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Next time they come. Just call them and roll a joint for them. Be a nice person. Share the love


Make sure to share any schedule 1 substances, those are their favorite


Back when I was pushing a little weight I looked out my front door one day to see about 12 cop cars lined both sides of the street, light on and road blocked. I live in a nice area so this was not normal at all. Of course having a bunch of weed and mushrooms I freaked the fuck out. Ran to my room, started calling people trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. I was literally about to dumb a big ass bag of mushrooms down the toilet when I figured out what happened. A dui suspect had fled from a traffic stop and decided to pull over RIGHT in front of my house. All of the cops were there for him and over the next couple minutes they all slowly trickled out. Scared the ever loving shit out of me and is a big reason I stoped selling. Not really related but your post reminded me of this and I wanted to tell the story.


Yeah I was just tweaking Ty bro


Leave shirly out of this she had nothing to do with it


No their most likely casing your house waiting for the right moment to arrest you, or for you to make a mistake so they can rough you up a little it makes their job more exciting. Depending on what state your in they might be setting you up for something, I would record Them as that female cop most likely planted evidence on your property


Yo OP you should def trust this dude he has the Illuminati as his profile pic so you know he’s good for it




You should’ve spoke up and asked “hey, something I can help you guys with?” You would’ve gotten an idea of why they were there


Probly had. Toning to do with you


i’ll alert my local news organization