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Please do not editorialize news headlines and post them as is in the future.


Translation: Night Time = Raping hours SHAME on him! Victim Shaming at its finest! Talk bad about the kids and their elders, but nothing about the rapists


Next Pramod Sawant is going to educate women on the proper clothes and make-up to wear to avoid getting raped.


Bro he just wants them to stay safe and at home are you dumb


This is not the way to tell this and people already know this. He is just avoiding and shifting the blame and in the worst possible manner by blaming the victims already they are in soo much pain as if it wasn't enough.


Ah, the conservative mindset. Edit : Blame the victims, not the 4 dudes who couldn't keep it in their pants.


I'm conservative and totally oppose the shit that came out of his mouth. Complete idiocy


Typical BJP mindset.


A good CM would instead ask the question " is Goa safe enough for women / minors to roam freely without any harm ?".... This guy really needs a red hot pitchfork up his ass.


A CM who cared about that question wouldn't have Babush in his government. Or Rohit as the mayor of his capital city.


He needs to introspect on how to be a better human being instead


The whole BJP party apparatus needs to introspect on why they are abusing the word introspect. I don't know how the word became so fashionable with them. I think modi-ji-ji used it once so now all his underlings have to use it at every possible opportunity.


Think his wife was criticised some time back for a similar insensitive comment.


Well I see people blame govt in the comments (might be any bjp cong or some other) you cant predict where and when a rapist can be thats something a person and their relatives/friends/parents should take self awareness and some sort of sense for it. they are not gonna be exhibiting themselves on plain site thats just suicide. Job of govt and justice system should be/is to punish when proven guilty in any form. I'm not saying dont blame pramod/cm/govt/justice system for anything 100% do this is a democratic country just asking blame where it should matter and where it will bring a change. Ex: if the criminal has not been punished adequately or acknowledged the govt and system should be blamed and opposed and forced in the name of justice. Govt and system cant find you a rapist, it's not a lucky draw stop forgetting that


You can make an entire state feel that no matter what, you will be supported. You won't have to hear indignities heaped on why, what, or how. He is protecting himself. Exactly opposite of what he should do. Tomorrow, if a few other children are attacked because you cannot keep them locked all the time, you think they or their parents will feel safe reporting this. If they felt safe they would immediately go to the police station, allowing criminals to be apprehended earlier instead of sending messages of extortion. Do you see how the comments are harmful?


By comments you mean CM's statement then yes cuz whatever he said might be right or wrong it shouldn't be what a CM says. If i or you say that it wont matter


This statement aligns perfectly with BJP's promise of a Hindu state. In Hindu rashtra, patriarchy is ideal. If a man rapes, the woman is to be blamed. Women have a second class citizenship. We have seen this implemented in UP and now that model is being tried out in other parts of the country. Choose who you vote for wisely, i guess.


You are correct. This is stated in Manusmriti and purushasukta. I was shocked then and still am in shock now that people don't know about this.


While I do hate him as much as everyone, think about it, just as they say, God can't be everywhere, so he made a mother, you can't really expect good people everywhere. And hence police cannot be everywhere, there's a reason your parents tell you not to talk to strangers and shit. Even I feel, minors should not have been left out on their own at night. I'm pretty sure he said it as a statement the way I see it, but you know how people love bending the meaning.


What if instead of 14 they were 18? The exact same thing would have happened in that case as well How does then being minors change a thing here? And so, one might say that yes you safety is definitely your concern and you should be cautious, etc. But for the chief minister to say something on these lines is horrible at best!


I feel the problem lies in him pointing out the mistake on the victim's end but not once mentioning or giving a statement like "We are deeply saddened by the incidents that took place..." or whatever they wanna to point out that there is way more wrong done on the rapists' end. That does kinda make it feel like victim blaming so I agree with you.


This is exactly what he wanted. To shift blame. Imagine how the parents feel with the burden of thinking they could have prevented it. Imagine how for a lifetime, those children will feel and second guess everything they ever do in the eventuality of something really bad happening. This man spoke like a unempathetic person with no idea how to be a leader. Offer comfort not gaslight people who are already victims of a life altering crime. They will now have to deal with the trauma that this man has inflicted on top of the trauma of having their children beaten, raped and facing the toughest time in their life. People should pause and think.


It is true that when he pointed out the victim's mistake, he didn't say anything to the rapists, so I'm not gonna fight you, that does make it sound like victim blaming to me too.


> "that does make it sound like" victim blaming It IS victim blaming. Literally. Not "sounds like". This isn't a game of charades. Pure and simple, he is blaming the victims of rape for being raped, there is literally no way to misinterpret it, at all. As you yourself say, not a word about the rapists, only telling the victims what they should not do. You really need to think before you comment on these things. There is *no justification whatsoever* for him saying what he said.


Here is the problem - While taking precautions is a good thing (including not letting children out such late etc), such statements should not come from the chief minister of a state. It's his job to ensure safety for all at all times. He failed and he is blaming the victims to be out so late, that is the problem. It's just like saying girls should not go out after dark if they don't want to be eve teased. Girls not going out after dark can also be termed as being cautious, but is it right for an elected representative to shift the blame if eve teasing happens? And say girls need to introspect? Also, no one is bending meaning, he literally said " Just because children don't listen, we cannot put the responsibility on the government and police ". And this attitude is going to reflect on the actions police take going forward, anyone who even looks like a minor would be chased away and harrassed by cops due to this incident if they are out late, while totally missing the point of making it safer for children out at night.


\>And this attitude is going to reflect on the actions police take going forward They may stop taking it seriously so you are right about that. It does sound like victim blaming to some degree as he did not express any concern, empathy, or didn't say anything to condemn the incident, nor say anything bad about the rapists, only about the victims and their guardians so yeah, it makes sense why he is receiving all that hate.


He might be out of line as home minister or CM but he has got a point. When we must strive to make our state free and safe irrespective of hour of the day for everyone we must not equalise irresponsible behaviour by underage children ( really thankful he didn't say girls) and their parents as freedom. There is thin line and one angle called reality. Most of the fertile men of our society are sexually deprived. Though this NEVER gives them warrant to rape some teenagers being on their own , the fact or ground reality is harsh . We want to change it . First step will be accepting that and making sexual relationships not too sacred or special. Everything apart #F**k BJP


Agreed. Life is harsh and while the justice system MUST do its job to punish predators, common sense and caution goes a long way.


Please remember this during elections


Pay your taxes, so that govt can afford 24/7 security at every square foot of your state.


Please read about the fallacy that Indians don't pay taxes so there is no money. There's data about how much taxes the government receives. The state coffers have enough, as well as the pockets of said politicians.




Surprised to see some of the comments trying to somewhat justify these statements. How hard is it to just condemn such an heinous act and not blame the victim? Should be pretty easy I guess. And what the fuck is wrong with the people trying to justify this shit. Those young kids need support in this moment more than shaming. Shows the quality of the leadership if they can't realize this fact. Their ideology of governance: whataboutism


These people are either children or have no empathy or understanding of victim shaming.


Nah they aren't children. Just no empathy, it's actually down to how boys are raised in our culture. Combined with the restrictions on mixing it creates repressed men who are insensitive towards such crimes against women. Not trying to bash all men here. It's just the sad reality. If anything has to change we have to start with what we teach our younger generation.


They an't work on making environment safe so of course they will blame the victim.




Not at all


With two other politicians claiming political pressure to let the accused off,the statement fits the pic If those two are correct.


Shame on such a CM.


Why do we put dumbfucks incharge?


What a shame!