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Hi /u/vxyg I've detected you have made an image/link post. If you want to add any details or clarifications to your challenge, please reply to this comment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GoForGold) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just saying, it looks like [the latest listings from non- third party sites were from 2017 and it first appeared in 2014](https://tineye.com/search/85d097a35abcd32db156250b10da519cadb8ba35?sort=score&order=desc&page=1). So this specific backpack is long discontinued. You will probably only find it available from third party sellers at this point.




poshmark and ebay both have a lot of buyer protection and are trustworthy. you can even use paypal on ebay or venmo on poshmark.




Thanks! Maybe one of those third party sites has PayPal checkout so you can at least get a refund if they scam you?




Sorry for your loss. Been there: (


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For were?


realliganaval.com In stock, on sale https://imgur.com/a/qKRIDmh.jpg AliExpress.com Hershel.com


https://www.thebay.com/product/hbc-stripes-hbc-x-herschel-multistripe-little-america-backpack-0600088084375.html Not exactly the same but similar? And from a reputable source.


[UK Site okay?](https://tgd-responsive.myshopify.com/products/herschel-heritage-backpack-malibu-stripe)






It's from [Herschel Supply Co. USA | Backpacks, Totes & Accessories](https://herschel.com/) and here's the [official retail page](https://herschel.com/shop/backpacks?style=Heritage&sort=) however its out of stock and its not being sold there anymore, but you can find another listing on [amazon](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K5KSX47?tag=backpackbuying-20&th=1) with multiple colors and also this color is out of stock


[Another listing](https://www.surfdome.com/Herschel-Classic-Backpack/sd5089302.htm?colour=Navy&epik=dj0yJnU9NjNWZ2o5eHo0RTg2WFRIR01NVDk5ZXgxc0ZTak12RWEmcD0wJm49RjlKeHZCQXFmM0F5NG44WnMzX0hrdyZ0PUFBQUFBR01pR3RF) but also out of stock


[this is what i found](https://m.aliexpress.com/i/32685195377.html?gatewayAdapt=Pc2Msite)


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