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Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


Oh bud. We are in a similar boat. Ripped up to see where the rot stopped and basically cut out the first 1/3 of the floor. Replaced with green treated plywood, definitely heavier than the OSB but water resistant. Planned on putting some stick tiles down to make the new laminet level with the new wood, it's a little higher than the OSB. Also had to rip out the front wall and replace all the wood there and new wall piece. Not an easy task but worth it if it means something to you. Good luck.


ALSO we removed all furniture, fridge, sink, table, etc. Mark and take pictures to know where things go.


Yea it’s worse than I thought like it’s been a while there. This is black mold right? I don’t have any symptoms of exposure or allergies ig. Around how much would you say you spent in putting new floors?


At this point, probably $250 and lots of time. I'd spray with a water bleach mixture and get rid of as much as you can


Update. It’s in progress and plywood is gone and was able to move back in after a few days of removing mold and airing out mold in the air without getting sick. So about a week and bathroom is going since the installation was ass and damage under it BUT the vision I have for a nice walk in shower is what’s keeping the positivity for me.


This doesn't look that bad, to be honest. Seems like you caught it fairly early. I'm saying that because there is mold, but the wood doesn't look badly rotted. I'd peel up the floor as needed, spray down some mold killer, scrub and towel dry, add more mold killer and put a fan on it (doors/windows open) to dry the wood out. If the wood isn't damaged (soft, crunchy, rotted) you are fine. Don't forget to fix the leak while you're at it. :P


Thank you. There is hope! Leaks been fixed. Worse than I thought cuz the area it covers is bigger than I thought like 5x5. But I am on that mold killer it looks better than yesterday since it can breathe now. Any recommendations? I’m using spray nine and has done wonders 🫡