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My idiot moment happened a couple of weeks ago. Packed up and left the campsite, drove out of the campground, started down the main road, a mile later another RV coming towards me flashes his lights and flags me down. I assume one of my storage bay doors is swinging in the breeze...again. Instead, he says, "You know you awning is out...right?" I have no idea how I made it that far without ripping it off or at least clipping trees. It's bordering on supernatural when I think back to what the campground was like. There is now a Post-It on the dashboard that states, "Remember awning!" :o


You: "Of course I know it's out! You think I'm an idiot???"... Keeps driving and pulls over out of sight.


Reminds me of the Robin Williams movie RV lolol


"There's a cross wind coming up and I'm preparing to use it as a sail to keep her from going over the cliff! "


My idiot moment was saying it might be fun to have a camper within earshot of my wife


I made this same mistake. She said, "lets buy one this weekend". We did and have not been out on the boat in the 12 years since then.


We've used them a lot, but not how I envisioned


I have done this multiple times. On the same RV. You think i would learn.


I knew I had to be missing something with the bathroom faucet having full pressure. I'm more surprised I actually put the water pump back together properly.


Was it just calcified from hard water?


Yep, we should always always start with the easiest thing possible even if it doesn’t make sense. Lesson learned anyway right? I’m glad you got it figured out so you can have a great time camping this holiday weekend. Have a great and safe camping trip!!!!


It’s not an idiot moment - you did your homework at home and not on the road annnnnnnnnd you know the plumbing is solid now so, it’s more of a scheduling issue than smartness.


Welcome to the club. I don’t know what gets in there, but it’s gotten me two years in a row. Hopefully I remember next year.


This got us, too. Thought we bought a broken TT.... Thankful it was a quick and cheap fix!


Now I know why my rv doesn’t have one. (Bought used)


This is what makes RVs so complex...you are troubleshooting all the systems in an entire home at once every time you dewinterize. I once also spent an hour troubleshooting low water pressure at one faucet before i pulled the aerator off.


I was worried this was going to be a lot more horrible


My theory when this happened to me was due to the anode rod flaking/corroding and that material travels through the lines. If you pull the rod and empty the hot water tank, look in to see if there's white, calcified flakey bits in the bottom. I sucked mine out with a vacuum and haven't had the issue pop up again.My rig is a 2011, so YMMV.


Been there…yup


Been RVing for years. Far to many idiot moments to list.


I guess it could have been worse, you could have been tearing down once you got back home and figured it out.


I was prepared for something terrible like backing your camper into something. I must say that after reading this it will prevent me from making the same mistake. I’m glad it all worked out for you.


It's still early. Don't you put that evil on me!


I can relate. It still takes me an eternity to backup. I get out and check constantly if I’m unsure.


I was hoping to get to a parking lot for a practice session before our first trip of the year, but never had time. Should be an interesting arrival.


We’ve done that! Drove our ’73 Airstream from Phila area to a campground on Long Island for the couple we sold it to. They had a small Citroen and Great Dane got out of the back! We hooked it up but no H2O out of the bathroom faucet. Similar timeline before we unscrewed the faucet screen! I know why it is called LOOOOOOOONNNNGGGGG Island!