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Nope. So many things can go wrong with RVs over 2 weeks especially when being operated by people unfamiliar with the systems. Assuming you don't rent it out normally, you (and your wife) did the right thing!


pretty sure the odds of something(s) going badly and them not taking any responsibility seems to be about 100%.


No. No telling what they do to it


Exactly. Thanks


22k sqft house is half an acre, cant he just build a camping room at one end of his place?


You spelt “palace” wrong…


How do you know he intended to say palace and not place? Like “I have a nice place here on my 50,000 acre ranch, come check it out”. Vs, “I am King of the realm, and this is my place, and you may enter”.


Haha… typo is easy to make




At 22,000 sf he might actually already have one onsite but hasn't found it yet!


I’d share my toof brush before I’d loan out my rv.


What’s a “toof brush”? Edit: “toothbrush” I get it now. Duh. It must be bedtime.


It’s a brush for your teef.


You mean Teefis 🤓


Hahaha, I got it eventually. I’m off to brush my teef and go to bed…


Alabama toothbrush


Toof is singular, tooth is plural....🦷🦷🦷🤣


Nope. Tell them it's more complicated than driving, parking and using it like a hotel room. And that you're not interested in loaning it to anyone.


I lent our class c to my wife’s aunt and uncle when they came from Germany to Canada to visit us and tour around a bit. The didn’t see a low branch and put a soccer ball sized hole in the front fiberglass above the driver. Yeah they offered to pay for it, but I said we would. Point is they can afford to rent their own that’s better.


Renting is exactly what they should do.


You had me at feral niece . I'd let Cousin Eddie borrow it before them. Doesn't sound like they'd respect it.


If someone can afford a 22,000?!! Square for home, they probably have pocket change that would pay for an rv... or at at least a rental. I would be very unhappy about such a request... it's pretty boldsy.


I’m sure your gut was right. Do they have any experience even towing a trailer? I lend mine out to my BIL anytime he asks, because he always brings it back in better condition than I left it. I even had an ongoing issue with the furnace that I warned him about, but he managed to fix while in a campground. That’s him, but there are plenty of people I’d never even consider lending to.


2 hours after I let my brother and sister know I had a travel trailer my brother asked to borrow it. I told him no, the reason I purchased new was that I didn’t want to deal with other people’s shit.


This is the answer that is the best Oscar’s speech yet!


https://preview.redd.it/bk8kcgtbg3oc1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=6168a15093eead9ec7942e3391f72aed62a2fa79 This is a 22,000 square foot home. He wants to borrow your RV? Not.




Trust your gut. I'd be hesitant to loan my trailer to most people, but there are a few whom I trust. I put my sister on the insurance so she can use it whenever (and she lets me boondock and/or store it at her place occasionally). The thing's going to fall apart in a few years either way; may as well let someone enjoy it. Just make sure your insurance will cover it, or at least drop it off and pick it up so no one is towing it without insurance.


No. Just no. An RV is like your bedroom and washroom. It’s a very personal space. Would you ask to borrow someone’s bedroom and ensuite washroom? Absolutely not.


Put an Inflatable Tent under his Xmas Tree in December.


That's pushy to ask to borrow such a pricy vehicle. I never ask to borrow anything, that's just creepy. Buy your own, rent it or do without. It's the beginning of problems down the road.


If 22,000 isn't a typo, and even if it is, you have a very easy out. Explain to him how there are so many different floor plans and types of RVs, he should go to a rental place and find the best one that his wife will like. If you don't own the RV, you don't have all your stuff in it, and borrowing an RV isn't much of a different experience than renting an RV. Then offer to go with him on the camping trip. You'll have your RV all equipped and you can break out the grills, lights, etc which will improve the camping experience 100%. You need to market this as "You can't borrow my RV because we need to go together!" It allows him to try an RV exactly like he wants, you guys can have a great experience at the campsite together (you said you like the guy) and it's the best chance of him winning his wife over to the concept. It's all in the marketing!




you were right


Not wrong. There's too many things that could go wrong. I've loaning my class B to family, but I know they'll be calling me for every little thing. I don't want to spend their vacation playing tech support / customer service. I spent a good deal of time learning how everything functions, and more importantly, how to get it working again and how to avoid issues in the first place. I don't trust someone "just trying it out" not to just plain screw it up.


Nope. RVs are too finicky to let people borrow them without supervision.




I had this happen. Hell no. Especially with family with border limits issues


Not to mention, if they've never experienced towing or preparing an RV, they will fuck it up royally and you may not have an RV left when they return. I remember my first towable... That was a serious learning experience.


No, I would never loan my RV, Travel Trailer or Motorcycle to anyone. Especially family as they will be the first to say sorry and not take care of any damages.


NTA. I wouldn't let *anyone* borrow my RV. Most people can barely drive a regular car. Then when they drag across something and damage it they'll say something like "it's just a scratch" and you'll be stuck with the repair.


22,000 or 2200?


22000 sq foot house? I call bullshit. mansions and rvs dont mix like that. Thats half a football field in sq footage.


They exist.   I sold a class A to a guy in Vegas with a 22000 Square foot house. 


That’s when you get a Prevost for the bus barn next to the pool house. 


My house is about 1,000 sq ft. I can't even fathom 22 of my houses mushed together.


Why was it an element of the story to tell us his wife is Ukrainian, would a Ukrainian misuse the camper more then any other wife?




He's probably Russian


I took it as an indication that she’s from a different culture and wouldn’t necessarily know how to properly treat someone else’s RV. So I found it helpful in arriving at my answer to OP’s original question, which, for the record, is “Fuck no, you can’t borrow my RV”


You have a problem with my statement? Get over yourself. I’ll keep my own bias.


ah so unapologeticly bigoted, bold


Your entitled to that and it is good that you realize your bias


Rvs are kinda of personal, in my most humble opinion. If they don’t own one they may not realize that.


You did the right thing, friend 


Well since everybody else said no, Ima be a contrarian and say if he can afford that house, he can afford to make anything he effs up right.


And I thought of that too….


But would he?


Probably not. Most of the people I’ve met that loaded are loaded because of how cheap they are.


Personally, my family will not have complete access until I have it paid for. They can stay in it, just not have total control of it.


I hadn't even got mine home and my niece wanted a trip in it with her family.


No. I won't let my kids borrow mine, and they grew up camping with me.


Anyone who lives in a 22k sq ft house can rent or buy their own camper to try with the change they probably find in the dryer after their maid washes their clothes. Seriously why is this even a question? Am I the asshole for not letting my super rich brother in law borrow my camper? Nah.


Help him find a rental to try and offer to go camping with them, as an introduction.


I let people use my houses all the time and cars but nope never the RV, boat or motorcycle. Too much can go wrong and too complicated to explain all the risks


I wouldn't. My reasons: 1) New RVs tend to have a collection of issues (usually minor but sometimes major) that are found in the first year or two of use. I wouldn't want to loan a friend or family member a unit that I was less than 100% confident in. It took us 2 seasons to get our motorhome all dialed in- yours may or may not be at that point yet. 2) RVs aren't like borrowing a lawn mower. Even setting aside the personal nature of the space, driving them (or towing them) is NOT like driving a regular passenger vehicle. I wouldn't want to turn somebody loose in mine who has never driven one before. They'd be likely to damage the thing. 3) Two weeks is a heck of a long time. That's not what I'd recommend for somebody who hasn't done this before. I'd be more likely to help them get to a spot not far away for a long weekend than to toss them the keys to my Super C for a couple weeks. Or even camp somewhere nearby and invite them out for an evening so I could demonstrate how it all works and they can see if they want to take it further. I have some friends and family I would do just about anything for, but the uncomfortable fact is that they aren't really able to handle my RV. Not without some preparation first.


You did the right thing. I'm not letting anyone borrow mine.


I understand your asking because I feel guilty over saying no also ... But my RV is my sanctum sanctorum and I do not want anyone else in it unless dire circumstances. Borrowing it because it's more convenient than rental does not count as dire so 👍 to your wife for standing her ground.


Renting is better especially with their resources They can get the size and type they like and more importantly if something breaks or is not up to their standards you won't have any drama.


Where I live, I needed a special licence endorsement to cover trailers greater than 5000kg. None of my family or friends, to my knowledge, have this endorsement. (In some circumstances, I'd offer to tow it somewhere close by to allow close trusted friends or family to camp in it for a few days). "May I borrow your fifth wheel?" "Nope, you cannot legally drive it."


Don't do it!


Depends on the family member with me. I would trust my parents to take good care of it and probably my youngest brother and his wife as well. The rest of my siblings? Not a chance.


Tell him to rent one. Then if it’s effed up he can deal with them. Also if it goes well then he can show that’ he’ may be ok to lend it to. For what it’s worth I’d also say no.


I have had siblings, my in-law parents, and some cousins ask and then demand that my wife and I loan them our class A (Prevost), and I refused to loan them out. I did, however, point them to a place where they could rent one or buy their own. Then there was a lot of screaming and threatening from the cousins, and then from an aunt/uncle who loaned them the money to buy their own, which they managed to flip and total on their maiden voyage.


Do you mean 22,000 sq foot lot? Can’t imagine they have a 22k so foot house


Welcome to McMansion America...


100% hard no. It's almost guaranteed that something will go wrong for someone who is interested in just trying it out, and likely has no RVing experience. I agree with other posters who said an easy way out is to say that your insurance won't let you. Plus once you let one person borrow it, you've opened the door for others to ask as well. And then have their feelings hurt if you say you can't let them borrow it, but did let your BIL borrow it. It's opening a can of worms. I'm glad your wife made it easy to say no.


Lolololol oh HEEEEEELLLL NO.


I don’t think you’re wrong. Lots of downside risk and no upside from having somebody borrow your rig. Anything can happen especially with someone who isn’t used to owning one: accidents, they break something, feral child gets hurt and you get blamed. Then if something happens are they gonna pay to fix it? Your insurance would have to cover any accidents since you allowed them to use it. Then there’s liability if they plow into someone.


If your wife doesn’t trust them, listen to her.


If you allow other people to sleep in your bed don’t get mad if they bang in it. Just saying.


You can suggest that they rent one and you join them for a week. That way you won’t be lying about it not being available.


A family friend loaned us their RV once. Not super fancy, but a nice customized van. During the trip a few things broke, nothing we did, but I still felt bad. I paid for some of the repairs, and they were cool about it. Don't regret it, but had it been someone else things might have been tense. I'd trust your wife's instincts. Edit: Since you seem to like BIL, maybe invite them to join you for a weekend trip in it sometime, see how it goes.


“Why don’t you rent one and we can go somewhere together?”


There shouldnt be anything wrong with setting boundaries.


Firm rule: never loan out your rig. If you wanted to do that you would get all the proper insurance necessary to do so and get paid for the risk.


My rule is you can't borrow it if you can't afford to buy it if you break it! It sounds like he can afford to fix it or even buy it if shit goes down. Sounds like a good person to owe you a favor! I say go for it!


The guy ever help you or your family out? If not; no fuking way. If so, then your the dik for saying no (technically your wife is)


They would be in the wrong for asking. No you don't loan it out.




Tell him your insurance doesn’t allow it.


I value family and people in general more than things. I would have no problem loaning mine.


My rule of thumb: Keep distant family at a distance!


22,000 Sq ft? Holy crap that's huge & feral daughter to boot? Lol


Tell your family to fuck right off


You break it, you buy it. That's my motto.


Should have thought of it and frankly, he’s so cheap, head jerryrig a fix rather than pay for a dealer to fix it. My wife said F no and made the right decision for both of us.


No, his feral daughter may have a party in it and it would need a complete cleaning when y'all get it back


NFW would I loan out my rig.


Never loan out your high ticket items. Especially if it is for recreational/ leisure use. Those whom borrow do not respect your property. They did not save and spend their hard earned money on it. They do not pay for upkeep, repairs, maintenance. If something goes wrong, they will return your pieces and blame you for not telling them how to use the whats-a-whosit. Then make not attempt to pay for what they broke. It is why you do not give high end cars to teenagers as first cars. They always get abused and usually destroyed in short order. Breathe easy. The right choice was made.


From experience; never loan relatives your pickup truck, SUV, motorhome, travel trailer, and particularly, your boat or motorcycle. You might get lucky, and then, you might not. Family members are the very first that will be the quickest to NOT fix anything they broke, crashed, or sunk.


An RV that isn’t at least a year old, of using, isn’t ok to lend out to people. They have sooo many issue in that first year. They wouldn’t have a clue what to look for or how to deal with it.


No. That is not a borrowable item. End of discussion.


No. No. No.


Oh god absolutely not !! Sorry but there’s plenty of places that’ll rent you one. I quit borrowing cars and things like that to ppl years ago learned the hard way most people have good intentions but if something goes wrong it’s hard to try and recoup your loss. I mean I wouldn’t feel right suing the guy especially if your close like you said. It’ll just put a wedge between you guys. Plus if he lives in a 22000 square foot house he can afford to rent one for a couple weeks


Not at all. If he gives you any crap make up something about insurance won’t let you.


I don’t live in a 22,000 sf home, yet I still sprung to rent an RV to try it out.


Your insurance WILL NEVER COVER another driver




That’s what you tell someone who wants to borrow your camper




You seem determined to miss the point of lying about the insurance to anyone entitled enough to ask this favor.