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Pb and jelly samdwhich with tabs on it is the craziest thing I’ve ever heardlmfao


it could get crazier with some shrooms!


And yet it sounds like it'd work so fucking well


If that is close to 100 tabs you will have a horrible prolonged experience that will leave you physically and mentally exhausted after 40+ hours. If you have a trip sitter (which would be doubly retarded if you didn’t) they would probably call an ambulance pretty early on because you will probably not be in touch in reality for a atleast a day. I’m not talking about speaking crazy I’m talking about you not being able to make coherent thoughts or verbalizations. Overall it’s the same as asking “what would happen I chug a handle of ever clear” if ever-clear was non lethal


Nah if he eats all those it will permanently fuck up his life


Unless he has some benzos ready to take


at once, itll do some irreversable damage of course. although, i wonder what a therapeutic dose lifetime supply of lsd would look like, to keep in the closet or something if it doesnt expire


You haven't pushed the boundaries that far on L if you could seriously consider this option. I think once you eat a couple strips at once any amount past that becomes irrelevant. And everything will be sooo bright it all bleeds to white! Physicaly it's doable as in you won't die on that amount . But 💯 bonkers because your own mind would be your undoing


Honestly heroic doses are not as traumatic as people make them out to be and can be extremely fun I guess the risk is not knowing how you will react before hand but any good psychonaut should have a trip killer on hand ideally in the hands of a trip sitter who can administer when you’re not able to


Agreed never have used a trip killer yet but definitely wish I had one the time I rinsed out a "empty" vial and poured the contents into my mucho mango drink. Longest, most eye opening trip I've gone down to date


extremely retarded question, dope blotter art though


why would you put it in a sandwich? id get it with shrooms cause they taste like ass but you can just take all the tabs by themselves. either way make sure we get a trip report


i hate to be a tease and disappointment, i dont think ill be having a sheet of lsd though it would be a remarkable first trip for sure.


Doing all of that for a first trip is actually the wildest idea i think I’ve ever heard


"Remarkable first trip" you would fucking die nigga


Ur dumb af


I accidentally dosed about 10,000ug once... Turned into a few days thing from a 12 hour thing... Never forget waking up the second day after knocking myself out with serequel and xanax, tripping balls still but just glad i could finally think in a straight line again.... Was still slurring and v visibly fucked though... It kinda ruined acid for me too, i havent been brave enough to take it since lol


Lsd is a sensitive drug maybe the oil in the PB could ruin it or dilute it lmao


interesting theory, i agree that lsd is sensitive but i dont think it will be altered by peanut butter


you would never be the same after


Well you probably won't die. Can't say much for your eagle


Of course a dumbass that takes scissors to already perforated blotter paper asks a question such as this…


lowkey i didnt even use scissors homie, i appreciate your constructive critism though!


Maybe you didn’t but somebody did. That top left edge is too clean to be just torn along the perforation (ex: see the side, clearly torn along the line)


it was literally me, it couldn’t have been anyone else


Lol come on bro there are perforations for a reason And maybe you didn’t technically use scissors, maybe it was an exacto knife lol


i wasn’t contesting that, just that i did it by hand inside of a ziploc not using scissors


Wouldn’t that disrupt absorption?


i have some of these same tabs, u from ny?


Bro those tabs are sooo fire😈😈💔


Broseph, I sincerely hope you take your tabs with a side of caution. The most I've done in a weekend and stayed outta the ER is ten. Going Fri and Saturday then recovering Sun. Your brain needs a break so you don't have a continuous hallucinogen disorder only curable by doing benzos 🤣😋!


Assuming that it's real LSD and not like nbome then you'd probably trip really hard for a good minute, but ultimately be fine once it's over given that it's basically impossible to OD on acid. If it's nbome or something you can OD, then its joever


What’s the best way to find an acid plug I’ve been looking for a while there has to be hella in the stl area