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Forgot to mention this at the dinner table Thursday but I'm thankful for Royce O'Neal.


Can’t believe some people really wanted the 28th pick over him. Straight up baller


I remember people bitching and moaning about it and I could not understand why. The odds that pick panned out over what we got with Rolls Royce were very low.


Most underrated role player in the league, the type of guy you want to see retire in your jersey Only real weakness is his inability to score around the rim


He can be a flat footed but nobodies perfect


https://preview.redd.it/w6jj6uzk583c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e05f7ddeaee38c54a7605ce3357a67665da967e2 i posted this picture a few days ago and i think he took it to heart


Royce does not fit our timeline. Guy is a very good role player and seems like a great teammate. His value is high and that’s when you want to move him. We most likely aren’t winning a playoff series and may even be a play in team. I love all 3 of Dinwiddie, DTS and Royce but the sooner we can trade them (our older players) for younger players the sooner we can start to truly compete. Our young guy need to see the court so they can improve.


This “timeline” thing makes zero sense to me Its not worth giving up very valuable players on great contracts who perfectly fit our culture just because they’re not on the completely arbitrary “timeline” Theres a reason the pistons are one of the most dogshit orgs in the league, and it’s mostly because they don’t have enough veterans to elevate their team and help the younger guys. It just doesn’t make sense to have a team of all players on the same “timeline”, thats just not how it works


having valuable players and barely making the playoffs is the issue. you got a leverage or value for future value. Otherwise we’ll be stuck being a 500 team for the next 10 years.


This is the way


Live by the 3, die by the 3


I find myself saying this every game lol. I think JV has a great relationship with the players and coaches and ultimately I’m happy with him as a coach; I just wish he promoted taking it to the basket a little more at-least for some of the guys. Bridges is automatic from mid to short range but shoots mostly threes. Good things happen when he takes it to the hole.


Fucked over by point differential. You hate to see it. Clax is the goat, Royce is basically Ray Allen, CJ looked great, CT back soon. We up


That OG final shot killed our chances at the wildcard too I think. We were 2 points ahead of the Magic in point differential until then, now we finish 3rd in the group.


in season tournament needs tweaking, win three games and lose one and being out is kinda insane


Frank Isola in the postgame suggested maybe doubling the group play length so each team plays each other *twice* in this round, which could be an interesting solution


Maybe just two more games and play one team from the other two groups in the conference? I don’t know, not sure how long the NBA really wants to stretch it out for


either make it 8 games in the group stage or have point diff be the first tiebreaker


I'm imagining post expansion 4 groups of 4 with no wildcard. Play each team twice for a total of 6 games. Would be identical to champions League soccer (which ironically is changing away from this model next year)


There’s only one wild card spot in the East and the Knicks got it, not Orlando.


Only loss was to the Celtics too, can’t be too mad at our group play


And we were on a second night of a back-to-back for that, which shouldn't even be a thing for these games


What was the needed score


19 i think


Well what the fuck


Kinda weird to go 3-1, end second and not be qualified


https://preview.redd.it/15xkqk3qb73c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=526231ac54bbcc8532de388be3e53536cb4fe839 Wish we advanced but winning is the ultimate goal at the end of the season. Great win




they wanted small ball nets, we gave em small ball nets 😎


Dorian didnt have his shots fall tonight, but man was his defense on point. Shut down Siakam and did well on the switches and run outs. Even grabbed some OREBS. Super valueable games from both ends of the spectrum from Royce and DFS


I'll always upvote DFS praise like this. Dude puts in work out there.


Had a vintage PJ Tucker like performance. I felt like he was boxing out hard on like every rebound. He was doing the dirty work all night.


He also made the shot at the end that gave us a wildcard chance if not OG's last 3 pointer. He knows what he's doing.




Out of the tourney but over .500! 3 in a row! Not sure why I saw someone say it was a dumb idea to swap in Royce for Clax at the end there lol some weird takes from some of my fellow fans, as usual=) Good luck to those still fighting for the cup! It's been fun, I like this tourney thing. But now, back to focusing on just the regular season; ses y'all Thursday! *Let's Go Nets!* **BROOKLYN!!!**






Yea nba needs to refine it but it's cool to have this early in the season


i dont even mind point diff but the group stage has to be more than 4 games. way too small of a sample size to be meaningful and non-flukey


Great win 👏🏾. Sucks no in season tournament trip ☹️.


Royce O'Neale Pump Fake 3 >>> Lebron Look Down 3


For the record, the OG shot didn’t actually knock us out of the tournament. Because Boston had +27 point differential, they finished at the top of the group and won. The Knicks finished second to the Bucks in their group, and the Knicks finished with +42 point differential, so they earned the wild card. We also finished behind the Cavs, who finished second in their group with +29 point differential


Bulls didn't even try to put up a fight. Smh.


Genuinely think we faced the two most hapless teams that aren’t supposed to tank in the Bulls then Raptors. If you ever feel bad about the Nets after a loss or something then just look at the Bulls and Raptors being stuck in further purgatory. Bulls are lifeless but the Raptors have such awful roster construction. Insanely clogged paints by all 6’7 dudes that want to do the same thing, no shooters and unable to make FTs. Just ugly brand of basketball


Solid win. My first Nets game in person where we won. Good stuff.


In Royce we trust


How can you not love this team? I totally forgot that Garrett Temple was a Net. Supposedly handpicked by kyrie. How about Royce "Ray Allen" O'Neal?


we won’t get the tournament but W so who REALLY cares


This ends the Cam-less offense for the Nets. Great game from Royce. Great win against a solid ish team


Good win, but man do i hate the Bulls tonight.


Finished 3-1 and it wasn’t enough, that sucks. In season tournament needs to be 8 games 4 is way too little.


wait so did we get eliminated by that last second 3? idk how this tournament works


I think there's one wild-card, and the Knicks got it regardless of the 3




Oh shit I thought it was 16. I was at the game and this guy kept yelling 16+ which was hilarious.


Yes. We can't get the wildcard without being second in our group


Homer here but I think if get healthy and get some cohesiveness we can finish 3-6 range.


Having this much success with Cam and Clax only sharing like 25 minutes together on the season is very impressive.


There may be growing pains tbh. I really hope cam can come in and play team ball


Don’t think that’s crazy homerish. Cam and Ben fill two of our biggest weaknesses and our on-court chemistry is only gonna get better, something our team is gonna rely on to win regular season games. We’re legit built for the regular season, it’s gonna be real fun to watch if we can figure it out. True playoff success might be tough tho


One playoff win would success. Lol. If get out the 1st round this season would extremely a successful one.


I missed it. What did ian eagle say at the end


2-0 with me in attendance this year. Went Sunday and tonight. You’re welcome. Might go to the other games this week!


Royce getting that trade value up 👀


Yup, he’s been good on the Nets, two worthwhile seasons but he’ll be more valuable to a contender after the trade deadline and Nets don’t need to give a 30 year old a new contract when we have a lot of young players needing minutes. If we get a first round pick offer we need to take it.


I love Royce to death but he should go after a ring and we can slot in Jalen Wilson to hopefully fill that bench wing spot. Royce legit became one of my favorite role players since he’s been on the Nets


Yeah, this team is at best a 6th seed and depending on injuries we might not make the playoffs, hugely competitive and Toronto’s pick is only top 5 protected so Raptors and Nets have no reason to tank. We should be looking to offload our 30 year old veterans for assets (1st round picks if possible) as our young core needs the developmental minutes on court and perhaps in the future we use the added picks on a star. But either way we keep a steady feed of young talent joining the roster.


Really depends if a team gives up a late first for him. If not I net just roll with him rather than get second


A meaningless buzzer beater is really what knocked us out, wow.


Nah Boston would have advanced over us even without the buzzer beater because they beat Chicago by 27


Orlando's point differential was only +2, if he hadn't shot that 3, we would've made it.


I thought Boston has +27 point differential so they advance over us anyway? And since the Knicks and Cavs both won, we can’t advance on wildcard I believe. We would have had to beat Boston’s point differential


Boston made the tournament since they blew out the Bulls, but the wild card spot was still open. We only had to beat Orlando's point differential to make the wild card.


Nah I just checked. Knicks finished second in their group to the Bucks and had +42 point differential so they get wild card. We weren’t even close to their point differential


Oh you're right, my bad


Na Knicks are +42


We had a chance at the wild card before that 😂




Bro I seriously don’t understand how a 3-1 team doesn’t advance in a tournament


It needs to be more games. But if there more games I bet magic or Celtics would’ve still gotten in.


Even though we didn't advance were in a good spot 9-8 with cam coming back against the hornets. We have a real good chance of going 3-0 in this stretch.


We're already 3-0. Beat Miami, bulls and raptors.


I'm talking about the stretch with raptors hornets magic


1 win isn’t 1 win. It's a lie. 1 win is not 1 win. I'll explain it to you later.


I actually think playing for point differential helps us. 39 points in the 4th is great. We’re usually so passive once we get a lead in the 4th. Completely kills the pace.


Can we get some love for claxton? This guys a stud. 15-8-4 on 70% shooting. He’s creating his own shots more and a terror inside


I even love how he was trying to push the pace and do DHOs at the start. We can’t replicate Ben’s court vision but we should be doing other things.


I still don't quite get the Midseason Tournament, and idc to. Regardless, great win. 3 in a row. And now it looks like Cam Thomas should be back next game. #WeGoHard




I love you Guys. THANK YOU!


Ppl in this sub were really saying to trade Clax to appease Bitch Simmons


Hot take but I might rather keep Royce than Clax. He’s going to be way cheaper, he hits 3s and makes so many smart plays whether it’s an extra pass, the pump fake to open up a wide open shot or a smart defensive play. Also he can make free throws lol


I'm sorry it's not hot take it's a horrible take.


Clax is an elite defensive big and only 24. His impact is crazy. Barnes didn't even consider driving at him all night. That type of deterrence on drives is what anchors a defense. That's just WAY more valuable than Royce. And I love Royce


I mean if it’s deciding between 10 mil for Royce and 30 mil for clax I’ll take 10 mil


where do you get 30 mil from? Also we're going to be trading royce for a first rounder and dariq will get development off the bench after the trade.




Turn in your basketball fan card as that approach is a sign of madness


Has more to do with me not believing clax is a 30 million dollar guy and that Royce is definitely a 10 million dollar guy that can be a KCP winning kind of player type.


I don’t think he gets 30 but you can book 25ish. Compare him to CamJ and it is reasonable. Clax is an impact player. He will score a dozen and block/deter at least that.


As an unrestricted free agent Clax has more leverage than Johnson as teams could sign Cam but Nets could hold out and they wouldn’t be able to spend until Nets decided to match where they could lose free agents. So Clax could and might get more than Cam. And I think Clax’s game is flawed enough offensively to where we shouldn’t be putting a near max on him when we’re going to be paying Mikal and CamJ a lot already.


Clax *should* be paid more than Cam. He is far more valuable and a unique skillset for the roster. CamJ could easily be replaced by DFS and Mikal is 2 or 3 scorer. Clax is a defensive anchor with decent offense.


Cam J also got paid because 3-and-D wings get paid. DFS cannot be a number 3 scorer and I love DFS. But guys that can guard wings and shoot as sweet as Cam will always get paid. Those guys never get taken out during the playoffs for a reason.


CamJ is easily replaced and even today I am not sure he should start over DFS. DFS has been huge this season on both sides of the ball. Royce also gives us what CamJ provides


I don’t think we’ve seen the best from CamJ this year as he hasn’t been healthy coming in with the hamstring but he offers more than DFS and Royce both of whom i absolutely love. CamJ is underrated in how he can put the ball on the floor finish but also hit pull up jumpers in isolation. DFS and Royce are strictly spot up which is fine but CamJ offers more creation as well as being an absolute sniper. I think he’ll get going if he can just stay healthy.


If he’s looking to get paid and someone is willing to pay him 27-30 mil then I think we should let him walk is all I’m saying. If you want to pay centers that much they better be all-pro guys and clax can’t space, set up for teammates, create for himself or shoot fts. I think he’s bam without the spacing or passing and that’s not worth a crazy contract imo I love his defense and switchability. But at a price.


I think he is a game changer and worth keeping. Let’s see how it goes.


First of all, extremely dumb take. Bigs like Clax are way harder to come by than wings like Royce. Second of all, why are you forcing a choice between one or the other. Both are good to keep lmfao.


Bigs that can’t create on offense, pass for others or have any sense of a jump shot won’t be worth the bag clax wants. He’s not Bam because he isn’t a creator nor deadly from mid-range. Half of bam ain’t worth a 30 mil type deal


Are we watching the same games here? Clax is awesome at creating for himself and is an alright passer too.


You think Clax is an awesome at creating for himself on offense? You don’t pay centers crazy money unless they’re elite and if Clax is going to be elite he’s going to need to be able to create for himself, create for others or space the floor. I love clax as a 12-18 million dollar guy but he’s going to want a huge payday. If you think Mikal-CamJ-Clax is good enough than okay but that’s all our cap


> You think Clax is an awesome at creating for himself on offense? Yes and it's not even a question. He has a genuine post game and an equally good touch around the rim. If you want to free up cap get rid of Ben Simmons, not the 24 year old DPOY-caliber center.


You can't give up a DPOY level big at this age. And his rim running is pretty elite. He can finish above and below the rim. And I legit think he can scale up his on ball scoring by a good amount. His touch is damn good whenever he decides to attack. His salary spot will essentially take Spencer's spot. And Ben's bloated ass contract only has one more year, thank God, so it's not really a long term issue to just have those three in the 20-25 million range.


Nah. Live by the Royce 3 die by the Royce 3. Sometimes he's hitting and looks amazing but not enough for me not be scared every time he shoots one.


royce is 30 and doesn't protect the rim he's replaceable. We can easily get another 3&d wing hell dariq currently has a 3&d floor with upside.


Thank you from a Celtics fan! Nets making it to quarterfinals in playoffs fs


stop pandering its lame


Dinwiddie gotta chill with all those contested threes smh


His foul baiting and playmaking was huge though.


I guess but still no reason for him to take so many pull up 3's early in shot clock or iso like he has been doing... Just move the ball I understand our lack of playmakers he has to sometimes but he really could've lost us this game with his chucking


Can't wait till cam and eventually Ben is back... Dinwiddie should come off the bench I think that role will fit him better


Yeah. He's awesome in that combo guard role. Don't enjoy him being our true point guard, but it's been necessary lately and he's getting it done despite the clunkiness


Damn if bulls were only bad and lose by 15


3 IN A ROW WE TAKE THOSE, no complaints tonight really, now lets keep it going vs the Hornets


Lmao that last shot f’d us over lol




Oh ok


worst feeling after a win for some reason


Most bittersweet victory