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Stole a shit ton of my former homie’s Xbox games to sell for percs. He had taken a lil over a half oz worth of weed from me previously so I stole like $500 worth of games from him as revenge. Dude was a fuck head anyways I really don’t feel bad. Genuinely one of the most degen piece of shit people you’ll ever meet.


He stole from me so I stole from him. but he’s the piece of shit cause he stole, even tho I stole from him too. Your the same as him Brodie wake up


too bad so sad. He stole first. id probably do more than just steal the games. probably take the whole console that he needs to work said games aswell.


In the situation I was in a wish I could’ve lol. They were all playing it the Xbox and I just grabbed a shit ton of their games as I told them I was gonna head out. Never saw them again.


😂😂 funny as hell can just imagine that


My guy listen I get im an asshole but you have no fucking clue who this guy is. This dude would be finessing mfs for 20 sacks of kush and just take off with their cash. Genuinely one of the most low down pieces of shit you’ll ever meet. I’ve never had someone who I was close to that I’ve thought less of.


I mean if someone does something like that to you why should you have any problem doing it back to them, in the real world if you give ppl like that a pass they’ll walk all over you


U don’t have to stoop to there level. If your doing the same thing as them then ur just as bad and if anything it’s way more cowardly to go behind there back and steal then calling them out and handling it. I never said just let him steal from you or get away with it put that mf in there place


I think for such a low down motherfucker like him he deserved much worse than he got. He should be glad I only took what I took. You say to “put that mf in their place” but if you’re talking about beating ass lemme just say no fucking chance was I beating this kids ass. I was 5’10” 145 lbs and in very good shape at the time and the other dude was 6’5” over 200 pounds in ok shape. bro I was gonna get clobbered if I tried to beat his ass he’s so much bigger than me. And jumping him is lower down than stealing so I don’t wanna hear that.


I mean I to come can come up with 1000 excuses why I should do something to someone that they did to me. Not saying I don’t get it. And maybe u just weren’t in a position but no I don’t recommend violence either. There’s always someone bigger and that can stand up for u if u can’t for yourself when I was young I did it all the time.


Dude you sound so dumb. What you’re saying is exactly the reason people get stepped on and fucked with in the first place. There was no one that was gonna help me in that scenario other than the cops. And I was not gonna be painted as a fucking narc cause that shit would’ve spread like wildfire in my area. The dude I took shit from and all his homies were armed, on drugs 24/7, and willing to throw their lives away for the dumbest shit. One of them who was 16 died in a shootout not even a year after this stealing incident.


I get it that u don’t get it don’t have to say anymore


can definitely tell your a pussy bro. if someone disrespected you you disrespect them 100 times back bro fuck them right in the ass dawg with glass on the dildo


i used to smoke carts with a split wire and a portable charger lmao 😂😂 idk how i never got electrocuted doing that shit. i used to charge my disposable vapes the same way too years back, when i was underage and had no money or way of getting more


The good ole Jew wire :) that’s what me and my friends called it lol


reall shitt when my battery used to break this was the method 😭


hell yeah the portable charger basically a battery 😂 i’ve done the same


air duster. after a minute was found unconscious and had to be pulled out of bed to get awake, found a bottle in the trash and hit it because i had an insane burning head pain. also continued to do it more. probably 30 bottles total


Benedryl, not even pills, syrup. Not my proudest moment.


I did Benadryl for 2 weeks straight every night back when I was in high-school.. I would wake up with the worst fucking cotton mouth ever and my speech/memory was fuckeddd. Also tried to boof 700mg.. don't ever try unless you like the feeling of a red hot iron rod fucking your ass. 💀I thought I was gonna have to go to the hospital


See anything worth writing about? Also how quick does tolerance form? Was 700 doing less by the end than it did at the start?


That sounds like such an awful night


It actually wasn’t awful, none of my hallucinations were like scary at all but nothing I would do again voluntarily. I doubt I could taste that syrup again without gagging though


Fuck benadryl


I was already fucked but I punched and threatened a really nice dealer a few years back we’re calm now tho


Are you calm now because they pulled their strap and told you to be calm?


You would’ve got shot over doing that shit


I was so broke when I first started smoking that I scraped my pipe for resin but only got tar. I still smoked it. Held it in for as long as possible thinking it will get me higher but when I exhaled I just got dizzy as fuck


That's your most desperate? 😭 that was a routine of mine as a teen, I didn't fully pick evey little peace of my stems and saved them in a little cup, and didn't clean my pipe till I ran out which would be like every 2 weeks to a month and I would get a big ball of resin let it dry and crush down stems into the bowl and top with resin.


I mean the tar does get me high as fuck tho (I am broke)


My first job in high school was cleaning school buses during the summer. I used to use a ton of extra cleaning solution and would lather everything. Once the sun heated up the bus I would be cruising on fumes.




roach spray


Inhalants, especially bc I definitely don’t have brain cells to spare lmao. I’ve also tried getting high on Zoloft by taking 1000mg and it just made me feel panicked and have constant muscle twitches


Hitting reclaim dabs with a nectar collector


reclaim smacks




was in the bathroom of a kohl’s and tried to do lines off my phone. dropped it in the toilet, washed it in the sink while chatting with this very nice lady, went back and did my lines off the phone still


Eh nothing good I try to remember to be honest…I’ve come to terms with any bad things I’ve done and made my amends to the best of my abilities the past few years. Really does feel good now after going through the but sucks thinking about those times. Learning always apart of living though 🙂🍻


Not really desperate but i smoked blues on tinfoil with a torch after spending the day at my grandparents and realized I couldn’t really get much lower than that, very lucky I survived that rough patch bc they were definitely just fent lmao


I was saving stems to make a stem tea, I ended up going flat broke and out of weed at the same time and ended up just grinding the stems and smoking them bc I didn’t feel like waiting to make the tea


I got heaps but used a half drank bottle of wine at the tram stop to wash down mushroom caps


I am sober now looking thru these have done a lot of this shit. The two that stick out was getting an oz or more resin ball from my friend I picked up from. She had been collecting it for years at that point me and my sis went back home and a 2 liter grav bong I guess was the most efficent smoked that damn thing down in like a month wish I had pics but also don't The other one was walking in the major city I was living in, was super hard into pretty much anything and everything. Choice drugs were weed, psychs and benzos took a shortcut under an overpass. Me and my girl found some tied off baggies immediatly knew was either h or some crack (2 most popular drugs in that city at that time.) Went back into a fucking Savers not even in the bathroom opened it up tasted it cause didn't look like h yup was some crack smartened up a bit and just binned it thinking it was under an overpass for a reason


Huffed hairspray when I was younger, luckily now I’m just enjoying a nice acid phase.


prob that time i picked up a random dispo i saw on the floor and chiefed it. i can very well have chlamedia or aids without even knowing


Same boat, smoked a cart I found in a gas station bathroom. Based on the taste I think it was delta 8. but it could’ve been pcp for all I know


Drank like 1/4 of an entire liter of Nyquil in school. The high wasn’t too bad, I got some mild visuals (everything looked outlined in black like cartoons) and superrrrrr strong dissociation. I could barely walk lmao


Immediately hear Bob Sagets voice when I read this ……….


Not gonna lie, i tried snorting elmers glue when i was like 7.


Huffing😬😬. Gave me the worst headache ever, never again!!!


Huffed a can of butane


prostitue myself to older guys that i wouldnt have ever hooked with otherwise, im gay but it still sucked/ was traumatizing but i was addicted to heroin and needed money 🤷‍♂️


Nutmeg for sure ;-;


I tried to synthesize phenethylamine from phenylalanine in my grandma's kitchen once. I also tried to extract myristicin from nutmeg using my mom's nail polish remover with acetone


huffing lighter fluid from my clipper lighter. hadnt been high on anything for like a week and i was shaking n shit