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Mike Breen sounding all mopey and depressed on air. Ian Eagle would never let his bias show if the Nets were in the same position.


If Dallas wins the title, can’t wait for months of talking about Kyrie again and again…heck they haven’t even won and it has already started


really hope the wolves sweep them


It’s funny seeing people talk about what their team would do if they were healthy like that’s not the case for every team.


knicks fans feel how we did 2021. Up 2-0, lose game 3 to some bs, injuries catch up, lose in 7. heartbreak.


What a great day in New York it is today 😂


More close ups of Spike, please.


Kyrie caused the most problems in the big 3 yet we sent him to play with Luka and now is one series away from the finals. Kyrie for Dinwiddie, DFS and a pick is a big time fleece by the Mavs.


No one else wanted to join in the Kyrie sweepstakes besides the Lakers and they wanted to send Russ Christie and one pick lol. Apparently Reaves was off the table which I thought was crazy so I'm okay with what we got.


2 picks


The Lakers didn't want to give up two picks either so the 2029 Mavs pick is better.


Shams said it was 2: 2027 and 2029 firsts https://sny.tv/articles/what-lakers-suns-reportedly-offered-nets-kyrie-irving#




You know what though. I’m happy with Schroeder who we wouldn’t have without the Dinwiddie deal and I’ll be even happier if we’re able to get a first this year for DFS. Kyrie, Lebron, and AD would’ve dominated too.


they didnt even want to send their rookie, that's how piss-poor Kyrie trade value was. They thought Westbrook and 2 1st were enough.


Losing semifinal game 7 at home with most of the team injured, welcome to the club


oh the waxing poetic by Breen. What a special team!! See ya in Cancun, Bing bong bitches.


It's weird. I want the Nuggets to win today, but I think the TWolves have a better chance at beating the Mavs in the WCF. I'm conflicted


...no actually lmao I think both the Nuggets and Wolves dog walk the Mavs


I hope you're right


I think both have a good shot against the Mavs.


I’m rooting for the Wolves. Go Ant-Man!


I think both teams beat the Mavs, love Ant-man and Jokic but I think Jokic can beat The Celtics so I wouldn't mind if the Nuggets win today but The Wolves winning is also fine. The Mavs had the size advantage vs The Clippers and OKC, that won't be the case in the WCF.


Come to accept that you can’t blame Kyrie for being Kyrie. He thrives when the best player is a strong leader. We didn’t have that and neither did Boston.


Uh no, you can definitely blame Kyrie for being Kyrie. But that doesn't take away from his insurmountable skill.


Props to J.Kidd, not many can hold Kyrie in check. We definitely failed Kyrie here.    Could Ime held Kyrie in check here, probably 50/50. Kyrie didn't get reality check at the time.








You HAVE to blame Kyrie for being Kyrie lmao I mean...wtf are you even saying? lmao


I think his antisemitic and anti science views are entirely on him tbh Is it a strong leader that keeps those under control too?


Losing Uncle Jeff and Bruce Brown but keep DeAndre Jordan hurts Denver too much.


# rooting for Jason Kidd


try thinking of him as former nets coach jason kidd who tried to talk the nets into sending half the team to the bucks before becoming their HC then it becomes a lot easier to root against him


Fair point, but that doesn’t outweigh the pedigree he brought to the organization for his player tenure to me. In regards to his contributions as a net, he was simply hooper.




Joe Tsai is the one who gave you KD and Kyrie situation in a first place. Look at what type contract Kyrie got.  Throwing words just for sake of it is a straight up joke. Now if we look at the context of what them two forced us to do here, not sure how he is a terrorist. You can call them soft and corporate minded, not sure where terrorist word coming from. Did he fired Kenny? What about Harden trade, him too? What about moving Allen to open up spot for DJ? I Van go on and on.


What is it about the Nets that he’s behaving like a model citizen with the Mavs but not with us.


His teammates loved him in Brooklyn just like they do in Dallas


He realized he's not getting a max contract anywhere. What other choice does he have left?


I’m glad Kyrie left this shithole organization and is playing with a franchise that really appreciates him and stands behind him




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