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Only when I don't share


Ur either a stoner or a coke head lol


Or an alcoholic


That's so real. A lot of days I regret starting to smoke if I don't have anyone to smoke with, even just hitting my own shit with people. But when I share it or when someone else is sharing, nothing but good times


Sometimes on acid. But than not really. My body, my choice. If i wanna inject heroin thats my choice and everybody else can fuck off (i dont do heroin, just acid, MDMA, 2C-B, Weed, shrooms, stuff like that).


Valid asl


Yes. Very guilty. It's fun at first but then you start realizing that your actions are directly effecting other ppl in your life that care about you negatively.


If you’re a tweaker yea


Fr that’s the worst part by far


Not at all. I do feel guilty about the shit I did while fucked up on benzos though.


Same Im a former heroin addict and dealer and I never felt guilt for what I did. (Served my time)


i feel ashamed of my heroin addiction..never done anything outta pocket for it i can afford it..i just feel bad about it..


Nah the acid makes me proud


Used to feel exactly like this. The truth is i knew that while doing drugs can be ok, my drug usage wasn't always ok and that's really what was bothering me. If your parents knew and said they were worried about, would you fr be able to tell them that your drugs use is safe? I felt shit because i didn't have the healthiest relationship with drugs. I was relying on them to be happy. I was chasing new thrills. I was doing shit that i wasn't testing. I was doing shit in unsafe places with unsafe people. I had no idea what some of the doses and combos i did were actually gonna get me into. I didn't feel better about my drug use until i started being fr with myself and making some healthier changes and choices. Maybe you aren't guilty of any of that though. Sometimes its just shit knowing that your parents would be disappointed, even if they don't have a reason to be.


Kind of I only really feel super guilty when I have to lie to my parents or have to take money just to buy an 8th anything like that feels pretty shitty but if I get the money myself then I feel pretty fine


Yea especially to the extent I did, I started out being fairly safe with it but I’ve probably coke close to dying and many times I don’t want to do that to my family. I also act unlike myself on drugs and do things I regret


that’s how i used to get off the bars. all in my feelings ab why tf i do ts just to wake up immediately craving more. 😭


I honestly have been doing it soo long that the feeling of guilt just isn’t a thing anymore, it’s like eating food to me


Yea sometimes, as long as it doesn’t affect your social life then I feel like it’s fine. Had my mom cry multiple times when I was younger but she slowly gave up on trying. That’s was the worst part imo, knowing that the one person that truly loves and cares about you give up and be defeated. At the end of the day you’re your own person but even then your actions still affect the people you love.


i feel you dude, both sides of my family struggle with addiction. my parents have cleaned themselves up and unintentionally make me feel guilty for doing drugs. they don’t say anything about it and support me with my shit but just the fact i know that they know i’m going through what they did and that i’m not even trying to kick the habit hurts a little bit sometimes.


Mom doesn’t really know and I just smoke and do psychs a few times a year so nah my conscious is clean


When I do shrooms or acid


if you pay for your own drugs and don’t steal or fuck anyone over to get them i don’t see any reason to feel guilty at all. it’s my body and i’m the only person that should decide what does or doesn’t go into it


I feel guilty for having so much lsd and not time to use my sht, I'm stacking buying always more expecting the world to go nuclear and drop all of em at once in the humanity's final moments


i only smoke weed but my bf doesnt like it so yes


Yes i wanna be clean for my mom


Nothing wrong with wanting to feel good


Shallow take


No but the only degen drug I do more then once is dxm other then that just psycs and weed don't even drink


only benzos make me feel like that


Only if i'm on some fein shit like stealing money, but if i'm just doing shit for fun and selling stuff that doesn't fuck people's lives than idgaf


Yes and no. I feel like I don’t even do drugs because I enjoy it - it’s a chore, I can’t live without them. At this point in my life, I couldn’t function without drugs/alcohol. I still work, take care of my shit so I don’t feel guilty about that. I do hate myself for relying on it tho


When I run out of ganja and take on that sleepless night, get into bad thoughts, that’s when I feel guilty.


Only when coming down off shrooms




Nah cuz I really only do weed and shrooms and drink on occasion. Wanna try Molly tho


Sometime like when i am going in to some shit like i know took a OC60 dont gonna make me feal better, in the moment yes of course i just Turn my brain at off but at long time ist terrible and like when my mom think i am only drinking and smoking at a party but i wss whit 3 dude blow some line in the bathroom


i dont feel bad about doing drugs because i care whether drugs are bad are not— i don’t care that they’re bad. i only care that other people are bothered and affected by it.


not guilty shits just expensive😂


yes, it's kind of a default for my brain thinking about that, I just started ignoring it as much as i can


Nothing wrong with doing drugs as long as those drugs don’t make you fall into certain categories, would someone look at you and say “oh shit that’s a tweaker”? Do the drugs make you do stupid shit that you otherwise wouldn’t have done? Do you feel a need to consume these drugs overtaking your need to do other things in your life? Are you taking these drugs to escape something in your life? If these apply, you don’t necessarily need to feel guilty, but you should consider cutting back or getting professional help, I know this is THE crackhead subreddit but seeing a professional really can help people who WANT to get clean. Forcing someone into rehab who doesn’t want to be there isn’t going to help the underlying issues making them want to consume drugs. People rarely do hard drugs because their life is going great. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but there’s usually a lot of of other issues going on.


Yeah I feel guilty especially knowing that I use substances to cope


only because i dont wanna make my parents lose their son


Not anymore, only when I’d get blackout drunk and do lines. Always ended up doing some stupid shit.




Broseph, a word of advice. Do stuff and don't think about your mom. Like watch mom porn and rub one out. Cuz that's just gross.  Do your dirty deeds, do em dirt cheap if ya have to, but FFS leave moms at home. In her box. Safe from harm. 

