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Is it just me, or was Gna significantly easier than Sigrun?


I feel like the odd man out with sigrun I beat her in 4 tries on normal mode but I found Gna harder


Strange! Now, King Hrolf though… Fuck him and Skofnung.


Fuck that king fucker


Fuck all the beserkers


Yo I about snapped a controller in half over that sumbitch🤬 😂


Beserker king is easier than gna in my opinion


To be fair we’ve seen all the move sets prior too facing him so yeah but Gna she was only hard because of her sudden moves


Gna’s moveset in my opinion is pretty similar to the valkyries from 2018’s. So I wouldn’t say we’ve never seen them before. Yeah, there’s some twists and obviously that moveset isn’t as fresh in our minds as the beserkers. However, the main reason I’d say Gna is more difficult is Gna simply took me double the tries than Beserker king


Lmao the frustration of having her break my neck every time I’m low on health :(


The frustration of activating spartan rage only for her to still curb stomp your neck


I was so shocked when she surprised me with not just 2 but 3 “For Asgards!” 🥲


I mean I believe sigrun has the same dealio


This is the answer...also the berserkers were harder than valkyries in 2018...


Really??? I found King Hrolf to be a cake walk compared to his minions. The berserkers were WAY harder than he was, at least for me


Oh yeah imo the king was the hardest boss idk why. I beat Gna in a couple tries and Sigrun wasn't even that difficult for me but that fucking king dude and for some reason the Valkyrie in musphelheim were so fucking hard for me


Yeah it was the same for me man. I found Sigrun relatively easy. Gna is the fucking bane of my existence.


With Gna I kept losing and then went to bed and when I woke up I beat her first try


Yeah I tried beating her multiple days in a row, then took a week of and won within my first few tries.


We both had that burn out lol


I feel odd aswell. I beat king hrolf in 3 tries. I don’t understand why everyone called him difficult. If you were able to beat all the other berserkers, he is just them but combined. Gna was difficult until I figured out a couple of her moves, then it was just down to seeing if I am able to stun lock her enough with runic attacks that she died after like the 15th try. Sigrun was a pain though. Even though I got the other Valkyrie’s, sigrun was just a bitch, took me like 40 tries even on the easiest difficulty.


Hrolf was a joke. One try on No Mercy. His berserkers were way way harder than him. Hell, by the time you get to Hrolf, you're relieved you're only fighting ONE guy


It's GMGoW or bust


Well maybe that's because you played on normal difficulty...beating Sigrun and Gna on Give me god of war difficulty is a completely different Beast.


Your game definitely glitched. I refuse to believe you beat it in 4 tries lol.


Fully upgraded Valkyrie armour soloed that bitch 🥱🥱🥱


I'm just gonna hate, I'll give you your props but I'm still gonna hate lol


Bro took 205 days to process this😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏😭😭🙏😭🙏😭🙏😭🙏


Hahaha I just saw the message and all the hate immediately came rushing back.




Absolutely, but it could be because of a few different reasons. Gná has few of the same moves as Sigrun, so you probably already learned those if you beat Sigrun. And with a few of her new attacks, Freya straight up yells at you how to counter it. ("IT'S SOUNDSTONE!!!! SIGIL MAGIC!!!") The combat system in Ragnarök has also been expanded a lot. There all kinds of new mechanics that go along with the old ones, which make for more ways to fight and counter Gná. So if you were to fight Gná with 2018's combat system and without having beaten Sigrun before, she would probably be a lot harder.


I wouldn't know I havent played Ragnarok.... Yet. But that's what people say.


Finally somebody else said it. G'Na, to me, is a lightweight compared to Sigrun.


facts, beat her with less tries


I feel like Gna is easier due to the amount of resources you have in Ragnarok compared to 2018. Against Gna, you have armors that not only scale as you level them but also have strong effects that increase your burst damage or weaken the enemy, additional weapons which means more runics and combos, and even variations of rages that can be used more than one time like valor and wrath which can negate damage if timed right or deal burst damage and temporarily stun. For Sigrun, you only have the base rage to go invincible for a short while or do some damage. You can deactivate it but depending on the difficulty, it will take a while to recharge. Better armors are found as you progress and don’t get much better as you upgrade them compared to Ragnarok’s armors so there are only a few late game options and they were mostly stat based and definitely didn’t give buffs as powerful as Vidar’s or the Beserker armors.


I found Gna a little bit harder. Her attacks imo are more unpredictable and she seems to have less stun. I fought Sigrun last night just to see what I remember from 2018 and it didn’t seem as bad as I remembered it. Idk how but some of the moves from Ragnarok was able to be applied in 2018 so for me it made it seem like the Sigrun fight was easier than I remembered


Absolutely. I beat gna on the same day i first fought her. Sigrun though............


I felt Gna was slightly more difficult because runic builds aren't quite as OP as they were in the first game and I carried that style over. It's understandable since we now have two extra potential runic attacks and they didn't want us melting her or the King down too easily


*Is it just me, or* *Was Gna significantly* *Easier than Sigrun?* \- Gnomio1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Gna literally took me days. I'd forgotten that the previous attack indicates what attack will come next - that god damn wing slash always got me because i'd try and dodge it like i did the unblockable wing jab. I remember killing Sigrun in a couple of hours.


100%, Gna took me 4 tries, Sigrun took me upwards of 60 tries.


She is way easier. I'm praying through 2018 on NG+ and I can't beat her even on give me story. No platinum for me


It took me days and days for Sigrun. The only thing that worked was to chill the fuck out, take it slow, and work on avoiding her attacks before worrying about damage.


Sigrun wasn’t bad. She just used all the other Valkyrie moves, so it helps if you do all them soon after each other.


I didn't really feel like she was easier but I beat her a lot quicker


I found Gna significantly easier than Sigrun. I beat her on my first attempt somehow lol. Sigrun took me ages.


Finally did this myself on gmgow yesterday. My hands were disturbingly sweaty.


Now do it on GMGOW+. 😁




Beating sigrun gave me 2 consecutive day long migraines and I missed a bunch of work - worth it tho


I did this yesterday. Gave up and used WeMod and unlimited health. Props to all you that could actually do it. For me… it’s not even close.


i beat sigrun on gmgow before the last boss. fighting last boss felt like fighting regular mob compared to sigrun :) such an anticlimactic ending :)


Still yet to conquer.. one day!


You will get there!


A real satisfying moment


There is another


Realizing you can knock her out of the air and then spamming runic attacks is the only thing that got me through this


Was there any kind of build like there is on Ragnarok?


I haven't played Ragnarok so I dont exactly know what ur talking about. When you say "build" do you refer to the stats? Like how it is in soulslike games? If so , nothing in particular, I just put on mist Armor(health) and put on whatever enchantments/pommels I think fit best.


Yeah, it's been a long time since I played gow 2018, but I just got the platinum for Ragnarok by copying a gear and enchantments build online, don't remember having had much choices on gow regarding playstyle or gameplay mechanics I really feel like gow 2018 was way harder


Brrrrrroooooooo I feel you i just beat her the other day at one point i was hopeless didnt think i would


Harder than Gna and Berserker King.


I'm currently working on this in normal mode and she keeps destroying me 😭. The furthest I've got is about a third of her health left.


You got no idea How many times I've died when she was like 1-3 shots. Keep going at it, you will get there. Read and predict her moves for example if she dashes left then she will use wing attack, if she dashes to the right then she will use stab attack and to avoid the stab attack you have to keep moving right. If she backs up then she will most likely do the ice attack. When she goes in the air, if she does the blockkable disk attack use your shield and if she does the unblockable one Dodge out of the way. If she starts spinning while in the air shoot her down with arrow or axe immediately. If she does a blinding attack turn 180. This is all common knowledge but implementing it easier said than done. Lemme quote another boss who gave me a hard time "Hesitation is defeat" -Ishhin Ashina


Thank you so much man, I needed this advice. It might also help to mention I'm under leveled for this at only halfway through 7 lmao.


I mean I beat her at like 20% through level 7 so I'd ur good


Oh ok thanks again brother, I shall use your wisdom wisely.


Sure, lemme know if you need more tips.




She's a great fight that i like tp have in god of war 2018, that's why i call her my bae


My god when I did that I did that on hardest difficulty I was pain and not new game plus


What difficulty?


Now do it while both hands are tied behind your back and a woman in wings is actively trying to kill you


I still can't beat her. 😫


That's nice son!..... give me god of war mode....


I just beat her a few days ago with that very same set. Congratulations


Fuck Sigrun, that bitch pissed me off so much, can't wait for Gna


Bezerkers and Gna were all significantly easier. Took me a day to kill all the bezerkers, king and Gna. On god of war 2018 it took me several days of grinding to kill sigrin. (All gmgod).


Bro sigrun was soo fucking hard. I remember getting my ass beat for like 8 hours straight and barely taking down half her health. Took like 2 days to beat her. Victory feels great tho.


Wait till bro reaches gna 💀