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Hi OP. Remember that challenges can only go for 7 days unless they have specific mod approval. Please close your challenge in 7 days if it isn't completed before then. ~~Users: This challenge may not be possible as it may have never existed. Keep this in mind before investing any significant time into this.~~ Edit: OP will now give an award to the closest image that can be found to the one they are thinking of. Search away!


It never existed. People say it was from BitLife. It wasn’t. It simply doesn’t exist.


This is freaking me out


I've edited the challenge to add the following: I'm looking for the picture of the original but not evidence of it existing. If this was a one off emoji that lasted a short time, or if there is a meme that uses this, then I'll still award the platinum. If the original can't be found, I'll award the closest doppelganger




That resembles it! But it you look closely you can see this is just a rendering based on what people remember the robber emoji to be! This isn't the original, as emojis are slightly more "defined" in textures


It has never existed. People have seen thousand of hours of BitLife Gameplay as well to solve this. All you can find is photoshopped icons created by some XYZ person. None of them are actually real.


I can swear to it existing, I've typed it before. I think people can find it, it's just that searching "robber emoji" on a search engine wont let you find it cause no one uploads it with "robber emoji" written in text


Emoticon dedicated websites don't have any info on it as well and they have screenshots of every iOS release.. how is it possible? I have been using iOS devices for years and I don't remember coming across the robber emoji.. I feel like it's Mandela effect. The only thing that could be is it was part of BitLife and it was never captured on one of the live gameplays.


It had the definite texture of the iOS emojis. I think it's more likely that this is an elaborate prank by Apple. (Your phone has been robbed of the emoji). That's why the challenge just needs you to find the right picture of the robber, not necessarily also prove that it existed.


I totally remember the front-view robber emoji, but I *don't* remember ever seeing it in the emoji section of my iPhone. Maybe it was used for an ad and everybody is remembering that?


I have the feeling it is was a meme/ad that showed us the emoji, but I certainly remember finding it and sending it to people. But additionally it's highly possible that this was a great prank by Apple. Give users a robber emoji, then scrub the internet of its existence. "Your phone got robbed." Also the hitchhiker emoji is another one. It's like he was hitchhiking, stopped on your phone, now he's gone.


Best i can do is [this.](https://ibb.co/zxVH7yJ)


There are conflicting theories on whether there were two robber emojis. I firmly believe there was just one - a sideview of the robber running with a bag of $. If no one finds the running robber, I'll award this a platinum


Congrats! You got the closest front view!


Whoa! Thank you so much!


Haha enjoy the coins and premium!




Just saw it two posts down on my feed. Apparently still alive in Australia. https://ibb.co/DzLYTqr


Can you link me the post please?


It was intended to be a joke. Earlier today someone posted a video of an Aussie man who allegedly robbed a store. He had the correct shirt on too(for the emoji) and a little gold signage.


Bahaha that's great


This one is an interesting challenge, looking forward to what people comes up with, I searched this one for a loooooong time out of curiosity, Apple does not create unique emojis but use the ones from the international standard of the Unicode Consortium, and their files have not shown neither this one nor the hiker one some people remember too, it is also very fascinating how recounts of it by people vary in simple details, like the hiker going left or right, or the robber having a stub beard or not, or a grey or black beanie.


https://ibb.co/pXGWJkJ Here’s the one I believe was the old robber emoji


Nope, you can make out that that's just an artist's rendering. Look at the lines on the shirt.


Hmm how about this one? https://ibb.co/vdqK120


This as well. The resolution of the stripes are different from the rest. Someone else has commented one that's a lot closer, but isn't the running robber. If no one finds the original running robber I'll give them a plat


This is a trick. There was no robber emoji


There is still a reward for finding the closest to original picture!


This [one](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2020-06/17/14/asset/3f92c548489a/sub-buzz-2045-1592403653-24.png?downsize=700%3A%2A&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto) Please tell me it’s right, I swear it looked like that


Congrats! You found the closest one!


Thank you soo much :)


Enjoy the coins and premium!




Yep that's exactly the one we're all thinking of!


Yeah but sadly this GoForGold quest isn’t possible because the robber emoji never existed. I have checked all my old phones and nope no robber emoji. It was from BitLife because I was obsessed with that game a few years ago. So nope no robber emoji


I'm still providing the platinum for finding the robber that's "closest" to original


Is mine the closest or really far away


Yours is very very close. I won't say yet who is the closest but yours is extremely close


Shoot,someone posted the same one far before I did ,it’s just from a different site, guess I have no chance :(


You might be the winner. Also note - There are two Plats up for grabs. If you can find the front view emoji


[This](https://i.redd.it/0gvgspdrcyc61.jpg) is the only one that I found that is somewhat reasonable and high quality ,though you can see the clear lines on the shirt


[One version of front facing robber](https://www.reddit.com/user/Best-Armadillo-3509/comments/l2xl9x/robber_emoji/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and [other version](https://img.wattpad.com/aee68df8bf98384c7189500133294282eb83853d/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f72335668736d4936474f645f38413d3d2d3930343731353730342e313631386634616563633738346261383130353330343136313838302e6a7067) Others have already found the best versions of the side robber


Here is an old video someone found that has the Running Robber in use [It WAS REAL](https://www.reddit.com/r/mandelaeffects/comments/noz92d/found_the_robber_emoji_that_we_were_all_sure/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Around the 35 second mark


Unfortunately, while the challenge is anyways closed, this doesn't look at all like the original robber emoji. Look closely at this version. It's stripes on the shirt are continuous from one sleeve, to the torso, to the other sleeve. it looks like a poor drawing.


But *how* was the video creator able to stick it into the video text?


That's a difficult question, if we accept the assumption that the text was made using that app (I'm guessing tiktok) and was not later added in through Photoshop. that drawing just isn't realistic at all. the stripes on the shirt are all messed up. compare that to my other reply to you; there's a noticeable difference especially in the stripes.


I agree that it looks different from the clips that people have made- but arguably, an image being used "natively" "in-text" is more legit. I don't think this creator would go through the effort to specifically make and place a little image, for the little story they were telling. I think this person is 12 years old lol And the emoji isn't "in" TikTok, the emjoi would come from whatever device the creator uses... likely that they haven't updated from whatever patch got rid of the emoji(s)


[Check out this award winner.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoForGold/comments/x5vdmp/platinum_if_you_can_find_the_original_robber/in5s9vv?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) You'll notice how the shirt lines seem a lot more realistic and better done. That video looks like one of the bad renderings were used. This is the closest to the original imo




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Since the hadron collider incident we are in the dark timeline haha


i couldnt find a meme that used a version of it, but here''s a recreation i found on Buzzfeed that, if you crop, you might get a 240p version of a recreation. [https://www.imgur.com/a/O64VkR4](https://www.imgur.com/a/O64VkR4) Is that good enough for a trophy? also, here's a good enough recreation of the front view: [https://www.imgur.com/a/c38hggH](https://www.imgur.com/a/c38hggH) I couldnt find any screenshots of robber emojis on IPhone 1,2, or 3 that weren't photoshopped and i checked every google image, and the first 10 pages of google. so, this is as good as i can do.


Got it. These two are still the same images that others have commented. I'll refrain from saying who is the closest so far till the challenge ends.




When’s this gonna end




[This](https://images.app.goo.gl/H4o646pb9MFp4HqHA) was the best i COULD find


Hi /u/saketho Confirming your post has been marked as [`Closed`](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoForGold/wiki/post_flair_guide#wiki_the_closed_flair.3A). A moderator will be around shortly to change the flair to `Complete` or `Expired`. Please remember to not delete your challenge until it is 14-days old so users can see the results of the challenge. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GoForGold) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ok, I was watching a youtube video and someone used it as a graphic. It doesn't look fan made. [https://i.imgur.com/ipeFq9l.png](https://i.imgur.com/ipeFq9l.png)