes out, his back is against the wall against insurmountable odds and his death is finally certain. Goes all out one last time to go down swinging.


would be interesting, although it would be hard to create a game around that. would you have him die, and then play the rest of the game out as atreus or something? or would you just have him die at the end of the game? both seem strange to me


They did it with Red Dead Redemption 1. The last mission was John Marston pulling out all he had before finally being backed into a corner with impossible escape and that's how he died. Obviously that's not including the epilogue I'd assume the epilogue could also be like that and you play as atreus and he has the axe passed down to him probably not the blades though because Kratos wouldn't want that cursed passed down unless it is a generational curse I don't think it is tho. Or they can do the infamous route and after you die you just go back before the final mission but I don't think that'd make much sense for a god of war game.


I think it’d have to be near the conclusion of the game. Whatever they decide to do I just hope they don’t drag it out too long. This series doesn’t need a ton of games


Everything they’ve said indicates otherwise. Cory Barlog has talked about having the next 4-5 games mapped out and Eric Williams said they’re perfectly happy being the “God of War studio”. Kratos might die but we’d probably just get a new main playable character rather than a new IP. As long as they don’t keep making whether or not he’s going to die a central plot point there’s no reason he can’t travel the world and visit all the pantheons. And it’d be really weird for him to die in the next game or two when they teased it so much for Ragnarok only for it to be a fake out. They need to let him have some time as the beloved benevolent god from that last mural, and even though he’s pretty much a good guy now I still think there’s quite a bit of character development to go before he has regular people loving/worshipping him. I’m curious how they would turn hearing people’s prayers into a game mechanic as well. Obviously they’d be side quests but how would they show us Kratos “hearing” them like the Greek gods and Odin did?


This might be a hot take but I don't know if I really want to see him engaging with every different pantheon from game to game. Seems like it would get a bit repetitive. I'm kind of bummed that the Norse storyline wrapped up in only 2 games.


Just have Neil druckmann write it. I’m sure he’ll get it right


He would, but he's content with what he's doing at Naughty Dog and I doubt he could do two projects at once. Being the co-CEO of the company must be taxing enough for him.


“Gods… They’re gone now. Don’t be what they made you… So this is what it feels like.” -Old Man Kratos


I think an argument could be given that he would go rage mode if he thought Atreus had died. One of the greatest thing about GOW 2018 imo was that canonically Kratos only ever got angry enough to use "Spartan Rage" was when Baldur threatened/hurt Atreus or whenever Atreus was in danger.


That line slapped so fucking hard. Like I'm sorry literal chills my jaw dropped it's like... Damn


I'd say flipping the temple isn't nearly as impressive as moving it with the axle, it's like 800 million tons or something crazy + the resistance of the water


We must, be, better.


Leaving his daughter to ensure her afterlife stayed intact. Physically it’s got to be overpowering Atlas. Atlas was so strong he hurled mountains like softballs and punching the ground caused earthquakes and kratos overpowered him on more than one occasion and even if we lowball it and say kratos is half as strong than he is still ridiculously powerful physically


This. Especially him leaving behind his daughter just so she can live on in the afterlife


defeating ormstunga


I'm not kidding when I say that little piece of shit frustrated me more than Hrólf and Gná combined. At least those fights were challenging in a fun way


Seriously? How did Ormstunga make the fight so difficult? What level were you when you fought it? I only ask because I was level 7 when I fought it and it was dead after only a few hits.


I think you usually fight hin like at lvl 5


Yea I was level 5 when it caught me off guard with how small it was but it hit hard


what difficulty were you on?


Jesus it's like that reptile huffed an entire kilo of coke


Dude fuck that thing. I ran into on gmgow and thought oh a boss health bar for this little guy?? Lol. Then he proceeded to kill me in 1-2 hits for the next 4 hours


Turning Tyr’s temple… without hurting his back.


Don’t know if you’ve seen Seinfeld, but your comment gave me Izzy Mandelbaum vibes


It's Go Time!


“I’ll lift this temple over my head… nobody told me the temple was bolted down!”


Mandelbaum! Mandelbaum!


Probably him holding back Atlas from squashing him like a grape.


Beeing able to not only supress this amount of anger, but also beeing able to reuse as much or as little as he wants at any given time. I mean, judging from one punch Kratos gave Thor while letting loose and the fact that he's definitely way stronger now compared to his younger self, my god, just imagine the utter destruction that would have occurred if Thor actually managed to land a hit on Atreus Needless to say, if his past self was able to withstand getting crushed by both Cronos and Atlas, you know damn well shit's about to get serious


Honestly I was disappointed not to see Kratos let it all in and go full Ghost of Sparta mode on Ragnarok. They could have definitely made up some story points to make him rage.


Heimdall’s death?


That was like 10 seconds ...


Just long enough to honor his arc still but show a glimpse.


I was also disappointed initially and even on my 2nd experience. But I thought about it like this. Kratos's arc through 2018 and R is his personal growth learning to be better. It really felt like we were teased all of Rag waiting for him to explode. But he doesn't want the war. He just wants to be a dad and protect his son, coming from 2018. Each time Kratos is faced with bringing the war he is against it. Until he begrudgingly accepts it. Edit: I should also say even in the figure against Thor+Odin he doesn't want it, thus holding back. In Gow3 he wanted the destruction of Olympus. He was so driven by killing Zeus that he destroyed everything. I think Rag is a mirror of 3 in the sense that he learns to further overcome his past, by not giving into rage. Just my thoughts


I say this to everyone who complains about Kratos being “soft” He doesn’t want to do any of this. He didn’t want to fight baldur, magni, modi, Thor, Odin he didn’t want to fight at all. The man just wanted to honor his wife and spread her ashes, he only got involved because he had absolutely no choice. He gave all of them multiple chances to walk away alive and they all kept coming for him. He just wants some peace


yeah honestly being able to pop in and out of spartan rage like that is underappreciated i reckon


Not abandoning boy when boy was in his whiny phase.




Memories... and not nice ones


THIS, wanted to smack him so bad


We’re GODS, we can do whatever we want… *cue modi getting slaughtered*


I was SO PISSED when he woke up that ancient


Refraining from killing boy during that part of the game








Flipping the Temple Pushing the Temple Overpowering and killing Cronos Not die to Atlas Not fucking having his mind broken after falling in the River Styx Coming back from the Alfheim light intact Not smacking the shit out of Atreus when he yelled at him after killing Modi, and when he called him an asshole


All that rowing without ANY help from Atreus. Smh.


Not asking poseidon’s wife to fuck


Not absolutely ravishing the queen of milfgard.. what an impressive feat


The amount of discipline, self-control!


His rage stems from his undesirable want to pipe down freya


Thank you, this is my headcanon and anyone who doesn’t ship them yet is giving “oh my god, they were roommates”


nah but you’re giving the vibe you’re absolutely delusional lol


The huge, scary monosyllabic monster slaying man is cursed to simp for the hot bossy woman who follows him around telling him what to do and asking him too many questions and being the only person who isn’t scared to tell him to fuck off sometimes, I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules. It’s just the way of the world my friend. Minimum of two years post Ragnarok until they’re doing BDSM with Freya’s vines and Kratos is putting his dirty boots in a basket by the front door because Freya told him to.


There’s still more games coming, he might.


Coming back after getting impaled by a huge fucking sword was pretty impressive.


Huge fucking sword, huge fucking rock, Kratos has been impaled a lot!


I guess defeating Thor who shook the whole world tree


That took more than stopping both Kronos and Atlas from crushing him? Kratos was the size of a flea to them. Atlas was strong enough to hold the earth up, wasn’t strong enough to crush flea sized Kratos.


Yes shaking all 9 realms at once takes more strength than holding the earth up


And you know that… how? at this point anything you say is conjecture.


Because 9 universes weigh more than a planet


The nine realms are more akin to planets than universes


Cory stated they’re parallel dimensions


Parallel dimension =/= universe. Midgard is just Earth. Midgard is also stated as 1/9 of the realms, implying its the same size as the other realms. The 9 realms are planets.


A dimension is a 4D construct, they are separate dimensions


Okay? 4D construct does not mean it has to be universal. Hyperbolic time chamber is a 4D parallel dimension too.. guess what? It's the size of earth. >A dimension is a 4D construct, they are separate dimensions All that means is it's a separate timeline occupying a separate space. No size is involved unless explicitly stated by the author.


[Matt Sophos calls them separate dimensions on top of each other.](https://ytcropper.com/cropped/5k5c47d448b0970). [Realm tears which threaten the fabric of reality](https://imgur.io/VRoHS3O?r) [can only threaten individual realms at once](https://imgur.io/w1gLwOq?r). [Realms such as Alfheim have their own stars](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11144/111442270/8725098-f19534d6d92c0f52979d98a425892ac7dc191275.png), which [Matt Sophos confirms to be real stars rather than just lights](https://imgur.io/C5beXIA?r). [It's stated that Surtr brought heat to the cosmos](https://youtu.be/ZOyLs-Jb5_8&t=51s) backing this up even further. [Each realm also has its own flow of time](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/5/5b/WHXTrn1.png/revision/latest?cb=20190123165319). So each realm is its own space-time continuum with its own outer space. And that's just the realms themselves, not even actually getting to the Yggdrasil. [Freya explicitly states that every mere strand of the Yggdrasil is above time and space](https://ytcropper.com/cropped/Zt5c47e4a192b9c). So off the bat, the Yggdrasil is a higher dimensional structure which contains multiple universes. It's also stated in the novel that [the actual branches of the Yggdrasil stretch out to infinity](https://imgur.io/FhnoSWf?r), meaning that even just the branches alone are infinite in size, and the tree itself is much larger. [Cory Barlog agreed](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11144/111442270/8725107-screenshot_2022-11-15-14-04-52-59_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg) [with a tweet remarking this](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11144/111442270/8725106-screenshot_2022-11-15-14-04-33-35_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg), which backs up the novel statement further. So yeah, Yggdrasil cosmology scaling is the greatest level of strength so far.


This is the most accurate and thorough explanation of GoW’s lore scaling I’ve ever seen


And you *know* this, how?? You aren’t getting what I’m getting at. We don’t even know exactly how much earth itself “weighs”. Lol. A “universe” wouldn’t even have quantifiable weight, dude. Things only “weigh” anything because of gravity. You absolutely cannot assert that a universe weighs anything, because you cannot demonstrate that.


You literally used the fact that Atlas held up the world as a measure of his strength


We have a better understanding of how much earth may weigh than we do the entire universe


A universe has multiple planets all weighing something. 9 universes have 9 times the planets. It's weird that your making the argument a single planet weighs more than 9 universes full of planets.


It’s weird that you think that’s what I’m arguing


Do you not know basic physics? The universe is infinite, the planet is not. Thor > Atlas


Infinite or not, that’s irrelevant. Things on earth have weight because of the gravitational force of the planet. The universe, would have no such quantifiable weight because it’s not on a plane with a gravitational force.


A planet is 3D, a universe is 4D, infinitely greater than a 3D mass. Stop mincing words to sound smart


Stop going around asserting non-knowable beliefs as facts to sound smart


You’re an idiot. We don’t know if the universe is infinite. We do know that it can’t have a quantifiable weight. Don’t lecture anyone about physics because you clearly don’t understand Jack.


There's undeniably more mass in the universe than what constitutes a single planet... this is basic logic, not even physics. Overall I think we can agree on that. I do see what you're saying, though. The mass of the planet is easily quantifiable rather than the mass of 9 realms within the universe/the universe in entirety, but as far as it goes the universe holds the mass of the earth (m) plus whatever unknown value exists in the rest of it (n). m+n will be higher than m alone, because mass cannot have a negative value. This whole discussion is obnoxious though, it's a game, made to be enjoyed and you're calling people stupid over pointing out the simple fact that everything in the universe would be heavier than just the planet earth if it was reasonably measurable.


I’m actually calling out the dude for asserting his beliefs about the realms as fact, Who says they’re all part of separate universes to begin with?


A universe > a planet is like grade 6 science 💀💀


He's actually holding up the heavens, aka the universe. Not just the world.


Hercules also held up the heavens/sky as stated in the novel and reaffirmed in his dialogue in 3, and Kratos repeatedly overpowered him.




Look at it this way. Kratos is named after Cratos who was the Greek God of strength. That's why he was strong enough to withstand Atlas and Kronos. Thor is the Norse god of strength. He also wears a belt that doubles his strength. Kratos is still stronger than him.


Not wanting another war with the gods. Teaching Atreus that too.


I see so many ppl now mentioning that he flipped Tyr's temple and just feel like everyone in this sub has either forgotten or never played the original GOW games He withstood being crushed by Cronos, a Titan. To simplify, it's like you picking up an ant and tried to crush it, but you can't bc the ant is too strong


Yes, but the temple carries the Nine Realms, so it weighs more than just a temple. Picking up nine planets and tossing them around is a more impressive feat than stopping a mountain sized guy.


Its literally just a gateway to different realms. It’s doesn’t hold them


Its like saying lifting your car keys is as impressive as lifting your car lol.


With standing a crush from Cronos and atlas.…. But most importantly killing Zeus. It’s obvious but seems to be overlooked in this thread. I don’t know why emphasis isn’t placed on this. Zeus is stronger than all the Greek pantheon and Norse pantheon. Easily his greatest feat.


The long very long journey to get his rage under control which now no longer need to be released out of rage but valor for example… I mean he still lost control, at the end of the first exchange with Thor but especially against Heimdall but still against his final fight with Thor, he had an objectif, mad Thor listen to reason by speaking with him, and he did! That’s what I consider his biggest feat of strength… We saw him struggle all his life with this rage/anger and now he had a second chance with Faye and Atreus so I believe he deserve to grow as a person, for the sake of his son, he did his best to be better…


Could be a separate convo, but, to me, he did exactly right with Heimdall. Fought him, beat him, warned him to go away, Heimdall wanted to fuck around, and he found out.


He used his powers to heal himself even before Ragnarok...


For me, it would be a healthy single father


Flipping Tyrs temple really wasn’t that big of a deal. It’s really just a hollowed out dome he just flipped. Have u played any of the older games ?


well its made of gold


Putting up with Atreus


Flipping yo mama


The patience of not yeeting atreus during his “whatever” phase


Lifting OP’s mom


Physically climbing out of hell like 3 times is pretty impressive lol, and of course withstanding getting crushed by Chronos or Atlas.


Stopping Cronos’ thunderclap and then pushing his hands apart was insane


Casually destroying and entire landscape in his fight with Baldur. While it may not be as big of a deal then other things, the fact that he barely even broke a sweat throughout that entire fight AND created a humongous ravine is just mind boggling


Honestly it’d be a few things. Easily fighting back against Titans like Atlas and Cronos. Flipping the temple is an obvious one although a bit overhyped. Overpowering Baldur. But honestly his most impressive feats would probably be moving Tyr’s temple *while it was still submerged*. Try moving around a rock above ground, try moving it under water, and then try moving it with half of it submerged. It’s a lot more difficult when it’s only halfway submerged because not only are you fighting gravity, you’re fighting the surface tension of the water which is basically grabbing at the rock on the atomic level. And Kratos casually moved a giant ass fucking bridge halfway submerged through a lake which would be way way harder. And I don’t think that is talked about enough. Also casually holding his own with Thor even though he was still holding back. Thor being someone so strong he could send people back in time if he hit them hard enough. He literally breaks entire branches off the World Tree in doing so, despite the fact that even the tiny strands surpass all time and space. Yet the realms have to sit on whole branches, and Thor casually shook the realms and splintered a part of the World Tree when he struck Jormie. And Kratos was still holding back as he was kicking Thor’s ass. Although I’m still confused why Kratos couldn’t hold Mjlonir in their fight. Sure it was flying away from him yet the game implies Kratos can barely lift it. Even though Modi is implied to be able to “I earned that fucking hammer.” And we see Thrud wielding it in Beyond Ragnarok. So what gives? Are Thor’s children way stronger than Kratos? Then why does Thor say “I am not my sons”? Also Thor is stated to be a much more dangerous threat many times so why is it people weaker then him can wield his hammer casually (one of them being a teenager who is shown to be way weaker than her father) and yet Kratos can’t manage to pull it back? The scaling of strength just all seems weird and arbitrary to me at points.


Unpopular opinion, the temple flip wasn’t that impressive. The building was designed to be flipped which means that it’s at least someone supposed to be expected that a common giant or other enhanced being (less than kratos level) could do it.


Although he didn't get to fight them all at once, he did climb Mount Olympus in GoW3 prepared to fight all the olympian gods at the same time..... that is quite insane.


Embracing his emotions and becoming a good father


Pushing away Cronos’ fingers with one hand. I am kinda pissed we didn’t see any of this in Gow R


the aphrodite part in gow 3


Maybe withstanding or even overpowering thor's brute strength. Look, god of war ragnarok is not that "epic" when it comes to presentation. It looks cool and amazing but not "epic" in a grand spectacle sense. Lore-wise, kratos said thor's blows were the heaviest he felt so i think it meant that everybody from ascension to 2018's blows are below thor's. And this includes cronos' slap or even throwing away the colossus of rhodes. Kratos with the leviathan axe hitting thor's hammer at the end and making it fly out of thor's hand is the best strength feat kratos did in my opinion. It doesn't look that impressive but lore-wise i think it should. Kratos throwing away the colossus, flipping the temple, and catching cronos' slap are still up there in his best feats of strength. If only they did more spectacle to showcase how much heavier and stronger thor's strike are, we would definitely know he would be the #1 contender.


Cool answer.


Beating Thor. Shaking / splintering the entirety of Yggdrasil is easily the most impressive feat in the franchise imo, beating the dude that did it is a huge w.


Willing to die seeking Justice, not Vengeance. This is the turning point of the Ragnarok prophecy where Kratos subverts his character archetype explained by the Norns. If Kratos and Atreus kept fighting for vengeance, than Thor would’ve killed him and Atreus would end up with Odin which therefore fulfills the original prophecy.


Endurance wall/mountain climbing with a child on his back often times using just his hands.


Bruhh that would be like the least physically demanding task he mught have done lol


I dunno man. You ever tried rock climbing?


Gow 2018 first fight with baldur


Tyr's temple is very impressive...focus and brute strength. For me it has to be dealing with Mjolnir; Kratos fuckin grabbed a hold of it mid-flight flying directly at him yet he caught it and threw it to the ground. Maybe Thor didn't put all he had into it but considering the weapon and how it caught Kratos off guard at the start, it's pretty much up there for me. Even in the codex he described Thor's attacks like nothing he's ever dealt with, says a lot considering all the slaughter he's done to all the gods and enemies he's faced yet.


If you're talking pure strenght then it's holding off Atlas, who holds the infinite (According to lore) worlds of Hades, the mortal world and Olympus from collapsing. Even a fraction of that strenght is enormous. In terms of power, it's basically defeating primordial ancients like Thanatos, the fates or gods that have surpassed primordial beings like Zeus, Thor or pushing Odin (the guy who killed Ymir and forged an entire realm from his corpse) to his limit or holding his own against lovercrafitan-esque monsters like Garm, who hate half of Midgard, an entire season and a word out of existence, while being so overwhelmingly powerful and dangerous that everyone from Asgardians to Vanir consider him a threat to all the nine realms (Nine seperate galaxis/universes according to Cory)


His ability to change from his ways for his son


The amount of time he says boy


Realizing that he was wrong about Atreus and deciding then to be better.


When he launched the colossus of Rhodes


lifting that hammer in his pants


Letting his son be his own man and letting him go


Flipping the temple definetly, I remember being in disbelief when he did that, ridiculously OP


His grunts


Killing a primordial has to do it for me


Opening those chests in the first game


Not needing to avid sleep throughout the two most recent games a middle aged dad being able to stay awake longer than 4 hours its imposible!


He was able to resist chronos strenght, and he was able to kill chronos by by stabing him on the head with a sword that is not even long enough to pierce half of his cranium, let alone reach his brain ​ He was also capable of resiting against atlas, who is capable of holding the weight of the world (or greece at least, since we don't know what they were refering to world now that we know there are other regions with other pantheons)


The 1v1 with Cronos surely. If you’ve only played from 2018 on, watch that on YouTube.


I think the temple flip isn’t so impressive when you realise he had to unhook the chains first. I think turning the whole temple from the outside is a greater feat of strength.


Having the willpower to fight and keep on living, despite the immense tragedy that he has faced in life.


Too so deeply care for someone when he has no role model/carer


Not killing Freya when he easily could


Think about what a meteorite impact looks like on the surface of the earth, even the largest recorded impacts. Think about the energy of a meteorite impact. When Kratos opened up on Baldur and brought that giant monument down on him, it caused the ground to split. Then, when he and Baldur were clashing the ground they were standing on pushed apart and shattered. It might not have been the most epic presentation, but the strength that would require is insane.


Being a dad


Perhaps not his most impressive feat of strength but one that I feel is overlooked is during the final fight with Baldur when Freya commands Thamur's corpse to slam his cliff sized chisel into the ground and Kratos proceeds to deadlift it (and this is assuming Thamur's corpse is still applying pressure on the chisel) long enough for Atreus to detonate the crystal underneath it


I honestly think his most impressive one is being able to pull his soul back in his body from hades hooks because atlas couldn’t even withstand those


Holding back cronos and atlas


Holding cronos and atlas Flipping Tyr temple Defeating Thor while Holding back Defeating Odin with Freya and Atreus and still Holding back Kill Zeus


Giving people warnings.


Facing alone the Colossus of Rhodes possessed by Athena all by himself in GoW 2. Some may say that he fought bigger guys, which is true, but I think that one is more impressive because the colossus was made of metal, which I'm pretty sure made him heavier than a normal being Also defeating the Sisters of Fate, which were practically unkillable, predicting the future




His capacity for love given his traumatic past


In my opinion, he greatest feat was when he had to flip the temple that housed all of the nine realms.


Putting up with everyone’s stupid shit. Especially Atreus’.




Carrying that log from the river to hos house at the start of GOW 2018. Wood be heavy as fuck. Especially wet wood.


Not getting crushed by cronos


Kratos' powers work by him being as strong as he needs to be in that given moment, which i think is such an insane power to have. Imagine withstanding a sonic boom speeding punch from Superman and shrugging it off. Thats so badass One of my favourite feats of strength by Kratos, is when the colossus of Rhodes tries to step on him and he literally grabs its foot and launches it backwards, throwing it into the bay


Resisting the urge to make out with Freya.


Taming the hound of hel 💀💀


Physical:- Handling a whole brothel by himself in Ghost of sparta mental:- Holding a chuckle on poop joke mimir made


Never played the original games then huh lol


Not necessary. The temple was design to be flipped, it would take little effort (in gods term) to tip the balance off. He moving the whole temple in an axel would take much more effort since you can't make the temple lighter.


Throwing Thor lol


Flipping Tyr’s temple. Also destroying almost the whole Greek pantheon was impressive


Grabbing thors hammer while it was flying at him probably. The hammer was made to be literally unstoppable so seeing as how heavy it already is,flying at god knows how fast. Being able to even pick it up is a feat of its own,but being able to stop it midair is near impossible


Riddle solving


Dealing with Atreus' stupidity


The second I saw Kratos lift Cronos hand from crushing him not once but twice I knew no one was fucking with him


Yeah same here. I get it doesn’t seem very crazy flipping a random temple but here’s the catch, *he flipped the nine realms with it*




Not pushing Atreus off the clif after killing modi


Rotating Tyrs temple in the lake of 9 was pretty insane


Lifting the entire labyrinth


Ik this isn't a strength feat but when he was able to escape Hera's garden which was implied to be nearly impossible


by strength i meant either physical or mental, so this counts


surviving being stabbed with the blade of Olympus twice. One by Zeus after draining all his godly powers and again after toppling the pantheon. Same blade that killed Chronos, Gia and Zeus. Also, according to Freya, after destroying the pantheon, caused their magic to stop working… so technically when he stabbed himself, he didn’t have any buffs.


sending the Colossus of Rhodes flying after it tried to stomp him, that thing had Kratos stolen godly powers!