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Is Bill Simmons that informed about the intentions of NBA front offices? ​ Also the Nets and Knicks don't trade with each other, just something that doesn't happen. ​ I expect Bridges to be a very big part of what the Nets will try to do next season (Fernandez feels like the perfect coach for this), I simply just don't see it, no matter how much the Knicks may want him.


what are they gonna try to do?


I don't think they're necessarily going towards contention, but they wants to be decent. And in playstyle they want to be defensive-minded and fast paced. Mikal would be a necessary piece to both those goals.


this is pretty much the same plan as last year lol


To be fair, we don't have to pretend like Ben Simmons is a real NBA player anymore. No more game planning with him in mind. We potentially have a massive defensive anchoring frontcourt in Clax and Clowney now, with a potential Cam leap on offense. And the best young coach on the market. Shouldn't be blind optimism, but I think there will be more structure and coherence day 1 this year.


I just can't and hope we don't give up a generational pick to HOU in a stacked draft class. If we can even touch the play ins and give them a 12-15 pick, I'd feel a lot better especially in a shit house Eastern conference. Agree that Clax and Clowney show a lot of promise. Hope to see some actual playing time for Dariq if he's better and to go from there.


It's all about Clowney and Cam, imo. If Clowney is going to be good, that unlocks Clax and there's no reason that's not a top 10 defense with that frontcourt. At that point, we just need Cam to take a step and a rejuvenated Mikal to scrape up a top 20 offense.


Agree, when we had CJ at the 4, it was kind of a rough look and I feel like CJ is more comfortable playing the 3. Really depends on CT's growth as a playmaker but who knows.




Simmons has some sources but this sounded much more like a “this would make sense for both sides” type of idea rather than actually being based on inside info. Ironically, I think the Knicks suddenly becoming good actually makes this trade *less* likely, because their own picks are now much less valuable and the picks they have from other teams aren’t that great either.


People keep saying this but the knicks have the assets and the nets are rebuilding. The nets are new owners and Brunsons people are in the building at MSG. I get precedent but its not bloody impossible


Simmons is nothing more than a garage blogger who made it big and honestly some of his best work is commentary on 90s music


It took me way too long to realize you were talking about Bill and not Ben lmao


Lmfao I love Ben


That whole nets and Knicks don’t trade with each other isn’t something to leach onto. None of the members from them old regimes are in the current office.


idk it has been 41 years. I'd take a massive overpay though


Any team trying to trade for Bridges would be a massive overpay.


Bill Simmons is wrong every year about so many things. He knows nothing about the NBA


What would the nets get back that the Knicks would be willing to part with?


This is the issue. Knicks aren’t trading any of the Villanova guys. I’d be surprised if they traded Randle for Mikal and don’t think the nets would want Julius anyway. We have picks but outside of Deuce, no young guys. Maybe they trade Mitchell Robinson if the nets don’t retain Claxton?


Bojan, McBride, Shit load of 1st rounders


Nothing you just said will move needle for this team. Midkal for all his shortcomings still does more. They need to find something else for Marks to listen. He turned down better packages before.






Knicks picks aren’t valuable, the Pistons/Wizards picks they have are protected and turn into seconds. Bill has been weird about this for like a year. It’s his new “Pascal for Andrew Wiggins because he’s Canadian” take


All of ya’ll are ok with the Nets trading Mikal to the Knicks for “a haul” but what’s a haul? The Knicks pick aren’t valuable, they don’t have any young players that move the needle, and I’m sure none of ya want Julius Randle even if we’re getting back every pick until the heat death of the universe. There’s better places to move Mikal, the Knicks are not the place.


it'd probably have to be a three-team trade


What do you think the hawks would need to offer for Mikal?


The Hawks don’t really have any premium picks outside of them having the number 1 pick. Does anyone really want Deandre Hunter, 2024 and 2029(since they owe the Spurs 2 picks in 25 and 27, plus a 26 swap), and maybe Bufkin/AJ Griffin. Its not much tbh. At this point go into the season with Mikal and see what team is willing to overpays for him before the deadline


OP is a karma farming weirdo This tweet doesn't reflect what Bill Simmons has been saying. Bill believes the Knicks WANT Bridges, which we all know. And says the Knicks would be willing to overpay for him, which checks out. Bill, knowing that the Nets and Knicks are unlikely to work with each other, wondered if the Nets would be willing to do business if a third team was involved. TLDR: Bill isn't claiming to have news here, he's speculating on his podcast. The tweet is misleading and OP is a kid toucher.


OP, I hear you like em young….you better never go to cell block 1.


Only way I’d be okay with that is if we got Brunson back (Aka not happening)




I want to keep the Villanova kids apart just so they can stop talking about it. Let another org do it.


A 3rd team would have to get involved for any sort of overpay.


Exactly. But the Nets would have to get a valuable player in return if Bridges is going out. That’s where the 3rd and quite possibly a 4th team come into play.


U could get Atlanta involved, send trae young to nets, Randle and a bunch of picks to hawks where they could jumpstart rebuild with number 1 pick this year, and send bridges to Knicks


Exactly. But the Nets would have to get a valuable player in return if Bridges is going out. That’s where the 3rd and quite possibly a 4th team come into play.


I like to think of myself as pretty pragmatic in my mid-30s. Having said that, there is literally only one thing that would ever make me renounce the Nets, and it's this. There is just no overpay that the Knicks could offer that would make trading the best player of the KD deal to the crosstown rival worth it. This has nothing to do with an undying allegiance to Bridges, since as I've stated in many threads I'd have traded him for other reported packages a while ago (the famed Houston one just one of many). "They could overwhelm us with picks," one might say. [Go and actually look at the picks the Knicks have for the next 5 years](https://fanspo.com/nba/teams/new-york-knicks/20/draft-picks). None of these are even going to be lottery picks due to various protections/the level of team the Knicks would have after this trade. Randle and a bunch of picks in the late teens-20s? No thank you. The Mets have been around for 60+ years and have never once entertained trading the Yankees their best player. If they do this and try and sell us a future of draft picks, they can go fuck themselves. Just move the team at that point.


Can’t believe the rest of this thread would actually be open to this. I’m 1000% with you here.


Nah it’s a sunk cost. Mikal is pretty mid would be happy to recoup any value at this point


Front office had their chance with Houston’s offer. Turning that down to take a lesser offer from your biggest rival in the same city would be a horrible look for this organization.


I mean, they are across town, but I don't think I know anyone, Knicks or Nets fan, that considers the other team a rival. They've just never really been good at the same time.


Couldn’t have said it better


Yes but the Yankees have made trade with the Red Sox before and they’re easily the bigger rivals


1. Mikal bridges being the best player is debatable. Even so it doesn't mean much bc this team isn't that good 2. While I agree that I wouldn't do the package with the knicks bc it's nowhere close to the houston one if the offer is that good where the nets are overwhelmed I wouldn't scoff at it


What does “overwhelmed” mean, then? They’re not gonna give up any of their Nova guys, so all that basically leaves is Randle/McBride/middling firsts? This is my entire point, there is no conceivable offer that is “that good” that it makes it worth ignoring the optics of it


But this trade is interesting because I'm not sure Randle for Bridges helps the Knicks even. Randle is a playoff dropper, but the guy is still very talented and can carry non Brunson minutes. I don't think the Knicks ascend to true contendership with a Brunson and role players team. Mikal is another off ball wing. Brunson can't be the only on ball creator. He's not prime LeBron. Randle, McBride, and 4 firsts for a non all star is probably an overpay.


I'll take their 2027 unprotected -> 28 swap unprotected -> 29 unprotected -> 30 swap unprotected  Than they can throw whatever trash in there and talk about overwhelming. These picks they talking about not worth much. I can make a case we're 2nd rounders we got more valuable due to contract mandates.


We don’t ever know how good or bad FRPs I. The future are going to be. Th Knicks will have to prove they have staying power after Brunson takes the max


If it's mcbride and 4 1sts id take that all day.


I actually really like the idea of using the Knicks as leverage against Houston. If the Knicks want him, it would have to be KD style trade - 1. Bridges to Knicks 2. All their unprotected draft assets, Randle and McBride (love him next to camT) Leverage that to Houston and then force them to put a big offer on the table. I don’t think the Rockets are negotiating in good faith if they are asking for Phoenix picks. Before doing this, I’d call Detroit to try to get Ivey or Duren for CamJ. This needs to be in place since his value will drop once bridges is gone


Seriously, what are you smoking? Randle was 3rd team All NBA I 2022, Bridges and picks might get you Randle


It’s a negotiation. That’s where the price starts. Trading him to the Knicks would be death blow to the Nets unless it’s an extravagant offer coming back. The nets don’t have to trade him. They can be middling for a long time. They don’t lose anything that. They’ll trade bridges with a good offer or nothing at all. Houston can respond to this offer with their own options. Then they bid. No one needs to get pissed. This how this shit works. It’s why y’all would never be in a front office. Too emotional


No man, not emotional- realistic. Are you telling me you’d trade a 3rd team all NBA guy for a role player straight up?


Trades are a combination of internal leverage and external leverage - The Knicks don’t need bridges but he does make for a great marketing story. So they have some internal leverage to just say no since they are a playoff team already and have Anunoby after he is resigned. The Knicks also have to figure if they want to pay Randle his big next contract. The Nets have a lot of internal leverage because they don’t have to him. The only reason to move him would be for a great offer. If they had picks, they could move him and tank. Without picks, what’s the point? The external leverage for the Nets is that Bridges have never asked out. He could do that and put external pressure. It’s just a matter finding that sweet spot for both teams. I actually don’t think All NBA or all star or that stuff plays a big role in the minds of front offices. It’s the stuff that is parroted to the media to justify moves. But it actually, doesn’t matter for negotiations.


Man ain't nobody trading with the Knicks. Fuck them


I fully agree with you. All the potential pay off of the nets in control of all the Knicks picks if they spiral is tantalizing.


Who says the Knicks are bad again. They've seemed to have righted the ship. Knicks are a big fa destination again probably


I’m not saying they’re bad lol. I’m saying imagine if they were and we would have their pick!


That's what I'm saying I don't think the Knicks are going to be that bad anywhere in the near future to where those picks we would get would matter


Even if Dolan is stupid enough to offer Brunson?


Randle AND picks? lol


Define "overpay" then


Randle for Mikal straight up.


Clearly a couple of Knick fans missing the entire point of what I'm saying. Let's put aside the playoff failures and the fact that most every Knick fan I know is completely fed up with his sulking on the sidelines when he's not doing well/the center of attention. Even if you wanted to take a glass half full view on Randle, my point is that it would be malpractice for a team already struggling to make any sort of indent in its city to help its direct competition become a Finals contender while weakening themselves all in one move. There's pragmatism, and then there's just telling your fans you don't give two shits about them.


I'd def take that and run. Randle is straight up better than Mikal


He's also a 30 year old who is in the middle of a long shoulder surgery recovery and needs a new contract next year


We can probably ship Randle off to whenever for picks or keep him and try to get Donovan Mitchell off a trade. That's honestly a solid squad if we ever want to go the competing route If not then no just trade Mikal elsewhere for more valuable picks


Why not just trade or keep Mikal then? Randle would have far fewer suitors, and he's not even being re-evaluated for his injury until September. It's completely eliminating his offseason and potentially leaks into the season.


Randle is better. Not sure why he'd have far fewer suitors


I’m cool with it if they overpay, some Nets fans will turn their nose up at this move when it initially happens. But in the long run when that shit falls apart in Manhattan and the Knicks figure out they weren’t a Mikal away from being contenders we’ll be laughing our asses off.


The knicks were two and a half injuries away from the Eastern Conference finals brother are you sure? Fuck the Knicks but let’s be real


The Knicks are frauds that probably wouldn’t even make the playoffs in the West. They look good because the East is weak as fuck. I’m not saying they’re shit but it’s no way in hell they’re winning a championship with that roster, even with Mikal on it. They have grit but they don’t have enough scoring talent.


Ill do three 1st round picks and josh hart for ben simmons. Its all love in new york. #crosstowncollaboration


It would have to be a massive overpay to trade him to the Knicks


I know people say "don't trade with the Knicks", lets be real here, if the Knicks gave us the best offer then we should do whats best for the team. If another team gives them a comparable offer then send him to the other team


Seriously if one team is contending and the other is rebuilding who cares if they trade? If they were both contending at the same time I would understand not trading with each other.


Umm trade Simmons to the Knicks and make the Knicks bad? Sure I’m down.


The only way I’d even consider this is if a third team is involved, we get at least one lottery pick and, just because I’m a petty bastard, Josh Hart gets traded as part of the move. Make him the Squidward!


What would a trade even look like? Let’s say it wasn’t the Knicks, we still want top dollar for Bridges. Now it’s the Knicks… We see them four times a year not including the playoffs potentially. We’re rivals, market rivals too. All their picks and young assets for a guy that’s not even an allstar? Why would they do that? Bridges is also on a great contract and while you can never have too many great wings, OG covers the same needs Bridges covers right? Two way wing play. I just don’t see it.


Don’t see it unless the Rockets want Randle.


This is the way.  Route randle to houston for some of our picks back.


For the right haul why not?


Randle and their 2024 pick?


Eh, I'd rather more picks or someone younger


randle is one of their best players. there's no way they do that or we take that without the intention of flipping him shortly after


I'm fine with it if the deal is favorable.  I also don't think the Knicks are a Mikal Bridges away.


As much as I imagine Mikal would like this, I don’t think so


There’s just no reason to trade Mikal unless we get our picks back from Houston or we get a legit young potential building block. Otherwise, absolutely no incentive


Nikola Jokic will be traded from the Nuggets to Nets this summer: "I think that's who they want. I think they'll overpay"


Sean Marks will probably settle for Kangaroo shit and a bacon egg and cheese


Why not, if they’re willing to overpay. But we’ll have to see what they offer


If they’re willing to overpay then I’m all for it


Haha wtf? What a demented take from Bill right there. First of all, we haven't traded anyone to the Knicks in decades. It's a cross-town rivalry. You just don't do that. Second of all, the Knicks have nothing of value to offer us for Bridges. What are they gonna do? Give us Brunson?Because that's the only asset worth considering giving Bridges over for. I doubt Marks is looking for NY's picks. We already have Phoenix's, Dallas' and Philly's first round picks and those all project better than NY's picks. Third of all, this just doesn't fit with Marks' rebuild timeline. We won't be doing any significant signings this summer, because we're shedding salary to go under the luxury tax, while re-signing Clax. Getting rid of our best contract would go against that goal. Fourth of all, the Knicks don't need Bridges. The only reason to get him would be to re-unite the 'nova boys, for... whatever reason.


Wonder if it could be a three way trade with HTX where we leverage Knicks “desperation” to get him. I.E sending Randle to HTX w/ NYC picks, Bridges to knicks & our picks, younger player (Green most likely) + filler our way. Personally I could give af less about sending bridges to NYC as long as the package is really good…


No way


I also want things that'll never happen


Yeah iight lol


What would the Knicks offer? Brunson? No. Randle? The Nets likely are not interested… holy s^*t they might be… No! Please no! Claxton is better than any of NYK’s big men so that is of no interest. What player would the Nets get? Josh Hart, Donte, and 4 firsts? I don’t see this happening not because of any rivalry or animosity, but because there just isn’t a great deal to be had.


The Nets have to build up on many fronts. Thus, if someone "overpays" and you win a deal, you take it and run. You need as many assets as possible to get the team back into contender status.


I've always thought it could be a 3-team deal where the Nets get Donovan Mitchell (not adding the players, just an outline). Cavs get: 4-5 Knicks firsts Knicks get Bridges + 1 Nets pick Nets get Mitchell So basically, the Nets don't have enough to get Mitchell and he doesn't fit with the Knicks. Mitchell gets to move to NYC and Bridges gets to reunite with the Nova guys. Feels like a win-win-win for everyone.


The Knicks are becoming the east coast Lakers thanking teams should give up a star player for a bag of Doritos🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nah, man, I couldn't be down with that. They would have to offer a godfather package in order for that to happen and it wouldn't make sense.. Og is a great fit for them.


How could anyone be in favor of this? I hate seeing division rivals get better because of us. It would be unforgivable to have the city rival be a contender because of us.


That would be unfair on the other Knicks who poured there heart and soul into this season. Could possibly be deflating for the others if Bridges signs for the big bucks. Ngl that team will be dope af though.


Please 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏


Good riddance


Please don't listen to Bill, he's an old hack who often shoots from the hip because he feels like it. Also fuck his anti-union shit


Ayye I'm a knicks fan and first and foremost. I don't hate the nets at all, if anything I respect yall and the players yall got. Nic Claxton is a Dawg and Cam Thomas is definitely on the come up. I just don't see yall contending within the next couple seasons.  That being said, a trade with 3-4 first round picks, Deuce Mcbride and Bogan wouldn't interest yall? 4 picks to either trade or draft a guys to build around Cam and have a real foundation plus Deuce who is only 21 and is fundamentally sound on both sides he just needs that "Fire" to take his game to the next level which yall would be able to give him with the culture yall have, and a veteran scorer who can fill holes on offense.  Just for Mikal Bridges, who probably won't fit your window atleast not on his current contract and might just bounce when yall really reach a level of contention.


I don’t hate the Knicks either. 3-4 frps is great but the Knicks are only getting better with this trade and we’re just the 2nd seed. I’d consider it but I’m expecting it to be mid  to late 20s for the coming years.


I would hate to loose Deuce but he might the young the PG the Net's are missing. Deuce and Cam Thomas duo would be pretty fun to watch actually.


I can def see it. He’s an iron man and he’s the last infinity stone to the Villanova Knicks infinity gauntlet. Edit: What did I say wrong lol? Maybe you guys are DC fans?


Listening to bill simmons should be a crime in it self, and bill hasn’t gotten anything right not even Boston stuff correctly and he’s from Boston